Pokemon and all it's related trademarks are not owned by me, though I certainly wouldn't object to owning a bit of Mr. Gary Oak.

Will be GaryXAsh. Ages have been altered, with Ash at 15 and Gary at 17.

"Are you really happy, doing this?"

Gary Oak sat at his desk, pouring over some the files Professor Elm had asked him to take a look at. The knowledge available about this 'shiny Pokémon' phenomenon was limited at best, and Elm felt that the more eyes on the job the better.

"It's just… you always used to love battling."

Gary shook his head and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Now wasn't the time for such thoughts; he had work to do. Umbreon mewled, nudging his hand with his nose.

"Hey there, boy," Gary crooned, laughing at his companions pleased noised as he scratched behind Umbreon's ears.

"The pride you had in your Pokémon, and how happy they were to win for you… you were a good trainer, Gary."

"What is it, Umbreon? Are you hungry?" The dark Pokémon just laid his head on Gary's thigh, looking up at him with concerned eyes. Gary sighed.

"I'm alright, just thinking." Umbreon gave Gary's hand a small lick, and then trotted over to the window seat to lie down. A few minutes passed, and Umbreon's ear perked up. As the Pokémon stared out the window Gary could hear the telltale sounds of a battle going on just outside. Putting down his pen, he walked over to the glass pane to watch, letting his hand rest between Umbreon's shoulder blades.

'That's right,' he smiled to himself. 'Professor Oak gave out Pokémon to the new trainers today.' Gary watched the two children test out their new companions, and he thought back to that first day longingly. He too had dreamt of becoming a Pokémon Master, but he just hadn't been good enough. He hadn't been strong enough. He hadn't been stubborn enough. He wasn't fool enough to believe he could make that dream come true, especially against that boy. If anyone was to become the Pokémon Master, it would be him. He began to turn away from the window, and saw the longing in Umbreon's eyes. He knew the Pokémon missed the journey, missed being out in the middle of the fray. Gary also knew that Umbreon disguised it, because he didn't want to make his partner feel guilty about choosing to become a professor instead. Gary watched Umbreon's eyes, for once not carefully guarded, swirl with emotion as he watched the Pokémon just outside battle their hearts out.

"I just don't think you're making the right decision."

"Do you want to go on a bit of a trip, Umbreon?"