This is the last part of my story. My Epilogue. I'd like to finish this up by saying that I'm dedicating this whole sucker to my bud and editor Vik-man. I'm heading off to boot camp and I may never see you again. I just wanna let you know it's been a pleasure knowing you. I don't care if this seems rushed (which it is), or if you never really cared for the story, Vik, This is for you man. I'm gonna miss your ass. Peace man. Thanks for all the fish.
Shout out to Chii-Chan. For giving me a hand here at the end. He'll be taking all my calls for a little while so a thanks to him.
Hell, while I'm at it, thanks to you to as well reader man/ma'am. If you've gotten this far I'm glad and I hope you enjoy the rest. Please send comments, complaints and flames to [email protected] .
[NOTE] Version 1.1.- Dated: 17 October 2002; I went through the whole 'fic and repaired some stupid problems that were made. The most noticeable mistakes were made at the start of Chap. 3 and the radio transmission in Chap. 4. Now I think you guys will be able to at least understand what was going on. On using "" "" to indicate actions makes the damn server think it's a set of link instructions and erases the whole line. I fixed most all of them so you can read them now. I'm sorry about the mix up. Take care and Enjoy!
Every time Lime saw his face in her mind's eye she would feel a warmth pass through her.
Her Otaru...
She wasn't afraid. She wasn't ashamed. Her entire life hadn't been wasted. While she lived she made a single man happier than he had ever been in his entire life. She'd touched a heart and opened its' eyes. She'd shared her happiness and shared it from others in return.
Lime closed her eyes one last time. Her shivering had all but stopped. The muscles were frozen solid. Her smile still softy etched on her face...
She had only one regret. She would have loved to live longer with Otaru. She would have loved to become a mother.
A mother...
Lime would have loved to bear a child of her own and raise it with her Otaru... That would have made her very happy...
Her heart finally stopped. Her mind was fast becoming numb. The last she ever saw in her thoughts was Otaru's face. The sun was shining and Lime could tell it was warm outside. Behind him fields of rice waved green and shimmered in the afternoon light. He had his large rice hat cocked back and was rubbing his arm across his forehead wiping the sweat away. His face was lit up in a warm, happy smile. He was smiling at her...
A single tear lay frozen along her eye. In the zero gravity it had frozen itself away from her face rather than down her cheek. It stayed there like a tiny, misshapen icicle reaching out from her eyes to the stars, to the warmth that lay beyond, to her Otaru...
Aishiteru, Otaru...
Gently Bloodberry and her sister Cherry held one another. The entire lock was starting to tremble and shake. They knew the reactors were just about to blow. This was it.
"Time to visit Lime..." Bloodberry said softly. Cherry buried her face into her sister's bosom and sniffed back tears as best she could.
In a flash the reactor space exploded. The fires traveled up the piping and through the entire station. Bloodberry and Cherry held each other tightly one last time before the flames enveloped the entire chamber...
Saber Marionette J
Dark's AU- Human
Epilogue- Light at the end of the tunnel
"What she gave to me"
Some people live in the past, some spend their whole lives trying to predict the future... I myself think that we should all live in the moment, setting our future, and leaving our past where it belongs... in the past...
~Eric Bell
Otaru leaned back on the bench outside the marionette repair shop and smiled. It had been another long workday, but at least the weather outside remained good. Smiling he pulled out a small package of food and began to munch on it. In the crystal clear skies above the birds flew to and fro. The clouds framed the beautiful scene as a soft breeze blew through the street. People walked up and down the crowded way smiling and running and dancing. Men stood by and watched as little boys and little girls dashed around the packed streets. The shops were open, the day was bright and a cheerful mood prevailed in the air. It was indeed another fine day in Japoness.
The young man turned when he heard his boss calling to him. It was that crusty old marionette repairman. He'd let Otaru keep his job after his extended absence some time ago when he learned he was part of the reason the Black Omen that had been in the skies had been destroyed and why there were now little girls running about with all the young boys.
Not that Otaru really needed the money. Old Faust, who was still going strong over in Gartlant, paid for anything and everything Otaru ever needed. He worked only because he would go stir crazy if all he did was sit at home all day and night. Otaru didn't need much anymore. He still had his old apartment in the same lot, he always had plenty of food, and clothing came cheap now a days.
Walking back inside the shop Otaru went into the back room.
"What'cha need?"
The old repairman was sitting behind a large farming drill working on the complicated electronic equipment. It was rare when someone came in with a doll anymore. People were adopting and raising real little girls of their own. The only ones who had dolls were shop owners who used them to work around the business or the city who employed them to do the undesirable jobs. The old man had to adapt to the times or die. Now he was a standard fix all and his business was doing even better than before.
"Nothing any more Otaru." He said peering through his spectacles perched on his nose. "I'm good for the day. You can go home now, get some rest."
The young man smiled. "Yessir. I'll see you tomorrow unless something comes up."
The old man chuckled. "You always say that and nothing ever does. I will see you tomorrow Otaru."
Whistling happily Otaru made his way home. The young man had really grown in the three years since the 'Black Omen' (as everyone called it) fell from the sky. He was taller, leaner, and stronger. His eyes had a glint in them that hadn't been there before. His hair was the same, however, and his clothes changed little over the years.
The first six months had been hell on Terra for him. Every night dreams haunted him. Terrible dreams about what happened. Images and frames of his women dying every night. Otaru nearly lost it. It was really Hanagata who had pulled him through it all. The blonde man stayed by his side every single night and was there to make sure Otaru always had somebody to be there with. Not once did the man make a pass at him. He was being as best a friend as he could possibly have made himself be.
At first Otaru had been bitter about it. He hated Hana's company. He hated him always being around. He hated a lot of things then. Faust's maidens lived. Each and everyone of them pulled through and survived. Why didn't his? Didn't his deserve life as much as Faust's? His fought just as bitterly and just as hard. What the hell happened?
Despite this Hanagata stayed with Otaru. He stayed through his fits of anger and rage, he stayed through his long nights and painful days. Hanagata never left Otaru's side. Eventually he broke through Otaru's anger. With his help, Otaru overcame the pain and rage. He overcame the anger and bitterness. Slowly, as time passed, Otaru healed. He started to eat once more. He started to work once more. Once more he went out to fish. Once more he went out to watch the fireworks. Once more he learned how to smile.
He owed Hanagata so much, but the blonde little man just shrugged it all off. He was keeping his word was all that he ever told Otaru. He was keeping his word. The years passed and Otaru began to move on. He began to understand that he had tried everything in his power to save them. That he had tried all he could to save those maidens. He began to understand that they had died so that he may go on and live happy one day. They would have been proud to learn that their efforts hadn't been in vain. Otaru overcame and went on. Every once and a while he still had the odd nightmare, but things were getting better.
Faust and his maidens were delighted to learn that their sisters and Naro had made it out alive after all. Leska had become a changed woman. The evil that had lived and harbored itself in her soul had finally left her. Katsumi had been wounded. She'd lost her right hand. Naro wasn't sure what would happen to her. She hadn't looked too good when they finally left onboard the Spera for home. What they left behind would shape the future of the planet forever. Leska had known, for the longest time, how to extract the DNA data stored in the maiden chips and how to disarm the explosives in them. She never used it because of Ghenna. She would never have risked disarming any of them less her Lord found out. He would have killed her simply for knowing. After he broke her and tore down her resolve none of the information mattered anymore.
