A/N: Hello people of FanFictionDotNet! This is the first fic I've posted on here, and I hope you like it. This contains yaoi, if you haven't noticed, and so if you don't like the idea of boyxboy, I suggest you leave. Click that little back button up there on the left. Yeah that. Anyways the POV might change sometimes, like next chapter, Lovi might narrate. In this one, Antonio's narrating. This is somewhat based on Sunny Day in February's Bottoms-Up! fic. I suggest reading it, the chapters are long and there's a little over 60 of them but it's awesome. And Self-Titled Demo's Sound Life is very good too, long chapters, but I absoluetly loved it. Cried at the end. Anyways... For now, I hope you enjoy my first fic!


Ah, Lovino. I love him. He's so cute. Too cute. If he were to get anymore cuter, I would explode from all that cuteness. Seriously.

The way he swayed his hips ever so slightly as he was making dinner, the way he pursed his lips, furrowed his brows, let out a growl, the way a slight blush formed on his cheeks, how his cute brown curl twitched into a heart when I gave him a compliment or any other display of affection, the way he roots for his favorite football team(s), the way he said my name to get my attention... It all drove me crazy.

Lovino had no idea how much I loved all those little things he did, even when it was totally silent in my dark living room and all I could hear was his small breaths, sometimes imagining what would happen if I pulled on that curl...

"A-Antonio," a small hand waved in front of my face and I soon noticed it as Lovi's hand. "You have that freaky perverted smile on your face again, bastard," he mumbled and curled himself into a ball on the other end of the couch, seemingly bored of the cartoon on the TV and kept his gaze on me. "Y-You even have drool dripping from your chin, d-dammit."

Boy was he right. Saliva was literally pouring from my mouth and onto my chest. I quickly wiped it from my face with my shirt and smiled at Lovino. Dios mio, he was so cute when he looked at me like that.

"...Don't fucking smile at me like that. It makes you look like a damn creeper," Lovino complained and glanced towards the phone. "Well, Feli and I are gonna go grocery shopping tomorrow, so..." he trailed off and I knew what he was asking.

"Ah! I've been in the need of some toilet paper, if you haven't noticed already," I answered with a chuckle. "And some paper towels... My silverware has been disappearing mysteriously, too."

"Yeah, your 'friends' have been taking them... 'Bout time you fucking noticed, bastard," He scoffed and turned back to the TV.

I frowned. "Francis and Gilbert? They've been taking my silverware?"

Lovino nodded. "Yeah, and that time your toilet was clogged and you had to call up my brother to unclog it? They stuffed the toilet with fucking toilet paper, dammit."

If I knew Francis and Gilbert, they wouldn't do that. Not to me, anyways. "Are you sure it wasn't a dream? I-I couldn't imagine them doing such a thing."

"Sorry to break it to ya, bastard, but they stuffed your fucking toilet with toilet paper and stole your fucking silverware. I don't even want to have dreams of those damn perverts, anyway."

"Ah well," I rubbed my neck nervously."That was a nice explaination, Lovi~!"

"Shut up," he growled and turned off the TV. "I'm gonna go to bed, kay bastard? Don't touch me in my sleep or anything," he ordered me and got off of the couch while grabbing the book he always read before he went to bed. It's title was in Japanese... He told me it was about "an airheaded Spaniard and an attractive Italian that live in the same house in Spain."

"Now, Lovi," I replied as he was making his way to the stairs, "Have I ever touched you in your sleep before?" He glared back at me. So cuuuuuuuuute~!

"How would I know? I'm warning you anyways, bastard, because once I caught Francis fuck-face all over me when I was taking a siesta..."

"Ah, but you know I wouldn't, Lovi~."

"Yeah," his face became a light pink. Aw~! "Whatever. Don't bother me." Lovino headed up the stairs and left into his bedroom. I sighed and went into the kitchen while glancing at the small digital clock on the counter. It was kind of late... I guess. But I was hungry... But I was tired... But I should eat... I won't get up early enough to get a hug from Lovi... But I'm hungry...

