Disclaimer: I do not own Pretty Little Liars

Author's note: So, this is the last chapter of this story and I hope you'll enjoy it!

Happy reading!

When they were both completely satisfied and exhausted, they fell asleep in each other's arms.

*Beep beep beep*. Ezra moaned as his alarm clock went off, he pressed snooze and went back to sleep. After hitting snooze two more times, he put his alarm clock off and got out of bed. Ezra walked over to the bathroom and took a shower. After his shower he got dressed and made himself some breakfast and coffee. Even though he was too nervous to eat, he knew he had to, he was going to need all the energy he could get. After all, today was his first day teaching at Rosewood High. He looked over at his bed, it was empty. Just like it had been the morning he woke up after his very "hot" date with Aria. He still couldn't believe it, he really thought he had a genuine connection with this woman. Realizing that he was just a fling to her, someone to just have sex with a few times and then discard them like they meant nothing, was awful. He had tried calling her several times, but she never picked up, and she never returned them. He had thought about just showing up at her door, asking for an explanation, but he realized that it didn't matter, that he didn't matter to her. After he was done with breakfast, he got his briefcase and left his apartment. He got in his car and headed to Rosewood High for his first day of being a real teacher.

Aria was lying in her bed, staring at the clock that was on her nightstand, watching every minute go by. She turned off her alarm clock before it even had the chance to beep once. She felt nauseous to her stomach, she knew this day was going to be horrible. In a few hours, she would be face to face with the man she adored, but he would be her teacher. In a few hours, he would find out that she had lied to him about almost everything, and he would hate her for it. She wondered how he would react. Would he be mad at her? "Of course he will be mad, he'll probably be furious", she thought to herself as she covered her eyes with her arm. She turned onto her other side and pulled the covers over her head as she thought back to her last night with him. Everything was going great until he had met principal Welsh at the restaurant, that had ruined everything. But at least there was still a way out then, getting him a job at Spencer's private school. The trip from the restaurant to his apartment had been… entertaining to say the least. And once they got to his apartment… it had been the best night of her life, until she had read that text.

Around 3 AM she woke up because she was thirsty. So she got out of bed, put on one of Ezra's shirts and went to get a glass of water in the kitchen. After she had taken a sip, she decided to check her phone, she remembered getting a text a bit earlier. She saw that it was from Spencer, so she opened it. As she read it, her heart felt like it was breaking into a million little pieces. "I'm really sorry Aria. I tried my hardest, but they already have all the staff they need… so I couldn't get him a job interview. Maybe this is a sign you should tell him the truth?". Aria looked over at Ezra, he was laying there so peacefully asleep. He had absolutely no clue who she really was. Aria put down her glass of water on the coffee table, collected her clothes from the floor and got dressed. She walked over to the bed, bent over and whispered into his ear, "I'm really sorry". Then she kissed him one last time on the lips. As she walked out of his apartment, she thought to herself, "You're better off without me anyways".

Someone knocked on Aria's bedroom door, it was her mom. Ella walked in Aria's bedroom and said, "Honey, shouldn't you be getting up? After all, you don't want to be late for school on the first day and make a bad impression, do you?". Aria rolled her eyes, sighed and softly whispered under her breath, "Too late for that". Ella looked at her daughter with a questioning look and asked, "Did you say something?". Aria sighed again, shook her head and replied, "No, it's nothing. It's just…I'm not feeling too well, I think I might be getting sick or something. So maybe I should stay home today? After all, it's the first day of school, it's not like I'll be missing a lot". Ella raised her eyebrow and said, "Uh-huh...this wouldn't have anything to do with seeing a former lover at school today?". Aria's eyes widened, how did she know about Ezra? She couldn't know. Aria blinked a few times and said, "W-what! What are you talking about?". Ella went to sit on the bed next to her daughter and said, "I'm talking about Noel, who else? It must be though seeing him today after he stood you up on that date only two weeks ago?". Aria sighed in relief on the inside and said, "Oh! No, it's not about that at all. Besides, he was never my "lover". I really do feel like I'm coming down with something". Ella took her hand and brought it to Aria's forehead to feel her temperature. Ella said, "You don't feel warm at all. You're probably just nervous for your first day back at school. It'll be fine, once you survive the first day, you'll survive the other one's too. Now go get ready, you're going to be late". After that Ella left Aria's room to go downstairs. Aria got out of bed, walked over to her mirror and said to herself, "Well, she was right about one thing… this has everything to do with seeing a former lover".

