Exotic Love

Disclaimer: Everything I write is highly fictional and I do not own High School Musical. I only own the plot and other additional characters.

A/N – Wow! The last chapter is FINALLY here after months. And I'm glad of it. Another story accomplished. Hope you enjoy ^.^

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Lasting Love

There's a moment, in everyone's life, where you just know that how your life will be. Or at least most of it. And as Gabriella stared at herself in the mirror, watching as her silky white dress flowed around her ankles, and her hair gently glided in the cold air, she just knew. This was it, she mused softly, her head ticking away the minutes. This was the big moment. My big moment, which will define who I am and what the rest of my life will be. I don't need sex to be happy, or a different boy a night. I just need Troy.

"Gabs?" Sharpay stuck her head inside the room. Gabriella turned and smiled, predicting what Sharpay was going to say next. "I'm ready." Sharpay grinned. She was amazed at how much her best friend had excelled over the years. From a cock-thirsty slut to a love-stricken woman. They locked hands and Sharpay lead Gabriella out towards the church entrance, where her dad stood, nervously picking at his tie. "Daddy," Gabriella said. Greg looked up and grinned. They joined together, wrapping each other up in their arms, pulling each other close. "This is really happening, isn't it?"

"Yes," she answered, pulling away. She looked up into his eyes, searching for any signs of discomfort. "Are you going to be okay?"

"I should be asking you that," he said, swiping the pad of his thumbs across her eyes. Gabriella didn't even know she was crying. She opened her mouth, ready to say something, but the start of music playing caught her ears and she looked at the big, white doors, leading her towards her future.

They had picked out the song. It was one of her favorites; Celine Dion's A New Day Has Come. The guests stood as the door opened and in stepped Gabriella and Greg. She forced the tears away as she saw Troy on the altar, neatly dressed in a black suede tuxedo, his hair slick and smoothed back. She could see his Adam's apple bob nervously and she smiled gently. She tightened her small hand around her father's bigger one, going back to many of memories of it being exactly like this. Him holding her hand when they went to the Zoo and she was scared of the lion's loud roar. Or when she was first learning how to ride a bike, his hands covering hers like a warm blanket, making sure she knew he was here.

They took small steps until they stepped up close to the altar. Greg kissed Gabriella's cheek, his scruffy beard tickling her chin, before taking a seat next to her mother. Gabriella stepped onto the altar, her chin trembling slightly as she eased her hands into Troy's. The love that shimmered between them wasn't exactly like the love she shared for her father. It was equal, yet greater at the same time. She felt a connection, a line that was drawn between them, but this line was different. It could not be erased, and that it seemed to never be able to break.

"We are gathered here today, on this happy and joyous occasion, to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony," the preacher said in gravelly, although clear, voice, just after the music faded away. "Marriage is a solemn institution to be held in honor by all, it is the cornerstone of the family and of the community.

"It requires of those who undertake it a complete and unreserved giving of one's self. It is not to be entered into lightly, as marriage is a sincere and mutual commitment to love one another. This commitment symbolizes the intimate sharing of two lives and still enhances the individuality of each of you." He smiled as he looked between Gabriella and Troy, as if sensing that they truly belonged up here on this altar, and that everything that he said, will stick to them until death do them part.

"Now, I believe, it's time for you two to say your vows."

Troy cleared his throat. "Gabriella," he said. "The moment I saw you, I thought, wow, she is sexy." The crowd laughed, Gabriella giggled softly, and Troy gave a half-smile. "And, I'll be honest, that was all I could think of when I saw you. But now… words can't describe how much I love you. How much I'll continue loving you. And I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you, no matter what happens… from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness & in health, to love & to cherish, 'till death do us part."

Gabriella composed herself, still trying to fight back the tears that threaten to flow. "Troy," she said, wincing as her voice cracked. She cleared her throat. "Troy, I spent all of my time, with the wrong guys… socializing in the wrong places… but I won't regret any of it because they lead me to you. This moment, I just wrapped my head around the fact that I'm going to be starting another chapter in my life. And I love that, because it'll be with you… because I love you and always will. Throughout this life, no matter what may be ahead of us, good or bad, I pledge to stick with you forever, loving you, cherishing you, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness & in health… until death do us part."

The preacher smiled. "Groom, do you take this woman to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

Troy nodded. "I do."

"And, bride, do you take this man to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," she whispered.

The preacher nodded and his eyes traced over the two, watching their eyes connect, their fingers tighten around each other's. "You may now kiss the bride." Troy pushed himself forward, pulling Gabriella to him. He had anticipated this moment for almost a whole day. Their lips met, and the audience exploded into applause and excitement. Gabriella giggled as Troy's bulky arms tightened around her waist, pulling her up from the ground as he kissed her with fierce, raw passion.

