Another day had past, and the sun was on its way down, to give the moon a few hours of glory high up in the sky, in the middle of all the golden stars. The cotton candy-shaped clouds were now drawn out, into thin layers on the evening sky, colored in a red/pink shade by the sun. It was a calm and normal Thursday evening, two weeks into February. The only thing lighting up the empty streets was the dim light from the streetlights. Or, at least this was the case near Rydell's Psychiatric Hospital. It was located in a small village outside London, which meant it was pretty much cut in the middle of nowhere. The building was from the early 1900's, with around thirty rooms for patients, along with a few lounges rooms for the patients, along with a kitchen and a cafeteria. Tea had just been served, and most patients were sat in these lounges to spend an hour or two in peace before heading back to their rooms to get a good night's sleep before another long day of sessions and medication.

This happened to be Simon Bellamy's first day at Rydell's Psychiatric Hospital. He'd joined the rest of the patients early that day, arriving in one of the Hospital's white vans along with two nurses. Most likely to make sure he actually got to the Hospital, instead of being hidden away, or deciding to run away. But, he'd calmly followed the two nurses, as they had a tight grip around his upperarms so he would go along, hopefully peacefully. Simon wasn't a fighter, or a violent teenager. He'd never harm anyone, not if he could go without it. He silently followed them, as they showed him everything, and just tried not to break down in tears. He hadn't wanted this. But here he was, without fighting against it at all, not even once. No, not to other people. But it would be a long night. He was just under twenty, as he had recently celebrated his ninth birthday. He had neat, brown hair, shorter on the sides. And big blue eyes, with a starey look. He was also neatly dressed, A pair of tight, black suitpants and a grey dress shirt with every button bottoned.

However, there he was sat, in the lounge closest to the cafeteria along with some other patients. The old TV was on, showing one of the many Donald Duck shortfilms. There was a strict rule at the Rydell that news, and other stuff from the real world,outside the walls of the Hospital, would only be showed once. And that was during the Afternoon tea at 3pm every afternoon. Instead of watching this shortfilm, or play a board game with the others, he sat and stared at the rest of the patients. He'd always liked to study people, ever since he was a little boy. He'd studied people passing by him on the streets, imagining where they were heading, what their names were, and what their life were like.

A few of the patients were older. Some were thirty, forty, fifty. Even sixty. Maybe seventy too. A few were younger, from eightteen and up. Two of the elder women sat playing chess in one of the corners. One of them must be at least sixty, with white, fluffy hair and more wrinkles than a Shar Pei. She was dressed in a pair of green corduroy trousers and a white blouse. There was a ketchup stain on her blouse, just above her left breast. Simon blushed slightly at that fact that he'd found it, and glanced over at her chess-partner. She was also older, yet much younger than the ketchup-lady. Around fortyfive, if he would need to guess. She was dressed in a grey, slim dress, and her long brown hair was in a neat ponytail, trailing down to her waist. He stared at it for a few minutes, fascinated by the length of it.

His eyes moved to a few of the patients, glued to the TV. One of the lads seemed to be around his age, simply dressed in a pair of beige chinos and granddad top in dark olive green. His short dirtyblonde hair stood in every direction possible, and he quietly rocked back and forth in his seat, with his arms wrapped around himself. One of the elder men were sat in one of the other corners, glaring out at everyone else. He was almost completely bald, and his beard-dressed face was covered in brutal, white scars. Simon gulped, quickly looking away from the man before he could study him fully. He had a slight feeling the man were someone to keep away from.

And the studying went on. Some looked more healthy than others, some seemed more crazy than others. He chewed on his lip, trying to focus on the TV instead of continuing to study them all after one of the younger boys had growled at him, like a wolf.

Suddenly, his name was called, loudly and clear.

"Simon!" He popped out of his daydreams, and gazed at the nurse standing infront of him. "Would you mind helping me to get jelly for everyone?" She gave him a warm smile, raising an eyebrow at him. He swallowed, just continuing to chew on his lower lip. She was in her mid-thirties, with black hair, way too much make-up, especially around her big green eyes, and giant breast. She wasn't beautiful, bt she was pretty enough to be in the 'attractive' list according to most of Rydell's patients.

