Okay, I got this idea after reading Soundwave 0107's: "I Love This Car," fanfic about Soundwave. I liked this fic and I don't know why, maybe it's because of the imagination…but, whatever just liked the fic. And I actually had a dream that was similar to this fic the next night so I thought it would be fun to write something like it. I'm not a Decepticon person, but if I had to pick a favorite…it'd be Soundwave. Soundwave's just badass. So, just had fun writing this. Kinda challenging, but…it was fun!

I do not own any part of the Transformers franchise. Transformers belongs to it's sole producers, companies and franchises…or the idea for this fic. Idea belongs to Soundwave 0107.

Short little one shot I did exploring something that would never, ever happen with Soundwave in a million years. But, it was fun and interesting!

Enjoy! All reviews are welcome!


Breaking the Rules

He's seen her a million times. However, he's only known her for as long as he's known Carly Spencer. And, the only way he knows her and Carly is because of Sam Witwicky…the man who once killed Megatron. But now with their return to Earth once again, he posed as a gift from Carly's boss Dylan Gould. And that is how he has gotten to know Nikki Spencer, Carly's slightly younger sister.

It actually has almost seemed like he has gotten to know Nikki more than Carly, his so called "owner." Even though he portrayed to be Carly's car, it seemed like Nikki drove the Mercedes SLS AMG a lot more than Carly did. Like tonight, Nikki had taken him out with another one of her friends because Carly was with Sam. Masking his image with the surrounding vehicles of the restaurant's parking lot, Soundwave patiently waited for Nikki's return. And within seconds later, he finally caught her walking towards him as her and her friend exited the restaurant.

And once his scanning sensors fully caught sight of her walking towards him, he acknowledged her by unlocking his doors with the sound of a click as she unlocked them from her key fob. Allowing her to flip up the gullwing door, she climbed in, sat down and reached over to the center console to press the start button that started the Mercedes's engine. She was in total control over him now, however he could still take over if need be. But for now, he just decided to let Nikki enjoy herself with her friend. Soundwave thought to himself as they continued to drive her friend back home.

In fact, Soundwave was rather enjoying himself with Nikki at the wheel. He hated to admit it, but it was rather nice to be driven, "actually driven" by someone for a change. Sure he let Carly drive, but the way Nikki drove was different from her sisters driving. Nikki was more aggressive and not as laid back as Carly was. It was just nice to let things open up and to just be ran for a change, something that he hasn't done in such a long time. But with Nikki, that changed as he could tell different parts were getting used more than they usually do and he felt, well…he just felt good and not rusted together. Soundwave couldn't help but to think to himself as he slowly came to a stop outside Nikki's friend's house.

"I had such a great time tonight!" Laruen replied as she raised the passenger side door of the Mercedes and stepped out.

"I did too…"

"Call me later Nikki, by girl…see you later." Laruen said while walking away from the Mercedes.

Without knowing it, Nikki and Soundwave let out a sigh of relief as Laruen made her way inside the house. And without Laruen, Nikki was excited to finally be in the Mercedes alone. Sure she drove the car a lot, but that was only around town and on short little jaunts. But now that she just dropped off Laruen who lived about an hour away from Nikki, Nikki was finally able to really drive the car.

"Let's see what this thing can really do…" She said out loud as she reached over to the gearshift to slide it down into drive.

And without any hesitation, Soundwave took off like a bat out of hell as his rear wheels screamed while probably leaving some rubber on the pavement. Normally he would be more careful and to not leave any rubber on the pavement but tonight, he didn't care. He hated to admit it, but tonight…he was interested in Nikki more than anything…even more than reviving Sentinel Prime and retrieving the rest of the pillars for their spacebridge that could restore Cybertron. He didn't even care about any of that…all he cared about, was Nikki.

Just Nikki.

Sure she's been in the Mercedes a dozen times and that she was just a mere human, but…for whatever unexplainable reason…Soundwave has grown very fond of this tiny female. Normally he wouldn't think anything of them. Hell, he doesn't even think anything of Carly. And he doesn't even care to know anything about human customs. But Nikki…Nikki was a different story. She was absolutely beautiful, gorgeous even. Sure he was a Decepticon, but hell…even he could appreciate Nikki. Even if he was a Decepticon, he could appreciate Nikki…he would be foolish not to. How could even a single human male not even appreciate her? And he almost often thought how Nikki does not have a boyfriend, or for that matter…how could she "never," have a boyfriend? There had to have been something wrong with the males on this planet for them not to pursue this girl. Soundwave often thought, and even now couldn't help but to think as she sat in the drivers seat.