"Now that is a kiss," Sharpay said and Katie laughed, despite how much the two hated each other. It was a wedding; there was no hate necessary.

Finally, the two broke for air and, hands still joined, smiles plastered across their faces, and they walked down the aisle together, heading into the new chapter, the final begging of their life.

A dream is a wish your heart makes

When you're fast asleep

In dreams you will lose your heartaches

Whatever you wish for you keep

They swayed close together in the middle of the ballroom. People sat at their tables, snapping pictures and smiling at them in the dim room. Gabriella lifted her head off of Troy's shoulder and stared up at him. He reached up, taking the hair that fell in her face and pushing it behind her ear. "How do you feel?" he asked. Gabriella shrugged. "I don't know. Many things? I'm just glad I could be here with you…"

He smiled. "Me too. I was sure you would dump me for Orlando Bloom."

"It's not too late," she giggled. She gently moved her hands up his arms and locked them around his neck. She sighed softly when she tried to press herself closer, but the baby bump was in the way. They were now five months into the pregnancy. When she saw her baby bump protruding past her waist, a shiver of fear had rolled through her. And even worse, first feeling the baby kick, it was both a feeling of elation and anxiety. The last time she felt her baby kick, she had gotten into a horrible car crash, which demolished their plans for having their first baby. But, of course, Troy had calmed her shaking hands and pulled her into a hug, smoothing her hair down and pressing kisses against her forehead. It was sweet. The pregnancy has been going smoothly, so her worrying has decreased greatly. But they still had at least four more months. "I'd like to hear you say that in bed," he said after bending his neck, his breath tickling her earlobe. Gabriella giggled. "Don't worry. I agreed to stay with you, for a long time, and I'm not ready to give that promise up just yet."

"Yet?" Troy repeated, his eyebrows skyrocketing. Gabriella only grinned, and they swayed a bit more until the song ended. Then came the father and daughter dance, which was slow and steady. Gabriella had slipped her heels off and stepped onto her father's shoes, and let him waltz her around the ballroom floor. Just like old times. Isn't She Lovely's sweet, soulful tune swung through the air. And at certain times, Greg found himself tearing as he started down at his baby girl, who didn't seem much like a baby anymore.

And then Troy danced with Maria, since, sadly, his mother and father couldn't make it. Then were off in Italy. But it was a fine moment, Troy had to admit. They danced to Through the Years by Kenny Rogers. Though it's only been roughly a year, Maria did love Troy like a son, and the lyrics had a deep meaning to her; to both of them.

Standing off to the side and leaning against her father, Gabriella was in tears as she watched Troy. "Is this what I've been missing?" she asked softly. Greg wrapped an arm around her. "No. Just something you've finally caught up with."

And then, though a little out of order, were the toasts. Everyone was seated, Troy and Gabriella huddled close together at a table with their parents, with their friends and family on the other side of them. Chad, Troy's best man stood up and grinned. "Here's to the groom, Troy Bolton, a man who kept his head even while he lost his heart." A few people laughed. "To Miss Gabriella Bolton, who I might add, looks very beautiful tonight. And, here's to the Gabriella for choosing Troy. I tried to tell her all about him and she's still brave enough to be going ahead with all of this." Again, more laughs. Gabriella leaned into Troy giggling, while he rolled his eyes and attempted to hold his middle finger up at Chad before Maria scolded him.

And then, it was Katie's turn, which Gabriella picked as her maid of honor. She stood up and grinned, holding up a sparkly glass of champagne. "Here's to the bride, who seriously was one crazy bitch before all of this happened."―again, a loud laughter echoing across the room―"But obviously came to her senses after meeting Troy. And I watched as their love started out small and unnoticeable, and then sprout out as something strong and undeniable. And I honestly can't remember the last time I saw two people more head over heels in love than these two bastards. And just one more thing―May your love be added, may it never be subtracted, may your household multiply, and may your hearts never be divided!"

Glasses, noisily, clinked together and silver wear rattled, and laughter bounced off the thin walls. Katie bowed before resuming her seat, leaving Troy to clear his throat to catch everyone's attention. He nodded, took a breath and looked over at Gabriella who was smiling softly. "If I can, I'd love to share a toast, for my beautiful bride, Gabriella, who I intend to cherish and love, and grow old and wrinkly together. Katie and Chad were both right. I've really fell in love with you, and I aim to keep that love sturdy and solid, until the day one of us, or both, are buried. And, if you ever live to be one hundred, I hope I'll live to be minus one day, because in all honestly, I don't want to live a day without you here, in my arms." There was a collective round of sighs and aww's through the crowd. Gabriella smiled, tears glimmering across her eyelashes, and clinked her glass against Troy's, then entwined their fingers. It was so corny, yet so lovely at the same time.