The DNA strings that had been extracted were the complete codes for female DNA. All the kingdoms of Terra II took the codes and soon female babies were finally born. They were all almost three years old now and were the most beautiful things anyone had ever seen.
Since they left, Otaru heard nothing from Naro or the women. It's been three years. Hanagata still lived in the same apartment next door to Otaru. He still burst into Otaru's room every morning. He'd since resumed his tireless effort to woo his only love. Otaru simply turned the other cheek. Hanagata was a good friend, probably the best anyone could ever have, and nothing more. He simply wasn't ready for a full-blown relationship with him yet. He gave the same excuse every time. Otaru always said he was 'waiting for something'. As to what that was Hana had no idea.
Life had finally returned to normal. Things were returning to the way they were before. The addition of the little girls along with the little boys really didn't change very much. They were all still too young to bear children of their own yet. They were just like the boys right now.
Otaru came to his building and stopped. The memories this place still carried...
He smiled and looked up and along the rooftop, down along the side door and around to the front. He walked around back and chuckled. There still was that huge pile of Maiden's Heart Lime had collected laying back there in a storage box. They had all since dried, but Otaru kept them around for the women of the town who needed some and for the soft, sweet fragrance they gave off. It was the last gift Lime and Cherry ever got for him...
The wood pile was still there, neglected as always. Otaru had recently sprung for an electric heater from Faust's funds he received all the time. Only once and a while would he bother cutting wood and throwing it onto the fireplace. The fresh smell and the special warmth a fire gives off motivated him from time to time whenever he wanted a change.
Turning slowly he headed back to the front of the apartment. Gripping the door handle tightly he started to open it.
The man stopped and turned. That voice. Behind him stood a figure. It was draped head to foot in a long and flowing, majestic blue coat. It's boots, shiny and black protruded out just from under the edges of it. A hood was pulled over the head of the figure hiding the face from the sun.
"Mamiya, Otaru..."
Otaru narrowed his eyes. This figure... Softly the he smiled.
"It's been three long years... Naro?"
Pulling the hood back and flashing a broad smile, Keinaro grinned down to the younger man.
"Five for me, Otaru. It's been a long while."
Otaru grinned and walked over to his old friend.
"You fool!" He said with a laugh. "How are you doing? What's been happening?"
Naro's grin widened in return.
"Same old, same old, Otaru" He said walking forward and embracing his friend. Otaru held Naro tightly and laughed.
"You ass! It's been such a long time."
The Gray Eye pulled away shaking his head.
"Hehe. Sorry I couldn't have stopped by sooner. Things are changing in the past. So many things and so little time!"
Chuckling Otaru motioned to the door.
"Quickly, Let's step inside Naro. It's going to get hot out here. I've got some drinks for us."
"Yes, please." The Gray Eye said wiping his brow. "I'm starting to feel that heat."
"Maybe you shouldn't be wearing such clothes, Naro."
The Gray Eye laughed.
"They come with my new title. Let's take a seat inside, shall we?"
Otaru nodded and turned to the door. He stopped when a separate voice called to him.
"Otaru! Otaru! You're home early today!"
The man turned and met the eyes of a very old, gray haired man. Hoisted on his back was a pack carrying something.
"Gennai! How is everything old man?"
Old Man Gennai's eyes shone. "Everything's good Otaru. Umm, I assume you want to pick up..."
"Yeah, of course!"
Chuckling the small, old man un-slung his backpack and turned it around. Naro's eyes widened. There, sitting right inside, peeking out from under the lid of the pack was a baby. Gennai pulled the child out and smiled.
"Here you go Otaru. Safe and sound."
Smiling he took the child into hid arms. It's eyes sparkled upon seeing Otaru and it reached out with its small hands holding a bright smiled on its face. Laughing she called out to him.
"Papa! Papa!!"
Grinning he pulled the child close and gave it a small kiss.
"How was she?" He asked looking down at Gennai. The old man beamed.
"Just like a ray of sunshine, Otaru. She wasn't any problem at all."
Otaru grinned and held the little girl to his body.
"You didn't give the smelly, old man any problems did you?"
The child shook her head.
"Papa! Papa home early."
He smiled. "Yes I am! Papa got a break from work."
He turned to Gennai and grinned.
"Thank you for taking care of Maribelle-chan for me."
"Anytime, Otaru. Anytime." The old man walked up and tickled the little girl's cheek. "She's always welcome in my home."
Naro just gaped. Otaru was holding a little girl in his arms. Her eyes were bright green and her hair a shimmering purple. She had an innocent smile played across her slightly tanned features. She looked down at the awestruck Naro and pointed.
"Papa! He has funny eyes. Look, look!"
Otaru turned and smiled at Naro. He gently chided Marabelle.
"Don't point now. It's not polite. Belle, I want you to meet a friend of mine."
He walked over to Naro and grinned.
"Naro, I want you to meet my little girl, Marabelle. Belle for short. Belle, this is an old, old friend of mine, Naro."
Smiling nervously Naro reached out and gently shook the little girl's even smaller hand. Belle giggled up at him.
"Hehe, funny eyes."
Naro chuckled a bit. "Green eyed little squirt!"
Otaru chuckled and turned. "Come on Naro. Let's go sit inside."
Peeking out from under the pile of coats and jackets Belle smiled sheepishly up to Otaru. The man was walking into the room carrying a few cups and a bottle of drink. He frowned down to his daughter.
"Belle! You pulled Naro's coat right off the rack!"
The Gray Eye chuckled. "No, no it's all right Otaru."
Belle giggled under the coat and crawled deeper into the pile. Naro turned to his host and took a cup. Pouring some of the drink into Naro's cup Otaru took a seat. Naro tipped his glass to Otaru.
"Listen, friend. I'm sorry about showing up out of the blue like this. I should have sent some forewarning."
"Nonsense." Otaru took a sip. "It's perfectly fine. You're welcome to stop by here anytime Naro."
"Hanagata still hang about this place?"
"Yeah, he lives next door. He's away though. Something to do with his dad I believe."
"Mmmm." Naro nodded.
"So, Keinaro Hajima! What brings you back around these parts?"
The Gray Eye smiled. He leaned back and let his clothing catch the light. He was wearing a uniform, dark blue from top to bottom and lined in gold. Bright gold buttons ran up and down the center glimmering in the light of the open window. He wore a few medals and a single bird adorned his left collar. It looked like the same one from the tattoo on his shoulder.
"You did, Otaru. I wanted to come back to talk to ya. Catch up with ya."
The younger man whistled at his friend's uniform.
"Nice, Naro. Where did you pick these up?"
"I guess it came with my position."
"Position? You mean that title you mentioned earlier?"
"Yup. Apparently there were still tons of starcraft and battle ships that were left behind in the wake of the, what did you guys call it, Black Omen? Ghenna had hundreds of them made and, well, they were still around in the past. Well to cut a long story short, I was put in charge of that fleet. I guess you can say I'm their leader. Apparently they figured since I killed their old one I was best suited for being the new one. They want me to lead the deep space colonization project."
Otaru cocked an eyebrow. "The what?"
"Deep space colonization. We're leaving Terra II. It was decided that it would be better for all if we left this planet and left life to move on by itself. We're going to blast the rest of our stations on the ground and pull out of this system. We're going to have a stable interstellar drive in about three years now."
"Well, wait. What do you mean it would be for the best to leave? Who decided this?"
