Bright sunlight filtered into the living room of the Curtis house as Two-bit brought his favorite amber liquid to his lips and took a drink. It was pretty early in the morning on Sunday and the older Curtis boys had just left for work. Two-bit had volunteered to wait for the youngest member of the trio who had stayed over with one of his school friends. Mickey mouse was playing on the TV making the rusty haired teen laugh at random things he was doing. The front gate creaked open and clanked closed and a few second later there were foot steps on the stairs then the door opened. Pony walked in, looking like hell. His clothes were slightly wrinkled, which is to be expected since he more than likely slept in them, but that's not all. There were slight rings under his eyes, but that's not what got Two-bit, what got him was the look on his face.

"If I ever saw an I can't believe I did that look, that's one you got kid," Two-bit said, setting his beer down and patting the couch next to him.

"That obvious huh?" Pony asked, sitting down and putting his head in his hands.

"I'm not going to bust your chops kid, but I gotta know did you think last night would last?"

Pony sighed and leaned back and rested his head against the couch back. "I should have fucking known better,"

"Who was she?"

Pony shook his head. "It wasn't a she,"

Two-bit did a small double take.

"Yea last night I lost my virginity to a guy last night," Pony looked up, his eyes were a very dark green.

"Pony like I said, I'm not going to bust your chops and I'm not going to judge what you did, but I know what your going through I have been around a few time,"

"Not like this,"

"No your right, not like what your going through but close I have so many one night stands in my past that I wish I could have taken back or at least had another chance with,"

"Bet it was never with one of your friends," Pony looked at him levelly.

"Ponyboy, who did you fuck last night?" Two-bit tilted his head at Pony.

Pony let out a half sob. "Dally,"

Two-bit's mouth dropped open as Pony put his head back in his hands, the tears falling faster.

"I'm so stupid," Pony sobbed.

Two-bit moved forward and grabbed Pony, pulling him to his chest and setting his chin on the top of Pony's head. The younger male wrapped one arm around the burly teens waist and gripped the orange Mickey shirt in his other fist. Two-bit could feel the tears start to seep against his skin, but just held on tighter to the broken male.

"How did it happen?" Two-bit asked, rubbing his hand up and down Pony's back. "I thought you were going to a friends?"

"Well he wanted to go get some beer and have a good time and the only place I could think of was Bucks and no I didn't drink anything last night, although I wish I could use that as an excuse,"

Two-bit nodded slightly.

"Well we get there and almost as soon as we got in the door, he disappeared, well I just kind of milled around until I felt this hand on my shoulder and was spun around,"


Pony nodded. "At first I thought he was going to kill me for being there, but he was half drunk off his ass and pulled me to the dance floor section,"

The younger teen took a deep breath and let it out shakily.

"Well I was a little uncomfortable since he was getting a little to handsy, but at the same time I liked it," Pony sniffled.

"Its ok Pony, what happened next?"

"Well a few people were starting to stare when Dally would turn around and it was getting to me so I tried pulling away, but he wasn't having any of it,"

"That's Dally for you,"

"Well when I told him that I didn't want to be there getting stared at, he gave me this wicked smile and dragged me upstairs. Once we got up there, he kind of pushed me against the wall and started kissing at my neck, you don't want to hear this, I'm going to go," But Two-bit held him where he was.

"Pony you need to get this off your chest, tell me what ever you want, hell tell me about how he looks naked, I'll listen,"

Pony looked up at him for a second and gave him a small smile before he laid his head on Two-bit shoulder.

"Thanks Two-bit, well after he kissed me, he started sticking his hand up my shirt and I liked it, a lot," Pony let out a small cough and Two-bit rubbed harder on his back for a minute.

"Well he started whispering in my ear all kinds of things about how he liked me for so long and how he was starting to fall in love with me and I fell for each and every lie," A small sob came out.

"Shhh," Two-bit said.

"Well I let him take me to bed and when we were done he kissed me once more and told me he loved me,"

"I take it this morning didn't have a good start?"

"We woke up about the same time and he kind of looked at me and said something along the lines of 'please tell me we didn't' well when I said we did he kind of cursed and got up and dressed,"

"And just left?" Two-bit said, resting his cheek against Pony's hair.

Pony shook his head lightly. "He apologized, told me he was sorry about what ever he said to get me into bed with him and that I should just forget about it all and move on and you know what stupid ol' me told him,"

"That you would?"

"Not only that but that I wouldn't tell anyone and it wasn't like he took anything from me anyway and that it doesn't mean he should stop coming around the house, I'm so stupid,"

"No your not, you just believed a very good liar, who's even better when there is alcohol involved,"

"Thanks Two-bit," Pony let out a shaky yawn.

"Why don't you go back to sleep?"

"I don't want to sleep alone," Pony said. "I don't want to wake up alone if this comes up in a nightmare,"

Two-bit pulled away and moved so he was leaning against a pillow that was on the couch against the arm of it. Pony looked at him with wet eyes confused for a minute until the older male patted his chest.

"I couldn't ask you to do that,"

"Who's asking, now get over here before I make you,"

Pony smiled lightly and laid on his stomach on Two-bit's chest. Two-bit grabbed the blanket that was on the back of the couch and laid it over the two of them and placed his hand on Pony's back.

"Thank you Two-bit," Pony said, already slipping into dream world.

"Anytime Pone,"

After a few hours more of sleep Pony woke up and Two-bit smiled at him and told him to go take a shower. Pony nodded and went about going. While he was in there, the rest of the gang including the one that was making Pony feel like he was came in. Two-bit had to fight the urge to punch him in that god damn smirk of his.

When Pony came out, his hair still damp, all dressed you could almost feel the pain he was giving off.

"Hey there you are Pony, ready to go?" Two-bit said, standing up.

"Just let me grab my shoes," Pony said, after giving Two-bit an odd look for a second, before grabbing his shoes and socks and slipping them on.

"Where are you two off to?" Darry asked.

"I promised the kid I would buy him lunch today and I'm going to keep my word,"

"If that's ok Darry?" Pony asked, as much as he wanted to get out, he still wanted to be polite.

"Go ahead, you better cash in on this while you can," Darry smiled as Two-bit rolled his eyes.

"Come on Ponyboy, I don't need to be insulted like this," Two-bit said and threw his arm around Pony's shoulders as he stood up.

"After you," Pony smiled up at him.

Two-bit smiled back and ushered him out of the house smirking lightly as soon as they were out side. Pony gave him a questioning look and Two-bit just shook his head and smiled more, ruffling his hair.

Two-bit saw what Pony apparently didn't. If looks could kill Two-bit would be six feet under from the look Dally gave him when he put his arm around Pony.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Authors Note~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Ok, this isn't an odd couple, its just sad and angsty.

It's based off the song by Pam Tillis called "Spilled perfume" hence the name.

I have a huge list of songs that I want to turn into song-fic-ish things and this is the one that's was bugging me to do.

I hope you like it, even though it didn't end like I expected it to, but I like it. How about you?

S. owns the outsiders

Pam Tillis owns "Spilled Perfume"