You could almost feel as if the music was dancing through the air. How it filled the flowers with radiate beauty and the fields in glorious ballet. The sunlight waltzed with the crystal waves, sparkling on its glass surface like some lost treasure. Strong trees stretched out their leaves to breathe in the sunlight and their gently swaying branches added to the harmony of the world.

The towns were full of rejoicing and song, you could see the excitement on every face. Their eyes were bright and their spirits were a glow to the days coming. Even the bustling chickens flapped their wings in all the joyous celebration that surrounded them. Every child was smiling and laughing with the joy that day brought them, and their little legs could barely keep up with their breaths as they skipped and danced around the courtyards and grain fields.

Today was the day that the whole world had anticipated since the days of the Heroes of Old, when a Hero was to be joined together with their soul mate, to live forever in blissful harmony and legend. The wedding was known all over Albion and the people rejoiced in their Hero's triumphal day.

People had gathered from all over the continent to witness the wonderful union of not only a Hero but the Princess of Albion. All was told throughout the land and all had traveled to witness the event.

The morning had broken so sweet and softly that day and all had risen to great the birth of the new day that would be told in history, then to legends, and then to fables.

The Princess of Albion awoke with the kisses of the new dawn, today would be the day she would finally unite with Elliot her truest love. The joy that radiated from her heart could almost be seen by all that laid eyes upon her.

As she bathed in aromatic cool fresh water sprinkled with ruby rose petals, it seemed to be like a dream, which was finally coming true. She could see outside the window of her house in Brightwood the people bustle from stall to stall preparing for a grand feast for that evening. The thatched rooms of the houses were covered in the blooming flowers of spring, which had made their way around her balcony window.

They seemed to bloom more radiate today than any other day she had seen them. She could hear the music starting to play in the courtyard and the sound of clapping, laughing and the beautiful instruments of Albion singing through the air.

The warm water felt wonderful to her body and calmed her senses. But her heart would never stop racing deep in her chest. The thought of finally joining in marriage with Elliot overwhelmed her with wonderment and love.

"Elliot…." She purred to herself. "What is he doing right now." She imagined him fidgeting in the mirror as he primed and groomed himself, as he always did when he was nervous.

The thought made her giggle, he would always do that before a ball or grand event when they were young, yet he always came out looking so dashing and at ease.

Keira lightly touched her skin and watched the beaded droplets of water run down her naked arm. She fanaticized Elliot's fingertips softly touching her skin, his warm loving hands all over her body.

She would finally be his and be united with him as One. Their bodies would be forever bound together and their union today.

She could feel a flutter of excitement run through her at the thought.

All of her would be his and him hers.

He would never again leave her side and their love would grow through the years and blossom into something so strong that not even death could break the memory of them and in that way their love would be known and live throughout the ages.

Keira drew herself from the bath and dried herself with a great fluffy white towel set out for her by one of her house maids.

As she covered her body, her maids entered the room and started to prepare her for the wedding day.

On the other side of Brightwood stood another grand home, where Elliot observed himself in the mirror. The soft radiate light warmed his ivory skin and reflected off his amber eyes that studied his reflection.

The reflection that stood in front of him in the mirror was no longer a young man, but a grown man ready to lay his life down for the One he loved. He would protect her and love her with all his heart. He had grown so much since he was a youth born at the castle, he was a boy that followed his heart through all his life and had given it to one of royalty. He followed and worshipped her as boy and now as he looked at himself that boy still resides in him, but now he sees a grown man. A man that would stand in front of death and tell it, it had to get through him to touch the one he treasured.

He had never seen how much he had grown since he had fought his way through the world without her. How his reason for life changed him into being the gentleman he is today. How she shaped him with her love and her trust. He always dreamed of this day and how he would be the luckiest suitor to marry her. Now standing in front of the mirror was that man.

He couldn't take it in fully how it happened, how fate itself had joined her with him once more. Now here they were going to join themselves together for life.

"I am that man."

His warm honey eyes examined his fine white and gold attire. He looked as if he was a Prince of Albion. His brunette hair was combed back to reveal his strong handsome features. His shoulders were broad under his fine clothing that ran down his muscular waist to his gold trimmed black boots.

"Fit for a Princess!" A strong voice boomed from behind him, startling him out of his thoughts.

Elliot spun around, "WALTER you made it!"

He embraced his longtime friend and received a bear huge in return.

"You look as if you were royalty yourself!" Walter exclaimed.

Elliot smiled "Thank you my Friend and look at you! You look as if you just came from the King's Ball!"

Walter chuckled and threw back his shoulders, showing off his tassels and medals that covered his whole chest . "Just my finest clothes!"

"Have you seen Keira? How are things coming with her?"

