AN: This chapter is short, but it's really just tying up some loose ends so we can come to a close on a happy note. Yes, this is the end of 'Golden Ascension'. I hope you've enjoyed it so far; this was by far the hardest one in the series so far for me to write.

Disclaimer: I still don't own a thing.


"Helios," Chibi Moon said suddenly. "Where is he? What happened to him?"

"We saw him already," Uranus replied, puzzled. "He should be fine now."

The pink-haired Senshi turned and ran to the temple, forcing the others to follow. The cage surrounding the beautiful white Pegasus was gone, as was the Pegasus itself. In its place was the pale young man. He wasn't moving.

"Helios!" Chibi Moon cried. "Helios, wake up! We won! You have to wake up!"

Sailor Moon looked at Tuxedo Kamen, who bit his lip as their future daughter kept shaking the priest's shoulders. He remained unresponsive, and everyone began to wonder if he'd died. Their victories always had a price, even if they weren't always permanent. They had all survived for once. Had Helios been sacrificed for the sake of everyone else?

"Chibi Moon," Pluto said slowly, reaching for her young friend, but the little girl shook her head emphatically.

"He's not dead. He can't be. Helios, you have to wake up now." His body stayed limp, and looking closely the others knew he wasn't breathing. "Helios, please…"

Chibi Moon drew the Crystal Carillon he had given her and rang it, but nothing happened. Upset, she leaned in to kiss him – to say goodbye, out of desperation, no one was sure – and his eyelids fluttered. With a gasp, he finally inhaled, desperately drawing breath after breath.

"It was you," he whispered, slowly lifting his hand to her. She took it immediately. "You were the maiden of my visions. Princess Lady Serenity."

"Me?" she said.

"You were the one who told me how to fight them, but you were older…"

The pink-haired girl let out an awkward chuckle, then a more honest laugh a second later. "You're alright!"

Helios let out a soft 'oomph' when he suddenly found his arms full, Chibi Moon clinging to his neck. After an initial moment of shock, he returned the embrace, smiling into her hair.

"Thank you," he said softly. "You saved me."

Tuxedo Kamen blinked, gaze flipping rapidly between his priest and his daughter-to-be. "Does anyone want to tell me what's going on with them? Did you know about any of this, Usako?"

She shook her head, eyes wide. "Chibiusa, what are you doing?"

Their daughter suddenly pulled back, blushing. "I, uh… I've been dreaming of him, but I guess it was real. We're really close."

"Helios?" Tuxedo Kamen said in a strangled tone.

The young man had the good sense to look embarrassed. "My spirit needed somewhere to hide, and I could not go to you without endangering you further. Sailor Chibi Moon was the closest I could be to you, and I grew fond of her."

"How fond is fond?" the older man demanded.

"Mamo-chan," Sailor Moon chastised.

"It's a legitimate question," he argued, but she shook her head and he stopped.

After a drawn out awkward pause, Helios got to his feet and smiled. "Come with me, if you would."

"Where are we going?" Chibi Moon asked, hurrying to his side as he walked to the temple entrance.

Before responding, he flicked his wrist at the frozen Maenads. Their crystal casings shattered, freeing the young women within, and they woke with beatific smiles on their lovely faces. The two inclined their heads to the priest before turning and bowing to Tuxedo Kamen. Once they had, they automatically followed Helios.

"Helios, what's going on?" Jadeite asked, jogging up alongside his old friend.

"We need to go to the palace," he answered.

"Palace?" Nephrite repeated. "I thought it was destroyed. The temple is the only thing I've seen here."

"The temple was enchanted to keep it out of sight during the rise of Beryl and her allies. In return, everything beyond its boundaries is hidden as well. While the palace and indeed everything past here has fallen into disrepair in the last thousand years, that changed when the prince came with the Kinzuishou in hand. They have been remade."

It looked like they were crossing massive empty fields, but everyone felt it when they passed through the barrier he had mentioned. The view around them immediately shifted, and their passing also allowed the temple to be visible once more. Now they were walking a path between fields long left unattended, a river rushing alongside.

"This island has not been visited by man since the deaths of its masters a thousand years ago," Helios told them. "A few remained after, but everything began to decay at an alarming rate and fields that had always produced an abundance showed no signs of growth at all. They fled to Europe, hoping Lord Zoisite would be in residence, but he and the other Shitennou had obviously gone."

"What happened to the king and queen?" Zoisite asked. "They should have been here to help their people."

"Beryl killed them shortly before the battle on the Moon when they refused to help her lure their son into her trap."

"But they had taken her side," Mercury said, puzzled.

"They agreed with Beryl's assessment of the Moon Kingdom, but they were not willing to force their son into something he did not choose, and he had made his feelings toward Beryl and her plans abundantly clear. They resisted her attempts to use them as bait, and in the end they died for it."

