(( Whew! Finally have time to upload a new chapter! Im sorry this took so long everyone, I wanted the rest of the story to be just right and it made me not post it until it was as perfect as I could make it. Also been reeeeally busy outside of school due to work and personal stuff...but I have not forgotten you, dear fans and readers alike! And I promise to finish this series with the most perfect of chapters I can give you!))

The room was larger than his usual cell, however it still felt like one with the ever un-emotional Hugo Strange staring from across the room. For the first few minutes, no one said a word.

Finally, the silence was broken by Strange as he stroked his bearded chin, a frown deepening on his face.

"You know, you should not pick fights with other inmates, especially some as dangerous as Two-Face.."

Tai responded with a huff, his eyes never changing their narrowed glare. Something about this guy just poked the wrong buttons...and that may have been the doctor's intent.

"...However, circumstances as they were back there, a simple 'thank you' would do."

Strange was obviously referring to when security had rushed in to break up him and Harvey's struggle. Before the guards could proceed to beat the poor inhuman senseless, Strange had made an effort to stay their hand, taking Tai's side in the whole affair on how it was an act of self-defense and that, in some way, his good act may rub off on the other inmates.

The inhuman felt the burn that was on his neck, wincing from the wound's still throbbingly painful scar. He supposed Strange had a point: he DID help him out of a possibly bad spot and it was respectful to thank someone for that kind of stuff in life. So he did, bowing his head and upper body in a show of gratitude.

Strange surprisingly returned the bow with his head and smirked, "Well now that that is out of the way...I would like to once again ask some questions about you if you don't mind?"

Tai was about to respond but he hesitated as Strange picked up a clipboard and showed him the contents. "These are all for our records, you understand. Everyone is asked these questions and in time, we do find out everything..."

A shiver went down his spine as he heard Strange's last remark; was the doctor seriously threatening him...or was it a warning?

"Sorry Doctor..," Tai leaned back in his chair, arms crossed. "But I'd rather keep my personal buisness to myself and myself alone."

Hugo Strange simply shrugged and placed the clipboard aside, a look of annoyance on his face. But it quickly disappeared as he crossed his fingers together and rested his chin on them, his elbows on the table as he leaned forward.

Even more silence followed...somewhere down the hall from where they sat, a leaky water pipe dripped onto the stone floor below, an eerie ping that rang through the lower halls of the asylum.

"It would be wise, young inhuman, to realize the thin ice you are treading."

Tai raised his own eyebrow, not understanding what the doctor was saying.

"This asylum runs its operations to better those who are mentally unstable or insane as well as those who are 'unfit' for even the lowest forms of normal society. We do what we must to help these people in the best ways we can afford to give them...and that only happens through trust and the choices the staff AND the inmates must make."

The doctor adjusted his glasses before continuing, the glare from the light above on the ceiling making him seem more like a spectre than a human being, his sharp, focused eyes glinting. Tai leaned in more, surprisingly intrigued by what the older man was saying.

"There are times when one must forget everything else and make certain choices; no matter the situation, the choices we make are what lead our very lives, and sometimes the wrong ones can have drastic reprecussions. I do not know what may happen due to your decisions earlier today...however I imploy you to be on your guard, young Tai...there are those that take choices and make others pay the price for it, while others seek revenge for the choices made against them."

It was a warning after all...there had no doubt about it now. Wether it was in good spirit or one of just uncaring bluntness, he was not sure. But the truth to his words rang in Tai's mind like an echo.

"But now the question stands, boy..." Hugo locked eyes with Tai again, his voice lowering so only he could hear what had to be said.

"What will your choices be?"