Fancy A Snack? Chapter 1::VenusEvilOverlord

A/N: I've re-written this chapter, so if ya'll want the first version, drop a review. SS/SB for this fic. Set in 5th year. Enjoy? VERY fluffy, with lots of smut! There is a plot, though, no fear. Please R&R!

Severus stirred slightly and opened his eyes slowly, eyelashes fluttering faintly. Something heavy and warm was thrown across his back and something a bit larger across the backs of his thighs. There was an irritating pain just below his waist, and his legs were aching slightly.

The raven-haired man shifted, opening his eyes fully and squinting into the unfamiliar room as he breathed in the scents of something masculine; the scents of chamomile and sex. Something warm behind him made a quiet noise and sighed, then pulled him back against it.

Severus froze, eyes snapping open. Sex. Oh, Gods. Oh, Gods, no. That would explain the smells and warmth. Sex. He had had sex with Sirius Black. The Animagus in question sighed happily and moved slightly, nuzzling the back of Severus' neck.

The lithe man jerked up and away from the other man, eyes wide. "Black!" He hissed, sneering.

"Mmm." Black grunted, clumsily attempting to drag him back down to him.

"Black!" Severus spat as Sirius managed to grab him around the waist and pull Severus down to the mattress beside him again.

The Potions Master scrambled for the blankets as the half-asleep Animagus tossed them aside in his haste to keep them pressed together for warmth. Severus snatched the blankets back and pulled them up over his waist, onyx eyes narrowed.

"Black, wake up!" He susurrated, unsure if the silencing wards were still in place.

Sirius grumbled quietly and wrapped his arms tightly around the Potions Master's waist as Severus hesitantly relaxed back against him. The Animagus snuggled closer, pressing himself flush against Severus, his lips brushing against the soft skin just behind the shell of Severus' ear. "Hmm, Severus…" He murmured sleepily, voice soft and tender.

Then, suddenly, Sirius snapped awake. He went rigid against Severus' back, gasping quietly. "Severus." He said quietly.

"Black." Severus replied, voice empty of emotion.


"Eloquent as usual, I see." Severus responded icily.

"Oh, fuck." Sirius said against the back of Severus' neck.

"Indeed." Snape replied bitterly, unable to believe he had allowed himself to be seduced into Sirius' bed and become one of the Animagus' conquests.

"We had sex." Sirius said awkwardly, making no sign that he was going to move away.

"Yes, Black." Severus said, voice cold.



Sirius began to withdraw his arms, then paused and wound them back around Severus' waist and tugged Severus back against his bare chest. "You alright?" He asked calmly, pressing a kiss against the very tip of Severus' jawline before he could react.

"Am I alright?" Severus snarled, struggling to pull away from the other. "No, I am not alright! I just let one of my worst enemies fuck me!"

Sirius chuckled quietly and being naturally the strongest of the two, easily pinned Severus to the mattress until he stopped thrashing. "Relax, Severus, Gods. You didn't see so adverse to it last night." He said, nonchalantly holding Severus' arms in a firm, but unharming grip.

"Let me go!" Severus spat, squirming as Sirius straddled his hips and pinned him down.

"No! Calm down, Snape! Geez!" Sirius grumbled, holding him in place until he stopped his struggles to escape the Animagus' grip.

Severus slowly, reluctantly relaxed and went limp beneath Sirius, concentrating on breathing deeply and easily. Sirius nodded and loosened his grip ever-so-slightly. "Alright. Now honestly, don't you think this changes things?" Sirius asked softly, tracing one of the many scars that crisscrossed Severus' back.

Severus jerked slightly, feeling his cheeks heat up as he realized that Black wasn't making fun of him. "I…I'm not sure. I hate you."

Sirius stiffened slightly, his breath leaving his lungs in a disappointed sigh as he slowly released Severus and got off him. "I won't force you to stay…but I think we should talk about what happened."

"What is there to talk about?" Severus asked penetratingly as he sat up and pulled the covers around himself.

"Snape, I don't want you to be a one-night-stand." Sirius said, looking completely serious, no amusement in his eyes.

"What?" Severus asked, onyx eyes widening in shock. "You…you, what?"

"I want to get to know you, Severus." Sirius said calmly.

"Why?" Severus asked.

Black had caught his attention. Very well, he would hear the mutt out.

"Because…I don't know. Nearly every single night of the past two weeks I've had a wet dream about you." Sirius said, looking as confused as Severus had ever seen him.

"Is that so?" Severus asked, smoothing the blankets down as he sat with his back against the headboard.

Sirius shrugged one shoulder and sat cross-legged across from the Potions Master. "I like you, Snape. I mean, you're a pain in the arse, but honestly, I've always kind of been attracted to you." Sirius said awkwardly.

"You…you have?" Severus blinked, the sneered. "You're lying." He accused.

"No, I'm not! Did it look like I was making fun of you last night? Jesus Christ, Severus, I screamed your name!" Sirius exclaimed, looking like he was struggling to make Severus and himself see reason.

Severus blinked again. "I…no. It…it didn't seem like it, no." Severus admitted reluctantly.

Sirius nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, it wasn't fake. I…I really want to get to know you. Can we…do you think we can just hang out a little today?"

Severus hesitated, running his eyes over Sirius' stocky, muscled form. There was no doubt about it, Sirius was handsome. "I think…I think I would like that."

Sirius immediately grinned. "Aright! Awesome!" He looked like he was about to grab Severus and kiss him, then hesitated. "Can I kiss you?"

Severus bit his bottom lip, then nodded silently. Sirius' smile returned, and he leaned forward to cup the side of Severus' face in his palm. His gaze softened with warmth as he gazed at Severus with some unidentified emotion, but before Severus could react or back away, Sirius kissed him.

The Animagus leaned into their kiss, his mouth gently moving against Severus'. The Potions Master found himself melting against Sirius before he could stop himself, and suddenly, he found himself lying flat on his back, Sirius on top of him.

The scruffier man swiped his tongue along Severus' lips, carefully asking for entrance. After a brief moment of hesitation, Severus opened his mouth, allowing Sirius to slip his tongue inside.

They moved mellifluously together, Severus' arms slowly coming up to wrap around Sirius' neck. When Sirius finally pulled back, they were both breathless. Severus' tongue darted out to wet his bruised lips, and he sighed in relief.

Black was good. Very good. Sirius smiled at him hesitantly, and he stroked his thumb across Severus' high cheekbone. "You're a brilliant kisser, Severus."

Severus' cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the unexpected compliment, and he glanced away. "Thank you, Black."

"Severus, my name is Sirius. We had sex, I think you might was well call me that." Sirius said, gently stroking Severus' face again before letting go and backing off, respecting the Potions Master's personal space.

Severus nodded. "Sirius." He said quietly. "Alright."

Sirius smiled. "Alright, indeed." He took a deep breath. "I'm gonna' go out on a limb here, Severus, but do you think we…do you, uh…can we…" Sirius trailed off and gestured at his lap.

Severus nibbled on his bottom lip again, then said, "I like the way you act when you aren't being a son of a bitch."

"Me too." Sirius said, grinning.

Severus paused, then glanced down at Sirius' lap, which was just barely covered by the sheet. He took a deep breath. "Would you like to have sex again?"

Sirius grinned and nodded eagerly. "Hell, yeah!"

Severus smirked slightly and lay down, pulling the Animagus over on top of him. "Very well then."

Sirius beamed, then gently kissed his lover.