A/N: I'm sorry for the long delay in updating! Hope this chapter appeases the masses!
Chapter 13 (33)
Trees Talking in their Sleep
"Listen to the trees talking in their sleep,' she whispered, as he lifted her to the ground. 'What nice dreams they must have!"
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
Grima blinked as he stared up at the black ceiling. It was not what he had expected to see. He pushed himself up on his elbows and peered down his body only to yelp in fright at the dark wound that gaped in his stomach. The inside of the wound was black and the flesh around it looked torn and jagged.
"What has happened to me?!" Grima screamed as he held a trembling hand above the wound. He hovered over it, afraid to touch it for fear of pain.
"You have been brought back from the world of the dead." A cold voice said and Grima turned his head only to see a man glide away from the table on which Grima lay. Before he could fully take in anything about the stranger however Saruman appeared in front of Grima and looked over the man with disgust.
"My lord." Grima started but could not continue.
Saruman curled his lip in revulsion as he saw the wound and smelt the foul stench that emanated from it. Grima's body had not been stored well as his betrayal had not endeared him to any at Rohan. His body had been left to the open air to rot in a warm room and Saruman could see maggots wriggling within the depths of the stab wound.
"You failed me Wormtongue."
"I did not mean to my Lord! There was a wizard and his followers. And a witch!"
Saruman walked through the room and towards his chamber where he was preparing weapons for his Uruks that would help remove the filth of Men from Middle Earth. Grima followed after adjusting his clothing so that the wound was somewhat hidden. It could not hide the smell however and Saruman pressed a cloth to his nose to try and block out the smell.
"Tell me all you know." The White Wizard demanded and Wormtongue began to relate the events which had cost Saruman control over Theoden and lost Rohan to his control.
Saruman cursed as Grima nearly touched the flame to the blackstone. The White Wizard hastily grabbed the dead man's hand and pulled him away from the table covered in jars and bowls of blackstone and other deadly items.
"You'll blow us all up you fool!" He snapped and shoved Grima further away.
"I do not see how this will undo the walls of Helm's Deep." Grima whinged and skulked over to where Saruman had a collection of obscure objects.
"You will see. It is not Theoden or his horsemen or their fortress that worries me. It is this Ranger, the Heir of Isildur and the child that transformed from an animal to a human girl. There should not be any of them still living in Middle Earth."
"You know what that witch was?" Grima was excited and his dead eyes suddenly seemed to glisten with life and energy once more. Saruman shifted uneasily. The Mihashira in the company of the Heir of Isildur must indeed be strong to create such strong desires and longings that they even transcended death. Grima had not looked so alive or reacted in such a manner since Saruman had revived him.
"Indeed. She is like my slave. The last of their race was wiped out save for Lord Tsukiyomi and my slave. The Ame-no-Mihashira can be very dangerous." Saruman said as he stroked his finger over the ring he wore in a manner that soothed him. He had long since felt the aches of time and something eating at his soul, wearying him day by day. The caressing of his ring brought a sensation of calm to his otherwise troubled mind.
"I believe…" Grima began slowly before stopping as Saruman looked at him with a sharp eye. "I believe that the one you said was Isildur's heir has feelings for the witch. And she in return may feel the same. Despite his anger the Ranger looked upon Aneira with a fear and a tenderness that I believe even he did not realise. It was different to the looks the Dwarf and Elf bestowed upon her."
"Little girls and love can be a very dangerous thing." Saruman sneered before turning his attention back to the new weapon he was concocting.
There was a whisper of silk and Grima cowered away from the dark-haired and sallow skinned male who had glided into the room via the open balcony. It was as if the male had appeared out of thin air and he made nary a sound as his bare feet stepped across the black marble floor until he sat himself casually in Saruman's throne.
The White Wizard bristled at the casual dismissal of his belongings but remained silent.
"So… My sister's namesake has fallen in love. How interesting. I can still recall the horrified look on my sister's lovers face when he learnt of her demise. It was delicious." Tsukiyomi closed his eyes and his face morphed into a look of bliss and hunger.
"Tell me Worm. How is my Amaterasu's appearance? I wish to compare it with my memories of my sister. I may not kill the witch after all and instead take her at my side…"
Grima swallowed nervously and licked his dry lips with an equally dry tongue. Being revived from the dead was not all he had thought it would be at first. He could not taste food, nor feel the pleasant crispness of fresh water on his tongue. The wind which stirred his hair did not make any sensation on his skin and the smell of burning wood did not tickle the back of his nose as it had done when he was a child.
"Come Worm. Speak to me." Tsukiyomi hissed and Grima crept closer despite his trepidation and thought back to Aneira-Amaterasu and how she had looked when he had first seen her, then how she had turned soft and smooth and beautiful with skin that beckoned to be touched and caressed and possessed.