"I don't like jelly!" The ketchup-lady cried out from her seat, followed by a frown.

"What would Roberta want instead then?" The nurse, Simon had learnt to call Nurse Sarah, asked, turning around to face the ketchup-lady.

"I would love me some peaches." The ketchup-lady smiled wide, showing her yellow teeth.

"Well then, peaches for Roberta, and jelly for everyone else." Sarah let out a soft chuckle, as people started to insist on having jelly. Everyone except the bald, angry man in the corner. "Come on then Simon, just follow me."

The young lad did like he was told, quickly getting up from his seat to follow the nurse towards the locked kitchen. The fridge was in a cupboard-size, and in a different part of the kitchen, as far away from the stove and all the cabinets as possible. Also, the more sharp, and dangerous kithen stuff was in a special place, with at least five locks, to make sure the more violent patients wouldn't be able to get hold of them. For their own safety, along with everyone else's.

"Will you get the trays of jelly from the fridge? Put them on a trolley so it'll be easier to get them out there." Sarah gave him a smile, nodding towards the fridge.

Letting out a soft sigh, he nodded, and without a sound he moved towards the fridge.

"You probably have to pull in the door quite hard, it's old." Sarah chuckled, before sliding out to get some peaches for the ketchup-lady. Simon pulled in the door, repeatedly until it finally opened causing him to almost fall back. He rolled his eyes, breathing out, as he slipped into the fridge-room. Jelly, it was... He looked around, searching through all of the shelfs of bowls, eggs, cartoon boxes containing milk.. He wrinkled his nose, in nurse. Maybe she was just making fun of it, because he was new around here. They probably had a special smaller fridge for these things, and she was standing here, laughing so her giant breast bounced in the tight nurse-outfit.

Oh, there. He sucked on his innercheek, as he stepped closer to the shelf furthest into the fridge-room towards the plastic cups filled with green lime-flavoured jelly. Now he only needed to find the trolley. Why did it have to be him. He hated it, he'd just sat in his corner, without a word. He liked it that way. He was used to everything being that way.

"Oi! Weird kid, make sure I get one of the red ones, because I will slaughter someone if they hand me a lime-jelly one more time." A voice behind him suddenly said. "And they smell like a pussy of a eightyear old never-shaved virgin." Simon quickly turned around, almost dropping the tray of plastic cups he was holding. For the next couple of seconds, he just stared at the strange boy infront of him. The boy was dressed in a pair of demin jeans, and a loose white t-shirt. He had a nice face.. Not sexy, or hot, more.. handsome...ish. Not that Simon thought he was. No way. His head was dressed in dark curls and his big green eyes stared back at him, with a glimpse of curiousity.

"Don't just stand there, chop chop!" Simon quickly caught of the tranze, and started to search after a trolley. "They're obviously not in here, if you thought a trolley was some sort of meat." The curly haired lad smirked slightly, raising an eyebrow at him.

"No... I... I..." Simon started, not really sure what to say, swallowing hard, quickly staring down into one of the plastic cups. The stranger was still smirking, and he hoped he wasn't one of the more violent ones. Being locked into a fridge with one of those, no thank you.

"Nathan Young! What have I told you about going in here?" Sarah's voice shouted, while the boy was pulled out of the fridge-room. "You're not dumb, you know you aren't allowed to go in here anymore. Keep to the regular mealtimes!" The boy with the curly hair, obviously being Nathan, laughed softly.

"Relax, I didn't even take anything." He laughed out, trying to get loose from her grip.

"Just go and wait for your jelly!" Sarah shouted, as she throwed him out into the hall, closing the door behind her. "The trolley is out here, love." She popped her head into the fridge, and gave Simon a wide smile.

Simon, who was holding a plastic cup of strawberry jelly for this mysterious boy, mumbled something, before quickly putting it down on the tray, before walking out to put it on the trolley. He couldn't get Nathan's smug smirk out of his mind, and he had a feeling it wasn't the last time he'd get to meet this curly haired nutcase.