But, that was their loss as she was now his and she didn't even now that yet. Soundwave couldn't help but to think as he could feel the softness of her sitting upon the leather seats. Every sensor on the drivers seat came alive as he could feel her upon him, and he could really feel her. Ever sensor felt her. And even though he was a Decepticon, a superior being compared to Nikki, he could still appreciate her…and to Soundwave and Soundwave alone…she felt wonderful.

The softness of the curves of her chest against the diverseness of her incredibly hard abs had ever sensor in Soundwave's seatbelt running wild. Damn he could really feel her, he felt every last inch of DNA on her…everything to her soft, luscious curly hazelnut hair that laid past her shoulders. And damn if he didn't want to run a piece of him through those lustrous locks! He would do anything to do so. Hell he would do anything to just physically touch her, to caress that beautiful, naturally tanned skin.

However, he knew once she knew of his presences, his presences of a Decepticon…he knew she wouldn't want anything to do with him because he knew she knew of their race. Hell, she probably would never want to drive him again. Soundwave couldn't help but to painfully think as he slowly came to stop at the traffic light. And, even though he was a Decepticon…it wasn't like he could hide his feelings towards this mere human girl. But because of Nikki, he secretly thought he could break the rules just this once. Soundwave couldn't help but to think as he could over hear a bunch of males in the car next to him cat calling over to Nikki.

Damn was his fluids boiling.

He was pissed.

How could anyone say these things so called "cat calls," to this beautiful, precious female? Luckily Nikki had the smarts to roll up the windows and if she never did that…he would have as for some reason an urge to protect her washed over him. And because of that, he ever so badly wanted to run these creeps off the road right this very second. But no, he controlled himself because A…he did not want to scare Nikki. And B…vengeance was a virtue. He would have his time to protect her just as soon as the light turned green.

And that's exactly what he did.

Once the light turned green, Soundwave took off hard…harder than when Nikki took off from her friend's house. In fact, she wasn't even in control anymore…he was, which probably frightened her a bit. But, he knew he would have time to explain. He thought to himself while he quickly transformed in mid-chase while placing Nikki on the ground safely. After staggering to her feet, she never ran away, however…she watched in amazement while she watched this robot/car totally swipe those guys off the road without any hesitation.

And once that car was out of sight, Soundwave stood tall and made himself present to Nikki. Standing there in awe at this gigantic being before her, she just stared up at him with her beautiful green eyes.

"You're one of them!" Nikki shouted up to Soundwave.

"Indeed I am." Was all Soundwave said.

"Are you a Decepticon?" Nikki couldn't help but to flat out ask.

Soundwave couldn't help but to hang his head, almost as if he were ashamed to admit that he was indeed a Decepticon. Would she run away if she found out the truth? Even if she did, she wouldn't run for long. Soundwave couldn't help but to think, as he just stood even taller to answer her question. In which, she figured out that he was because of his body language.

"I knew it…you are a Decepticon!" Nikki replied as she indeed started to run away.

Soundwave was aggravated. This was not what he wanted to happen, even though he knew it probably would. And not wanting her to get away…Soundwave quickly transformed back into his vehicle mode while capturing Nikki in the mean time.

"You're mine!"


As Soundwave pulled in the alley of their apartment, he was shocked that Nikki never once begged him to let her go. As much as he found that odd, he knew that she knew that he was a Decepticon. And, as much as she found it odd and weird, but for some unexplainable reason she knew that explanations would come later as she knew he knew that she knew of their race. Which was why she never begged him to let her go because she knew of their race…even if he was a Decepticon.

"What do you want? Why did you just swipe those guys off the road? I don't get it…" Nikki shouted to Soundwave who still remained in vehicle mode.