Saruman closed his ears to their conversation as it grew fouler and more disgusting as Tsukiyomi inquired about every little detail and Wormtongue eagerly gave it. Time passed until Saruman was finally satisfied with his blasting creation. It would topple walls that had endured hundreds of years and many battles. It would take down stone and Man with ease. He had made three of them, just in case as it seemed his plans were forever going wrong at the moment.
He could still hear Tsukiyomi and Wormtongue talking and shook his head at their disgusting attachment and interest in one Mihashira. Thinking about the Mihashira however reminded him of his own pet and he left his chamber to descend down Orthanc's many stairs until he had reached the dungeons.
"How are you today my dear?" Saruman said as he peered into one of the cells. In the darkness towards the rear of the cell there came movement and a flash light as the flicker of the torch's flame was reflected in dark green eyes.
"Come closer and I will allow you to feed." Saruman waved a rabbit in front of the bars and watched almost contentedly as a black wolf paced forward out of the darkness until she sat obediently before Saruman. Grey streaked her muzzle and her flanks the only sign belying her age for Saruman knew this creature was very old, older than the Ring even.
A heavy gold collar sat around her neck and Black Speech danced across its surface like the dying embers of a fire that were almost black but still contained a slight glow.
He threw the rabbit into the cell and she immediately began to drool. She did not twitch or make any move to begin feasting on the dead rabbit however but her ears were pricked up and waiting for his command.
"Eat." The word was uttered and the she-wolf pounced on the rabbit tearing into it and eating with a voracious hunger.
"Soon, my dear, you will be going to war. My secret weapon." Saruman's voice was almost fond and if she could have the she-wolf would have spat out words of disdain and anger but it had been long since she had control of her own voice, her body and her forms. Things were changing however and soon she might be freed from her prison.
Two days later…
Aneira groaned and rolled over on the uneven surface that she laid upon. Bright sunlight made her eyes water and she blinked furiously against the sheer strength of the light. Her sodden hair and drenched clothes clung to her skin and caused a rush of goose bumps to cover her forearms and made her shiver.
Water lapped at her bare feet and she drew her toes out of the river's edge and onto the relatively dryer pebbles that made up the bank. The stones were smooth and polished having been worn down by the river's flow and the passage of time until by some moment of fate they were deposited on the bank to be left undisturbed until the river was swollen and burst over the banks once more. Her hands and feet slipped and slid slightly as she rose to her feet and stood on slightly trembling legs.
Her vision wavered slightly and she raised her hand to the back of her head only to hiss when her fingers encountered a slightly raised lump.
"That hurts like an orc just clobbered me!" She spat out and took her hand away from the lump. Hopefully the pain would fade away after a while. Later she would account the knock to her head as the reason why she had failed to notice Aragorn floating on his back at the water's edge, his hair lapping at the pebbles.
When she did notice him however she wasted no time in throwing herself across the slippery pebbles and grasping him under his arms to drag him up and further onto the shore. When he was finally out of the water she dropped to her knees and began checking him over for serious wounds or breaks.
Her fingers seemed to almost instinctively know what to look for as they lifted his eyelids and she peered into his eyes. Then her brain seemed to find whatever reaction that had caused was fine and her hands moved on to check his skull with keen fingers. They danced over his arms and legs checking for breaks before Aragorn slowly woke.
He could feel someone checking his right arm as his mind returned from the foggy dream he had been enduring and with a soft groan he opened his eyes only to find bright golden ones staring at him with concern.
He coughed and spluttered as he sat up feeling his throat rasp slightly as he had inhaled too much water.
"Where are we?" He rasped out in a dazed voice and he swayed slightly. His centre of balance was off and his head was pounding. His entire body felt heavy and much to his consternation he felt himself leaning towards Aneira.
She leapt forward and caught his head on her shoulder as he toppled to the side. Her arms cradled his back to her and her hand cupped the back of his head as he breathed into her neck.
For some strange reason Aneira felt a shiver of something run through her body at the feeling of Aragorn so close to her. His breath skating across her neck made heat rush to her cheeks and her stomach bubbled with butterflies.
"Take it easy. I don't know what you did before you fell or what happened once you were in the water but it can't have been pleasant." Aneira murmured softly as she turned the man so that he was leaning back against her rather than being smothered by her hair or wet shirt.
His head fell until it rested in the crook of her neck and he felt the shivers that had been plaguing his body since he could recall began to ease slightly as the contact between their bodies created warmth. Aneira carded her fingers through Aragorn's damp hair in a both soothing and caressing manner.
"I'm afraid I don't know where we are. As soon as you stop shivering however and you've been conscious for more than a few minutes I'll transform and we can climb out of this ditch and try and work out which way to go from here. For now however just try and rest but don't go back to sleep."
Aragorn nodded and coughed slightly. He could feel a couple of wounds oozing blood but neither he nor Aneira were in any shape to try and bind them at this time.
