Hey this is my very first story that I am posting so I hope you all like it :)

Please Please Please review! I need to know if you think it is any good before I continue it.

Hop you like it :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter

Our Time Now



Lily Luna Potter pushed her way through the water. She surfaced, breathing in the sweet air and turning to her brother's and cousin sitting on the dock. "Well?" she asked expectantly.

"5," called out Lily's favorite cousin Hugo

"I say it was more like a 6," said Teddy Lupin, the son of a family friend and pretty much Lily's third brother.

"No it was most definitely a 4 and a half," James, said.

Lily rolled her eyes and climbed up on to the dock. "Ok, lets see you do better James", Lily challenged her oldest brother. James stood and walked farther back on the dock. He then charged forward running towards the water. Lily flinched as water fell on her from the splash of James' cannon ball. James surfaced and smirked at the others.

"That was a 2," Lily called down to him.

"That was way better than a 2!" James yelled back indignantly.

"No, that was about a 2," Hugo said, agreeing with Lily.

James frowned and dove back underwater. Lily watched as he swam up to the dock and before she knew what was happening James had grabbed onto her ankle and was pulling her into the water. She desperately grabbed hold of Teddy's arm but that just brought him tumbling into the water with her. Hugo, still sitting on the dock, laughed as the three of them surfaced. The three of them smiled at each other and then pulled Hugo in as well.

Lily laughed as they splashed each other and tried to pull each other underwater. She loved summer for precisely this reason. She was able to just hang out with her family and have fun and not worry about school at all. Lily had just turned 13 last week and in September she would be starting her 3rd year at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. She was the youngest out of all her cousins, something that James was constantly teasing her about.

Lily's Point of View

"Come on in Victoire! The water feels great!" James called out to our cousin as she ran to the dock. Victoire is the oldest Weasley cousin and fairly beautiful being part Veela. With her bright blond hair and sparkling blue eyes you wouldn't really be able to tell that she was a Weasley unless you knew her. As she ran to the end of the dock Teddy got a really goofy grin on his face. It's a well-known fact now that Teddy and Victoire are in love and they have been dating for three years. Teddy even confided in me that he was considering asking Victoire to marry him but wasn't sure if it was a good idea. I told him that I thought it was a brilliant idea.

The next oldest Weasley was Dominque, Victoire's sister. She had the same Veela looks as her sister but was missing the natural beauty part. Her face was always covered in makeup and she never did anything that would get her remotely dirty so for her jumping into a lake was definitely out of the question. She was lounging around on the beach with a fashion magazine and gossiping with Molly Weasley, the third oldest.

Molly is nicer than Dominque but is weirdly obsessed with muggles. She thinks that they are so interesting which none of us really understand. Even now she had her muggle music player blasting "Our Time Now" by the Plain White T's, one of her favorite muggle bands.

Molly sister's Lucy came next in age order being 19 and two years out of Hogwarts. Even though her school career was over she still spent all of her time with her head in a book. The only people she ever really talked to were her sister, her mom, and Rose.

Louis Weasley was down the beach skipping rocks with his friends Lorcan and Lysander Scamander. All of them were 18 and inseparable. They had been best friends before they had even gone to Hogwarts. Roxanne (Roxi) and her brother Fred were busy trying to put a hermit crab down their father's, George Weasley's, shirt. They were always pulling pranks. Everyone said they were just like their dad and his brother Fred.

James was the next oldest Weasley. He was going into his 6th year at Hogwarts and though it didn't always seem like it, he is actually a great brother. I remember that back in my first year at Hogwarts, he hexed a Slytherin girl that had tripped me in the hallway. I know he will always have my back no matter what.

Rose Weasley, Hugo's sister, was sitting with Lucy who had actually put her book down. They looked like they were in a deep conversation, probably talking about some famous wizard author.

My other brother Albus (Al for short) was nowhere in site. Al is my best friend. We tell each other everything. While Hugo and I are like partners in crime, our relationship is nowhere as close as mine is with Al.

I ducked back underwater as James lunged for me. When I surfaced I noticed Al walking on the beach. I was about to go climb out of the water and meet him when I noticed whom he was with, his best friend, Scorpius Malfoy.

Al is the only Weasley/Potter to ever be sorted into Slytherin. Now don't get me wrong, not all of us ended up in Gryffindor. In fact Victoire was the first to shock everyone when she was sorted into Hufflepuff, and Lucy and Rose are both in Ravenclaw so there are a decent amount of us not in Gryffindor but Al is the only one in Slytherin. It is for this reason that he befriended Scorpius Malfoy, even though neither of their parents were very thrilled by it. Scor doesn't really get along with his family very much (mainly because he is friends with Al) so he spends most holidays with us.

There is just smoothing about Scor's silver blond hair, piercing grey eyes, and toned body that making me want to run and hide whenever he comes up to me. Now believe me, I'm not usually shy so it frustrates me so much that I am not able to just have a normal conversation with the Malfoy boy without worrying if I am making a fool of myself or if my hair looks frizzy and untamed. I mean he has been spending every Christmas holiday and most of summer holiday with my family for the past four years so you think I would be comfortable around him. But all I can think of when I am talking to him is how bright his eyes are and how soft his lips look.

So I will admit it, I have a huge crush on Scorpius Malfoy. The only problem is…

he is completely off limits.


This is my first story and I need to know if it is good enough to continue.