Ezra arrived at Rosewood High and parked his car. He had arrived a bit early, but that was because he needed to see principal Welsh before school to pick up the class lists. After receiving those, he walked over to his classroom, it was dark and empty. He switched on the lights and placed his briefcase on his desk. He wrote his name "Mr. Fitz" onto the blackboard, and then wrote "A.P. English" below it. He then took a seat at his desk, took something to read out of his briefcase and waited for his first students to arrive.

After Aria took a shower, she did her make-up and then got dressed for school. She walked down the stairs and went in to the kitchen to get breakfast. When she was done, she looked at the clock. "Oh my god, is that the time! I'm going to be so late!". She got her stuff together and ran out the door. Then she got in her car and drove to school.

When the school bell rang to announce that first period had begun, Ezra got up to close the door. As the door was half-way closed, he heard someone yell, "Wait! Don't close the door yet!". He opened the door again and the girl reached him, out of breath. "Thanks! You must be the new teacher! Welcome! I'm Hanna!", the girl said in a chipper way. Ezra nodded and said, "Thanks. You can take your seat now", as he pointed to an empty seat. Ezra checked the hallways and then closed the door to start his class. He walked over to his desk and leaned against it and he introduced himself. "Good morning class. My name is Mr. Fitz and I'll be your AP English teacher. I am twenty-three years old and I recently graduated from Hollis College. Seeing as this is our first class, I will go through the class list to get to know everyone's name. When I call your name, just raise your hand and tell us something about yourself". Ezra picked up the class list and started calling names alphabetically. When he was half-way the list, his eyes widened as he saw the next name, "Aria Montgomery". He raised his head from the list and took a good look around, he didn't see her though. He looked back at the list and his face turned a bit white at the realization what was going on here. Ezra sighed and shook his head. He looked up at his class, who were staring at him weirdly, and he said, "If you'll excuse me. There seems to be something wrong with the list. I'll be right back". And then Ezra walked out of the classroom.

Aria parked her car on the school parking lot and then started running so she wouldn't be too late. She couldn't believe she was going to be late…for his class… "Great way to draw extra attention to yourself", Aria thought to herself feeling extra stupid. When she reached the class door, she came to a sudden halt. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, trying to calm herself down. She took in another deep breath and lifted her hand to knock on the door. When she was about to knock, she heard someone in the hallway say, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Class is already halfway over, I doubt the teacher will let you in now". Aria's eyes widened and she turned around quickly. A few feet away from her, leaning against some lockers, was Ezra.

Aria walked over to Ezra, who met her halfway. Aria looked at him with a confused look on her face and said, "But you're the teacher. Why aren't you in there?". Ezra looked over at his classroom and said, "Because I asked principal Welsh to take over my class". Feelings of guilt were written all over Aria's face as she asked, "Why?". Ezra looked into Aria's eyes with a look like he was stating the obvious and said, "Because I saw your name on my class list". Aria sighed sadly and said, "Oh… I'm really sorry… I wanted to tell you, but…". Ezra shook his head in disappointment and asked a bit annoyed, "But what? Why didn't you just tell me?". Aria didn't like the tone he was using, and seeming very annoyed too, replied, "Tell you what? That you slept with a sixteen year old, who was going to be your student in two weeks? I really doubt you would have wanted to hear that!". Ezra sighed, gave her a hurt look and said, "Well, it's better than being lied to".

Aria knew he was right when he said that. With a sad look on her face, she said, "I know… I just didn't know how to tell you…or when for that matter". Ezra looked at her with the same stating the obvious look he gave her before and said, "You should've told me the moment you found out that I was going to be your teacher".

Aria looked him in the eyes with a genuine look and said, "I know, but I really liked you and I knew that if I told you, it would be over". Ezra shook his head as he said, "You don't know that". Aria chuckled in a mocking way, rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, like you still would have wanted to be with me if I had told you the truth there and then!". Ezra replied, sounding disappointed and upset at the same time ,"Yeah, well, I guess we'll never find that out, now won't we?". And then there was just silence.