It seemed that Aneira had managed to drag Aragorn near a fairly large boulder that had been smoothed by the passage of time and the waters that rushed over its surface at high times. She was now reclined against with Aragorn leaning against her much smaller frame.
Both of them were sore, weary and confused and Aragorn felt his mind drifting back to moments in the past and then more recent times and then to things that he thought could only be his imaginings of stories.
When he found himself returning to the present moment he could feel Aneira singing. Vibrations were echoing through her and into his back as she sang and he found it soothing to his troubled head. The words rang in his head with a strange truth. It was as if she was talking of his past and the memories that played through his head.
"Land of freedom land of heroes
Land that gave us hope and memories
Hear our singing hear our longing
We will go home across the mountains
We will go home, we will go home
We will go home across the mountains
We will go home, we will go home
We will go home across the mountains
Land of sun and land of moonlight
Land that gave us joy and sorrow
Land that gave us love and laughter
We will go home across the mountains
We will go home, we will go home
We will go home across the mountains
We will go home, we will go home
We will go home across the mountains"
"I am sorry I did not ask before," Aragorn began abruptly as the thought crossed his mind. Aneira's singing stopped but her voice continued humming the tune rather than ceasing altogether. It was surprisingly intimate and Aragorn could almost forget that they were in danger and lost. "Are you well? I could not think before and now it is all I can think about."
Aneira hummed louder before stopping.
"I am well Aragorn. But I think it is time you and I moved on. We need to return to our friends. Are you well enough to stand?"
Aragorn groaned and leant forward to try and roll onto his feet. His body protested the movement and his knees trembled before he fell backwards and almost crushed Aneira. The breath rushed from her in a whoosh and she panted against him trying to recover her back.
"Maybe not." Aneira wheezed and Aragorn groaned out an apology. His face flushed not only with effort but also with slight embarrassment at being so weak and unable to protect Aneira.
"This is ridiculous." Aragorn muttered and moved so that he wasn't pressing against Aneira so much.
"I might be able to carry you if I can slip out from underneath you without hurting you further?" Aneria offered gently her voice wispy and child-like. Her humming began again and after a while Aragorn nodded his head.
Before she could sidle out from underneath his back her senses picked up something. She growled lowly and wrapped her arms around Aragorn's chest as if to protect him from harm. Aragorn muttered feverishly and Aneira noted absently that he was burning up and that the skin beneath her bare forearm was hot with a fire that raged beneath his skin.
Aneira watched and waited with piercing eyes as the thing which her sensitive ears had picked up and came closer and closer until finally over the rise of the ditch came Brego being led by Ayaka. The great horse was following the Tennyo like a foal follows its mother.
"Brego!" Aneira cried with joy as the stallion clopped over and nosed at the semi-conscious Aragorn's hair and his lips snuffled over Aneira's cheek in a strange kiss. Ayaka chirped and flittered around and squealed with happiness her tiny fingers catching strands of Aneira's silver hair and tugging it before flittering away.
The stallion went down on his knees until he was down on his belly next to the pair of humans.
"Oh you marvellous, clever horse! No nail could bring you down! Or lack of a nail!" Aneira was almost ecstatic at Brego's movements.
The Mihashira slipped out from under the Dunedain and leant the semi-conscious man against Brego. The horse whickered slightly at the heat that was emanating from Aragorn but other than that slight sound of discomfort he remained statuesque and firm.
Aneira trotted around to Brego's other side and began to pull Aragorn onto the horse's back. Sliding his legs either side and leaning him so that he was lying atop Brego's back. She wove Aragorn's unresisting hands into Brego's thick mane, tangling the long hairs around his fingers and making sure he was grasping on with some semblance of recognition.
Once Aragorn was safely on Brego's back Aneira took a couple of steps back and then watched with worried eyes as the stallion rose to his feet. She felt as if she had done this all before. With the same horse but a different man. A man who was not yet a man but a boy. Blonde hair plastered to his face with rainwater and mud squelching under her toes not pebbles sliding like marbles.
She shook her head to shake the memory from her mind and grinned as Brego kissed her cheek once more.
"To Helm's Deep?" She asked the horse and Ayaka and smiled when Brego whinnied and began to climb the ditch that rose up beside the river. Ayaka however chittered and began to tug at Aneira's hair in the opposite direction to where Brego was taking Aragorn.
"Wait Ayaka! We can't leave Aragorn! He's sick."
The Tennyo wouldn't take no for an answer however and began to shriek in Aneira's ear. Aneira waved her hand in the air a couple of times but she was wary of hurting the Tennyo if she waved too hard.
She glanced around looking for Brego and could see him slowly but steadily making his way north-west across the plains towards a distant mountain range.