Walter chuckled. "No man is to set foot in that house! The maids nearly shoo 'd me with their brooms saying something along the lines of woman's wedding day and blah blah blah, Even though I'm the one who's escorting her down the aisle!"

"Is that what they did!" Elliot laughed.

"We'll she her soon." Walter smiled under his broad mustache.

Elliot nodded. "I hope I can always be a wonderful husband to her.

"No worries there, you two have been love birds for as long as I can remember, you two will make a great married pair. Now how about we get going to the ceremony! Don't want to be late for it that would be bad news."

Keira watched as the maids flittered around her, perfecting every inch. She had hired them after they had fled Albion's Castle in fear of her brother Logan. Most had been her personal handmaidens there and knew how to make her look her best for her wedding day.

"Alright Miss! You are ready to be married to Sir Elliot, you look radiate my Princess!"

All the maids gathered around in awe of their masterpiece that they had all worked so hard on.

Keira turned to herself in the mirror and lost her breath at her refection. Never did she think that she could look so beautiful, it was like as if out of a story tale.

Her fair golden hair were like waves of silk around her with beautiful white delicate flowers woven through it. Her makeup was flawless and her eyes were like that of the loveliest jewels that sparkled from behind her dark eyelashes. Her lips where soft and pink like a silk ribbon and skin was soft to the touch and as fragrant as the rose.

The purest diamonds adorned her neck and ears. Her wedding dress was breathtaking to behold and flattered her perfectly. Its white silk cascaded at her hips and flowed to the floor all around her like a splendid goddess.

Her brilliant bouquet of flowers was handed to her by her maids. The sweet aroma of Albion's most beautiful flowers filled her nose.

"It's time for me to meet my Husband." She smiled brightly.

Bowerstone Lake was filled with celebration and people gathered the shores looking onto the approaching wedding. A whitewashed marble stone bridge led out into the middle of the glistening lake where a towering beautiful ivory dome was held up by large marble columns that were adorned in floral arraignments and light chiffon fabric that blew ever so gracefully in the playful wind.

The crowds that gathered around the shore rejoiced in celebration of the union of the kingdom's lovers. But as the moment drew nearer anticipation and excitement intoxicated the air.

As Elliot pulled up to the lake in a chariot the crowds cheered at his arrival.

"Oh my gosh Walter, are you seeing this!" Elliot's exclaimed, awed by the crowds.

"We'll you are about to wed Albion's Hero and Princess." Walter smiled.

Elliot had never seen so many people in his life all gathered together at once. They threw flower petals in the air and rejoiced as he waved shyly to them.

Some time passed and the crowds watched on as the time drew near for the Princesses entrance.

Elliot watched on in anticipation for his Love to come to him. He could feel the excitement in the wind as it blew off from the lakes cool waters. Flower petals cover the velvet carpeting and candles from the crowds gave off a beautiful aroma that filled the air.

He stood tall at the alter awaiting the Princesses coming. Many of the women swooned at his good looks and deeply envied his wife to be. He was the most handsome man in all of Albion in every woman's mind since they had laid eyes on him that day.

Then the trumpets came, the crowds cheers sounded into the heavens as the Princesses closed carriage pulled up to the marble bridge. Elliot held his breath and his heart skipped a beat and the world around him started to fade away. He could hear soft violin and harp music playing as the crowds silenced in respect. The flower petals and beautiful music flowed through the air like honey on the gentle breeze all around him.

Elliot watched on as if in a trance, as Walter stepped out of the carriage and so did three handmaids.

He then saw her.

All the worlds focus was on her. Elliot gazed upon his wife to be and tears of joy instantly filled his eyes. The happiness that burst from his heart was immense and he found himself captivated in her great beauty.

Then so graceful she stepped out onto the marble bridge, Walter holding her arm delicately in his. The handmaids held her long silk train that danced elegantly in the gentle wind. His eyes met hers and the world came together in harmony. She was so radiate and gorgeous he never imagined how beautiful she would look until he witnessed her on this day.

The joy could be seen all over the crowds faces as she walked down aisle toward him.

He watched as his bride came closer and closer until Walter and his Princess stood in front of him.

Elliot reached out his hand and accepted hers from Walter, whom she kissed lightly on the cheek.

Finally her hand in his and he gracefully led her to the glorified alter.

The vows were spoken and traditions where performed, all the while Elliot couldn't take his eyes off his bride. Her lovely eyes meeting his made him breathe in deeply and be lost for as long her eyes held him captive. She smiled so beautifully he couldn't believe this was his bride. His eyes sparkled with pure true love as he gazed down into her eyes.

Keira looked into her True Love's eyes. They stirred with so much love and tenderness it brought tears to her eyes of how lucky she was to have someone love her as much as her Elliot does.

His beautifully shaped jaw and the frame of his face was flawless. The way his eyes met hers, made her feel as if life would be perfect as long as she could always be with him. Their love would never be broken and would blossom.

