Chapter 6: The Whole House

I'm glad you all liked the last chapter! Now it is time for some Pai and Lettuce… Then some Pudding and Tart…

Lettuce's P.O.V.~

"Here you go Lettuce, just right through here." Cinnamon said sweetly flashing me another grateful smile. She held out a hand and I nervously took it. She helped me step into the bright light and then I found myself in a dark room.

After a moment my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting I realized I was in a tidy bedroom. Against the wall was an empty bed, beside it was a large bookshelf full of large books, and then against the opposite wall was a large desk where Pai sat, fast asleep.

I bit my lip hesitantly. Should I wake him or let him sleep? He shouldn't be sleeping like that though… "Pai-San?" I walked over and gently shook his shoulder trying not to notice how well built he was.

His eyes flew open and he sat up with a start. "Oh, I-" he glanced at me and his beautiful purple eyes widened in shock. "Mew Lettuce?"

"I-I'm sorry!" I yelped bowing quickly. "Cinnamon said it would be good if we came!"

"Mew Lettuce…" I felt a cool hand on my shoulder. I hesitantly looked up at him to see that he was gazing at me with a soft look in his eyes. "You do not have to apologize, it is perfectly fine. You say Cinnamon is the one that brought you here? I'm guessing Mew Ichigo and Mew Pudding are with you?"

I straightened up nodding quickly. "Y-yes, she sent Ichigo somewhere else, I believe it was Kisshu-San's room."

"Hmm, that's not surprising. And she forced you?"

"Oh no!" I cried. "We said we would! You see she said that you three have been depressed because…"

He chuckled coldly looking away. "So she told you?"

"Uhm, she-she just said you all missed us…" I murmured shyly.

"Surely you know why we missed you?" He replied calmly.

"I-I think I do…" I replied turning a vibrant red.

"Would you be angered if I kissed you right now?" He asked calmly, leaning towards me.

I felt my eyes widen and my cheeks burn even brighter. "I-I… n-n-n-no…"

He stood so he was towering over me and for a moment I was afraid until I saw the smile playing on his lips and the softness in his eyes. "You are very beautiful… Lettuce…" He said gently taking my face in his hands. I felt so tiny compared to him. "Are you sure you do not mind?" He said lowering his face so our lips were only an inch or two apart. His cool breath fanning across my lips smelt of something strong and unnamable but I liked it, it fit him. "I refuse to lower myself to Kisshu's level." He continued.

I let out a nervous little giggle. "I… I don't mind…" I mumbled, my face flushing as I averted my eyes from his own. "I… I think I might l-l-like it…"

He gently pressed his lips to my own before I could say anymore. It was like a zap of electricity had just been shot through me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he released my face to wrap his arms around my waist, lifting me from the ground as gently as possible. I loved how he treated me like a delicate object that was precious and he would never want to break.

My skirt hiked up on my thighs much to my embarrassment but it did allow me to wrap my legs around his waist. He pulled back allowing me to catch my breath and carried me over to the bed. "Thank you Lettuce…" He murmured setting me on the edge of the bed.

I blushed thickly. "Y-you s-shouldn't thank me…" I mumbled looking down. "I-I… I really like you Pai-San..."

"Good…" He breathed sitting beside me. "Good…" He gently pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. "I have things to do but you may sleep here."

"Things to do?" I inquired carefully.

"I fell asleep working, I am a scientist you see. I'm trying to find ways we can use Chimera Animas for the good of our planet." He explained.

"Could I… possibly help you?"

He smiled at me. Actually smiled. "If you wish then of course…"

Tart's P.O.V.~

I sighed setting down my remote control. I had spent most of the day playing video games much to my mother's, Cake's, disliking. I just couldn't get her out of my head… Everything about her…


"Gah!" I was suddenly tackled from behind. "Get off! Get off!"

"I missed you SO much!" An annoying yet familiar voice sang in my ear.

"Wait…" I looked over my shoulder to find a familiar little girl snuggled into my back. "PUDDING!" I twisted around pulling her into a tight hug.

"Tart, what in Deep Red's name-" the light flickered on. "Oh my…" I looked up to see Cake standing in the doorway staring at me and Pudding wide eyed. Her long golden hair was pulled back in a braid that reached the floor and she wore a long pink dress.

"Gah!" I shoved Pudding away realizing I had been holding her… "This is NOT what it looks like!"

"Yes it is!" Sang Cinnamon peering over Cake's shoulder. Of course, she has to have something to do with this…"That's Pudding-Chan, she's Tart's human girlfriend!" She informed my mother happily.

"WHAT?" I cried.

Now everyone's gonna be up…

"Oh!" Cake murmured her pink eyes widening. "Oh my! Well it's very nice to meet you Pudding-Chan!" She smiled brightly at Pudding.

"Wow! Your pretty na no da!" Pudding exclaimed.

"Well thank you very much, your quite the beauty to." Cake replied sweetly.

I groaned. "Shoot me now!"

"Taruto!" Cake snapped. "Stop acting so rude! Why didn't you tell me you had a girl in the house?"

"I just brought her Cake." Cinnamon piped up.

"What's going on! I was sleeping!" Almond, my older sister yelled from down the hall.

"Almond!" Whined her twin, Acorn.

Yes, the whole house would soon be up.