"How sad," Jupiter murmured.

"In the end, Elysion was abandoned and thought lost, leaving only myself and the Maenads to guard the temple and the Kinzuishou until such time that its true master returned and took up his ancient charge. Legends lingered in the human world of the island, though it came to be called Atlantis in their tales. While the stories say Atlantis sank to the bottom of the ocean, clearly it hasn't; it simply could not be found."

"The history lesson is nice," Uranus said shortly, "but what are we doing?"

"The true nature of our trip will be revealed in time."

Everyone fell silent as they crested the rise and the Golden Palace came into view, a masterpiece of marble with grand arches and columns decorating its face. The structure had a pale golden sheen that made it look otherworldly. Ivy and rose vines climbed the columns while the main entrance had gold filigree embedded in the heavy wooden doors and surrounding wall. The great gate opened at their approach.

The interior was as grand as the exterior, with exquisitely crafted wooden tables in the halls and brilliantly colored tapestries hanging above. The floors and walls were made of the same marble as before, highly buffed and perfectly smooth. Carpets were laid in some of the grander passages. Helios stopped at a second pair of doors, smaller than the first but even more decorated.

"I remember this place," Tuxedo Kamen said suddenly. "As a boy I used to sneak down here to listen while my parents worked inside. There was a vase on the table; Jadeite knocked it over when he found me one night."

The blond winced. "I thought for sure everyone would hear the commotion. We should probably count ourselves lucky the arguments inside let us slip off unnoticed."

"Not entirely unnoticed," Nephrite snorted. "Kunzite tanned your hides the next day for being out of bed and breaking something so valuable."

"He always did know," Zoisite said, nose wrinkling. "No matter what we did he found out somehow."

"Someone had to keep an eye on you miscreants," the eldest general said curtly.

The girls laughed before Jupiter reached for the handles and pulled, but the doors didn't open. "What's going on?" she asked.

"The throne room awaits the return of its royal family," Helios answered.

Sailor Moon gave Tuxedo Kamen's hand a squeeze just before he reached for them, smiling encouragingly. As soon as he applied the slightest pressure, the heavy doors came open.

The room ahead was empty except for the two thrones at the end, with candelabras on the walls and the chandelier overhead providing the illumination. A massive tapestry behind the thrones showed an incredibly detailed image of the Terran king and queen with their son, his guardians arrayed behind them. The group wandered in, taking in the luxurious fabrics and the elaborate carvings decorating the wooden thrones, embroidery on the cushions.

"Master," Helios said behind them.

Tuxedo Kamen turned to find the priest and the shrine maidens kneeling in respect. "What's going on?"

"May I see the Kinzuishou, Prince Endymion?" the young man asked.

Baffled, Tuxedo Kamen drew it forth and handed it over, though the instant it was out of his hand it felt like a piece of his chest was missing. He grimaced but waited, knowing Helios did nothing without a purpose. The priest gestured and a long scepter of clean white wood appeared. After bowing his head and murmuring a brief prayer, Helios placed the crystal at its head.

As soon as he did, color crept through Tuxedo Kamen's clothes, turning his formalwear from midnight black to a delicate shade of lavender. The white domino mask remained, but various medals hung from the jacket. His cloak too changed colors to match the rest of the ensemble. His hat vanished as he gasped.

Sailor Moon took a cautious step forward, reaching for his hand as Helios gravely presented the scepter to his master. When their fingers touched, a whirl of light surrounded her as well and transformed her into a guise she'd worn once before – that of the Neo Queen Serenity. Curiously, the crown she'd had was missing.

"Please," Helios said calmly, "take a seat, Majesties."

"Me?" Serenity asked. "This is his world, Helios. I shouldn't be part of this."

"You are his mate and the only woman he would choose to have by his side. You are the Queen of Earth as surely as you are of the Moon, my lady, and you will ascend the throne as he does."

Endymion inclined his head to her, and she managed a tentative smile. They walked slowly to the end of the hall, taking their respective seats. The Maenads approached them, now bearing cloth-of-gold pillows with finely wrought crowns on them. One they knew from the future, while the other was unfamiliar, but everyone knew that they were at a coronation.

Gentle twists of power encased their audience, turning them from Sailor Senshi to the princesses of Serenity's court. The Shitennou no longer wore military uniforms but the garments of kings.

Helios lifted the first crown, the weighty circle of gold meant for a king, and stood by Endymion's side. "Do you solemnly swear to uphold justice in the courts, and to honor the traditions of your people?"

"I do."

"And do you swear to safeguard the innocent and to seek out corruption wherever it may be found?"

"I do."

"Will you protect your kingdom from those that would harm it, even in the darkest of hours, until such time that you may lay down your burden and pass it to your heir?"

"I do."

"I now crown you King Endymion of Elysion, Master of the Golden Kingdom and High Lord of Magic, Crystal Bearer of Earth. All hail the king!"