Then the Priest of Albion asked. "Do you noble Elliot take this woman to be your wife?"

Elliot held her hand in his and squeezed gently. "I do." His golden amber eyes filled with so much affection and truth.

"Do you Keira Princess of Albion take this man to be your husband?"

"I do. Now and Forever." Her heart could barely contain her excitement.

"Then I now pronounce you Husband and Wife! Prince Elliot you may kiss your Bride."

Elliot then took her in his strong arms and dipped her gracefully. Then as if eternity had stopped his lips met hers in eternal bliss that could only be known as heaven.

Their kiss was then followed by an uproar of cheer that echoed through the land.

But all they heard were their hearts beating as One.

His strong lips passionately work against hers. His sweet smell filled her nose and his strong arms around her made her feel so protected and loved. He was her husband and she was his wife forever. As their lips parted reality slowing came back into their senses and they were brought back to the celebration that erupted all around them.

Elliot and the Princess then lifted their joined hands in the air and bowed to the crowd that was in an uproar of cheer and celebration.

Keira looked to her husband and him to her and the joy that swelled in their hearts could be barely contained.

"Shall we my Love?" Elliot spoke gently to his wife. Then together joined in holy matrimony the two glided down the aisle as the newly celebrated Prince and Princess of Albion.

People threw up confetti and flower petals that fell all around the couple and the crowds.

The crowds of all who attended were like a sea of cheering smiling faces. Elliot could barely make out a single person as it all seemed to all blur as he passed down the aisle. But then he met the eyes of the One next to him and he knew that this was the beginning of something wonderful.

As the couple were escorted back to Brightwall the crowds followed their adorned carriage. Three white horses with flowing mains pulled it. The carriage was covered in roses and was lined in ruby silk were the royalty sat. As the crowds followed it, children ran alongside it trying to keep up with the gracefully galloping stallions.

The carriage pulled up to Brightwood square and with a grand entrance the carriage circled for all the crowds to gather and cheer on the Prince and Princess of Albion's arrival.

The festivities had begun in preparation for the great celebration of the wedding. Beautiful flowing white fabric was draped from house to house and flowers adored the streets. Candles covered all the great dining tables the filled the great square.

The smell of all the food could make ones mouth water instantly. The great roasts of all different delicacies could be smelled from miles around. Pies of cherry, apple, blueberries and strawberry lined the tables, along with all sorts of tasty pastries baked for all by the best of Albion's chefs.

Freshly baked bread with butter was placed at every table. Wines and Albion's finest ale were poured generously in great mugs and passed around and made the cheeks of men grow rosy and their laughs hearty.

The smell of rosemary baked with slowly roasted pork and roasted fine cut meats filled the air.

Mighty drums, cheerful lutes, delicate sounds of harp, clash of the tambourine and flute could be heard playing above the crowds that had gather far and wide to partake in this great banquet.

Elliot and Keira were then escorted to the high table that was placed overlooking the festival.

As the crowds from the ceremony poured into the town it filled the huge square with dancing, laughing, and celebration cheers. Gifts were presented to the Prince and Princess from all over Albion, ranging from elegant furniture, bouquets of flowers, and huge lump sums of gold, rare paintings, jewels and all sorts of exotic presents.

The crowds let the music flow through them and the dancing started. Young woman blushed as the most daring of the young men asked them to dance. The lighthearted music made everyone's feet tap to the beat, till every heart was filled with delight and everyone danced together. The sound of music sung far and wide over Albion.

Walter stood up from his place seated next to Keira and raised his great ale mug when the song ended. With a booming voice he called a toast to the newly wedded couple. The crowd quieted to hear the speech as the greatly adorned Walter cleared his throat.

"In all my years, never has my heart been filled with such happiness. But today I am so proud of two I consider to be my daughter Keira and my son Elliot. They have both brought so much joy to my life, as I have watched them grow. But also to watch their love for each other grow every day since they were children is a very special to me."

Walter then turned to Elliot and bowed.

"Elliot a fine young man once, who has proven to not only be a great man, but an excellent future Prince of Albion. Who will be a wonderful example of loyalty and a truly goodhearted leader to all. He will be known through the years as a defender of Albion and her people. Over time I've seen his wisdom grow and his spirit for helping those in need. With his hand Albion will become a great nation lead by his actions."

The crowds cheered as Walter raised his mug and drank. He then turned to the bride and bowed.

" In all my years I've never met such a woman so dedicated to preserving and defending all that is good. She always asked me to teach her to be a Hero, and every day she trained and studied hard to become the best she could be. But she has not only become a defender of the weak, but also a Hero that will be remembered for all time. Her strength will guide Albion to a new era of greatness and beautiful future."

