It's the holiday season and the Samurai Rangers are celebrating Christmas, Jayden really wants to give Emily the perfect gift to show his true feelings but will a certain Green Ranger get in the way?




Ch. 1 Secret Santa

Ji walked out into the training area just as the rangers' morning training finished holding a bowl with some pieces of paper. "What's with the bowl Ji?" Antonio asked.

"As you all know, Christmas time is upon us. I am sorry that you are unable to go home due to attacks but I figured you should still have Christmas. I've written your names down and you're each going to be someone else's secret Santa." Ji explained.

"Sounds like fun!" Emily said excitedly.

"Can I pick first?" Mia asked. Everyone nodded and she eagerly picked a name. She read the name and a smile appeared on her face. "I've already got a gift in mind."

Everyone else picked names and went to rest since they had just had an intense workout. Jayden sat on his bed with a sigh. He had picked Mia's name, he had been hoping for Emily. "I had the perfect gift in mind too." He walked to his closet and opened it. He reached up to the shelf and picked up the present for Emily already wrapped in yellow wrapping paper and a red bow. "I worked hard for weeks on this," He set it back and closed the door when he heard a knock. "Come in," the door opened and there was Emily. "Emily, what brings you by?"

"I was wondering if you could help me," Emily answered entering the room and closing the door behind her.

"Sure, with what?"

"I picked Kevin's name for the secret Santa thing and I was wondering if you could help me go shopping. I'm not exactly sure what he's into other than swimming."

"Sure, when did you want to go shopping?"

"Is now a good time for you? I figure the sooner the better."

"Now's perfect, gives me a chance to shop for something to get Mia."

"I can probably help you, she is after all my pseudo sister."

"Thanks, just let me grab my jacket and wallet."

"I should go get my purse, I'll meet you at the gate."

"Okay," Jayden watched as Emily left his room. "I wonder who picked Emily's name." Jayden thought out loud. Jayden put on his jacket and grabbed his wallet before heading out. On his way out the door, he bumped into Mike. "Sorry Mike,"

"It's okay, you going somewhere?"

"Yeah, Emily and I are going to the mall. I'm helping her find something for Kevin and she's helping me find something for Mia."

"Oh," Mike said with a hint of disappointment.

"Something wrong?"

"Well it's just that I overheard her say she was going to go shopping and I was going to get ready to go with her."

"Well she and I kind of made a deal to help each other so I think it'd be best if she and I went alone."

Mike shrugged his shoulders. "It's just as well, it'd ruin the surprise."

Jayden raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What surprise?"

"I'm Emily's secret Santa."


"Yeah, and I figured it's the perfect opportunity to show her how I really feel."

"What do you mean?"

"Well the last few weeks I've been having these feelings for Emily. I think with the right gift I can get her to be my girlfriend."

"I see," Jayden felt a big bubble of jealousy building up inside. "What did you have in mind?"

"I'm thinking a pair of expensive earrings. Girls love jewelry, especially the expensive kind. It shows how much a guy is willing to spend on them."

"Where are you going to get the money to pay for earrings?" Jayden asked knowing Mike didn't have much money. His parents only sent him fifty dollars a month and he spends it on new video games.

"I was just going to look at them and then practice my symbol power to make them."

"Good luck with that, I've got to go; can't keep Emily waiting."

"Sure, but could you do me a favor?"


"Make sure guys stay away from her. I can't stand the thought of another guy hitting on my woman."

"His woman?" Jayden thought with lots of jealousy."Sure whatever," Jayden rushed out the door and hurried to the gate.

"There you are," Emily said when he reached the gate. "What took so long?"

"Sorry, I bumped into Mike and he was telling me what he was thinking about doing for his gift."

"We should get going. The mall's going to be crowded."