"The last of us survivors decided. We figure it was about time we just left. Ghenna played God with you people for so long. He did a lot of damage. It was decided that time would be a better healer than we would ever be. So, we're going to pull out into deep space and look for a place where we can call home."
He took a sip with an almost dreamy look in his eyes.
"We just might even find our way back to Earth..."
Otaru smiled. "Well... Congratulations then. I wish you the best out there."
"We're going to need it. It's going to be a long trip..."
Otaru chuckled. "No wonder you're not around in this time period anymore..."
"Haha. I guess, huh? Isn't it strange how it all seems to come together?"
"Heh, yeah I guess..."
They paused while Otaru filled both of their cups.
"Well, anyway, you look real good."
"You don't look half bad yourself, Otaru." Naro said looking his host up and down. "You've grown... a lot. You don't seem so much like a child anymore."
Otaru frowned while Naro broke out laughing.
"No no no, Otaru that came out wrong. You seem a lot maturer than when I first met you. You're bigger and you look stronger, that's all."
Otaru made a sour face and turned back to his drink. "Yeah, what ever Naro. So tell me, how are things back where you're from, apart from your promotion and the exodus?"
Belle rolled about in the coat as Naro downed his cup. "Fine, fine. Everything's doing well. Katsumi turned out all right. Her hand's healed up."
"Does she have a prosthetic one now?"
"No, no, you misunderstand. It healed entirely. Her hand is back. It's perfectly functional and everything. It grew back!"
Otaru furrowed his eyebrows. "What? How did that happen?"
"It was her endoskeleton. I guess we all forgot how powerful the healing abilities that thing had really were. Leska's face, for example, had been damaged terribly in an explosion back when she was under Ghenna's power. She wore the mask to cover the wounds and the scars that formed. Well, the healing net in her body fixed up even those scars. Her face is as pure and as perfect as it was before."
Otaru nodded. "That sounds incredible. How is she doing now a days?"
"Well, For the longest time she went out on a trip all by herself. I guess she wanted to go out into the world and find herself. What Ghenna did to her scarred her soul pretty badly... She went out to find herself and heal those scars. I believe she was gone for almost three years. We didn't hear anything about her. Katsumi was worried sick, she thought something terrible had happened.
"Eventually Leska did come back. When she did, she was a changed woman. The weight that had been on her soul when she left was gone. She was light hearted, kind, warm. She wasn't the demon I almost died to up in Ghenna's chambers. She's doing fine now. She's never been better."
Otaru grinned. "And Katsumi? How is she doing?"
Naro gave Otaru a very, very wide grin. "She's doing wonderfully. I didn't tell you, did I? We had a child, Otaru. I'm a daddy!"
The young man almost choked on the Sake he was taking a sip of. "What?! Congratulations!! Congratulations Naro!! What his name?"
"She's not a 'he'. Her name is Lorelei, you know, after the child genius who had been on board the original Mesopotamia. She's becoming so much like her mother. She makes me proud, she's so clever!"
Otaru chuckled. "Wow, that's wonderful news Naro. I really mean it; congratulations. I'm surprised you two figured out how to create children in the first place."
Naro smiled. "Ha! It sure as hell took us long enough. If Leska had been there we could have just asked her how it was done, but she was gone and seeing as there were no instruction manuals on what to do..."
Otaru broke out laughing and shook his head. Naro bent an eyebrow.
"S'not funny. Believe it or not Ghenna never took her. She betrayed him and he never deemed her worthy for it. It took US over three months to figure out not only HOW to do it, but when. Apparently there's a little matter of timing involved as well. I'm just lucky she didn't beat me up more for being so rough with her about it." He leaned back and cracked his spine. "I still got my own fare share of bruises though..."
Otaru shook his head. " So you guys really figured it out, huh? What do you do?"
Naro raised his cup and gave Otaru a wink.
"You let me know when the time comes and I'll tell ya."
Shaking his head Otaru set his glass down.
"It sounds like everything's perfect for you Naro. Life must be good."
"Good, yes. Yeah I guess life's been pretty good to me."
Naro nodded slowly. "I'm glad to hear that Naro."
"How about yourself friend? How have these past years been for you?"
Slowly Otaru related to Naro the events since Naro left three long years ago. The Gray Eye sat silently saying nothing and drinking the alcohol his host provided him with. It was a lot to take in for Naro. Otaru had been hurt terribly. He'd lost the most important things he'd ever known and he was never going to see them again. His life had fallen apart.
"But then, one year ago," He said softly. "I took a trip to the local orphanage. Hanagata said it would do me wonders to have someone here to keep me company. Someone to be there for me to love and to hold."
He turned to Maribelle who was napping in the folds of the fallen coat. "He'd been right. I saw her there and I fell in love. She was sitting a little away from the rest of the group and watched them with the saddest, most innocent eyes I'd seen since Lime's. I took her home and here she's been, staying with me, keeping me company, healing my wounds.
"I still love my Lime, my Cherry and my Bloodberry. I still miss them. It hurts to think about them and what they did for me, but everytime I look into Belle's eyes I thank them. I thank them for what they gave me and what it cost them. I love Belle. She keeps me sane. She gives me reason to be here. Bell gives me a reason to wake up every morning. For the first time since they gave up their lives for me, my life purpose."
Otaru smiled to his little girl. "I know I can protect her. I know I will. I love her more than anything. Where I failed Lime, Cherry and Bloodberry I will succeed with Belle. In the memory of my own fallen angels I'll raise and keep safe the little one I have now."
He fell quiet and neither one said a word. They both just watched the little girl sleep softly nestled in Naro's clothes. The Gray Eye broke the silence.
"You're wrong Otaru."
Turning to his friend the man raised his eyebrows. "About what?"
Naro took a sip. "You've never failed anyone. You didn't fail Lime. You didn't let Cherry down. You were never too late for Bloodberry. They loved you. You were their master. You were their love. If you had ever failed them, none of us would be here right now. You promised what you could and did your best. You were always kind and loving to Cherry. You gave Bloodberry that one special night onboard the Spera, up on her deck. You almost killed yourself saving Lime's life. You failed no one. The only one who failed that night was Ghenna."
Closing his eyes Otaru turned his head away. "I couldn't save them..."
Naro shook his head. "They weren't the ones who needed saving, Otaru. It was the other way around. It was you who were saved by them. You'll realize in time, Otaru, that one man can only do so much. He can only do so much, but oh what he can do with that little bit he has. You gave everything in you to them. You gave them your heart, your soul, your love, your blood, and damn near your life. In return, they gave you love. Pure, impartial love, and their lives. They gave you the greatest gift any man or woman could possibly give another."
He paused and took a sip from his glass.
"I know it's easy for me to say this. I still have my own love to cherish and to hold. But I'm not blinded by grief. I can see just what you're missing. What you're trying to grasp from what happened.
"But someday the veil will lift. You'll open your eyes and you'll see just what I mean. You'll truly know. Someday you'll see."
Slowly he sipped the last of his glass and fell silent. Looked down into his cup, Naro smiled ever so slightly. Maribelle would show him. She would open his eyes, he was sure...
For a minute neither side said anything. Eventually, Otaru looked up.
"Hey, did you hear what's going to happen tonight?"
Otaru smiled. "There's going to be meteor shower tonight. It's supposed to be quite a sight. I'm taking Belle out to watch it. You want to come with us? We'd be glad to have you come along."