And she wouldn't have it any different.

That then led to the garter and bouquet toss, in which Sharpay caught. She shook her head and laughed, before tossing it over to Katie who wasn't technically single, but was happy to tuck the flowers under her arms. After Troy slid the garter off a blushing Gabriella, he threw it out into the crowd of men. One of Gabriella's cousins, Luíz, caught it with a surprised look on his face. They all shared their laughs and taunts. Nearly everyone, even Vasilisa, who tried to get down and dirty with Ricardo.

Gabriella and Troy literally danced the night away, and seemed inseparable. Katie and Sharpay (who surprisingly were talking) laughed and teased them, saying how they were going to break out and started fucking right there on the dance floor. The two, obviously, just ignored them, too lost in their own world of love to say something back. But something was stirring inside of Troy, as he held his wife―God, it felt great to say that―in his arms. So close and passionately, too. And right when he was going to ask when the reception would be over, Gabriella yawned and laid her head on his shoulder, breathing softly.

"Ready to go?" And Gabriella just gave a slight nod and tried to stifle a yawn before it was settled.

Everyone clumped together outside, where a classic white wedding limo was parked outside. A big, sloppy pink bow was situated on top and on the mirrors was in red marker―Finally married; Troy and Gabriella Bolton! Streamers and wedding bells were hanging loosely on the trunk of it, and to top it off, flowers were attached to the front and sides, some formed to make a heart. Gabriella laughed as Troy basically pushed her inside the vehicle. They waved goodbye and after them, Katie and Sharpay threw rose petals and blew big, curly bubbles.

It was just too perfect.

"Oh, man," Troy sighed, leaning back. "That was... something."

"Good to know," Gabriella replied with a roll of her eyes. Troy sat up. "No, not like that. It was… awesome, seriously. I'm probably the happiest man on earth right now."

"And that is probably the one hundredth cheesy thing you've said today," Gabriella said. Troy just shrugged and wrapped an arm around her, drawing her close. "You know you love it."

"Mhm, definitely do." And she did. Yesterday, and the day before, and so on, it felt good and reassuring to hear words like that coming from Troy. But now that they were married, it was something different. It was like she stepped into a new world, full of new things to do and explore, and a land that granted you definite happiness and serenity. She snuggled up close to Troy. "So, where are we going exactly?"

"Oh," Troy said, chuckling. "You'll find out. And I promise, it won't be disappointing." Gabriella wanted to push the matter further, and not take no for an answer, but something stopped her. She sighed and closed her eyes, willing to wait for their perfect honeymoon to begin.

And disappointed she wasn't.

When Troy untied the scarf from around her eyes (he had insisted that it was going to be that big of a surprises) Gabriella's breath was shaken away. They were on the beach, Gabriella figured that out ten steps ago, but what was more beautiful was the brilliant moonlight shimmering down onto the very large and promising beach house set in front of them. It was long, and kind of slanted, with glass walls and a wraparound deck. From outside she could see the furniture, and was impressed with the modern and unique fashion they shown. Even the water, which they hadn't paid for, was beautiful. Clear, white almost sparkling from the moon. And in the distance, she could hear water splashing and running, from a waterfall.

"Well?" Troy pushed. "Whaddaya think?"

"It's… amazing," she gushed, and broke off towards the door. Troy laughed and went after her. He was pretty amazed himself. The picture that he had seen of this house was taken about half a decade ago, and looked even better in person.

"Wow," Gabriella said, trotting back to him. "How much did this cost?"

Troy shrugged. "Trust me, it was a reasonable price. But it did take a lot of arranging to get it like that."

"Well," she whispered, and slid her hands down his suit. Troy took a deep breath and looked down at her. "I guess I should thank you for that, shouldn't I?"

"If you're up for it." His arm snaked around her waist. Gabriella felt her stomach twist and turn and a grin bloom across her peachy lips. "I'm a little offended about that. Of course I'm up for it." And then, not even giving him time to process his words, she was crushing her lips against his, in a kiss to heated and passionate it made her dizzy and her legs wobble. Troy also took her by surprise, by grabbing under her and promptly lifting her into his arms. Gabriella made a startled noise, but still wounded her legs around Troy's waist tightly. He carried her up the wooden staircase, and pulled back from the kiss, where he watched her his eyes half closed, and heavy eyelids. He concentrated on her clenching jaw, and dark eyes, heavy with lust and admiration. Gabriella, seemingly not focused on whatever Troy was doing, curled her fingers around his neck and again started another heavy, fervent, kiss.

