The Royal Meet Up

Thalia120: Yay another chapter! YAOI!

Animelover1031: *Hits Thalia* MAYBE!

Thalia: Mean! Hey Tsuna you're a damn uke!


Thalia: 'nods' Hibari is your seme!

Animelover1031: NOOO HIBARI'S MINE

Hibari: Both of you be quite it's getting crowded. Anyway Thalia nor Animelover own Hitman reborn

Tamaki: Or Ouran HSHC

Reborn: On with the chapter


Tsuna's Pov


"Reborn why white?" I said digging in my closet.

"Because we are switching colors with your siblings" Reborn said

"Yo lil brother, how do I look?" Dino asked I turned around. Whoever said that Mafia people only wear black is dead wrong.

Dino had white dress pants a black dress shirt his tie black and white striped his white suit jacket slung behind his shoulder.

"You look good Dino if only I could find a white suite" I said

"I think I have an old one Romario accidently packed. That you could borrow."


I was messing around this damn designer tie Karou was all don't because he got Tamaki to do it. But that damn King just had to go and pick up Haruhi.

"I'm back! Everyone come look at how beautiful my little girl looks!" The King said

I slowly got out of the dressing room with Karou's elbow on my shoulder.

"CHANGING!" yelled the rest of the host club.

"Aw nobody's going to come see you, Haruhi!" Tamaki said sighing.

"We're coming" I yelled.

I opened and there was Haruhi her hair had grown a bit longer into a bob. She had on this strange chocker that had a symbol of some sorts. Then I looked down and saw that she was wearing a black strapless dress that came about an inch bellow mid-thigh. Then I looked at her feet she was wearing….. Black sneakers.

"Hikaru come here and let me do your tie." Haruhi said. She looked absolutely beautiful. I slowly walked towards her.

She took the tie in her hands and slowly started to do her magic.


This was absolutely ridiculous. First I get a damn message from someone named Reborn. (What kind of name is that?) Next this Reborn character threatens me saying if I didn't bring the rest of the host club they would ruin us economically. Now there late! Resist the urge to kill random passerby.

"Mommy! Hikaru is trying to take my Haruhi!" Great now this idiots at it again.

"Tamaki I understand that this must bother you but I'm not in quiet a good mood at the moment so will you SHUT UP!"

Tamaki held fake tears and ran over to bother one of other host club members. I took a breath and checked the black tux I had to wear on the door. I walked over to it and went to the restroom to change.

And why had they said to wear black tux? It made no since are normal color is white mainly because Tamaki loves white.

This was extremely infuriating and embarrassing since I can't figure out why they call this meeting.


"Hello, Kyoya Ootori." I said annoyed

"Kyoya. I will be waiting for you outside the restaurant" Click. He hung up that little bastard.


I was helping Mitskuni with his tux when Kyoya knocked on the door. "10 minutes guys hurry up"

Mitskuni smiled and yelled. "Ok!" Right after I finished with his tie. He picked up his pink bunny and twirled around in a circle.

"Usa-chan! Don't you look good in your tux!"

Mitskuni refused to come unless his bunny came with him. So that's the reason why the bunny is here.

"Takashi! Usa-chan is hungry can we eat now?" I shook my head.

"Sorry Mitskuni. If we eat now Usa-chan won't eat later and Kyoya might not be happy with us" Mitskuni blinked then smiled.

"I guess your right! Then let's continue to get ready!" I gave a small smile when he went running to go get his shoes. I wonder why Kyoya took us here. But if Mitskuni is happy then I'm okay with it.


Tsuna, Dino, Gokudera, Ryohei, Kyoko, Haru, Chrome, Mukuro, Lambo and even Hibari were walking with us to Yamamoto's sushi shop me on Tsuna's shoulder. I was the only one who fully knew Dino new part of what happened. We finally got there while Hibird sang.

