AN: I realize this was a long time coming, but for those of you that don't already realize I absolutely DETEST the fourth season of the anime. Thus said, this story is actually going to follow more along the lines of manga canon. I know I usually stuck with the anime's story, but quite honestly I'm pretty sure there's no way to salvage it. Plus the thought of watching parts of it to write this story makes me kind of nauseated. Anyway.

This story picks up a few weeks after the end of 'Heartbound'- oh, random side note, if you guys have better ideas for the titles of these stories PLEASE tell me. 'Entwined' and 'Heartbound' seriously need renamed.- and begins roughly at the same point as both the anime and manga versions of this arc. Anything else will be a surprise or I'll make an announcement further down the line. So welcome back, and I hope you enjoy the next installment in this ongoing epic redo.

Disclaimer: Do you think a few months make a difference? It does, but I still don't own Sailor Moon or any of the related materials.


Can you hear me, Master?


Please, I need to know you can hear my voice. I cannot linger, nor do I have time to answer questions.

I can hear you, but who are you?

I cannot say now; I came only to warn you. There is danger, Master, one that will threaten your very existence. You MUST be cautious.

Cautious of what?

That is all I can say now. Forgive me, but I have to leave. I will return if I can. Just remember my warning.

Warning of WHAT?

I am sorry.


The Pegasus slipped silently through the dreamscapes. His golden horn provided the only steady light in a world of shifting wishes. He needed a place to hide. Not with his master, no. It was too obvious and would only lead their enemies straight to him. He had risked the prince enough to deliver his warning. It had to be someone else, someone he could bond with yet would not fall under suspicion from any outsiders.

Beautiful silver light caught his attention, and he turned to study it. It seemed familiar, as though it was a dream he knew, but it was clearly not the same. A flash of gold briefly lit the edges of the silver cloud, and he understood. This was a blend of two. Their child. No one would suspect a little girl from another time was his protector.

As he slipped into the depths of her subconscious, he knew their enemies would be unable to sense him. His own small power, such as it was, vanished in the great waves of hers. The child's dreams folded around him, creating a sort of fortress that would guard him until the time came. He cantered through the scenes until he found the one he sought.

He knew the princess on sight, of course, though she did not wear the trappings of royalty. Her parentage was unmistakable. They were in a crystal forest beside a still lake. He waited behind the trees for a moment, watching as she sat on the shore.

The forest is crying. If you can hear me, please answer me.

The words were unvoiced, but it was clear the child had received his message. She got to her feet and looked around with a wariness the Pegasus didn't like in a girl her age.

"Who is it?" she called. "Who's there?"

I am no enemy to you, maiden.

Inexplicably, their eyes locked. She stepped toward him without fear. Slowly, he moved closer. When she was right in front of him, he sank into an elegant bow.

"A Pegasus…" she whispered. Her small fingers brushed the velvety skin of his nose as he leaned into the caress.

The contact did even more. An outpour of golden light obscured her features momentarily, but when it cleared it was her princess self who met his gaze.

Please do not tell anyone we have met.


"Let's go, Mamo-chan!" Chibiusa demanded as she pushed her future father into the park. Usagi was right behind them, laughing.

Mamoru chuckled. "The eclipse doesn't start for another ten minutes, Chibiusa. We don't have to hurry."

"Yes, we do! Everyone is waiting! Usagi, come on!"

Mamoru turned without warning, snatching the girl and tossing her on his shoulder. She kicked and wiggled, but he ignored it and flashed a wicked grin at his mate. "You're in no hurry, Usako?"

"Not as much as she is, at least. I don't know why she's trying to rush through her last day here."

"But Mama, the eclipse!"

Usagi glanced around automatically. "Not in public, Chibiusa. Remember?"

"Sorry," she said, but her repentance didn't last. "Let's go! Mamo-chan, put me down! We have to hurry!"

"I don't think so, kiddo. We don't want to run, so you're stuck like this till we find everyone else." He offered Usagi his other arm. "My lady."

The blonde smiled and curtsied. "Thank you, kind sir. I appreciate your gallant rescue and apologize for the impetuousness of my charge."

"Think nothing of it. I will be glad to escort you through the remainder of your day's activities. Unless my lady objects?"

"You two sound ridiculous," Chibiusa snorted.

Mamoru took pity and set her down once their friends were in sight, watching as the pink haired bundle of energy ran straight into them, knocking Rei and Minako over as she landed in the center of the group's blanket. Unazuki and Motoki laughed as Makoto and Ami kindly disentangled the other girls.

"Where are the guys?" Usagi asked as she and Mamoru joined them. "And Reika-san? I thought they were coming."

Makoto glanced up, cheer sparkling in her green eyes. "I don't know about the others, but Masato has meetings all day. Poor guy, too- he loves this sort of stuff."

