Exotic Love

Disclaimer: Everything I write is highly fictional and I do not own High School Musical. I only own the plot and other additional characters.

A/N - So, from the highly sexual movie named Friends With Benefits with my husband Justin and my home girl Mila in it, I got a brilliant idea to do a friends with benefits type of story. I'll try to make it sexy and alluring and stuff. I know there are a bunch of stories like this out there, but I thought it would be fun to write my own. Oh, and I have a banner for My Baby out. I have a banner for this story, too, but I'll hold that off for later. Anyway, enjoy.

Chaper One

Exotic Love

Her eyes scanned over the overly-heated room full of sweaty, hot bodies and blaring music. There were three things that Gabriella Montez was heavily frustrated about. Firstly, her bitch of a best friend left her side to fuck with some idiot after she was the one who drgged her here to Exotic Love, the name of the club. Secondly, she was lonely right now. And thirdly, she was very, very sexually frustrated. Hoping to get at least one boy down her pants, Gabriella wore a racy outfit. It was a shimmery, black one-sleeve sequin dress that stopped dangerously high on her thighs. Inches below were expensive black faux boots. She knew she looked good and by the hot looks flashed her way, she knew that she looked good to other people as well. But, see, none of them were quite right. So, instead, she stood propped against the wall, wanting to get hot and heavy, at twelve midnight.

"God, bring me a fucking angel, or something," Gabriella muttered angrily. And as if her prayers were answered, she saw the most beautiful man ever. His cobalt blue eyes were pinned on her, more alluring than ever and his tawny hair swept down his toned face perfectly. His thin lips pulled into a smirk as he strode forward, towards Gabriella. "And we have a winner," he laughed, grabbing her hips and pulling her close to him as if they'd know each other for forever. Gabriella smirked and pressed a hand to his chest. She gave it a little shove, causing him to stumble back some. "What I win?"

"Well, I've been walking around looking for beautiful woman and you seem to have caught my eye," he admitted. Gabriella rolled her eyes. "Let me guess," she said. "You've used that line all night just so you can hop into a girl's pants?" Gabriella crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the wall again. The guy smirked besides her. "C'mon, Gabriella. Have a bit more faith in me." Her eyes narrowed. She did not deal with stalkers. Sexy as hell or not. "How the hell do you know my name?"

"I'm Sharpay's cousin," he confirmed. "Let me introduce myself properly. Troy Bolton, soon-to-be-basketball- legend, and ladies man. Also, like I mentioned, your bestfriend's cousin." He smiled. Gabriella nodded, taking in his answer. "Alright. So, you're not a creepy stalker dude. Do you want to dance?" Gabriella took his hand and started moving them out to the dance floor. "Of course you do." Troy smirked and let her drag him to the floor.

Rihanna's We Found Love was blasting through the walls, with colofrul probe lighst flickering everywhere. Gabriella wrapped her arms around Troy's neck as her hips immediately began to sway at the catchy music. Troy grabbed her hips, watching, mesmerized as she moved perfectly with the beat. Gabriella twirled around, pressing against Troy as she lowered herself to the floor. She stood back up, her hips still moving and Troy swallowed. "Damn, Gabriella," he whispered in her ear. He grabbed her arms and turned her around, crashing her against his chest as he did so. Gabriella didn't have any time to breathe before Troy was slamming his lips hard to hers, rubbing his growing erection against her bare thigh. Gabriella moaned erotically and gripped harshly at his black V-neck.

Troy pulled back and wasted no time to suck and nibbled at her supple skin. Gabriella licked her lips as her eyes fell closed and her head tilted to the side. He trailed his hot tongue down her neck and then began to suck on her collar bone. Gabriella stopped moving completely beneath him. She just wrapped her arms around his body, loving the hot trails he left in his assaults.

Troy pulled away and pulled her closer, his hands squeezing her firm ass through the itchy material. Their gazes held for a moment before Gabriella felt her back being pushed against the cement wall and Troy's lips covering her's again. She brought a leg up, wrapping it tightly around his thigh. "I'm not going to last long," Troy panted, disconnecting their lips and making Gabriella whimper at the loss contact. "Can we get out of here?"