"Hello! Come in, come in" Yamamoto said opening the door in white dress shirt and white dress pants

"Yamamoto who's cooking tonight?" Tsuna said. Really is that what he's thinking about?

"Dad made a buffet we even have fancy tuna." Yamamoto said.

The place was set with a row of tables connected together that could clearly fit 30 people.

"Tsuyoshi thank you for letting us use your restaurant" Iemutsu said

"No Problem. I can't wait to see Xionee." Tsuyoshi said taking a seat leaving as space big enough for Yamaoto. So even after such a long time he still loves her.

"Who's Xionee?" Yamamoto said sliding into his seat between Tsuna and his dad.

"Your mother." He said with a lovey dovey look sliding a bit to make room for Iemutsu with Nana on his other side.

"Oh!" Yamamoto said I guess pleased that there was a small chance that his parents might get back together.

"Chrome you look adorable!" Nagi said walking inside the door with Dera holding the door for her.

"Thank you m-mom" Chrome stuttered sitting next to Mukuro who had a protective arm around her. Gokudera sat in between Tsuna and Dera. Nagi taking a slightly squished seat next to Chrome. Hibari sat at the second to last chair at the table obviously hating the crowd the side unoccupied by Chrome was sadly taken by my stupid student Dino who most likely was going to get his but whooped by Kyoya by the end of the night, he was also displeased by us being so loud because he was glaring at everyone, like he was saying.

'Get louder and I'll bite you to death'

That was when we heard a loud "GET OFF OF ME"

They had arrived almost instantly the room grew quiet.

The door to the sushi shop slowly slid open and revealed a over excited blonde who broke the silence

"DINO!" The over excited blonde said this was probably the annoying cousin, Tamaki.

"Hey um… Tamaki" Dino said embarrassed. That little brat I was sure that I taught him better.

"I brought everyone like you said ~" Tamaki said sitting in front of Dino.

"Then Tamaki where are they?" Dino asked raising an eye brow at his idiot cousin though you couldn't see the eyebrow clearly because he was sporting his new glasses

"Oh waiting for Kyoya's dad." Tamaki said.

"Yoshio's coming?" Ari asked she was always so happy when it came to that man. It hardly seemed like she was related to Hibari because of the happy glow that she had

"Yup!" Tamaki said smiling a big pearly white smile.

"I'm so sorry we are late. We were just waiting for my punctual father Yoshio Ootori." Yoshio sent the man I'm guessing to be Kyoya a glare for being obviously sarcastic. Hibari's older brother was as spine chilling as his younger brother. Next to him was his dad who looks a lot like Hibari. Behind them was a group of people obviously strange and different people.

"Yoshio?" Ari asked her mask breaking.

"Arionett?" Hibari's real fathers face shocked but happy.


Ari stood up and walked over to Yoshio and gave him a hug. For a second the cold man hesitated and then slowly wrapped his arms around the petite women. Instantly remembering there old memories as his hands rested on her back but the most potent memory was of their first forbidden embarrass it was amazing, thrilling yet wrong in the way that dared you to do it.

"Is my boy and baby girl here?" Yoshio asked his voice breaking like he was hitting puberty again which was extremely embarrassing since 1 he was a big business man who was breaking down 2 his business rivals son was here even if he highly doubted that he would say anything once this dinner was over with. Kyoya's face held shocked his father was showing emotion. SINCERE emotion.

"Yes he is. All of the Vongola children are here. Take a guess" Ari said showing off a smile no one knew she had. Making her looks like an actual caring woman who wasn't as cold as a mountain top.

The old man took a look across the shop. First he spotted his daughter sitting next to a cow printed boy with smile. He knew at once this was his daughter not his granddaughter because of her looking 14. He took one more look and saw himself and Kyoya in early years his expression a typical Ootori expression all he needed was the glasses and it would be like a time paradox.

"You and you" he said pointing at his son and daughter.

"Father are you trying to say that those two commoners are my… siblings?" Kyoya said slightly confused and slightly happy knowing that he still had a better chance than those two of becoming heir.