A heavy sigh escaped her and she transformed into her horse form preparing to chase after Brego. Instead Ayaka hovered in her face. She stumbled backwards trying to get the Tennyo out of her line of vision and finally Ayaka seemed to get the message. Instead of flying after Brego however the Tennyo whizzed around Aneira's horse form, brushing against her withers and flanks until she was turned around and facing the north-east back across the river.
In the distance she could make out a forest but when she sniffed she couldn't smell anything strange or unusual on the wind.
Ayaka chirped and pointed at the forest. Aneira huffed and tossed her head before glancing over her flank at Brego and Aragorn disappearing into the distance.
"Fine. You win. But I don't know what you want!" Aneira whined and Ayaka instead squealed and spun into the air with glee.
Then she zoomed off towards the forest, back across the river and Aneira plunged across through a shallow part, the water surging against her breast and the pebbles beneath her hooves sliding in the water. The other side of the riverbank felt different and Aneira shifted on her hooves.
There was a different sort of energy in the air. Not the oppressive sensation that had been weighing down on them. A sort of electric charge that had been in the air. It had been following the Rohirrim since they left Edoras but here on the other side of the river there was a stronger feeling, older and more powerful than the electric charge.
"How peculiar…" Aneira said and she cantered after Ayaka, intrigued and puzzled. The strongest sensation was coming from the forest.
"If you go down to the woods today, you better go in disguise. If you go down to the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise…"
Aneira slowed as she neared the edges of the forest. It smelt strange and made her skitter about on her hooves nervously. Her tail arched and her ears pressed against her head showing her fear before she reprimanded herself.
It was a strange forest. The trees seemed to be twisted in strange and archaic and almost demonic shapes. Eyes peered out from the forest but they seemed thin and sharply pointed and glowed with an eerie light before disappearing into the darkness that seemed to cling to the trunks of trees and swirled and moved like tendrils in the depths of the forest.
Aneira shifted once more until she was walking as a tigress, light-footed and silent towards the trees. She paused briefly at the brink of the forest where there was an almost solid line. The sunlight seemed to stop in a straight line where the shadows of the trees should have lain across the ground in an uneven pattern. Instead there was a definitive line between dark and light and her mouth opened in a silent snarl and she panted as fear of the darkness threatened to swamp her mind.
In her madness she felt much like a fairy, only able to feel one emotion at a time and at this present moment fear was the all-consuming emotion.
A flicker of thought pierced the fog of her fear however and she could remember the fear of the women and children as they fled the Uruk-hai who had come across them. The smell of the Rohirrim soldiers who were giving their lives so that the women, children and elderly could flee towards the Hornburg. There were not enough of them. Not enough to fend off the hordes of darkness that would pursue them to Helm's Deep. They would fall and her friends would fall in defence of the Rohirrim.
Unless she ventured into this forest and found whatever it was that had compelled Ayaka to lead her here. The tiny Tennyo was flittering about like a little red ball of light in front of her eyes encouraging her to go forward and so taking a deep breath Aneira loped forward.
As soon as she was in the tree line the forest seemed to come alive. As if all sound inside it had been blocked out by the sunlight. A barrier that prevented those on the outskirts from hearing the eerie and mocking calls that were being made from within.
Aneira padded faster through the trees, sliding and slipping over roots that seemed to shift like snakes beneath her paws. Branches seemed to pluck at her fur and momentarily grab her tail only to release it before she could turn around and see the culprit.
Ayaka flew in front of Aneira, speeding through the darkness as if it was nothing but water gliding over her light and Aneira could do nothing but chase after her. Vines swung down suddenly and wrapped around her charging form, tightening around her throat but she ploughed forward breaking the plants.
Ayaka chirped and squealed encouragement and Aneira panted heavily. There was something stalking her in the darkness and she ran faster and faster and faster until her fear caused her to lose her footing and she felt her forepaw slip and slide underneath her chest.
She twisted into the fall and hissed as her right flank slid across mud, leaves and twigs and she tumbled over and over herself. Branches grabbed her in her fall and threw her further and further. Vines wrapped around her leg and flung her up into the air and she twisted as she fell trying to turn so she could land on her feet. The entire time mocking laughter, jeering calls and creaky whistles sounded out amusement and glowing yellow eyes watched her being tossed around like her plaything.
Finally their amusement ceased and they let her fall to the ground once more with a thud. She scrambled to her paws and her tail tucked under her, her hears pressed down to the sides of her head and her fur stood on end as she backed away from the tree in the centre of the dimly lit clearing.
Ayaka had been forced to watch as the Mihashira was tossed around like a plaything by the forest but was now hovering defensively in front of the tigress and chirping angrily at the tree.
The tree was huge. Bigger than anything else in the forest yet as Aneira watched it seemed to unfold itself and grow taller and taller. Branches unfurled as if they had been bent like arms and were now stretching out and up. The tree became larger and larger until it loomed over Aneira and filled the small clearing, blocking out all light but that which Ayaka glowed with.
