A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the lack of new stories – school work got in the way. For those who have read my Sasunaru fic, I already have the next chapter in He's weird when He's drunk written out it should be up soon. Anyways enjoy Babysitting is Fun? ~StarxWing

Chapter One

Lucy sat at her usual stool at the front of the Fairy Tail bar where Mira was busy cleaning the various empty glasses that littered the counter top from the night before. Absently twirling her gold bracelet, Lucy motioned Mira over to her. Placing the glass that she was cleaning down carefully Mira walked over to the unusually glum looking Lucy.

"Is there anything I can do for you Lucy? You don't look like yourself today." Mira asked giving her famous motherly smile

"Yeah, I was hoping that there were any new missions today?"

"Oh is your rent due soon?" Mira asked while searching under the counter for the mission book.

"Not yet but I find that it's better to have money put away for emergencies." Lucy said smiling a bit. "You never know when a sale might arise."

Mira laughed along with her friend from under the counter.

"A ha!" Mira proclaimed after five minutes of searching – which caused Lucy to jump a bit of her stool. Popping back up, she held a large brown leather bound book in her hands. "Found it."

"How could you have lost that under there?" Lucy asked, completely shocked that something so large could fit underneath the small counter.

"Oh you'll be surprised what gets lost down here." Mira answered while flipping to the newest page of the book. "So what kind of mission are you and Natsu going on now?" A mischievous smirk appeared upon her face replacing the warm smile.

"None. I'm not going on a mission with Natsu this time." Lucy replied trying to read the requests underside down.

"Ehhh?" Mira gasped, leaning onto the book covering the pages that Lucy was trying to read. "But you always go on missions with Natsu, why not now?"

"Because I actually want to receive the full reward amount without having most of it going to repair damages that HE caused."

"Well I guess that makes sense..." Mira said returning to her upright position. "But Natsu is going to be very upset that you decided to do one without him."

"Naw," Lucy said waving away Mira's concern, "he'll get over it. So what kind missions did we get?" Her eyes reverting back to the book.

"Well..." Mira scanned the various of jobs looking for the high paying ones, "There's a job to fight a ten foot ogre that has been stealing cows from a village's farms."

"Okay... what's the reward like?"

"You get to keep the ogre's eyeballs."

Both girls grimace at the thought.

"Maybe something else?" Mira said fumbling through the other requests.

"Yes please Mira." Lucy said swiping a sweat drop from her forehead.

After some more flipping through pages, Mira's expression turned to the one that Lucy had worn before. "I'm sorry Lucy but there are no new missions here for you."

"Are you sure Mira?" Lucy asked, reaching for the book hoping to find one that Mira might have missed.

"Sadly yes. All of the other missions require more than one person to accomplish." Mira said sadly as she watched Lucy furiously scan through the various pages of the book that held smaller versions of the mission board papers. Mira knew that in there was only jobs for killing high levelled monsters, painting houses, a couple of escort requests but nothing that would suit the young mage.

Throwing her hands up into the air in defeat, Lucy slumped lower into her stool. Seeing her friend's defeated state Mira couldn't help but feel slightly responsible for Lucy's depression. Casting her eyes downward, Mira saw what seemed to be a piece of white paper sticking out of the bottom of the counter.

"Hmm what's this?" Mira muttered to herself, bending down to investigate.

"Huh?" Lucy picked herself up to look over the counter where Mira had disappeared under. "Did you find something Mira?" She asked, watching the top of the white haired beauty struggle to pull the paper.

"A HA! Got it!" Mira proclaimed after finally wrenching the paper free from its imprisonment. Laughing at Mira's silly behaviour Lucy waited for her friend to answer her question.

"It's a job!" Mira squealed, shoving the tiny paper into Lucy's face.






As she read each word, Lucy's face got brighter and brighter.

"Mira! This is prefect!" Lucy squealed.

"I'm glad we found something for you."

"Yeah, now to just call them." Lucy said while getting up from her stool. "Hopefully the job is not taken yet."

"Are you sure you're not going to tell Natsu about this job?" Mira asked again.

Lucy shook her head as she stuffed the paper into her bag. "No. They asked for someone responsible and Natsu is anything but that."

"You're right." Mira said giggling at the thought of Natsu babysitting. "Have fun Lucy!" Mira shouted at her friend's retreating back.

"I will!" Lucy yelled back.

Turning back to her dishes Mira saw her younger sister Lisanna smiling at her.

"Nee, Onee-chan you're still going to tell Natsu, aren't you?" Lisanna asked knowing full well the kind of trouble her older sister was prone to.

"Maybe." Mira said with an all-knowing smile. "It will be a fun month."

Oh boy, Mira's up to trouble again. Like it? Hate it? Review!