"All hail the king!" their guardians repeated dutifully.

Slowly Helios lifted the second crown from its resting place, weighing it in his hands before passing it to his master. "As king, it is your duty to crown your choice of queen and to demand her oaths."

The king nodded and rose. "Serenity, your highest duty is to your world, but as my wife you will be the queen of this planet as well. Will you swear to guard Earth as you would the Moon itself, no matter the danger, until such time that our heir is crowned?"

"I swear," she answered strongly.

"You will hereafter be known as Neo Queen Serenity, Mistress of the Golden Kingdom and Lady of Magic. All hail the queen!"

"All hail the queen!"

"Lords and ladies, I give you the king and queen of Earth!"

Saturn stepped up. "My lady, the Amazon Quartet was entrapped in their stones by Zirconia. Would you please set them free?"

Serenity was surprised, but she accepted the orbs when they were offered. The pulsing Ginzuishou appeared in her other hand, and as it brightened the stones did as well, until the forms of girls began to emerge from the gems. They twisted as they rose, taking on familiar appearances.

"Sailor Senshi?!" Chibiusa gasped.

As one, the four girls – clearly Senshi, but of what they didn't yet know – turned and knelt before her.

"Sailor Ceres."

"Sailor Vesta."

"Sailor Pallas."

"Sailor Juno."

"We are the Sailor Quartet, Small Lady," Ceres said, head bowed. "Nehellenia found us sleeping deep in the Amazon and woke us before our time, twisting our minds and poisoning our sense of purpose. We cannot apologize enough for our betrayal. And to you as well, Neo Queen Serenity, for the wrongs we did you and yours. Thank you for setting us free."

"I would never condemn someone to eternal suffering because of the machinations of others," the young queen responded.

"We will be your protectors someday, Small Lady," Juno said.

Vesta nodded. "A day will come when you are ready to stand on your own as a proud Senshi, and we will be with you then. We are your guardians as Venus, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter protect your mother."

"Now we must return to our sleep," Pallas added. "Our time has not yet come, but when it does we will see you again."

The Quartet vanished, but Chibiusa smiled after them.

Someday I'll be a brave Senshi in my own right, with guardians like Mama's. Maybe there will be a handsome prince too…


"It feels weird to be back in Tokyo," Usagi said. "It's like none of it happened."

"We know it happened," Mamoru reminded.

"Chibiusa, you should get home," Rei reminded. "Your parents probably really want to see you so they'll know you're alright."

"I'm almost ready," the little girl answered. "I just need to get my bag from Usagi-chan's house. We can meet in the park in an hour."

Makoto smiled. "Sounds good. We'll see you then." She and Masato split from the group, heading to a nearby café.

The rest of the couples left as well, going to get a late lunch or a tea based on their moods. Eventually it was just the little family.

"I'm going to miss you, Chibiusa," Usagi murmured as she hugged her daughter.

Her father lifted her up, petting the end of one pigtail as she relaxed against him. "You're not waiting, are you?"

Chibiusa blushed. "Was it that obvious?"

"Maybe," the blonde answered with a laugh. "I don't think they'll be back; Minako said something about seeing a movie and you can't do that in an hour."

"Sorry," the pink-haired girl said repentantly.

"Don't worry about it," Mamoru said. "They know you only wanted a private goodbye. They don't mind."

"Come with me?" she asked, reaching for their hands.

"Of course, sweetheart," her mother-to-be said.

Their walk to the clearing in the park was silent. Once they reached it, Chibiusa reached under her uniform shirt and pulled out her Time Key. She recited the chant in a quiet voice as her parents kissed her on the cheek and took a few steps back. When the corridor of light opened, Usagi and Mamoru smiled.

"I'll miss you," Chibiusa said shyly.

"We'll be there too, honey," Usagi replied. "You know that."

"It's not the same."

"It never is, but it's where you belong," Mamoru told her.

The little girl managed a teary smile. "Yeah, I guess."

"Bye, baby," Usagi said.


Mamoru squeezed Usagi's hand as their daughter vanished. "She'll be okay."

"I know," the blonde replied, teary as well, "but I'll still miss her."

"We'll see her again."


She smiled, and he led the way to the arcade for milkshakes and a chat with Motoki. It was their summer vacation, after all; they wanted to enjoy it.


AN: And that's it. This was a tough piece to write, largely because of an endless problem with writer's block. I hope everything worked out in spite of it. I always ask for reviews, and I definitely want them now, but now that the story's over I'd really like to hear some more in-depth comments. Being told the story's great is always nice, but now I want questions and comments on specific parts, or criticism where you think it's merited. Suggestions for Stars is also welcome, though just so you know I already have some ideas. As in the source material, things will be taking a darker bend, so be forewarned. I hope I'll see you there when the time comes!