Naro smiled and nodded his head.
"It will be quite a sight."
Belle giggled at the show the sky was putting on for her.
"Look there Belle! Did you see that bright one?"
"Hehe. Papa, look at that one!"
"Ohhh, that one was pretty..."
"There goes another one!!"
Naro sat on the blanket they placed on the ground in front of Otaru's home and watched the child giggle in her father's arms. She was so cute. She was so much like Bloodberry, Cherry and Lime...
Naro's eye shot open and he rose.
"Otaru! I almost forgot!."
"Huh?" The man turned to Naro. The Gray Eye leapt up and turned to the house. He ran over to one of the awnings and reached under one of the tables set up there. Pulling out something he turned and walked back to Otaru. He was carrying...
"Otaru." He said drawing close. "This was something I wanted to give to you. You'll never find these now 'days. They're gone..."
He held out a plant and continued.
"Lime loved these and now I hope that you will too."
Otaru's eyes widened.
"Naro..." He said breathlessly. "Is that..."
The Gray Eye smiled. "It's a Lime Rose, Otaru."
The man gaped at the beautiful little plant. The Lime Rose shimmered its pale yellow color in the soft moonlight. A breeze gently stirred its soft petals. Maribelle stared at the little rose with wonder in her soft, green eyes.
"About sixty miles from an old cloning and research bunker out in the deserts I found a small rock formation. It was like a little, cool cave out in the midst of a burning desert. Outside the cave stood a lone Lime Rose. I plucked a rose, planted it and let it grow and cultivate on its own. It's grown its own roots and is now very strong. With roses of this stock, one might be able to replant the entire world, Otaru..." Naro said softly with glimmering eyes. "You know, just a thought..."
Belle stared at the plant until she heard her father. Turning to his face she furrowed her little eyebrows.
"Papa... You're crying..."
Curled gently in his arms Maribelle slept. She was in the warmest, safest place in the entire world- The arms of her father. Gently Otaru rocked her back and forth while gazing into the sky. The little meteors shot to and fro across the starry expanse up above. He watched the sky letting the wind gently carry itself through the trees and over the soft grass.
Naro watched the man silently leaning against the house. Poor Otaru... He fought so hard, bled so much, shed so many tears...
Looking into the sky Naro shook his head.
"Who's ever up there..." He said in silent prayer. "Take care of this guy. Keep him safe. Keep his child safe. Keep his house warm, his food hot, his nights restful and his days happy. You've done so much to him. Please, just keep him safe from now on. Protect them both. Who ever's up there pulling our strings, I beg of ya, watch over Otaru. Watch over my friend..."
Gazing up into the skies Otaru began to think. He thought of his maidens all the time. They were always there, always in his thoughts. Sometimes, when he looked at the night sky it was just right and the stars were just perfect he could see them up there, looking down on him. Sometimes... Just sometimes he could see their pretty faces beaming their love down onto the little man standing below...
Holding Lime tightly from behind, watching the man below holding his little child, Kaiser smiled.
"Look what you did. Look at who you died for..."
Cherry and Bloodberry smiled. He was safe... he was happy...
Lime giggled in Kaiser's arms. "We'll meet again someday."
Kaiser laughed once more. "Are you happy Lime?"
Looking up at the smiling face she closed her eyes and broadened her smile.
"I'm in paradise..."
Holding Kaiser's arms in return she sighed.
"I'm happy..."
Otaru held his daughter and smiled up at the stars. They were out there, somewhere. They were safe. Maybe someday...
"Aishiteru Bloodberry... Cherry... Lime..."
Slowly the night moved on. Maribelle snuggled deeper into her father's arms. The Lime Rose fluttered gently in the breeze. Naro smiled at his friend. Otaru watched the sky. The stars traced their path across the endless expanse...
Smiling, Otaru let a single tear trace its way down his face. The future was theirs... Looking down into his arms Otaru smiled at his little girl.
...And never before had it ever looked brighter.
Slowly, out in the moonlight, the Lime Rose opened its petals. Embracing the light, the flower from which a single woman, who changed the world with her sisters, and who lived and died for her love, came to be known by, bloomed. Turning into the moon, the Lime Rose opened its petals and simply bloomed.
tooku ni hikaru ano hoshi futari miagete
kimi ni deatta unmei o omou
nanigenai furide te no hira furete miru kedo
kimi ha yasashiku hohoemi dakede
kimochi ga tsuyoku naru to fuan no kazumo fuete yuku kara
ichido dakishimeta kokoro ha donna toki mo hanasanai de
hiroi uchyuu ni hitori dake no
kimi ga soba ni ite kureru nara
koware ta toki no hari mo yagate
yukkuri ugokidasu mirai he
kimi ha sono mamade ite
nagareru hoshi ni negai o sotto tsubuyaku
"Kimi to isshoni iraremasu youni..."
kono jikan dake o GARASU no hako ni tojikomete
zutto nagamete ire tara ii no ni
yasashii kimi no egao fuan de kumo rasetakunai kara
namidashita kunaru toki ni ha kono yozora o omoidasu yo
hiroi uchyuu ni taata futari no
shiawase no basho o mitsuketa ne
koko ni aru no ha tsuki to hoshi to
futari o tsutsumu yoru no kaze to
kimi he no omoi dake
tooi kuni kara tadoritsuita
kimi ha ano hikaru hoshi Shooting Star
taemanaku sou matataku youni
mirai mo kimi mo dakishimeru to
kono yozora ni chigau
[English Translation]
Together, looking up at that distantly shining star
and thinking it was destined that we met,
pretending to be casual, I try to touch your palm, but
you only smile gently.
Since these feelings are getting stronger and the number of worries are increasing,
never let go of the heart you once embraced, no matter what happens.
In this vast universe,
if I can keep staying near just you alone,
even though the clock-hand of broken time
soon starts to move slowly toward the future,
stay just as you are, just like this.
I whisper this wish softly to the flowing stars:
"I pray that I can always be with you..."
Close up just this one part of time in a glass box,
even though it would be better if it could always be seen.
Since I don't want to make your gentle smile be clouded by worries,
when I want to start crying, I think of this night sky.
In this vast universe, we found the place
where just the two of us can be happy, didn't we?
Here there are moon and stars and
the night wind that wraps the two of us up together and
my feelings about you alone.
You, who struggled here from that far country,
are that shining star. Shooting Star
Incessantly -- yes, like twinkling.
I swear to this night sky,
that I will embrace both you...
...and the future.
~Onegai Teacher
"Shooting Star"
To all my friends- I'm going to miss you guys. It's been a blast all these years. Here's to the life we all left behind. Take care you all. I wish you guys the best. For my tale, this is...
The End.
I hope each and everyone of you that have read up to this point enjoyed my story. Feed back to [email protected]. I sincerely hope you enjoyed my little tale about three robots born instead as human beings in a world bent on destroying their hearts. This has been The Dark Phoenix. Take care all. Peace.
Hi all ^-^ . For those who don't know me, I'm the unknown and usually unsung editor. Don't worry though, its not The Dark Phoenix's fault, its mine. I didn't keep up to track with the fanfiction and fell behind. I hope you people enjoyed this work, and that you didn't shed to many tears. After reading this, I'm really glad that I showed Phoenix SMJ. I know that I really enjoyed it, and feel honored that I got to contribute to it, especially *gloating* this epilogue which came about when I took the two ideas that Phoenix had, and mashed them together. =3
[email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
Brought to you by:
The Dark Phoenix
Chii-chan (dude)
Presented in:
Panoramic Intellisound
Dolby Digital
And the picture tube inside your head.
