Disclaimer: I don not own LoZ or any of the characters despite how musch I may want to :D

Chapter 1: Never judge a girl by her cover

"God!" The girl yelled at the slight boy in front of her, "Can you not understand english! In order to fight, you have to actually RAISE YOUR FIST!" The boy trembled from the bottom of his boots tot the top of his pointed ears.

"Sorry Miss Zelda, it wont happen again!" He stuttered out these words and then ran off in fear. The boy sat beside the girl named Zelda raised his eyebrows and winked at the next boy in the que. The boy winked back and continued waiting in the line next to the arena. Zelda looked at her partner,

"Seriously? Theo reckons he can take me? Tell me you didnt put him up to this link!" The boy called Link smiled slightly and asseseed the girl in front of him. She was 17 years old much like himself and Theo. They had been friends since Zelda had discovered them trying to steal sweets from the local shop. With her being a girl and all that Theo and Link had expected her to run off to the shopkeeper and tell on them. To their great suprise Zelda had winked at them and walked into the shop. Three seconds later she had retuned back out with her hands bulging with un-paid sweets. Ever since then they had all been best of friends.

"Link! Link quit staring at me!" Link shook himslef and smiled at zelda. Theo looked between them both and gave Link a great big grin.

"Knock it off you two lovebirds!" He called over lazely. Zeldas grin faltered and she seemed to turn to stone in front of Link.

"Theo you seriously should not have said that dude!" Theo just nodded and continued watching the arena. Suddenly a blonde bullet seemed to hurl itself at Theo. He turned in shock just in time to have Zelda barrel straight into him.

"Submit little Theo! Submit to the mighty Zelda!" Theo wailed in pain and gasped the words to get Zelda off him. Link smiled at the two of them and began whistling a small tune to himself. He saw zelda put her long blonde hair back into a ponytail and Theo shake his mop of brown hair out of his eyes.

"It's days like this when I wish I had a funny hat like yours Link!" Link answered with a casual flick of his fingers and got up off the chair he had been sitting on.

"Come on Z, you've had enough fighting for one day, we need to get home at some point today!" Link desperatley tried to drag Zelda away from the arena but Theo was being little help doing impressions of a princess around the outside of the ring.

"I swear im gonna kill that little punk" Zelda muttered through her teeth as she finally alllowed Link to pull her away.

"Aw, you don't mean that Zelda, without him you'd have no-one to beat up" They continued this happy bantering over Theo until the castle came into view. Link heard a slight whistling behind him and spun with his sheild. There was a tremendous bang and then Theo's unconcious figure on the floor. Zelda laughed with delight and grabbed his feet.

"Let's tie him up in the dungeons again!" She began dragging him towards the castle leaving Link to follow.

"And dont try and mess with my hat again" he muttered before following after Zelda.

So What do you think for a first chapter? Not sure what to do with it yet but please R&R xxx