Troy set her gently down on the floor when they reach their room, which was fantastic. A balcony, lead into by large French doors, and a big king-sized bed, which seemed as fluffy as a cloud. The two climbed aboard it and again, the heavy petting and kisses ensued.

Their clothes quickly were shedded, being tossed in various places of the rooms. When Gabriella was completely naked though, and Troy was just down to his boxers, he stopped to admire her, holding his breath momentarily, and groaning softly at the mouth-watering sight. She seemed to glow more, with her hair down in tussled, luscious waves, and glowing from either being pregnant, or from just getting married, or maybe even both.

They held close, just cuddling and whispering softly in each other's ears before Troy finally shucked off his jeans and rubbed himself against Gabriella. Gabriella moaned, feeling that sexual sensation zip down her back and spread out to her core, and her legs quivered. Troy was trembling as well, trying hard not to just thrust into her. He wanted this to be gentle, and sweet. He pulled her even closer, and pressed a soft and heartbreakingly lovely kiss to her lips. Gabriella kissed him back equally, declaring all her love to him. And then, Troy sunk down into her.

He panted, still trying to keep control, and moved with slow, awkward thrust. Gabriella laughed and rubbed her fingertips across his muscled back. Then she pulled him closer, whispering breathily against his ear, "It's okay, go as fast as you want. Don't hold back―give me everything you have." Troy wanted to resist longer, but no longer could. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he pulled back, and then jerked his hips forward again. Gabriella knew she was in for a rough ride after she granted him permission to go crazy, but this was mind-blowing. "Ohh," she groaned, her voice low, and shuddered and writhed wildly underneath her husband's body.

"God," Troy spat out, picking up his speed. He sat up some, and gripped her curvy hips, plunging himself mercilessly into her. Gabriella thrashed on the bed, twisted her head from side to side and scrunching the sheets up in knots in tight grips of her hands. "Ah, Troy―shit―ohh, fuck!" Her legs wrapped around his torso, and then dropped. Already, she could feel that tingling feeling etched in her tummy, and then another feeling swirling between her folds. Her chest heaved and fed up with the sheets, she instead grasped her breasts, pulling on her rigid nipples and squeezing the soft mounds hard between her fingers.

"Troy!" Her back arched, as high as it can go, and then her climax took over her completely. She shook, and spasmed, her insides vibrating against Troy's stiff cock that was still pounding into her. "Ah―damn," Troy groaned as her vaginal muscles clamped and fluttered around him, the sensation high and overwhelming, to the point where he too came over the edge.

He shot his load into her, and Gabriella felt another orgasm ripple through her. She tried to clamp her legs together and push Troy away as much as she could with him between her, but it was unmanageable. Instead she laid limp, letting wave after wave of sensations flood her body. Troy joined her as well, curling up being her in a spooning position. He pressed his hand to her belly and grinned. "Wasn't that something?"

"Shh," she cooed, giggling drunkenly. "Maybe I was wrong―I'm definitely not up for Troy Bolton's standards or expectations."

"But that's where you're wrong, Gabriela Bolton," Troy whispered in her ear. Gabriella turned around to face up. "Really? Is that so?"

"Yes. Because no matter what, you'll always reach my expectations. You're perfect, Brie." He grabbed her hand, and brought it to his chest.

She sighed, and smiled. "So are you. I love you."

"I love you too."

A smirk tugged at her lips. She stroked the side of her face. Did you know that the average married couple has sex 58 times per year, or slightly more than once a week?"

Troy laughed. "Well, we'll have to beat that, won't we babe?"

"We sure will."

And it didn't take long for them to fall asleep, pulled tight together with the limbs entwined. It was hard to describe their love for each other―passionate, heart-felt, overwhelming, exotic―or maybe it was just too prodigious and overpowering to have a name. Whatever the case may be, something will always be certain―it's a love that's destined to last forever, past the exotic days and into the fulfilling ones.


Corny, I know . I hate it. But I still hope you'll review one last time. Even if it's just to say how horrible it was :) And sorry if the sex scene was a little flat, I haven't written one in months.

But, yeah, so things I have to say about this story is... at some points, it had some nice moments, at others I blush at how horrible it was written. But in Word, this is about 205 pages, a good book's length. So, next to Glamorous (which I doubt I'll be finishing any time soon still!) I've written two legit books :) But, I'm glad this is over... It was fun to write, most of the time. In the beginning at least, but my excitement for it dwindled quickly. But, overall, I enjoyed writing it.

And if you haven't already, please check out my other series: Belong.