"Same for Keiji," Minako chimed in as she managed to struggle out from under Rei and Chibiusa. "He says he'll try to take a moment, but he's got investors or something coming in so he'll be really busy."

"Jomei has family stuff," Rei explained. "Couldn't get out of it. They're not happy about him leaving politics."

"I thought you didn't like him," Motoki said with a grin.

Rei's nose went skyward. "I don't. He's just so hopeless someone has to keep an eye on him."

"So that's why you told him to work at the shrine with you?" Minako chuckled.

"Shut up."

Ami studied her lap. "Zane isn't coming. He didn't say why."

"And Reika's in class," Motoki finished before Mamoru could ask the genius girl what was going on. "Her professor's a tyrant. The day he gives them time off is probably the day he's being buried. If then."

"It's starting," Makoto said quickly.

Motoki took eclipse glasses out and passed them around. Mamoru accepted his automatically and slipped them on, but something was unsettling him. A sort of warning he couldn't understand. With a sigh, he attributed it to the strange dream he'd had the night before. After all, he wasn't psychic. It wasn't real.

Quiet anticipation settled over them as the moon began to slide in front of the sun, rapidly darkening the sky. The dark haired hero nodded, enjoying the rare occurrence. Just as the eclipse reached totality, though, a slice of agony radiated through his chest. It was gone as quickly as it had come, but the pain was accompanied by an even greater sense of foreboding. He glanced at Rei, wondering if she had felt it too, but the miko seemed undisturbed. There were three more stabbing sensations before the eclipse ended, each one a pain so acute he would normally equate it to a mortal wound. Mamoru forced himself to ignore it, though working up a smile every time Usagi met his gaze got harder and harder.

Mamoru was the only one happy when totality ended and the sun began to emerge.


Leaving the park, the group ran straight into chaos.

"What's going on?" Usagi shouted over the ruckus.

Mamoru, taller than the others, managed to look over the crowd's heads and spotted a poster on a nearby wall. He squinted until it came into focus. "Circus," he answered. "I guess they got in while we were in the park?"

"And everyone found out so quickly?" Ami asked with a frown.

He looked around, his discomfort back tenfold. "It's weird. We should have heard about an event this big before now."

Chibiusa was jumping up and down a few paces away, though Makoto was keeping a close eye on her. "We should go! It looks like so much fun!"

"I thought you were going back today, Chibiusa-chan," the brunette said.

"I can go back anytime. This will be amazing! Mama never goes to circuses!"

Usagi blinked. "What? Why?"

The little girl shrugged, practically dancing in circles now. "She never said. Papa offered to take me, but I don't think he likes them much either. We've done lots of other cool stuff together, but I've always wanted to see!"

"Do you have a problem with circuses?" the blonde asked her mate quietly.

He shook his head. "I've never been to one. Orphanage, you know." She winced, and he sighed. "Why don't you and Chibiusa take a look? I'll be there in a few minutes. I want to talk to the others first."

"If you think it's a good idea…" Usagi said hesitantly. "Mamo-chan, are you okay? You're being… I don't know. I feel like something's bothering you?"

"I'm fine, Usako." He smiled, winding one of her pigtails around his fingers. "I'll meet you guys in about ten minutes, okay? You and Chibiusa should spend some time together before she leaves."

He waited the few seconds it would take her to relax, grinning again when she perked up. "Okay! Chibiusa-chan, let's go look around! You can stay for a few more hours, right? We can have some fun first!"


The two moon girls took off at a run, leaving the others standing on the sidewalk. Motoki laughed, running a hand through his hair.

"Guess that's it, huh? I should get to the arcade. Unazuki-chan?"

"Yeah, I have a shift too. We should go before we're late. Bye!"

The Furuhata siblings turned back, and Minako, Rei and Makoto accompanied them. That left Ami fidgeting awkwardly next to Mamoru.

"What's up with you and Zane?" he asked gently.

The genius girl winced. "Is it that obvious?"

"A little." He gestured back toward the park. "Want to talk about it?"

"Would you let it go if I said no?"

"Probably not." Mamoru frowned. "I can't force you to talk to me, but I'm worried. Neither of you have been yourselves lately. Did something happen? Did he upset you? I know it's not about the past."

"No, he didn't do anything." She sighed and led the way to a deserted bench. Once they'd sat down, he waited. "I guess… How much do you know about what happened after you left to find Usagi-chan and Chibiusa-chan while we were at Infinity Academy?"

One brow shot up. "Did something go wrong?"