The red light from the Tennyo could not illuminate all the tree however and now the Tennyo seemed to have second-guessed the decision which had led her to bring Aneira into the forest.
Finally the tree stopped growing.
Two eyes on the great trunk seemed to slowly open revealing eyes that burned orange with wisdom and age and Aneira cowered beneath the tree's gaze.
"Who are you? And what has brought you into these dark woods?" The tree said in a voice that creaked with the pain of thousands of years and seemed older than anything Aneira had ever heard before. This tree seemed older even than Lucifer in her dream and the tigress wondered for a moment if she had any chance of persuading this great tree to aid her.
"My name is Aneira, I am an Ame-no-Mihashira." She began softly and swallowed nervously before standing tall. If she was going to ask for aid then she would not cower in front of her possible ally.
"I have not seen one of your kind in an age. But I have been asleep for many hundreds of years." The tree said in a tone that sounded neither interested nor uninterested. It was passive without inflection and Ayaka scoffed at his manner.
"I cannot tell you why I'm afraid. Things have been lost in my head and if I try and think about it right now I fear I will forget what has brought me into your forest. One thing at a time I suppose." She hummed to herself for a moment before remembering the tree which was watching her with his orange eyes.
The tree shifted and creaked, his branches shifting slightly as he looked at the strange creature that had invaded his woods. The Tennyo was illuminating her and the tree could see the fogged look in her eyes as she tried to remember what she was doing. There was a strong magic on this creature, a magic that made his very outermost branches itch.
"Get on with it before I decide to squash you like a bug." The tree said passively but was slightly amused when Aneira's fur bristled and the Tennyo squeaked in alarm.
"Of course." Aneira stammered before clearing her throat and making her request. "I have come to ask for the aid of your forest."
The tree reared back in surprise. No one who knew of his forest nor of his true reputation would have ever come to ask him for aid.
"And why would I give you aid?"
Aneira moved forward to look into his eyes. Gold stared into orange and neither could lie to the other.
"Because Sauron wishes to destroy all in Middle Earth. He will destroy the world of Men, then the Dwarves will fall and finally the Elves will be tortured and destroyed until there is no good left in this world. When this happens do you think your forests, your trees will be safe?"
The tree bristled at Aneira's tart words.
"All fear entering my woods."
"I entered."
"You feared them all the same."
Aneira nodded her head.
"I did fear but I entered all the same. Do you think Sauron will fear you? His Uruk-hai will march upon your trees and fell them. Or he will summon Fire Drakes from the North and raze your trees to ash."
The tree groaned thoughtfully before slamming a branch down next to Aneira. The tigress yowled and leapt away, her back arching as she snarled at the offending limb.
"You are an impertinent creature. I should destroy you now if you fear destruction so."
Aneria snarled at his threat before swallowing back her rage.
"You could kill me now. I know this and yet I entered to ask for your help. If you aid us now then we have a greater chance at defeating Sauron. Please, this world will fall into darkness and all will be destroyed before Sauron is satisfied."
The tree lifted his limb from the ground and watched Aneira with a calm expression.
"You have not asked anything about myself little creature? Do you already know of me? Or did you enter my woods completely unaware of my reputation?"
Aneira smirked.
"I do not know anything about you. I entered because I am desperate."
The tree shivered as he laughed and his branches shook and leaves quivered with his amusement and surprise.
"I do not like you little creature. But I can respect you. My name is Yggdrasil. I will see if what you have said is true. I cannot be expected to believe you at once when I have been asleep for so long."
Aneira nodded her head in respect before cocking it to the side in thought.
"How will you see if I speak true?"
"My roots stretch far little creature and I can see all of Middle Earth if I seek it out."
Aneira waited for him to explain some more but instead silence reigned as Yggdrasil closed his eyes and the trees which had been listening into her conversation went still. Nothing moved. No sound was made even in the depths of the trees and Aneria watched in amazement as tiny lights seemed to suddenly burst from Yggdrasil's roots deep underground.
The trees which surrounded Yggdrasil also began to glow with tiny lights that seemed to stream away from the forest and out towards the rest of Middle Earth. It was as if the tiny lights were seeking something as they glowed brighter and brighter the longer Aneira watched.
She settled down on her belly and crossed her forepaws in front of her, waiting for Yggdrasil's reply.
Yggdrasil sighed to himself as he travelled down his roots. Three stretched farthest across Middle Earth, deep beneath the surface of the land and from them tiny roots branched out and found information. He had journeyed North and found that the North had long since been overrun by creatures of darkness. The halls of the Dwarves had been lost to many foul things and some of the forests that had once been rich with life now were barren wastelands with only tiny saplings struggling to survive.
The Greenwood had been tainted and Yggdrasil could still sense the sickness that had dwelt over it. It had been cleansed but the great ash tree could tell that it would be many more years before the Greenwood would be clean once more.
