Dealing With a Full Deck

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do now own Hetalia.

Summary: Spades, Hearts, Clubs, and Diamonds. Each Kingdom is very different from each other and yet they all need a King, Queen, and Jack to function. Spades needs a queen and unfortunately no one ever told England that he is to become the new queen.

Couples: England X Alfred, Ludwig X Feliciano, Roderich X Elizaveta, and possible other couples.

"So the Queen of Spades is dead, huh?"

That was the first thing that came out of Gilbert's mouth when he heard the news of the poor queen's death. The white haired man's demonic tail flicked from side to side and the smirk that he usually wore on his face was gone. The red eyed man just looked down at his apprentice, the person who had told him the news, and waited for the boy to respond. The boy, a child by the name of Peter, only looked up at his teacher with wide blue eyes.

"She died last night in her sleep; I heard that she went peacefully." Peter said.

Gilbert just let out a small groan before he ran a hand through his hair.

"Aw man couldn't she have lived a bit longer." Gilbert said.

Peter just gave his teacher a blank look before he said "Gilbert she was 110 years old."

"I know she could have lived for another 110 years."

Peter really didn't know what to say to that so instead he just asked "Why do you care so much if the Queen of Spades is dead or not? It does not affect us in any way."

Gilbert just looked at his small protégé before he sighed and asked "Ok kid let me ask you this, what is that we Jokers do?"

"Pull pranks?" Peter answered, but it sounded more like a question.

"Besides pull pranks." Gilbert said.

Peter was quite for a long time before he said "Pull more pranks?"

Gilbert sighed before finally decided to have mercy on the kid and answer the question.

"We Jokers get to live a pretty nice life. We get to screw around with people and we don't have to worry about things that affect regular people. We live way longer than your average human and we have some pretty awesome powers."

"Yeah, so what does that have to do with anything?" Peter asked he really didn't know where this conversation was going.

"Everything comes with a price kid that includes our way of life. Our payment for being able to live such an awesome life is that we have to make sure that the four kingdoms stay standing. Making sure that each kingdom has their King, Queen, and Jack is just one of our jobs." Gilbert said.

"But don't the Kingdoms usually find them on their own. The Spade Kingdom was able to find their King and Jack just fine last month." Peter said.

"That's true the Spade Kingdom has three clocks that will lead them straight to their King, Queen, and Jack. The Queen, King, and Jack also have the mark of the spade on them to prove who they are." Gilbert said.

The white haired man gave his young Joker friend a large grin before he snapped his fingers and held his hand out toward the blue eyed boy. Within a matter of seconds a small ball of light appeared in the albino's hand and after shinning for a few minutes the light finally disappeared only to reveal that Gilbert was now holding a large gold pocket watch. The minute hand and the hour hand of the watch were moving round the clock's face at in unnatural speed. Peter just watched as the hands of the clock raced around and he was only snapped out of his staring when he heard Gilbert start speaking.

"Usually the Kingdom can find their royal family on their own, but sometimes they don't find them as fast as we would like. Other times it's impossible for them to find them and for good reason."

"Impossible?" Peter asked, his eyes never moving away from the clock.

"Sometimes the new Queen, King, or Jack is another world. Since our Queen finding clock here is freaking out then that means our little Queen is not from this world." Gilbert said.

"Then how is the Spade Kingdom supposed to get their Queen?" Peter asked.

Gilbert just laughed and gave the young Joker a smile.

"The answer to that question is simple; if the Spade Kingdom can't find their Queen then we do it for them…."

England had always had sort of sixth sense ever since he was young. He seemed to always be able to tell when something was going to happen be it something good, bad, or just plain strange. England didn't know if it was because he was a nation, he had to have it considering the fact that most of his friends were mischievous mythical creatures, or if it was just a combination of things but he had it and that was all that mattered. England would always just get this feeling that something was off and when he got that feeling something would usually happen. Whenever England got that feeling he would usually be just a little bit on edge which would explain why he was a little jumpy today.

He had woken up with this feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't find a thing out of place. There was nothing of great concern on the news (or at least nothing that was new anyway), he had no meeting planned for the day, and so far no other nation had called him saying that something bad had happened. Yet he just could not get of the feeling that something bad would happen soon. So with nothing else left to do he went and made a cup of tea to try and calm him down. The tea was helping to calm him down at first, but just when he was starting to relax the bad things started happening.

Tick, tick, tick, tick…

"What in the world is that noise?" England grumbled to himself as he got up from his seat at the kitchen table.

It sounded like the ticking of a clock, but the ticking was rather loud. England immediately went off in search of the noise so that he could stop the never ending ticking. England left his kitchen and made his way down the fall. As he got closer the loud ticking noise it got louder and louder until he finally made it to his office door. The ticking noise seemed to be coming from behind the door and after letting out a small sigh England opened the door and looked around his office.

England looked around the room to see what could possibly be making the noise, but the room looked pretty normal. His computer was turned off, every book was in its place on the bookshelves, and the only clock in the room was a small desk clock that was not able to even make any ticking noise at such a loud volume. England walked into the room and looked around only to have his eyes widen when he looked over at the full body mirror that he had in the room. Staring back at him was not his reflection, but what looked like Prussia. However this Prussia in the mirror did not look like the Prussia that that England was used to.

He had (what looked like) small red horns on his head and England could see that he had a demon tail and said tail was slowly moving around. His red eyed where blank of any emotion and he had a small frown on his face. The Prussia lookalike in the mirror had what looked like a pocket watch in his hands, but the white haired male was holding it so that Arthur could not see the face of the clock.

Just what in the world was this? It could not be magic because Prussia didn't believe in magic much less know how to use it. It could have been an elaborate prank, but if that was the case then this was the strangest prank that the blond nation had ever seen. Well whatever it was it was the ticking seemed to be coming from the mirror, or to be more specific it was coming from the clock in the red eyed man's hand. England slowly made his way over to the mirror until he was standing right in front of the mirror.

The white haired male lowered his hand slightly so that England could now see the face of the clock. The hands of the clock where moving about at a crazy speed, but suddenly once the two hands of the clock were both pointing at England they froze in place and the loud ticking fell silent. The man in the mirror suddenly gave England a large happy grin and let out a small chuckle. England blinked and opened his mouth, but before England could even say a word the man reached out with his free hand and grabbed wrist. England was quickly pulled into the mirror and before England could even processes what was going on he felt something hit his head. England's world started to turn black, but before he passed out he heard the white haired man speak.

"I have finally found you Queen of Spade…."

Ok, so that's chapter one. Info time!

Cardtalia: Yeah so I decided to jump onto the Cardtalia bandwagon. After seeing so many Cardtalia fanfics I decided I wanted to try my hand at writing one as well.

Jokers: I don't really know how Jokers work so I just kind of came up with an idea of how they function. In this fanfic you can think of them as spirits of some type. They will be covered more in depth as the fanfic goes on, but I can at least talk about the basics. As Gilbert said here they live for a very long time and they have some interesting powers and abilities. In exchange for living the sweet life they have to keep the Cardtalia world in check and make sure that the Kingdoms don't get completely taken off the map. Other than that though they are free to do what they please. Again I'll talk about them and the fanfic itself will explain them more as we go on.

England: So in most Cardtalia fanfics that I have seen the person who becomes the new Queen/King/Jack is usually a human from another world or they are from the Cardtalia world itself. As I read them I kept thinking 'what would happen if a nation was chosen'. With that thought this fanfic was soon born.

Anyway, I will try and get the next chapter out as soon as possible so please review and don't flame.