Shout out to Chii-Chan. For giving me a hand here at the end. He'll be taking all my calls for a little while so a thanks to him.
Hell, while I'm at it, thanks to you to as well reader man/ma'am. If you've gotten this far I'm glad and I hope you enjoy the rest. Please send comments, complaints and flames to [email protected] .
[NOTE] Version 1.1.- Dated: 17 October 2002; I went through the whole 'fic and repaired some stupid problems that were made. The most noticeable mistakes were made at the start of Chap. 3 and the radio transmission in Chap. 4. Now I think you guys will be able to at least understand what was going on. On using "" "" to indicate actions makes the damn server think it's a set of link instructions and erases the whole line. I fixed most all of them so you can read them now. I'm sorry about the mix up. Take care and Enjoy!
Every time Lime saw his face in her mind's eye she would feel a warmth pass through her.
Her Otaru...
She wasn't afraid. She wasn't ashamed. Her entire life hadn't been wasted. While she lived she made a single man happier than he had ever been in his entire life. She'd touched a heart and opened its' eyes. She'd shared her happiness and shared it from others in return.
Lime closed her eyes one last time. Her shivering had all but stopped. The muscles were frozen solid. Her smile still softy etched on her face...
She had only one regret. She would have loved to live longer with Otaru. She would have loved to become a mother.
A mother...
Lime would have loved to bear a child of her own and raise it with her Otaru... That would have made her very happy...
Her heart finally stopped. Her mind was fast becoming numb. The last she ever saw in her thoughts was Otaru's face. The sun was shining and Lime could tell it was warm outside. Behind him fields of rice waved green and shimmered in the afternoon light. He had his large rice hat cocked back and was rubbing his arm across his forehead wiping the sweat away. His face was lit up in a warm, happy smile. He was smiling at her...
A single tear lay frozen along her eye. In the zero gravity it had frozen itself away from her face rather than down her cheek. It stayed there like a tiny, misshapen icicle reaching out from her eyes to the stars, to the warmth that lay beyond, to her Otaru...
Aishiteru, Otaru...
Gently Bloodberry and her sister Cherry held one another. The entire lock was starting to tremble and shake. They knew the reactors were just about to blow. This was it.
"Time to visit Lime..." Bloodberry said softly. Cherry buried her face into her sister's bosom and sniffed back tears as best she could.
In a flash the reactor space exploded. The fires traveled up the piping and through the entire station. Bloodberry and Cherry held each other tightly one last time before the flames enveloped the entire chamber...
Saber Marionette J
Dark's AU- Human
Epilogue- Light at the end of the tunnel
"What she gave to me"
Some people live in the past, some spend their whole lives trying to predict the future... I myself think that we should all live in the moment, setting our future, and leaving our past where it belongs... in the past...
~Eric Bell
Otaru leaned back on the bench outside the marionette repair shop and smiled. It had been another long workday, but at least the weather outside remained good. Smiling he pulled out a small package of food and began to munch on it. In the crystal clear skies above the birds flew to and fro. The clouds framed the beautiful scene as a soft breeze blew through the street. People walked up and down the crowded way smiling and running and dancing. Men stood by and watched as little boys and little girls dashed around the packed streets. The shops were open, the day was bright and a cheerful mood prevailed in the air. It was indeed another fine day in Japoness.
The young man turned when he heard his boss calling to him. It was that crusty old marionette repairman. He'd let Otaru keep his job after his extended absence some time ago when he learned he was part of the reason the Black Omen that had been in the skies had been destroyed and why there were now little girls running about with all the young boys.
Not that Otaru really needed the money. Old Faust, who was still going strong over in Gartlant, paid for anything and everything Otaru ever needed. He worked only because he would go stir crazy if all he did was sit at home all day and night. Otaru didn't need much anymore. He still had his old apartment in the same lot, he always had plenty of food, and clothing came cheap now a days.
Walking back inside the shop Otaru went into the back room.
"What'cha need?"
The old repairman was sitting behind a large farming drill working on the complicated electronic equipment. It was rare when someone came in with a doll anymore. People were adopting and raising real little girls of their own. The only ones who had dolls were shop owners who used them to work around the business or the city who employed them to do the undesirable jobs. The old man had to adapt to the times or die. Now he was a standard fix all and his business was doing even better than before.
"Nothing any more Otaru." He said peering through his spectacles perched on his nose. "I'm good for the day. You can go home now, get some rest."
The young man smiled. "Yessir. I'll see you tomorrow unless something comes up."
The old man chuckled. "You always say that and nothing ever does. I will see you tomorrow Otaru."
Whistling happily Otaru made his way home. The young man had really grown in the three years since the 'Black Omen' (as everyone called it) fell from the sky. He was taller, leaner, and stronger. His eyes had a glint in them that hadn't been there before. His hair was the same, however, and his clothes changed little over the years.
The first six months had been hell on Terra for him. Every night dreams haunted him. Terrible dreams about what happened. Images and frames of his women dying every night. Otaru nearly lost it. It was really Hanagata who had pulled him through it all. The blonde man stayed by his side every single night and was there to make sure Otaru always had somebody to be there with. Not once did the man make a pass at him. He was being as best a friend as he could possibly have made himself be.
At first Otaru had been bitter about it. He hated Hana's company. He hated him always being around. He hated a lot of things then. Faust's maidens lived. Each and everyone of them pulled through and survived. Why didn't his? Didn't his deserve life as much as Faust's? His fought just as bitterly and just as hard. What the hell happened?
Despite this Hanagata stayed with Otaru. He stayed through his fits of anger and rage, he stayed through his long nights and painful days. Hanagata never left Otaru's side. Eventually he broke through Otaru's anger. With his help, Otaru overcame the pain and rage. He overcame the anger and bitterness. Slowly, as time passed, Otaru healed. He started to eat once more. He started to work once more. Once more he went out to fish. Once more he went out to watch the fireworks. Once more he learned how to smile.
He owed Hanagata so much, but the blonde little man just shrugged it all off. He was keeping his word was all that he ever told Otaru. He was keeping his word. The years passed and Otaru began to move on. He began to understand that he had tried everything in his power to save them. That he had tried all he could to save those maidens. He began to understand that they had died so that he may go on and live happy one day. They would have been proud to learn that their efforts hadn't been in vain. Otaru overcame and went on. Every once and a while he still had the odd nightmare, but things were getting better.
Faust and his maidens were delighted to learn that their sisters and Naro had made it out alive after all. Leska had become a changed woman. The evil that had lived and harbored itself in her soul had finally left her. Katsumi had been wounded. She'd lost her right hand. Naro wasn't sure what would happen to her. She hadn't looked too good when they finally left onboard the Spera for home. What they left behind would shape the future of the planet forever. Leska had known, for the longest time, how to extract the DNA data stored in the maiden chips and how to disarm the explosives in them. She never used it because of Ghenna. She would never have risked disarming any of them less her Lord found out. He would have killed her simply for knowing. After he broke her and tore down her resolve none of the information mattered anymore.
The DNA strings that had been extracted were the complete codes for female DNA. All the kingdoms of Terra II took the codes and soon female babies were finally born. They were all almost three years old now and were the most beautiful things anyone had ever seen.