The crowds raised their voices in cheer as Walter took down another gulp from his mug.


In joyous unison the crowds applauded and cheered to their hearts content.

As the day drew on more speeches were given, each special and heartwarming for all who heard. Many speeches were given of Keira and her heroic deeds to the people. Some were given for Elliot's kindness that had been shared at the Orphanage. Were he had taken care of the children and had given them new homes and families. Even Jimmy the orphanage said a couple words of gratitude before getting to embarrassed and running off to play with the other children.

Then evening drew near and the sun could be seen starting to fall towards the horizon.

Elliot looked to his bride, her cheeks were pink with laughter and her smile made his heart melt in his chest. Gently he slid his hand on her leg, he could see her jump and then a blush fill her cheeks.

"E..E…Elliot." She giggled trying to hide the heat building up in her cheeks.

"I want to take you somewhere." His molten gaze met hers intently.

He firmly grasped her hand and led her out from the festival. Together they quickly weaved through the houses, till they came to a field were a horse was tied awaiting their arrival.

As the couple mounted, Elliot held her in front of him.

"Are you ready?" He whispered in her ear, creating a shiver of excitement through her.

She bit her lip and nodded trying to calm her pounding heart.

The horse whined and raced across the golden grain fields. The cool breeze chilled along Keira's heated cheeks. Her heart was starting to gallop with nervousness and excitement.

As they rode through field after field they entered an enchanting forest. Sunlight shown splendidly down around them and fireflies swirled around them waiting the coming night.

Soon the smell of fresh water filled Keira's nose. Bowerstone Lake came into view it was so calm with all the crowds gone and only the sound of lapping calm waves could be heard.

Elliot rode up to the marble bridge and dismounted.

He bowed and offered his hand out gracefully. "My Princess?"

Keira giggled. "My Prince."

"Will you watch the Sunset with me my fair Princess?" Elliot's eyes sparkles up at hers.

"Of course." Keira smiled.

Then together the Prince and Princess of Albion walked hand and hand to the great marble dome were they had joined together in marriage.

As they looked out onto the lake, its smooth placid glass waters reflected the pink and gold sky that hung above them. The clouds in the distance were beautiful and grand.

"It looks as if angels painted the sky." Keira uttered in disbelief.

Elliot wrapped his arms around her shoulders and he held her from behind. He could feel her silk hair tickling his face in the light breeze. He kissed the top of her head, he could smell how lovely her scent was.

He rang his fingers lightly down her hips and then pulled her closer to him.

"I love you." He whispered, his lips travelling down her neck softly.

Keira felt another blush fill her cheeks as pink as the radiate sunset. Her heart was pounding in her chest and fluttering at the same time. She turned to him and looked up into his beautiful face. His eyes looked down into hers with such love.

"I love you and I'm so happy Elliot….I'm so…" She was cut off as Elliot's lips pressed longingly into hers. Her mind forgot to think as her lips formed around his. His warm breath was sweet and his lips were so incredibly inviting.

She ran her tongue along his bottom lip, she could feel his chest rumble as he groaned at the sensation. His lips pressed firmer and worked like magic on her. Her mind was become a haze and all the existed was him.

She could feel her self-control giving way to him and temptation seeping into her. Her hands cupped his face and then she ran her fingers through his bronze hair. Elliot's hands squeezed her harder against him. Keira could feel how perfectly their bodies fit together, making another flutter of excitement fill her senses. Her breaths became desperate as she thought of how much she wanted him.

All of him.

His lips were so succulent and full and tasted delicious and she yearned for more. She pressed her hips against him and received a moan that passed over Elliot's lips. It was full of anticipation and desire and echoed deep into her.

Elliot couldn't handle much more, he yearned for her with every inch of his being. His heart pounded in his chest and his hands trembled with excitement as his thighs pressed firmly against her. The desire was aching him and taunting his mind.

He pulled his lips away and groaned and started hungrily kissing down her neck. Every kiss sending pleasure through her like lightning.

"E…Elliot…" Keira could barely speak as she gasped in desire.

It made Elliot senses crazy almost driving him to insanity.

Then breathlessly Elliot brought his lips back to hers kissing her roughly and pulling away as if he was burned.

"I need you… please…." Elliot pleaded with his golden eyes.

Keira smiled flirtatiously trying to recover her breath. "Oh yeah?"

"I can't stand waiting any longer." Elliots eyes filled with desperate lust.

Keira could feel a shutter of excitement come over her, "Then show me."

Elliot brought his face dangerously close to hers and wrapped his arm around her hips and pulled her abruptly against him, making her heart skip a beat.

"Then let me show you My Princess."

Authors Note: Thank you everyone for being so supportive your reviews are everything to me and as my gift to all of you who read this story I've made a very special art piece for this chapter! Here is the link! messages/#/d5dqjjv