To the East he had seen the land of Mordor. Death, destruction and Wasteland. The land of Nurn within the Black Lands was still fertile but many dark creatures now wandered the fertile lands and he could tell that if something did not change then that green land would be plundered to destruction.
Now he was travelling West, towards the sea. There was no need for him to seek information South and through Rohan. His Huorns, his dark trees in his forest had already found that information for him and he knew of the plight that the Rohirrim now suffered. He had seen them flooding into their stronghold and already had tiny roots burrowing their way into the caverns in the mountains behind the stronghold, ready to provide more information to him.
The West was far clearer than he had thought it would be. There was still a touch of darkness. Orcs ventured down from the North and killed in some of the villages that tempted them. Trolls had been seen near the Great Road and he was amused at the sight of three turned to stone.
Rivendell was still as he remembered but with an air of weariness about it now and age had touched some of the trees there. His Western Root extended all the way to the sea and through the Shire and it pleased Yggdrasil that the Shire was still peaceful and relatively untouched by the darkness that was creeping ever westward.
Yggdrasil began to travel backwards, his consciousness being called back to his body but before he could pass by Rivendell and old friend called out to him.
The old ash tree paused and followed his tiny little roots which spread outward from his main root until he found himself in a small cavern beneath the oldest tree in Rivendell.
"Campfer. It has been a long time." Yggdrasil said and watched in vague fondness as Campfer's humanoid form began to manifest.
"An Age my friend. Literally. You have been asleep for many hundreds of years and much has changed."
Campfer looked at Yggdrasil's humanoid form and marvelled how the ancient tree could have so much power that he did not age. Campfer had grown under Yggdrasil's gaze from a small sapling whose humanoid form was that of a young boy, through to a young tree with all the confidence and bearing of a teenage boy and now Campfer finally looked like a young man in his early thirties but Yggdrasil was still as Campfer could remember him being when the Rivendell tree was but a sapling.
Yggdrasil's humanoid form was that of a young boy. Barely over the age of seven with tanned skin that was tinted with green moss. He did not have hair however instead there was a mop of yellow-gold leaves which hung over his face and the tips danced in front of his eyes whilst the back of his head was plastered with flatter leaves. They fell only so far as the nape of his neck however and were delicately pointed. He glowed with fireflies that sat on the yellow-gold leaves and Campfer watched in amusement as he flicked the tips out of his orange eyes with his fingertips.
"Time has treated you kindly Campfer."
Campfer laughed and his head tilted back as the laughter shook his form and made his branches twitch echoing his amusement. The elves who still remained in Rivendell and happened to be passing by the old tree would later remark that the tree had shaken as if possessed and that as they watched it quiver they had been filled with a sense of amusement and fondness.
"I would say the same to you but you have not changed since I last laid eyes on you. What has woken you and brought you so far West? I hope your forests are safe?"
Yggdrasil hummed before allowing one of his tiny tendrils to touch Campfer's thick roots and he showed the other tree the tigress who now lurked in his forest.
"I see. Amaterasu has woken you up. It seems she is making ripples across Middle Earth. She woke me too you know. I had been asleep for oh, fifty years maybe and then she entered Rivendell with a crash and woke me from my sleep."
Yggdrasil grunted and retracted his root.
"I do not like her."
Campfer laughed once more until tears ran down his wooden cheeks and Yggdrasil watched the humanoid tree with a dispassionate expression.
"I do not think you would. Too much emotion and passion for you?" Campfer teased before turning serious.
"You can trust whatever she has said. She is the one prophesied to return the Ame-no-Mihashira to Middle Earth and to help bring down the Dark Lord."
"She said her name was Aneira. And a great magic lingers over her and meddles with her mind." Yggdrasil commented and watched as Campfer seemed to pale beneath his wooden skin.
"I know. Well I knew that she had performed some magic spell. Tsukiyomi has been trying to capture her mind for weeks and I fear that in an attempt to prevent her forsaking her friends, she gave up her memories and mind to protect them. What, if I may ask, has she requested of you?"
Campfer watched nervously as he tried to read Yggdrasil's humanoid form. The ancient tree was so old now that little fazed him and he reacted to very few things.
"I will aid the little creature. She has made some valid observations. But I do not want her in my forests again. The next time she enters I will squish her like a bug." Yggdrasil declared and Campfer bowed low.
"I understand. Thank you Yggdrasil. She is my friend and I hope she will succeed in her quest."
Yggdrasil nodded at Campfer's acknowledgement before blinking out of the hollow and returning his consciousness back to his body in his forests.
The walls of the Hornburg rose up above Aragorn and Brego as they trotted up the slope that led to the gate. From behind the wall Aragorn could hear many voices, the clatter of feet, the clink of armour and swords as men practiced.
"Open the gate!" Came the call from the wall above the great doors. The wood heaved and the large metal hinges squealed as several men pulled them inwards.
