My Darkest Days

Chapter 4

(AN – So I'm sad to say that I deleted my other story. I just got bored with it, and I didn't wanna just leave it there because I hate incomplete things. But anyway, I uploaded a other story, also Hinata-centric if you guys wanna check it out. Okay that is all, on with chapter 4! In which Hinata develops an attitude!)

She was dead. Sakura was dead because of her. An innocent life, gone. This man was a monster, and she wanted to run away now more than ever, but she couldn't risk it. He was obviously not playing around when he said he would make her watch him kill the people she cared for.

The entire situation was confusing. There was something sincere about him when he spoke about wanting to help her, but there was definitely something very wrong with him. He had cold bloodedly murdered one of her best friends before her very eyes, and for what? To prove a point?

She was sure that she hated his guts, but a small part of her couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Maybe he had experienced the same kind of life she had, and was now going to extremes to prevent her from feeling the way she did.

She didn't care. She didn't care about him, or what he was trying to do. Sakura was dead, and if he was trying to help her, he was doing a tremendously shitty job. The bluette was feeling worse than she ever had her entire life, all because of him.

He had moved her to yet another location. This room was far from the previous one. It was dark, dingy and small, and as an extra precaution, despite the fact that there were no windows, he had tied her feet to a long cable that ran across the length of the room. This allowed her to move around freely, but she still couldn't go anywhere. The place reminded her of a prison cell.

There were no objects she could make use of to cut herself free, and the cables were far too thick for her to bite through. Even if she managed to break the ties, there were no means of escape besides the heavily bolted door. She was stuck.

Hinata huffed as she paced, hoping her captor would come by with some food at least. He was still angry at her, apparently, but she honestly couldn't care less after witnessing Sakura's death. Whenever she thought about it, she felt overwhelmingly sad and guilty, but at the same time, her blood boiled.

It was just as much her own fault as it was his. Why couldn't he have just let the pinkette go? Why couldn't she have just listened and not tried to escape?

Why couldn't she have died instead?

Why couldn't she just experience that feeling induced by the drug again?

"You need it, don't you?" She jumped, startled by his voice. She had been so caught up in thought that she hadn't even noticed him enter the room.

"What are you talking about?" She snapped, looking away angrily.

"Its heroin. It does that to you." He watched in amusement as she chewed at her nails. "Its all you think about. All you want. That feeling."

"All I want is for you to drop dead." She turned her back on him, hating the very sight of him. "You said you wanted to help me, right? So let me go." She just needed fresh air. Needed to sleep in her own bed, and talk to her friends, and do all the things she used to do. She needed to get away from him. She needed something.

"What are you gonna go back to?" His relaxed tone of voice contrasted the anger in hers. "The loving arms of your father?"

She couldn't stand him anymore. The past few days had been too much. She was going to explode.

"You know what? Fuck you!" She turned to face him, noticing him flinch slightly as she screamed. "Stop acting like you know all about me and my life. You don't, okay! You're just a messed up psycho trying to live out some kind of twisted fantasy. Just let me go!" She sounded exhausted. In truth, she was. She was tired of fighting and screaming and running. All she wanted was to be anywhere else but in that room with him.

He was silent for a moment, his face giving away no emotion. "You remind me so much of myself," The teenager rolled her eyes dramatically, turning away from him once more.

"Always putting up a brave face, acting like nothing is wrong. Never talking to anyone about how you're feeling, because they'd never understand, and quite frankly, its none of their business. Plus, what can they really do? " His voice had grown distant as he spoke.

"You watch them all being happy, not a care in the world. You think about how unfair life is, and why you always seem to get saddled with all the bullshit. So you walk around angry at everyone and everything, but of course, never letting anyone know this. And you don't want to feel the way you do. So you'll use any means necessary to make it go away."

She could feel his eyes boring into her back. It made her feel uneasy.

"A few months ago, for you, it was sex, right?" Her lavender orbs widened in shock.

"You thought it would make you feel loved, but quickly found out that men these days have no interest in that. They want one thing, and once they've got it, they're satisfied. So you're still left with an emptiness inside of you that nothing seems to fill."

He moved silently, coming up behind her. She flinched as he touched her shoulder.

"I have the answer, Hinata. You know it works. You want that feeling. Just let go."

She was frozen, eyes unfocused. So maybe he did know what she was feeling after all. She had never known anyone that understood her, that could relate to her, or that she could even talk to about things like this. Everyone was too busy with their own lives and problems to even take note of how her smile would fade when they weren't looking. Or the way her eyes didn't sparkle like they used to when she was younger, when life was a lot less complicated. Her family didn't care, and she never talked to her friends about it, so how could they. She was alone, and the thought of having someone around was tempting. The thought of washing away all her problems with a simple substance even more tempting.

"Don't try to act like my fucking therapist." Her voice was seething with fury as she violently tugged her shoulder away, not wanting the slightest bit of contact with him. "I don't need your help, and I certainly don't need your drugs."

The room felt ice cold, Hinata refusing to face him. She couldn't believe the nerve he had to stand there and talk about her as if he knew her.

"You are a disgusting human being and I want nothing to do with you." There was a finality to her voice, a confidence she didn't know she possessed.

"So now its either you let me go, or get out."

He was silent, unnervingly so. It didn't seen likely that he would react any moment soon. She felt suffocated in the small room, especially with him there, right behind her, staring at her. She hated it. She hated this place. She hated him.

"What are you waiting for? Your balls to drop?" The teenager spun around angrily, meeting the Uchiha face to face.

He remained stoic as he observed her, something oddly calculating in his onyx orbs. Maybe he was contemplating releasing her? She doubted it. He didn't seem like the type to just give in without a fight. Obviously he had proven that earlier that day.

Hinata found herself wondering what he would do after he had successfully 'helped her'. A cold shiver traced her spine at the thought.

His eyes looked different, somewhat intimidating, and his face was grim as he spoke.

"Its pointless to fight, Hinata. You'll give in soon."

She silently watched him leave, hands trembling as she had the terrifying feeling that she wasn't going to come out of this alive.

- - -o0o- - -

(AN – Yeah I know nothing really happens in this chapter, but I just wanted it to be about what Hinata was feeling and just kind of reveal some of her past and why Itachi thinks he needs to 'fix her'. I guess you could call it a filler. But anyway, stay tuned because shit is about to go down! And I would also just like to thank everyone for the reviews, I really appreciate it and I try my best to take your advice, so if you have anything to say, don't be scared!)