Since they left, Otaru heard nothing from Naro or the women. It's been three years. Hanagata still lived in the same apartment next door to Otaru. He still burst into Otaru's room every morning. He'd since resumed his tireless effort to woo his only love. Otaru simply turned the other cheek. Hanagata was a good friend, probably the best anyone could ever have, and nothing more. He simply wasn't ready for a full-blown relationship with him yet. He gave the same excuse every time. Otaru always said he was 'waiting for something'. As to what that was Hana had no idea.
Life had finally returned to normal. Things were returning to the way they were before. The addition of the little girls along with the little boys really didn't change very much. They were all still too young to bear children of their own yet. They were just like the boys right now.
Otaru came to his building and stopped. The memories this place still carried...
He smiled and looked up and along the rooftop, down along the side door and around to the front. He walked around back and chuckled. There still was that huge pile of Maiden's Heart Lime had collected laying back there in a storage box. They had all since dried, but Otaru kept them around for the women of the town who needed some and for the soft, sweet fragrance they gave off. It was the last gift Lime and Cherry ever got for him...
The wood pile was still there, neglected as always. Otaru had recently sprung for an electric heater from Faust's funds he received all the time. Only once and a while would he bother cutting wood and throwing it onto the fireplace. The fresh smell and the special warmth a fire gives off motivated him from time to time whenever he wanted a change.
Turning slowly he headed back to the front of the apartment. Gripping the door handle tightly he started to open it.
The man stopped and turned. That voice. Behind him stood a figure. It was draped head to foot in a long and flowing, majestic blue coat. It's boots, shiny and black protruded out just from under the edges of it. A hood was pulled over the head of the figure hiding the face from the sun.
"Mamiya, Otaru..."
Otaru narrowed his eyes. This figure... Softly the he smiled.
"It's been three long years... Naro?"
Pulling the hood back and flashing a broad smile, Keinaro grinned down to the younger man.
"Five for me, Otaru. It's been a long while."
Otaru grinned and walked over to his old friend.
"You fool!" He said with a laugh. "How are you doing? What's been happening?"
Naro's grin widened in return.
"Same old, same old, Otaru" He said walking forward and embracing his friend. Otaru held Naro tightly and laughed.
"You ass! It's been such a long time."
The Gray Eye pulled away shaking his head.
"Hehe. Sorry I couldn't have stopped by sooner. Things are changing in the past. So many things and so little time!"
Chuckling Otaru motioned to the door.
"Quickly, Let's step inside Naro. It's going to get hot out here. I've got some drinks for us."
"Yes, please." The Gray Eye said wiping his brow. "I'm starting to feel that heat."
"Maybe you shouldn't be wearing such clothes, Naro."
The Gray Eye laughed.
"They come with my new title. Let's take a seat inside, shall we?"
Otaru nodded and turned to the door. He stopped when a separate voice called to him.
"Otaru! Otaru! You're home early today!"
The man turned and met the eyes of a very old, gray haired man. Hoisted on his back was a pack carrying something.
"Gennai! How is everything old man?"
Old Man Gennai's eyes shone. "Everything's good Otaru. Umm, I assume you want to pick up..."
"Yeah, of course!"
Chuckling the small, old man un-slung his backpack and turned it around. Naro's eyes widened. There, sitting right inside, peeking out from under the lid of the pack was a baby. Gennai pulled the child out and smiled.
"Here you go Otaru. Safe and sound."
Smiling he took the child into hid arms. It's eyes sparkled upon seeing Otaru and it reached out with its small hands holding a bright smiled on its face. Laughing she called out to him.
"Papa! Papa!!"
Grinning he pulled the child close and gave it a small kiss.
"How was she?" He asked looking down at Gennai. The old man beamed.
"Just like a ray of sunshine, Otaru. She wasn't any problem at all."
Otaru grinned and held the little girl to his body.
"You didn't give the smelly, old man any problems did you?"
The child shook her head.
"Papa! Papa home early."
He smiled. "Yes I am! Papa got a break from work."
He turned to Gennai and grinned.
"Thank you for taking care of Maribelle-chan for me."
"Anytime, Otaru. Anytime." The old man walked up and tickled the little girl's cheek. "She's always welcome in my home."
Naro just gaped. Otaru was holding a little girl in his arms. Her eyes were bright green and her hair a shimmering purple. She had an innocent smile played across her slightly tanned features. She looked down at the awestruck Naro and pointed.
"Papa! He has funny eyes. Look, look!"
Otaru turned and smiled at Naro. He gently chided Marabelle.
"Don't point now. It's not polite. Belle, I want you to meet a friend of mine."
He walked over to Naro and grinned.
"Naro, I want you to meet my little girl, Marabelle. Belle for short. Belle, this is an old, old friend of mine, Naro."
Smiling nervously Naro reached out and gently shook the little girl's even smaller hand. Belle giggled up at him.
"Hehe, funny eyes."
Naro chuckled a bit. "Green eyed little squirt!"
Otaru chuckled and turned. "Come on Naro. Let's go sit inside."
Peeking out from under the pile of coats and jackets Belle smiled sheepishly up to Otaru. The man was walking into the room carrying a few cups and a bottle of drink. He frowned down to his daughter.
"Belle! You pulled Naro's coat right off the rack!"
The Gray Eye chuckled. "No, no it's all right Otaru."
Belle giggled under the coat and crawled deeper into the pile. Naro turned to his host and took a cup. Pouring some of the drink into Naro's cup Otaru took a seat. Naro tipped his glass to Otaru.
"Listen, friend. I'm sorry about showing up out of the blue like this. I should have sent some forewarning."
"Nonsense." Otaru took a sip. "It's perfectly fine. You're welcome to stop by here anytime Naro."
"Hanagata still hang about this place?"
"Yeah, he lives next door. He's away though. Something to do with his dad I believe."
"Mmmm." Naro nodded.
"So, Keinaro Hajima! What brings you back around these parts?"
The Gray Eye smiled. He leaned back and let his clothing catch the light. He was wearing a uniform, dark blue from top to bottom and lined in gold. Bright gold buttons ran up and down the center glimmering in the light of the open window. He wore a few medals and a single bird adorned his left collar. It looked like the same one from the tattoo on his shoulder.
"You did, Otaru. I wanted to come back to talk to ya. Catch up with ya."
The younger man whistled at his friend's uniform.
"Nice, Naro. Where did you pick these up?"
"I guess it came with my position."
"Position? You mean that title you mentioned earlier?"
"Yup. Apparently there were still tons of starcraft and battle ships that were left behind in the wake of the, what did you guys call it, Black Omen? Ghenna had hundreds of them made and, well, they were still around in the past. Well to cut a long story short, I was put in charge of that fleet. I guess you can say I'm their leader. Apparently they figured since I killed their old one I was best suited for being the new one. They want me to lead the deep space colonization project."
Otaru cocked an eyebrow. "The what?"
"Deep space colonization. We're leaving Terra II. It was decided that it would be better for all if we left this planet and left life to move on by itself. We're going to blast the rest of our stations on the ground and pull out of this system. We're going to have a stable interstellar drive in about three years now."
"Well, wait. What do you mean it would be for the best to leave? Who decided this?"
"The last of us survivors decided. We figure it was about time we just left. Ghenna played God with you people for so long. He did a lot of damage. It was decided that time would be a better healer than we would ever be. So, we're going to pull out into deep space and look for a place where we can call home."
