Sometimes, Shawn wants to stop.

He wants to stop pretending like him and Cory are "just best friends." He wants to stop pretending to date girls just so he can make Cory jealous. He does make Cory jealous. But not in the way he wants to. Sometimes, Shawn wants to grab him by the shoulders and shake him furiously whilst declaring his unrequited love.

But Cory is in love with Topanga. And Shawn is in love with Angela. Or so he thinks. Sometimes he wonders if he's dating Angela just because he wants to feel something real. He wants to feel the love that Cory's always talking about with Topanga. All his life, Shawn has been numb.

But not when it comes to Cory. When Cory makes some homoerotic remark about their relationship, it sends shivers down his spine. He feels his icy heart melting and the flutter of butterflies in his heart. But Cory never means it. And Shawn always gets this empty pain in his stomach when the realization hits. When he calls Shawn "darling," he never means it. Unlike Shawn, who intentionally calls Cory "babe" and hops into bed with him on occasion.

So when Cory is the one who grabs Shawn by his shoulders and forces his mouth on him, Shawn's shocked. But it still sends shivers down his spine and even after they let go, he doesn't feel numb anymore.