"Yes. This would be your younger brother by 3 years Kyoya Hibari preferably Hibari and this would be your little sister of 4 years I-pin." Yoshio said a smiling dancing on his face fading away his frown lines.


More siblings I don't know how I feel about that. I have always wanted a baby sister one who isn't as annoying as Fuyumi though I loved her and she looked sweet. But a brother? He looked like a regular Ootori but of course I'm not the youngest so just maybe I could… I could play with him make him my underling so that when I'm 10 times better than my dad then I can have someone I can actually… trust.

"Kyoya Ootori pleased to please you" I said sincerely as an Ootori can say

"I-pin" my little sister said looking down like I was a prince.

"Look at me I'm your brother I'm not a monster." I said instantly a bit hurt that she is looking down. I guess this was what Tamaki felt when Haruhi rejected him but millions of times worse since he knew subconsciously that he loved her

"Except when he wakes up…. Right, Karou?" I heard Hikaru quietly whisper. I shot a glare their way and saw the host club slightly in shock Haruhi supporting a small but knowing smile.

"I'm sorry" She said smiling looking at me in the eyes. The likeness was uncanny.

"Mother so this is the man, my father?" Hibari his words sharp as stabbing knives just like my father.

"Yes Hibari meet your father and your brother" Ari or I guess mother said. The boy side he looked like he was deciding something.

"Hibari Kyoya. You can call me Hibari." My brother said extending his hand, my father did something I thought I'd never see him do he ignored the hand a pulled him into a hug. I saw a flash of metal and my father being pushed back. It was a silver tonfa being pointed right at my father's neck, earning a "HIIE" from the boy with unruly hair.

"You touch me again without my permission I won't even hesitate." He said sharp and cold just like my oldest brother.

"Just like an Ootori he really is my son." My dad said laughing. A laugh. The first one I have heard that wasn't a sarcastic one like when I mentioned I wanted to take over the company. My monstrous brother he retracted his tonfa. I was just thinking that if he was like this now then what if he inherited not being a morning person and being a nonstop killing machine when woken if he had that and this was his normal personality he might just beat Honey when waking up.

"Kyoya, Kyoya!" This cute little yellow bird sang and landed on my shoulder. Hibari looked shocked and shot a glare to the bird.

"Hibari, Hibari!" The bird sang that almost sounded sorry for landing on my shoulder. He landed on his shoulder earning what I'm guessing a rare smile.

"Hibari." Hibari said stating the obvious I think that I could get through to him. No I know I will if I can get through the dim wit of Tamaki I can get through this cold stone

"Kyoya." I said matching his challenging tone.

"Have a feeling that we'll get along." Hibari said sending me a smirk. My plan was already in course.

"Sit down, everyone" The baby said. Wait a baby talking that's not possible but I went along with it strangely almost automatically.

"Haruhi don't you look so beautiful." Tamaki said crushing little Haruhi into his chest.

Gokudera POV

Haruhi? Isn't that my little sister? I immediately felt a little defensive like I do with Tenth. I watched as everyone sat in front of us but facing us, in front of me was two red haired twins that looked like TENTH these had to be their brothers. I could hear Haru chatting it up with this other annoying girl about cosplay and crap like that.

"Sorry that we're late. Had to pick up an unanimated friend." This lady said pulling a lady with blonde hair by her ankles that seemed like she was holding onto the door. The lady pulling has these familiar emerald eyes and silky black hair she was pale but not vampire pale.

"Takashi, Mitskuni come here and help your family" She said with a goofy smile that screamed 'Yamamoto' it was way too obvious that this was the famous Xionee

"Xionee I got it." Yamamoto's dad said. He slowly got up all eyes on him.

"Thank you Tsuyoshi." Yamamoto's mom said and kissed his cheek like they were a married couple.