He took a sip with an almost dreamy look in his eyes.
"We just might even find our way back to Earth..."
Otaru smiled. "Well... Congratulations then. I wish you the best out there."
"We're going to need it. It's going to be a long trip..."
Otaru chuckled. "No wonder you're not around in this time period anymore..."
"Haha. I guess, huh? Isn't it strange how it all seems to come together?"
"Heh, yeah I guess..."
They paused while Otaru filled both of their cups.
"Well, anyway, you look real good."
"You don't look half bad yourself, Otaru." Naro said looking his host up and down. "You've grown... a lot. You don't seem so much like a child anymore."
Otaru frowned while Naro broke out laughing.
"No no no, Otaru that came out wrong. You seem a lot maturer than when I first met you. You're bigger and you look stronger, that's all."
Otaru made a sour face and turned back to his drink. "Yeah, what ever Naro. So tell me, how are things back where you're from, apart from your promotion and the exodus?"
Belle rolled about in the coat as Naro downed his cup. "Fine, fine. Everything's doing well. Katsumi turned out all right. Her hand's healed up."
"Does she have a prosthetic one now?"
"No, no, you misunderstand. It healed entirely. Her hand is back. It's perfectly functional and everything. It grew back!"
Otaru furrowed his eyebrows. "What? How did that happen?"
"It was her endoskeleton. I guess we all forgot how powerful the healing abilities that thing had really were. Leska's face, for example, had been damaged terribly in an explosion back when she was under Ghenna's power. She wore the mask to cover the wounds and the scars that formed. Well, the healing net in her body fixed up even those scars. Her face is as pure and as perfect as it was before."
Otaru nodded. "That sounds incredible. How is she doing now a days?"
"Well, For the longest time she went out on a trip all by herself. I guess she wanted to go out into the world and find herself. What Ghenna did to her scarred her soul pretty badly... She went out to find herself and heal those scars. I believe she was gone for almost three years. We didn't hear anything about her. Katsumi was worried sick, she thought something terrible had happened.
"Eventually Leska did come back. When she did, she was a changed woman. The weight that had been on her soul when she left was gone. She was light hearted, kind, warm. She wasn't the demon I almost died to up in Ghenna's chambers. She's doing fine now. She's never been better."
Otaru grinned. "And Katsumi? How is she doing?"
Naro gave Otaru a very, very wide grin. "She's doing wonderfully. I didn't tell you, did I? We had a child, Otaru. I'm a daddy!"
The young man almost choked on the Sake he was taking a sip of. "What?! Congratulations!! Congratulations Naro!! What his name?"
"She's not a 'he'. Her name is Lorelei, you know, after the child genius who had been on board the original Mesopotamia. She's becoming so much like her mother. She makes me proud, she's so clever!"
Otaru chuckled. "Wow, that's wonderful news Naro. I really mean it; congratulations. I'm surprised you two figured out how to create children in the first place."
Naro smiled. "Ha! It sure as hell took us long enough. If Leska had been there we could have just asked her how it was done, but she was gone and seeing as there were no instruction manuals on what to do..."
Otaru broke out laughing and shook his head. Naro bent an eyebrow.
"S'not funny. Believe it or not Ghenna never took her. She betrayed him and he never deemed her worthy for it. It took US over three months to figure out not only HOW to do it, but when. Apparently there's a little matter of timing involved as well. I'm just lucky she didn't beat me up more for being so rough with her about it." He leaned back and cracked his spine. "I still got my own fare share of bruises though..."
Otaru shook his head. " So you guys really figured it out, huh? What do you do?"
Naro raised his cup and gave Otaru a wink.
"You let me know when the time comes and I'll tell ya."
Shaking his head Otaru set his glass down.
"It sounds like everything's perfect for you Naro. Life must be good."
"Good, yes. Yeah I guess life's been pretty good to me."
Naro nodded slowly. "I'm glad to hear that Naro."
"How about yourself friend? How have these past years been for you?"
Slowly Otaru related to Naro the events since Naro left three long years ago. The Gray Eye sat silently saying nothing and drinking the alcohol his host provided him with. It was a lot to take in for Naro. Otaru had been hurt terribly. He'd lost the most important things he'd ever known and he was never going to see them again. His life had fallen apart.
"But then, one year ago," He said softly. "I took a trip to the local orphanage. Hanagata said it would do me wonders to have someone here to keep me company. Someone to be there for me to love and to hold."
He turned to Maribelle who was napping in the folds of the fallen coat. "He'd been right. I saw her there and I fell in love. She was sitting a little away from the rest of the group and watched them with the saddest, most innocent eyes I'd seen since Lime's. I took her home and here she's been, staying with me, keeping me company, healing my wounds.
"I still love my Lime, my Cherry and my Bloodberry. I still miss them. It hurts to think about them and what they did for me, but everytime I look into Belle's eyes I thank them. I thank them for what they gave me and what it cost them. I love Belle. She keeps me sane. She gives me reason to be here. Bell gives me a reason to wake up every morning. For the first time since they gave up their lives for me, my life purpose."
Otaru smiled to his little girl. "I know I can protect her. I know I will. I love her more than anything. Where I failed Lime, Cherry and Bloodberry I will succeed with Belle. In the memory of my own fallen angels I'll raise and keep safe the little one I have now."
He fell quiet and neither one said a word. They both just watched the little girl sleep softly nestled in Naro's clothes. The Gray Eye broke the silence.
"You're wrong Otaru."
Turning to his friend the man raised his eyebrows. "About what?"
Naro took a sip. "You've never failed anyone. You didn't fail Lime. You didn't let Cherry down. You were never too late for Bloodberry. They loved you. You were their master. You were their love. If you had ever failed them, none of us would be here right now. You promised what you could and did your best. You were always kind and loving to Cherry. You gave Bloodberry that one special night onboard the Spera, up on her deck. You almost killed yourself saving Lime's life. You failed no one. The only one who failed that night was Ghenna."
Closing his eyes Otaru turned his head away. "I couldn't save them..."
Naro shook his head. "They weren't the ones who needed saving, Otaru. It was the other way around. It was you who were saved by them. You'll realize in time, Otaru, that one man can only do so much. He can only do so much, but oh what he can do with that little bit he has. You gave everything in you to them. You gave them your heart, your soul, your love, your blood, and damn near your life. In return, they gave you love. Pure, impartial love, and their lives. They gave you the greatest gift any man or woman could possibly give another."
He paused and took a sip from his glass.
"I know it's easy for me to say this. I still have my own love to cherish and to hold. But I'm not blinded by grief. I can see just what you're missing. What you're trying to grasp from what happened.
"But someday the veil will lift. You'll open your eyes and you'll see just what I mean. You'll truly know. Someday you'll see."
Slowly he sipped the last of his glass and fell silent. Looked down into his cup, Naro smiled ever so slightly. Maribelle would show him. She would open his eyes, he was sure...
For a minute neither side said anything. Eventually, Otaru looked up.
"Hey, did you hear what's going to happen tonight?"
Otaru smiled. "There's going to be meteor shower tonight. It's supposed to be quite a sight. I'm taking Belle out to watch it. You want to come with us? We'd be glad to have you come along."
Naro smiled and nodded his head.
"It will be quite a sight."
Belle giggled at the show the sky was putting on for her.
"Look there Belle! Did you see that bright one?"
"Hehe. Papa, look at that one!"