Aria looked down at the ground. As she did this, her hair fell in front of her face, hiding her eyes that were filling with tears. Ezra looked at the woman in front of him, or should he say girl. He noticed a tear falling onto Aria's shoe. He gently lifted up her face with his hand and swept her hair out of her face. He brushed away her tears with his thumbs and softly kissed her on the forehead.

Ezra couldn't handle to see her hurt like this, all he wanted to do was take away her pain. He pulled her in for a hug and she laid her head on his chest. He released her out of his hug, looked her in the eyes and said, "You should have told me, Aria. I have no idea why you kept this from me. You knew I was going to be here, teaching your class, teaching you. What was your plan here, actually?". Aria had an uneasy look on her face now, she didn't want to tell him what she did, but she knew she had to come clean now, or else, she never would. Aria said, "Honestly? I, uh, kind of tried sabotaging this job by deleting the message from principal Welsh on your answering machine…".

Ezra was shocked at her confession, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Ezra said, clearly upset with her, "You what!". Ezra sighed, decided to calm down a bit and said scoffingly, "you know what, never mind that. Then what? You really think I was never going to find out you were sixteen and in high school, even if I didn't teach here?". Aria, who was getting annoyed by the tone of voice he was using against her, replied upset, "Well, I didn't think that far ahead!".

"Well, clearly!", Ezra said aggravated as he used hand gestures to emphasize how he was feeling. And then there was another silence. Aria sighed and calmly said, "you know what…it doesn't matter. Because whatever this was, it's over now. You're my teacher, and I'm your student. I walked out on you, so by the time school started, you'd have forgotten about me, you'd have moved on".

Ezra looked at her like he couldn't believe what she was saying. "Two weeks…you thought that I would have forgotten about you in two weeks time? Aria… I don't think I could ever forget about you. These past two weeks have been hell on me because, for some unknown reason, the woman I was crazy about suddenly walked out on me. She wouldn't take my calls and I started wondering if it was just all in my head".

Aria, feeling sad, said, "I'm really sorry you felt that way. But better sooner than later, right? The only thing we can do now is just pretend like none of it ever happened, and just go back to our lives". Ezra took her hands in his and said, "Is that what you really want? To just ignore our feelings and act like we don't know each other? Do you really want to pretend that what we had wasn't there, that it wasn't real?". Aria took back her hands and looked at him with a very serious look, "Do I want that? Of course not. Is that what has to happen? Yes, it does".

"Actually…it doesn't", Ezra countered. Aria looked at Ezra like he wasn't making sense at all. She started ranting, "What do you mean, it doesn't? Of course it does! If we continue this, and someone finds out, you could go to jail. Not to mention, my mother met you, at least now we can say it ended before you became my teacher".

Ezra explained, "It doesn't, because after I saw your name on the list, I went straight to principal Welsh and I quit". Aria's eyes widened. He quit his job, for her? Aria shook her head in disbelief and asked, "What! Why on earth would you do that?". Ezra smiled and replied, "Because I can find another job, I can't find another you…and honestly, I don't want to".

Still not being able to believe what he did, Aria said, "But… I lied to you, about so many things…". Ezra nodded and said, "Yes, you lied to me…about your age, about your school career, about the fact that you knew I was going to be your teacher, but there's one thing you didn't lie about…and that was about your feelings for me". Aria smiled sweetly and she nodded as she said, "True", but then her face went back to serious as she continued, "but that still doesn't make up for everything I put you through".

Ezra took her hands in his again and said, "When it comes down to it, the way we feel about each other is all that really matters. Listen, I am crazy about you, and I want to give this a fair chance. And the only way to do that, is to uncomplicate things and just start fresh. So what do you say?".

Aria smiled at him and replied, "Yes, I say yes". Ezra smiled back at her, leaned forward and gently kissed her on the lips. After their kiss, Aria looked at Ezra questioningly and asked, "So, what now?". Ezra stroked her cheek and replied, "Well, it's a beautiful day outside. How about you play hooky and we go for a picnic?". Aria gave him a big smile and said, "Sounds lovely".

And then Aria and Ezra walked out of the school, hand in hand.

And they lived happily ever after…. Haha! :p Sorry, I couldn't help myself! :D

So that's it for "It happened one night". I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please review and tell me what you thought of this story, of this ending. Did you like the ending? Or would you have preferred another ending, or maybe expected another ending?