"Tsu. No let me go. I can't face them!" This woman screamed and kicked good thing she like all the adult women was wearing at white female suit. She was starting to get on my nerves.

"Well you're going to have to Abelle!" Yamamoto's dad said and finally pulled in a beautiful blondish/silver hair her eyes so blue almost so dark blue it seemed black. She also had that ill look to her skin too even though she was stunning

"Mommy! Mommy! Do my eyes deceive me?" The one who was loud said like he was in a Shakespeare novel.

"Oh my son! Tamaki I missed you!" The lady said animating a little bit

"Mommy! What are you doing here?" The annoying blonde said hugging her tightly like she was on her death bed. Of course she was his mom they are both equally annoying.

"Tamaki. I was beginning to think that I'd never see you. It was a miracle that your grandmother even let me come here." She said trying to hide the sadness in her eyes but failing slightly also slowly dripping in hatred.

"If she didn't let you go I would find a way to see you. You won't be in her in control even if I lose all of my money and become a commoner" The annoying blonde stated being so serious I could hardly believe it was the same person it was like he took one of tenths dying will (or deathperation) pills.

"Oh look how pretty you all look!" her words and smile never reaching her eyes.

"Oh, thank you Momsie!" Mr. Annoying said doing that weird annoying somewhat-guyish high pitched voice.

"Abelle don't you want to meet someone?" Reborn said his intentions felt somewhat different then everyone else's meaning he had to have something under his fedora.

"Of course, Reborn!" She said her French accent slipping causing 'Reborn' to sound like re and the beginning of 'Bonjour' and for once her smile reached her eyes.

"Mom you mean you came to see someone other than me?" The annoyance whined tears starting to fill his eyes.

"I came to see them because I haven't seen them longer than I haven't seen you but I'm happy you're here." The woman said putting a hand on his cheek kissing his fore head in a motherly way. She stood a little bit taller and walked to wear Kyoko and Ryohei were sitting in between Lambo, I Pin and Haru. Turf top was talking about boxing and how he was going to beat them to the extreme as he would say.


"Ryohei, Kyoko?" The lady said. This lady had traveled from France without anyone knowing she was keeping in contact with her lover that had crushed her too many times and that little hope that he might stay fateful had made her strong. Strong enough to be able to face her and his kids strong enough that her illness almost didn't disable her. Almost, she was still fragile but that was all going to be fixed. Her friend loved her not in the marriage type way but a brother sister way he kept on urging her to try his mosquitoes but she thought they wouldn't work (she was a bit Yamamotoish when it came to mosquitoes that can her illness that can't be healed but who wouldn't be?) but if it would heal her and make her as go lucky as she used to be it would be worth it.


She could hear it before she felt it and then a small little sting. That was when her whole view of the world changed it seemed as if someone had put glasses on a nearly blind person. The colors weren't dull anymore it was a side effect of the medicine colors dulled she could smell clearly another side effect and she felt like she could lift a car she didn't feel weak at all. Then she felt that emotions that for so long she hadn't felt she felt… happy for some reason for the first time in 15 years she felt happy.


She looked at her new phone and saw a text message that said

"You're welcome – Shamal"

Reborn's POV

That Shamal maybe he wasn't such a loser and maybe is Abelle wasn't so dense she notice that Shamal likes her, anyways you could practically see the difference in Abelle you could feel her happy glow come back like Ryohei's I was amazed that Hibari hadn't walked out because of too much happiness in the room.

"I'm your mom Abelle Souh well future Souh if I can help it! I'm so happy to meet you!" She said smiling from ear to ear that reminded me of that cheery blonde brat.

"Really? That's ETREMLEY weird I always thought that mom and dad were are parents." Ryohei said. Well he wasn't the shiniest glove on the hook.

"Those are my really close friends I left them you two because I just KNEW that you they would be ahurissant les parents (1)" Said Abelle with an almost too high squeal.

"M-mom you look so much better are you on new treatment?" That annoying one said completely ignoring the fact that he had siblings.