"Ohhh, that one was pretty..."
"There goes another one!!"
Naro sat on the blanket they placed on the ground in front of Otaru's home and watched the child giggle in her father's arms. She was so cute. She was so much like Bloodberry, Cherry and Lime...
Naro's eye shot open and he rose.
"Otaru! I almost forgot!."
"Huh?" The man turned to Naro. The Gray Eye leapt up and turned to the house. He ran over to one of the awnings and reached under one of the tables set up there. Pulling out something he turned and walked back to Otaru. He was carrying...
"Otaru." He said drawing close. "This was something I wanted to give to you. You'll never find these now 'days. They're gone..."
He held out a plant and continued.
"Lime loved these and now I hope that you will too."
Otaru's eyes widened.
"Naro..." He said breathlessly. "Is that..."
The Gray Eye smiled. "It's a Lime Rose, Otaru."
The man gaped at the beautiful little plant. The Lime Rose shimmered its pale yellow color in the soft moonlight. A breeze gently stirred its soft petals. Maribelle stared at the little rose with wonder in her soft, green eyes.
"About sixty miles from an old cloning and research bunker out in the deserts I found a small rock formation. It was like a little, cool cave out in the midst of a burning desert. Outside the cave stood a lone Lime Rose. I plucked a rose, planted it and let it grow and cultivate on its own. It's grown its own roots and is now very strong. With roses of this stock, one might be able to replant the entire world, Otaru..." Naro said softly with glimmering eyes. "You know, just a thought..."
Belle stared at the plant until she heard her father. Turning to his face she furrowed her little eyebrows.
"Papa... You're crying..."
Curled gently in his arms Maribelle slept. She was in the warmest, safest place in the entire world- The arms of her father. Gently Otaru rocked her back and forth while gazing into the sky. The little meteors shot to and fro across the starry expanse up above. He watched the sky letting the wind gently carry itself through the trees and over the soft grass.
Naro watched the man silently leaning against the house. Poor Otaru... He fought so hard, bled so much, shed so many tears...
Looking into the sky Naro shook his head.
"Who's ever up there..." He said in silent prayer. "Take care of this guy. Keep him safe. Keep his child safe. Keep his house warm, his food hot, his nights restful and his days happy. You've done so much to him. Please, just keep him safe from now on. Protect them both. Who ever's up there pulling our strings, I beg of ya, watch over Otaru. Watch over my friend..."
Gazing up into the skies Otaru began to think. He thought of his maidens all the time. They were always there, always in his thoughts. Sometimes, when he looked at the night sky it was just right and the stars were just perfect he could see them up there, looking down on him. Sometimes... Just sometimes he could see their pretty faces beaming their love down onto the little man standing below...
Holding Lime tightly from behind, watching the man below holding his little child, Kaiser smiled.
"Look what you did. Look at who you died for..."
Cherry and Bloodberry smiled. He was safe... he was happy...
Lime giggled in Kaiser's arms. "We'll meet again someday."
Kaiser laughed once more. "Are you happy Lime?"
Looking up at the smiling face she closed her eyes and broadened her smile.
"I'm in paradise..."
Holding Kaiser's arms in return she sighed.
"I'm happy..."
Otaru held his daughter and smiled up at the stars. They were out there, somewhere. They were safe. Maybe someday...
"Aishiteru Bloodberry... Cherry... Lime..."
Slowly the night moved on. Maribelle snuggled deeper into her father's arms. The Lime Rose fluttered gently in the breeze. Naro smiled at his friend. Otaru watched the sky. The stars traced their path across the endless expanse...
Smiling, Otaru let a single tear trace its way down his face. The future was theirs... Looking down into his arms Otaru smiled at his little girl.
...And never before had it ever looked brighter.
Slowly, out in the moonlight, the Lime Rose opened its petals. Embracing the light, the flower from which a single woman, who changed the world with her sisters, and who lived and died for her love, came to be known by, bloomed. Turning into the moon, the Lime Rose opened its petals and simply bloomed.
tooku ni hikaru ano hoshi futari miagete
kimi ni deatta unmei o omou
nanigenai furide te no hira furete miru kedo
kimi ha yasashiku hohoemi dakede
kimochi ga tsuyoku naru to fuan no kazumo fuete yuku kara
ichido dakishimeta kokoro ha donna toki mo hanasanai de
hiroi uchyuu ni hitori dake no
kimi ga soba ni ite kureru nara
koware ta toki no hari mo yagate
yukkuri ugokidasu mirai he
kimi ha sono mamade ite
nagareru hoshi ni negai o sotto tsubuyaku
"Kimi to isshoni iraremasu youni..."
kono jikan dake o GARASU no hako ni tojikomete
zutto nagamete ire tara ii no ni
yasashii kimi no egao fuan de kumo rasetakunai kara
namidashita kunaru toki ni ha kono yozora o omoidasu yo
hiroi uchyuu ni taata futari no
shiawase no basho o mitsuketa ne
koko ni aru no ha tsuki to hoshi to
futari o tsutsumu yoru no kaze to
kimi he no omoi dake
tooi kuni kara tadoritsuita
kimi ha ano hikaru hoshi Shooting Star
taemanaku sou matataku youni
mirai mo kimi mo dakishimeru to
kono yozora ni chigau
[English Translation]
Together, looking up at that distantly shining star
and thinking it was destined that we met,
pretending to be casual, I try to touch your palm, but
you only smile gently.
Since these feelings are getting stronger and the number of worries are increasing,
never let go of the heart you once embraced, no matter what happens.
In this vast universe,
if I can keep staying near just you alone,
even though the clock-hand of broken time
soon starts to move slowly toward the future,
stay just as you are, just like this.
I whisper this wish softly to the flowing stars:
"I pray that I can always be with you..."
Close up just this one part of time in a glass box,
even though it would be better if it could always be seen.
Since I don't want to make your gentle smile be clouded by worries,
when I want to start crying, I think of this night sky.
In this vast universe, we found the place
where just the two of us can be happy, didn't we?
Here there are moon and stars and
the night wind that wraps the two of us up together and
my feelings about you alone.
You, who struggled here from that far country,
are that shining star. Shooting Star
Incessantly -- yes, like twinkling.
I swear to this night sky,
that I will embrace both you...
...and the future.
~Onegai Teacher
"Shooting Star"
To all my friends- I'm going to miss you guys. It's been a blast all these years. Here's to the life we all left behind. Take care you all. I wish you guys the best. For my tale, this is...
The End.
I hope each and everyone of you that have read up to this point enjoyed my story. Feed back to [email protected]. I sincerely hope you enjoyed my little tale about three robots born instead as human beings in a world bent on destroying their hearts. This has been The Dark Phoenix. Take care all. Peace.
Hi all ^-^ . For those who don't know me, I'm the unknown and usually unsung editor. Don't worry though, its not The Dark Phoenix's fault, its mine. I didn't keep up to track with the fanfiction and fell behind. I hope you people enjoyed this work, and that you didn't shed to many tears. After reading this, I'm really glad that I showed Phoenix SMJ. I know that I really enjoyed it, and feel honored that I got to contribute to it, especially *gloating* this epilogue which came about when I took the two ideas that Phoenix had, and mashed them together. =3
[email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
Brought to you by:
The Dark Phoenix
Chii-chan (dude)
Presented in:
Panoramic Intellisound
Dolby Digital
And the picture tube inside your head.