"Hell yes," Gabriella breathed, then grabbed his arm and sliced through the throng of bodies. She was almost out of there when she heard an all too familiar voice calling her name. Gabriella turned to see her best friend Sharpay Evans. "You better behave yourself, chica," Sharpay giggled. "That's my cousin."

"Your cousin that needs to fuck," Troy said through gritted teeth. Gabriella pressed her ass firmly against his erection and smirked. Sharpay frowned. "Troy, don't you fucking curse at me. And I so did not want to fucking hear that. If you get you my best friend knocked up because you can't keep your little pin-dick to yourself, I'll seriously fuck you up."

Troy rolled his eyes and grabbed Gabriella's arm. "I want you to have fun with that, Shar. But, anyway, I have got to go."

"Use protection!" Sharpay called after them. Gabriella laughed as her and Troy fled from Exotic Love. Troy pulled Gabriella close and pressed her against the brick wall. Gabriella parted her lips, wasting no time to dart her tongue into Troy's mouth. "Come on. My apartment's not far," Gabriela mummbled against his lips. She pushed him off of her and called up a cab.

When they got to Gabriella's apartment building, they walked in, trying to stay casual. But as soon as they were in the elevator, Troy had Gabriella pinned to the wall, his hand wandering under her dress and tickling the heated folds of her core. Gabriella threw her head back, and Troy took that opportunity to latch his mouth against the skin. Gabriella bucked her hips against his hands and stopped herself from crying out when he didn't move. "Fuck, Troy," she panted. "Would you move?"

Gabriella was almost in tears when Troy pulled his hand out and stepped away from her. She was about to yell at him when the elevator dinged open and a woman and her child walked in. Gabriella's eyes went wide and she held her hand up to her mouth, conatining a giggle. Oh how embarrassing it would be if they would've walked in on them.

When they made it to Gabriella's floor, Gabriella tugged Troy out of the elevator and pulled her key out. She groaned when Troy bit the back of her neck and then pushed her key in and unlocked the door. She barely had time to turn the light switch on when Troy turned her around and kissed her hungrily, closing the door behind him with his foot. Gabriella moaned and rested her forearms on his shoulders with her hands linking and resting loosely around his neck. In the dim light, their eyes connected and Gabriella felt her stomach flutter. God, his eyes were just so blue. It was the most amazing thing she ever laid eyes on.

Troy's hands searched frantically for the zipper so he could rip the damn dress off and grunted when he couldn't find it. Gabriella giggled and pointed to her side. "Right here, big boy." Troy yanked the zipper down and the dress fell, leaving Gabriella dressed scantly in anything. The only clothing that was left were the purple lace thongs.

Troy took a moment to look her. Her brest weren't too big, bit they weren't too small, either. His eyes trailed down her stomach, admiring the flat look and then swooped down to her legs. Tan, sexy, perfect. It was like he was in heaven.

Troy snapped out of his trance as Gabriella grabbed his belt loops and pulled him close to her. She licked her puffy lips and raised her eyes seductively towards him. "You know, I'm not getting any younger." Troy smirked and crashed his lips down to her's. He cupped her ass and lifted her up. Gabriella wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and pushed her bare chest aganst his clothes one. Troy carried her over to the bed and dropped her, causing her to squeal in surprise. Troy smiled and ripped off his shirt.

Gabriella nearly fell off the bed at the godly sight.

Her eyes trailed over his sculpted build and she licked her lips. Troy smirked at her reaction crawled on top of her. Gabriella wrapped her legs around his waist again and pushed her pelvis against his. She moaned wantonly when his erection made delicious friction against her aching clit. God, she needed him now. "Do you have a condom?" Gabriella panted, shimming out of her underwear and reached over to hastily unbutton his pants and pulled them down, along with his boxers. Troy nodded and grabbed his wallet from his pants pocket. Gabriella threw her head back, flustered as she waited for him to retrieve the foil packet. "You ready, baby?" Troy asked, holding the foil up. Gabriella smirked. She grabbed it and ripped it slowly open with her teeth, making Troy close his eyes at the unbelievably sexy motion. "You're going to make me explode, Montez," Troy growled.