"Tamaki dear I'm cured there was this testing of a medication and they tested it on me and it worked!" Abelle said hugging her son while lifting him up. She was always strong.

"That's amazing mom!" Tamaki said. He would absolutely fail as a Hitman unlike his companions.

"Tamaki I want you to meet Ryohei and Kyoko they are your siblings." She said with a smile a big as the sea.

"I have a sister! Oh look how cute you are… I won't let any of those nasty boys touch you especially those delinquents Hikaru and Karou! You'll be my daughter like Haruhi. MOMMY look how beautiful are second daughter is!" Tamaki said. Defiantly not mafia material I think there's only 2 people that can whip him in to shape.


That guy was touching my sister and we hardly knew him. Sure he was extremely are brother but still my fist were twitching Kyoko has kept on insisting that we hang to the extreme so I haven't had time to practice boxing, but this guy was annoying me to the extreme I wanted to punch him.

"And a little brother oh mom that's amazing. Hi Ryo-Kun I'm your big brother Tamaki you can call me King. Oh! And we can call you Prince. You should join the club I will take you under my wing. And now Haruhi can have more protection since I can trust you because you're my brother and once you get to know her you'll love her and you'll make sure that those scoundrels won't touch her." The blonde idiot yelled in extremely 30 seconds or less.

"YOU'RE LOUD TO THE EXREME!" I said in my normal voice clearly more quiet then him.

"MOMMY! MY BROTHER DOESN'T LIKE ME!" My brother said running to the corner next to the door that started growing mushrooms.

"Tamaki get out of your emo corner." Hibari's equally scary brother said in a monotone voice.

"The shadow king attacks again" Said one of the two twins who looked extremely sneaky.

"Ok mommy." My…. Brother said sulking out of his corner and on to his seat.

Reborn's POV

This was definitely not coming out of my wallet. I've so far had have to pay Mammon more money than before originally planned to so that she can use illusionary emotions a new type of illusions that she mastered to make sure that everyone didn't completely freak out and do anything rash once they saw me talk, then I had to have Lal Mirch and Colonello threaten a certain family member of a more disagreeable member of the Vongola family which casted me more than I suspected, I then had to have Fon a fly in because I-pin wanted to see him but that was free because he looked like a baby. Knowing my lackey he would want to come which meant I had to get him a food plate. I didn't even invite Verde that helped save some money. Yuni wanted to come visit me because I haven't been able to go to her family mansion since I've started torturing Tsuna. But now it was time to explain everything. Even if someone still wasn't her

"Ok everyone listen up. If you are a dull as a circle then you haven't realized that there was something clearly happening. Every teenager in this room has atleast one sibling. Some aren't as notable as other but it's still there. For you people that aren't Namimori civilians and go to Ouran everyone even your parents are in the mafia your siblings are the guardians of the Vongola 10th generation boss Tsuna. What isn't as famous as the guardians is what happens if all of the guardians have a sibling or more than one who isn't already a guardian. The one they knew least about is trained in martial art and in whatever flame they have so that if one of the guardians or the boss him or herself might fall in battle we have a backup who already knew everything and what to do this has never happened in the Vongola but me and the ninth have come to a decision that we will train the sibling they knew less about and make them as strong as their sibling of course equal that we won't have any plans of people over throwing their siblings to be part of the main guardian it might be a little bit harder for most people because their siblings are monstrously strongly and for the strange case that you are stronger or equally as strong as your siblings then we will put both of you to work together. You will also have randomly one of seven tutors who are all babies like me except for one who will be a very talented person we are the world best Hitman and in the case of Lal Mirch Hit women. You all have to do this while attending Ouran High school Host club"

Whoever was the lucky person to get Lal Mirch as a tutor was going to be a dead person by the end of this training time. I was looking at everyone and it seemed as if I had just told them they were all going to die. But then there was a look of being surprised.

"Reborn who exactly is this very talented person"