"You saw what it looked like that morning." He nodded, so she continued. "We did our best to contain the Daimons, but if we killed a dozen there were fifty more. There was no way to destroy all of them. We couldn't even get close enough to the school to help you. Eventually we realized we couldn't keep fighting a few at a time or we were going to drop. We split into pairs and erected a barrier to keep them out of the city."


Ami shook her head. "It wasn't enough. I- This is embarrassing."

"You've seen me at the worst point anyone can sink to. You have nothing to be ashamed of."

"I couldn't hold on," she said finally, getting to her feet again and starting to pace. "I wasn't strong enough to maintain my side of the shield. The others were putting in so much power, but I couldn't match them. I was going to break."

"You didn't."

"I would have." He could see the defeat in her eyes. "I almost did. Zoisite knew it, too. He tried to lead me back, tried to give me his power, but after a thousand years we didn't have much left connecting us. I was slipping away, but… He did pull me back."

"He remade your bond," Mamoru guessed

Ami bit her lip. "I think so. I was almost unconscious, but suddenly I had strength again. And he was kissing me. I opened my eyes, I looked at him and saw my lover and fiancé. I don't know what he saw in me, but I guess it wasn't that. He's barely said a word to me since."

"Ami-chan, the one thing that scares him more than anything is losing you."

She frowned. "I don't understand."

"How much did Zoisite ever tell you about his past? What do you know about his life before he met Mercury?"

Confused, the teen shook her head. "Not much. He wasn't exactly secretive about it, but I knew he didn't like to discuss it."

"So all you know is that he was part of the court." Mamoru sighed. "Zoisite was… I'm not the one to tell you. I'm sorry, but it's his story. You'll just have to believe me. I think he's scared what he did upset you, so he's pulling away on his own to avoid having you abandon him. You should talk to him. He won't listen to anyone else."

He turned to walk away, wanting to get a little something for his two favorite girls before he found them, but she stopped him.

"Mamoru-san? There's one more thing." The pause before she spoke again was like the proverbial hammer waiting to drop. "I can't transform."

The hero froze, dread creeping up his spine despite the matter-of-fact way she'd said it. "How is that even possible?"

"I don't know. I was going to go to the TV station to pick up our messages, but when I tried there was nothing there. It's like my power is gone."

"Have you asked the others?" he asked through a suddenly dry throat.

"I haven't told anyone."

Mamoru struggled to get his thoughts in order. "Well, you should talk to Zane-san first. If you can't henshin we'll need everyone else and we can't have you two dancing around whatever is bothering you. Once that's done you have to talk to Usako. She needs to know something is going on."

"Do you know anything?"

"If I did, I'd tell you in a minute." He shifted uncomfortably. "I've been uneasy, but that's it. I didn't realize anyone else was having problems."

"I thought about going to Usagi-chan, but she would just get upset and she's been so happy without the fighting. I would have told Zane if he was talking to me."

The dark-haired teen ran shaking hands through his dark hair. "Like I said, go talk to him. Then straight to Usako, okay? Something's obviously wrong."

Ami nodded. "Have fun with them today. I know she's not going to take this well."

"Of course not." He waved her off as she left before rejoining the street fair that had sprung up since the circus's arrival. A moment later, he realized how unseasonably warm it was. Despite February having just begun, it felt like June. He rubbed a little sweat from the back of his neck before approaching one of the vendors and purchasing a pair of glass kaleidoscopes to give Usagi and Chibiusa. The light refracting off them left a dazzle of color on the sidewalk below.

Locating the girls- both too short to see through the crowd- would have been almost impossible if not for the bond he shared with his girlfriend. Following her pull, he wound through the various street performers and groups of children and adults until he found them staring at a fire-eater. He just shook his head at their wide-eyed wonder before setting a hand on Usagi's shoulder. She turned and beamed him one of her most brilliant smiles, completely at ease.

"The circus is doing its first performance tonight," she informed him. "They've set up in the other park. See that big tent?"

He did, and he didn't like it. There was no explanation for his sudden hatred either. "Do you two want to go, or is Chibiusa-chan leaving before it starts?"

"She said she's not staying. She misses her parents more than she wants to see the circus. Once we find a quiet spot she'll go."

"We can take her to Hikawa Shrine. Rei will keep people away long enough for her to leave." He handed the blonde their presents. "Here. For both of you. I thought you'd like them."

"Oh, they're so pretty!" she chirped. "Look what Mamo-chan got us, Chibiusa! Aren't they beautiful?"

The pink-haired girl nodded, her interest in the fire-eater gone as easily as that. "Wow! Thanks, Mamo-chan!" She glanced between them. "I'll really miss both of you."

"You know we'll miss you too," Mamoru told her affectionately. "Still, I know your Mama and Papa must want you to come home. You've been gone for a while."

Chibiusa smiled sadly. "I wish I didn't always have to choose."