"My plan is working," Gabriella said. She rolled out from under him and Troy turned around, looking at her bewildered. Gabriella smiled and pushed on his chest as she climbed on him to straddle his waist. She grinded her wet folds against him and Troy groaned. "Just put the fucking condom on," he ordered. Gabriella shimmied down to his thighs and slipped the latex covering on. She wasted no time to lift herself up then swing her hips down, causing both of them to moan.

Troy grasped her hips and helped her keep a steady pace. She looked incredibly sexy straddeling him while she rode him with her midnight hair tumbling in lucious waves around her shoulders and neck. "Oh, God, Troy," she groaned and their pace quickened. She leaned down and gripped tightly at his shoulders, moving as fast as she could above him while she chanted his name. Troy reached forward to rub her clit with his thumb and that sent Gabriella into her climax, screaming and slamming her lips heatedly against Troy's as she milked his sheethed penis.

Troy continued to thrust his hips upwards while he was biting and nipping at her lips. He soon came, his creamy seed spilling into the condom. Troy pulled her tightly against him, their bodies sweaty and weary. Soon the room was just filled with their heavy breathing and the bitter sweet smell of hot sex. Gabriella kissed at his sweaty skin for a moment then rolled off of him. "Wow," she muttered, her eyes closing. Troy nodded. "Yeah. Wow."

"That might've been the best sex I've had in a long time," Gabriella admitted.

Troy turne don his side and smirked at her. "You ready for round two?"

Gabriella grinned. "You're going to be the death of me, Bolton." She squealed as he rolled on her and crashed his lips smoothly down on hers.

A warm feeling woke Troy up. Wet, too. His nose scrunched up and he opened his eyes. They lowered down and widened when he saw Gabriella in her naked glory lowering her head on his dick. He jerked and grabbed the sheet beneath him. "Fucking hell, Gabriella," he groaned. Gabriella smirked and her eyes met his. She toyed teasingly with his balls and Troy closed his eyes, letting the pleasure consume him. God, this girl couldn't get enough. Not that he was complaining or anything.

Gabriella ran her tongue up his shaft and swirled it around the meaty head. She brought up a small finger and slowly rubbed the pre-cum around his head as if it were lubricant. Troy groaned again and Gabriella grinned. She wrapped her hand around him and started to pump sensually. "Good morning," she whispered, kissing the head softly. Troy's breathing increased. "Good morning indeed," Troy moaned. "Jeez, Montez, didn't have enough after we did it five times last night?"

Gabriella smiled. "You're complaining?"

"Hell no," Troy said.

"Well, then, why are you asking?" Gabriella shrugged her tiny shoulders and lowered her head over his shaft again. Troy threw his head back and ran his hands down his face. She was going to kill him. And by how she giggled against him, he knew that she was very well aware of that. "Fuck," Troy panted. "I'm going to cum." Gabriella increaed her pace, excited. Troy spilled his seed in her mouth and Gabriella lapped it all up, swallowing and smirking devishly at him. She lifted herself up on all fours and crawled up to him. "I'm gonna have to reward you. That was hot, baby," he complimented and the brought her head down so they could kiss.

"I've got an idea," Gabriella said as she pulled away. "Since we both need showers because we're sweaty meses, how about we save water and shower together? Then you can repay me in there."

"I love how you think," Troy said, making Gabriella giggle.

"Gabriella Maria Montez, where the fucking hell are you!" Gabriella winced. After showeing together, Gabriella threw on Troy's shirt and then a pair of her shorts. She was currently trying to fix her matted hair and Troy was standing behind her, pressed against her in an almost sexual manner. "Don't worry, Shar," Gabriella said. "I'm at home. Don't you remember from last night when I left with Troy?" She met his eye in the mirror and smirked. Sharpay gasped. "What? You went home with my cousin? I'm sorry, Gabs, but that's major slut points for you."