I went into my fridge and was greeted with a cold face (Lovi had always told me not to stick my face into the fridge as soon as I opened it beacause the fridge was colder than we both thought) and a bunch of ripe tomatoes. I love tomatoes. Lovi loves tomatoes. We have a never ending love for tomatoes. That's why when you opened our refrigerator, tomatoes would try and attack you to get away from the crowded space of tomatoes. Lovi and I did a good job of stacking them just right, though, and if you grabbed the wrong one the whole pile would tumble down.

Very carefully, I grabbed a red fruit of sweet deliciousness from the very top of that mountain. Lovi told me to start from the very top and not to grab tomatoes from the bottom or middle or else he wasn't going to help me out of the army of red circles and green hats.

He didn't say exactly that, but it was pretty close.

One tomato probably wasn't going to be enough, so I grabbed another one. Hooray, the pile didn't fall down! I felt so proud of myself and started to wash the glad-to-be-free-from-the-other-annoying-tomatoes tomatoes. Lovi and I washed them before putting them in the fridge, but I thought I should wash them again anyways. I was going to eat one, like any normal person would, but out of nowhere a hand grabbed the fruit right out of my hand. How rude.

I turned around to greet the thief, but, of course, Lovi was standing there like the little cute Italian he was, eating the tomato he had just snatched from my hand, which didn't have a very tight hold on the round fruit (I'm running out of nouns to call the tomato) in fear of squishing it.

"Uh, hi there Lovi!" I greeted him as I hid the other tomato behind my back, in case he was going to take that one too. He just grunted as he finished the last of the red circle with a green hat.

"...Finish that fucking tomato already, I want to talk to you about something bastard," he ordered me and I obeyed. Anything to make Lovi happy~!

"Okay, good," he said after I finished and took a seat on the counter. "Okay, I thought about this... I live here, in Spain, and Feliciano lives with his fucking potato-eating boyfriend in... Fucking Germany. And so," he paused and grabbed a butter knife, "I'm not driving to fucking Germany and, knowing Feliciano, he doesn't want to drive from Berlin to Madrid..."

"Didn't you sort this out on the phone?" I asked.

"No, dammit! If we did I wouldn't be telling you!


"I never thought of it at the time... Well, I did, but he wouldn't quit blabbering. He didn't even mention where we were gonna shop."

"Have you called him?"

"Yeah, I'm not stupid. I called, potato-eating bastard answered and said Feliciano was sleeping already. He said we shouldn't bother him 'cause he was sleeping oh so fucking perfectly."




"I don't have ideas."

"Go shopping without him, then." I suggested.

"No, he'll be fucking devistated and won't quit whining until next year," he replied and blew some of his cute chocolate colored locks out of his honey orbs.

"Meet him in the middle of Switzerland?"

"Nah I'd rather not get shot at."

Well, um... I didn't have any ideas.

"I'll just call Feli tomorrow, then," he finally said and went back up the stairs after putting the butter knife away. His PJs were my old clothes and they were really baggy, so every now and then he would trip for no reason. It looked like it hurt but it was so cute to see his reddening face- probably from embarassment and anger- as he got up and quickly walked away from my smiling face. Ah, Lovi.

If only he knew how I felt.


What was I doing?


Oh yeah, I was gonna go to bed. Heh.

I got dressed into some of my PJs, and tucked myself into those fluffy red sheets. They were pretty warm... Was Lovino warm right now? He only had some thin, yellowish sheets. He never complained... One day I'm gonna walk into his room to get him up for breakfast, and see him frozen to death...

Yeah, I hope that never happens... Yikes.

Soon, I abandoned my thoughts and drifted off into a deep sleep, with only my dreams left with me.


A/N: So how'd you like it? Reviews are very appreciated. Please let me know how I did! ~XxGaaraRoxMySoxxX~