"Oh, Chibiusa," Usagi breathed. "Don't think of it that way. You have family that loves you no matter what time you're in, and if you're here or there that won't change. Even if you leave, we know we'll see you again."

Their future daughter giggled. "I guess. I should go, though. Mama and Papa are waiting for me." She held up her kaleidoscope. "Thanks again, Mamo-chan!"

"No problem. Let's get to Hikawa Shrine, huh?"

She led the way back to Mamoru's car, and he maneuvered through the nasty traffic until they reached the much quieter Sendai Hill. He parked at the base of the steps and followed his girls, thinking of what Ami had told him about being unable to transform. It seemed too much to be a coincidence- that she had lost her powers at the same time he began to be more and more unsettled.

Chibiusa charged into the trees and led the way to the small clearing the Senshi had originally used as their training grounds before Kunzite found and sealed off their one in the park. Once the two teens caught up with her, she smiled and raised her Time Key, beginning the chant to activate its powers and guide her through the fourth dimension to her home.

Nothing happened. The portal didn't appear, and none of the unusual effects of using the Key without completion occurred. Chibiusa yelped, and as she did a sudden burst of pain like the ones during the eclipse tore into him, forcing him to his knees as he tried to breathe. Usagi cried out, kneeling at his side. When she took his hands, it abated.

"Mamo-chan, what happened?"

"I don't know. It's over; don't worry about it. Chibiusa-chan, what's going on? You got the incantation right."

She shook her head sharply, looking worried. "It should have worked. I haven't messed up since before we left to help Mama. Then I saw something, but you fell and I wasn't paying attention."

"Saw?" Usagi repeated, whipping around to look at their daughter. "What?"

"I- I don't know. It was too fast," she replied nervously.

They both knew it was a lie, but Mamoru was still trying to make sense of what was happening to him while Usagi worried about them both.

"What does this mean?" he asked as he straightened after a minute's silence. "You can't go home?"

Usagi glanced between them. "I'll try to contact Pluto, but I don't know where any of them went. Are you all right, Mamo-chan?"

"Fine. Just a stitch, I guess. We've been hurrying everywhere today."

It was the second obvious lie in a matter of seconds, but she let it slide again. He knew it would be brought up when they were alone.

"Well, let's get you home since we've obviously worn you out. Are you coming, Chibiusa-chan? We can order takeout and watch a movie until your old dad is better."

"Old?" Mamoru repeated, trying to act offended. "I am not old."

"You're older than Usagi," Chibiusa observed.

"That doesn't make me old. I'll teach you two. See if you can catch up, hm?"

He took off running, knowing Usagi was faster but that she would go slow to keep Chibiusa with her. For a minute, he let his bafflement and fear play on his face before he shoved it away and tried to act like a normal person.


Mamoru stared out at the stars, his hands on the balcony railing tightening until they were white and bloodless. Another spasm of the earlier pain went through him, but he forced it aside. He wouldn't let the people he loved see him as weak again.

Usagi was inside with Chibiusa, getting the little girl settled on her futon in her father's room. He'd started keeping it on hand after she came to them for help the first time. He had offered to get one for his mate as well, but she'd only said if she was with him she didn't want to be on the floor. Despite how reluctant he was to be that close to her, she insisted. It wasn't like they did anything untoward.

"Mamo-chan, what's going on?"

"I don't know. What did Pluto say?"

"I haven't been able to reach her." He got a sense of the blonde shaking her head. "That's not what I meant. What's happening to you? I've seen you run across the entire city without breaking a sweat. You can't honestly expect me to believe you had a stitch bad enough to knock you over."

"I can't explain it, but that's what it was."

"I thought we were past lying to each other. I know something is wrong, and I know it's bothering you. Just talk to me. Please?"

He sighed. "I would tell you if I knew. It's just something I have to deal with until I figure it out. I feel like something's going to happen, but that's it."

"What sort of something?"

"I wish I knew. Whatever it is, I doubt it'll be good news."

"Another enemy?"

"Maybe. I hope not." She wrapped his arms around his waist, surprising him. He turned until he could see her eyes. "Hey, it's okay. No matter what the universe throws at us, we'll survive. You're the strongest, bravest girl I've ever known."

"Flatterer," Usagi muttered against his chest.

Mamoru chuckled. "Just honest, Usako. Now get some sleep. We can deal with trouble when it gets here, so there's no point in worrying about it."


AN: And there you go. I realize this chapter is ultimately not too huge a variation from the beginning of the anime/manga, but I'm trying to lay some groundwork. I know I try to get chapters out on a weekly basis, but I make no guarantees on this one. I don't like this arc, and it's taking time for me to figure out how to work through the various flaws of the original plot. That said, I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know what you think. Till next time!