Brego cantered up through the fortress with men, women and children moving out of their way in almost practiced motions. It was clear they were used to fast messengers racing through what had become their home.
It caused Aragorn great sorrow that there were children forced to live behind the great stone walls without being allowed to run around on the plains of Edoras nor taste freedom. There was a thick and heavy smell of fear that permeated the walls and roads.
The eyes of the mothers that they passed by were full of supressed terror and an inkling of hope.
Aragorn shook his head as he and Brego finally came up to the Keep. There were far more soldiers milling around here and there were wagons and barrows full of provisions and weapons. Civilians were walking around too pushing and carrying things beyond the Keep and into a tunnel that led inside the mountain.
Brego stopped at the base of the stairs that led up to the Keep and Aragorn slid off slowly, keeping his injured arm tucked against his side.
"Aragorn!" Gimli's voice bellowed and Aragorn winced as he was pulled into a fierce embrace by the gruff but well-meaning Dwarf.
"Oops." Gimli pulled back as he felt Aragorn stiffen at the Dwarf's strength. "Sorry lad. Forget my own strength sometimes."
The two climbed the stairs and were greeted by Legolas who embraced Aragorn in a brotherly embrace. The Mirkwood Elf handed the Evenstar back to Aragorn who stared at it in awe and remembrance. He had thought it lost forever.
Legolas meanwhile glanced behind Aragorn as did Gimli, both searching for their missing friend.
"Where is Amaterasu?" Legolas said slowly. Gimli sucked his teeth at the Elf Prince's expression. It was almost angry but Gimli could not be certain as the Elf had always been very good at hiding his true feelings.
"I do not know my friend. I was not well when she pulled me from the river and my mind kept sending me foggy images and dreams. She was not hurt as I can last recall. I do not know where she went."
Legolas gripped his bow tightly and then turned his gaze out over the fortress and stared back up the valley Aragorn had travelled down minutes ago.
"We must search for her." Legolas declared but was stopped by Tangwen who placed a soft hand on the Elf's shoulder.
"No. Amaterasu will return to us soon. She has been led on a different path for a moment. For now, we must wait and see what will happen." Legolas and Gimli protested but were silenced when Tangwen held up one ice-coated hand.
"Aragorn." She turned her attention to the Dunedain instead. "You have news for us?"
Aragorn nodded and licked his lips before imparting his knowledge to his friends.
"10,000 Uruks bearing the White Hand of Saruman are marching towards Helm's Deep and will be here by tomorrow. We need to prepare the fortress for battle."
Aneira rose to her paws as Yggdrasil's eyes opened. She waited in silence as the glowing lights faded into the earth and the surrounding trees began to shift and creak once more. A veritable plethora of eyes watched as the tigress and Yggdrasil regarded each other, one with respect and the other with a grudging recognition.
Time passed and she twitched the tip of her tail nervously. Ayaka had settled into her spot on top of the tigress's head and the two females stared up at Yggdrasil with hope.
"I will fight with you. My trees and I will begin journeying to Helm's Deep within the hour and my forests will destroy the filth that has trespassed through my brother's forests. They are already marching on Isengard and will bring down the abomination that dwells there. We will head south to Helm's Deep. But."
Aneira stood to attention as Yggdrasil leaned down and forward until his eye was at peering down at her from over her head.
"You will never venture into my forests again, nor will you ever request aid from me again. I do not concern myself with the affairs of mortals and this will be the only time I will aid them. Any filth that ventures into my woods will be destroyed but I will make no exceptions. Each newcomer taints my trees. They were not always as dark and savage as they are now but time allowed Men and Orcs to become foolish and overconfident and they came and destroyed and tainted. No more are to enter my forests, is that understood little bug?"
Aneira nodded and curbed the instinct to curl her lips back over her teeth at the exposed threat.
"I understand Yggdrasil. Thank you. I will never enter your forests again and I will see that Theoden and his people know not to also."
Aneira sketched a polite bow to the tree, well as much of a bow as a tiger could do.
"You may leave now." Yggdrasil said and then he straightened up, creaking and groaning as his wood shifted.
To her right Aneira saw the trees with their glowing yellow eyes part and the darkness that lingered between their trunks disappeared until she could see at the end of the pathway a light that looked like sunlight.
"Thank you." Aneira said before wasting no more time in running down the tunnel towards the sunlight. As she ran it felt like she had been running for mere seconds but when she glanced behind her she could see Yggdrasil but it looked as if he were miles away and not a few feet as he should have been.
A few mere minutes since she left Yggdrasil's clearing she burst out into the sunlight and the trees closed up behind her, a blanket of darkness falling between their trunks and her path had vanished as if it had never existed.
Glancing to her right Aneira could see the forest stretching northward as far as the eye could see. She could hear the river behind her and she twisted her head over her shoulder only to see the river which had swept her and Aragorn south now lay behind her and she had crossed a natural bridge that was concealed by trees over the river.