"Shar, shut up before I come over there and slap you. We just had fun."

"That's my cousin, Gabriella. Not some fucking fuck toy."

Gabriella sighed and walked away from Troy to her her InStyler. "What? So I can't fuck your cousin, but you can fuck both of my brothers?" Sharpay sighed. "Fine, fine. Whatever. Anyway, I'm coming over. So make sure you guys are decent, alright, chica?"

"We are. We just showered together."

"I so did not want to hear that. Bye, Gabs."

"Bye, Shar." Gabriella smiled and pressed END. She jumped slightly when she felt two arms wrap around her mid-section. "Did I tell you you look fucking sexy in my shirt?" he growled in her ear. Gabriella smirked. "I don't think you did."

"Well, good. Because that would've been an understatement."

Gabriella smiled. She turned in his arms and stared up at him. She wasn't ready for a relationship. Not after what happened a year ago. But she definitely wanted Troy Bolton. "I want this to be more than a one night thing," Gabriella admitted in a whisper. "But I'm not ready for a relationship. Not now."

"Alright," Troy said. "No emotions."

"No love or feelings," Gabriella agreed. "Just sex." She held her hand out and Troy looked down at it, his eyebrow quirked. "We have to shake on it," Gabriella explained. Troy smirked. "Well, that's boring. How about this?" Troy grabbed her hand, then her other hand, making them cross, and then twirled her around. He slapped her ass, and turned her back around. "Now bump chests with me," he said. Gabriella smiled and did as she was told. Before she could move back though, Troy grabbed her shoulders and kissed her roughly. "If that's gonna be in it, we should do it more often," Gabriella said, grinning as she pulled back. "But not now. Shar's coming over." Gabriella pushed herself away from him and went to look for something. Troy smiled. "So, you have two brothers?"

"Yes. Both older then me. One of them, the younger one, Nick, is in the military and the other, Drake, is married with two kids and the most protective. You have to be careful with him. He doesn't trust boys after what happened..." Gabriella stopped herself before she could say more. Troy narrowed his eyes, cruious. "After what happened?"

"Um, nothing. Are you hungry?" Troy nodded. He decided that hovering and worrying over what was wrong is what couples do. She would probably tell him eventually, anyway. Gabriella walked into the kitchen and Troy lounged around in her room. When someone knocked on the door, Troy went to answer it, hoping it was Sharpay. "What the hell? Go put a fucking shirt on," Sharpay snapped. Troy smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. "I can't. She's wearing it." He motioned towards the kitchen. Gabriella came out of it and smiled. "Will you absolutely die if you don't utter at least one 'fuck' or curse word in every sentence you say?" she asked. Sharpay smirked. "Hell yes. Do you have anything? My head fucking hurts and I need something to drink."

Gabriella rolled her eyes. "You just got wasted last night and you're still looking for a drink?"

"I know. I'm fucked up, but that's why you love me."

Gabriella smiled. "There's some beer in the fridge." Gabriella was about to walk into the kitchen, but the door bell rung. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and opened it. Her eyes went wide when she saw the person stading there. "Katie?"

The girl smiled. "Yup, it's me, bitch."

Katie Monroe. Gabriella's best friend since they were five. The only time they were seperated were when they went to college. Gabriella was there with her when she ahd her first kiss, when she layered her face in make-up and looked like a clown, when they went through puberty adn crushes. And they hadn't seen each other in two years. Gabriella threw herself at her and Katie laughed. "Oh, hell no," a voice muttered. Gabriella and Katie looked to Sharpay who had a case of beer in her hands. Katie narrowed her eyes. "You're still friends with it?"

"Kate, Shar, I swear to fucking God if you start to fight again, I will throw you both out." Katie and Sharpay both rolled their eyes and Gabriella smiled. "Thank you." Katie then just noticed Troy. Her mouth dropped open. "Troy fucking Bolton."

Feedback would be greatly appreciated!