Soundwave remained silent in vehicle mode, but not for long. Suddenly there was a bright blue flash of light in which Nikki had to shield her eyes. And as soon as the light faded, she was amazed to see what stood where the Mercedes SLS AMG just sat. There was a human, well not just a normal human…but his human form none the less started to walk towards her.

But yet, Nikki wasn't scared…at all. She didn't know why…she just wasn't.

"I am sorry Nikki, for what you just saw. And yes, I am a Decepticon…I, am Soundwave…however…I bring you no harm." Soundwave replied as he now stood face to face with Nikki.

"Soundwave, you're like…the Decepticon's communications officer." Nikki couldn't help but to point out.

"I am. I'm amazed you know so much!…" Soundwave mentioned as he found himself trailing off after he nodded his head to acknowledge Nikki's observation.

"Damn, by the Allspark…you are so beautiful. I can't stop looking at you!" Soundwave replied as he couldn't help but to mention his attraction towards her…in which only seemed to grow stronger as he stood there in front of her and could now physically see her. Not that he couldn't see her before…but this, this was different.

Extremely different…

He was able to see her physically. He was able to be at her level. He was able to finally touch her, if he wanted to. He was able to smell her…something that he couldn't do in vehicle mode. And she smelled wonderful! A sent of sugared pomegranate and frosted florals made her seem almost enchanting as her sent lingered in the air. And now that they stood face to face, even closer than before…she was simply beautiful…enchantingly gorgeous!

She had to be his!

Soundwave couldn't help but to think as he slowly reached up to caress the palm of his hand to the skin of her cheek, in which, he was shocked that she never really flinched. But why would she? He was one of the only beings that has ever showed any kind of attraction towards her. And like Soundwave, she often thought why nobody else in the world ever gave her a chance. But, that was soon their lose as she just knew that she was now Soundwave's. She didn't know why, she didn't know what possessed her to actually kiss him as he leaned in to kiss her…but she did…without any hesitation.

But in reality, it just felt so good to finally be kissed…to finally feel like someone was interested in her…even if he wasn't from this planet…even if he was a Decepticon. She didn't care. Even though she knew he was a Decepticon, she thought she could break the rules just this once because for whatever reason…she saw potential in Soundwave. She didn't know why she did, but…she did. She couldn't help but to think as for whatever reason she decided to pull away from him, as just for a second…she doubted herself as to what she was doing.

"I know you're interested in me Soundwave, I can see that. But…how do I know you're just not using me to get to Carly and Sam to get to the Autobots? How do I know I'm just not part of a big elaborate scheme to get to the Autobots! " Nikki questioned as she looked straight into his eyes.

"I am breaking ever single rule there is Nikki by being with you. If Megatron ever found out I was with you…he'd kill me for being with a mere human. Okay yes, at first I was using Carly to get closer to Sam to get to the Autobots and Sentinel Prime…"

"I knew it!" Nikki cried while she started to run away from Soundwave when he forcefully grabbed her by the wrist to pull back.

"But I'm not now…I don't even care about any of that now. With the time that I've gotten to spend with you, the only thing I care about is you! I want you Nikki…you have no idea! Just by wanting to be with you, just by physically being with you…I'm breaking the rules…If Megatron found out…I…" Soundwave began as Nikki stopped him from talking as she placed her pointer finger against his lips.

"If you are lying to me in anyway shape or form, I promise you I will rip your spark out! Hell, I might even hand you off to Optimus so that he may rip your spark out if you are lying to me!" She vowed as she stood extremely close to him as she stared him down.

"If there's one thing I'm not is a liar, that is something I would never lie about! I'm breaking the rules Nikki just by being with you. And, by the Allspark…if I am lying to you…I promise you…you have my word, I will let you rip my spark out!" Soundwave replied in which he left Nikki speechless.

She was speechless…she had no clue what to say, except…that she couldn't believe that she was falling for a Decepticon! And, it wasn't just Soundwave who was breaking the rules, she was breaking the rules as well just for falling for him. If Carly, if Sam…hell, even if the Autobots ever found out about this…they would rip her spark out if she had one if they ever found out about this. And she knew she was breaking all the rules there were just by trusting and being with Soundwave.

But, like Soundwave…she didn't care that she was breaking the rules just as long as she belonged to him…and only him. And maybe, some rules were meant to be broken…