"Well Ayaka? Which way does Helm's Deep lie?"
A voice that was not Ayaka's suddenly spoke to Aneira from her left and she leapt around.
"You are not too far from it Lady Amaterasu. It is but a few miles to the South-West from your current location. But I am surprised to see you alone."
The Elf in the golden armour arched an eyebrow quizzically as Aneira snarled at him. Ayaka flew up and chittered at the tigress before she could pounce and the feline cooled down slightly. When she had lost some of her fright she noticed that the Elf clad in golden armour was not alone and behind him stood hundreds of elves all clad in armour and carrying spears, swords, bow and arrows. They were all facing towards the direction he had indicated Helm's Deep was in and not a single one was watching the Elf's interaction with the Mihashira.
"Oh." Aneira said. "How astonishing. I'm afraid this will take some explaining. But first who are you and your elvish boy band?"
A/N: So.. Lot's of stuff going on in this chapter? Zombie-Wormtongue, Tsukiyomi the perv, Saruman the weird pet owner, sick Aragorn, Yggdrasil the tree that sleeps for ages and Elvish boy bands... Please let me know what you think!
For anyone who was interested in the song Aneira/Ammy sang I've included the full song at the end after the Thanks! It may be familiar as part of it was used in the film King Arthur starring Clive Owen and Keira Knightly.
Thanks to:
Counting Sinful Stars – Thorin's Consort will be revealed next chapter or the chapter after depending on how that works out for pacing. As to who and why Tauriel is there? Umm, Tauriel is Peter Jackson's OFC from The Hobbit trilogy and I'm using her to get the Elves of Mirkwood more involved. Even though the Lord of the Rings Trilogy focuses on the Western lands of Middle Earth and Mordor the lands to the East were affected. Erebor and Dale were attacked by Easterlings and the King of Dale was killed during the battle so I'm sort of involving the Eastern lands too. Mainly cause Kiyiya's mate lives there so a little bit of info is needed. Hope that explains some stuff but I can't give up too much!
Tailor of our He chapter 33 . Dec 7, 2014 – Hope you catch the new update and enjoy!,
Zoe chapter 33 . Dec 9, 2014, Ellie-lalalala, vwyryesrdfctfdtr chapter 33 . Jan 14,
Emily chapter 33 . Jan 15- Thanks for joining us! I hope you weren't too tired staying up all night to read this silly fic! Regarding your comments about the pairing this is probably going to be Aragorn/Ammy because that was the result of the poll and also I have always seen Ammy as belonging with Aragorn. Ammy's immortality…. Wait and see what happens! Arwen and Aragorn won't happen however for me, I have someone else I think Arwen would work with and I've always found Aragorn/Arwen is okay but Aragorn was a child when he met Arwen, literally he was raised as her brother by Elrond whilst Arwen was staying with Galadriel in Lothlorien. So I always found it slightly weird that Aragorn fell in love with someone who would have been told is his adoptive sister… That's just a slight thing that I have about that tho. I don't mind reading Aragorn/Arwen but I could never write it just like I could never write Aragorn/Eowyn.
missemmzie- sorry you can't vote but you could always let me know what you think by a review!
Guest chapter 33 . Jan 30,
Shadowhunter426 – I'm glad it sounded sort of interesting! Just teasing! I'm glad you joined and I am sorry that it takes so long to update. Real Life does tend to get in my way. Madison Moore chapter 13 . Jan 28- Hope you made it this far! Thank you for the compliment! I love writing and always love reading detailed stories that help your imagination produce images.
omeeyLeo- Hope you made it this far! Right, Kiyiya wise I try not to write too much about her but she is a strong character and does play a part. Legolas romance will not be happening between Ammy and Legolas but that doesn't mean there won't be any love for Legolas… Sad moments I know but Lord of the Rings can be quite sad. Grima didn't stay dead for long, well that depends on whether you count being a zombie as dead or alive… Hope you enjoyed this chapter if you read it!
Guest chapter 5 . Dec 21, 2014
Song of Exile (We Will Go Home)
Land of bear and land of eagle
Land that gave us birth and blessing
Land that called us ever homewards
We will go home across the mountains
We will go home, we will go home
We will go home across the mountains
We will go home, we will go home
We will go home across the mountains
Land of freedom land of heroes
Land that gave us hope and memories
Hear our singing hear our longing
We will go home across the mountains
We will go home, we will go home
We will go home across the mountains
We will go home, we will go home
We will go home across the mountains
Land of sun and land of moonlight
Land that gave us joy and sorrow
Land that gave us love and laughter
We will go home across the mountains
We will go home, we will go home
We will go home across the mountains
We will go home, we will go home
We will go home across the mountains
When the land is there before us
We have gone home across the mountains
We will go home, we will go home
We will go home across the mountains