*** Check out the bottom of my profile for upcoming stories! ***

Vote on my POLL for which story I should write next

**This chapter contains spoilers, if you haven't finished watching/reading after the Edolas arc, BEWARE! Read at risk of spoiler... ism...**

*Replies to Reviews*

Chiharu Himeji: Hehe, sorry I take so long it's just that school is back and I've got to study as well as trying to find a part-time job which is near impossible! Oh well, I really shouldn't be saying that, it sounds like I'm making up excuses! I was wondering if I should make like a one-shot sequel where Akihiko visits Fairy Tail, I think that should be interesting! Please tell me what you think about that idea! Ahh natsu would be so pissed when/if he sees Akihiko again, the Earth Dragon is one of the few people that Natsu will hold a grudge against. Akihiko did steal Lucy's first kiss and to make it worse, it was right in front of Natsu! Thanks and I hope you've enjoyed my story!

Rose Tiger: Yes, it's very strange that Natsu, Gray and Akihiko are fighting over her... I'm just glad I had options instead of making Lucy summon Loke! That would've made four chasing after her! But Lucy's heart only belongs to one and we all know who that is! KYAAA! What do you think about me making a one-shot sequel where Akihiko visits Fairy Tail, I think that should be interesting! Please tell me what you think about that idea! Ahh natsu would be so pissed when/if he sees Akihiko again, the Earth Dragon is one of the few people that Natsu will hold a grudge against. Akihiko did steal Lucy's first kiss and to make it worse, it was right in front of Natsu! Thanks, I hope you'll enjoy reading the last chapter unless I get enough people liking the idea of a sequel! Enjoy the last chapter! :3

Please vote on the Poll I posted to decide what story I'm gonna write next!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fairy Tail, all the rights belong to Hiro Mashima. :D

Happy: WWAAAAAHHH! *everyone screams and jumps out of the way*

Natsu: W-What's up Happy?


Lucy: You were in the first chapter, and that's one of the most important chapters so quit complaining you damn cat! .

Happy: Hey! I'm Natsu's partner so why do you always go with him Lucy?

Gray: It's because their in a team... *sigh...* -_-'

Happy: It's not fair! *cries, sniffle sniffle*

Lucy: Happy, you have fun with Wendy and Charle, right?

Happy: But I've been with Natsu for way longer than Lucy...

Natsu: Is Happy jealous of Lucy? ^.^*

Gray: Woah Natsu actually has a working brain!

Lucy: Seriously Gray? Of course he has a brain...!

Natsu: Thanks Lucy!

Lucy: ...He just doesn't use it!

Natsu: D: ! So you hate me too?

Lucy: No! I never said that! Quit being such a drama queen!

Happy: You llliiiiiiiike him!

Lucy: SHUT UP! .

Chapter 16 : I like you, I love you


"Well I just wanted to thank you guys for saving me. You're always there when I need you!" Lucy smiled and stepped closer to Gray.

The celestial mage leant in and pressed her pink lips on his cold cheek which went warm almost immediately. Natsu growled until Lucy made her way over to where he was standing, putting both of her hand behind her back as she kissed his cheek softly. His face went scarlet red and he couldn't find anything to say. 'She kissed me... Lucy kissed me!'

"Something wrong, Natsu?" Lucy asked him innocently.

"Man, you get embarrassed too easily ya' damn lizard." Gray walked the blonde, he swung an arm around Lucy's shoulder and smirked at the Salamander.

"GET OFF LUCY! I'LL KILL YA YOU DAMN PERV!" Natsu's blush disappeared and he tackled Gray to the ground where they started to wrestle and fight with each other, dust clouds appearing from the squabble.

Lucy sweat dropped, "Uh, Natsu? He really didn't do anything to me."

"Yeah! And you're the REAL perv Natsu! I heard you sneak into Lucy's bed when she's asleep! Thats just damn creepy!" Gray stood and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Her bed is comfy! Happy likes it too! You're a really stupid snowman!" Natsu argued back, not realising what that statement could have meant. He is a dense idiot after all.

"Jeez, I'd hate to know what you did to her on the way to this mission! You had to camp overnight, didn't you?" The ice mage shot back.

"What the hell Gray? Shut up!" Lucy shrieked and balled her fists at the ice mage, who shuddered in fear.

"S-sorry L-Lu-Lucy!" He stuttered and put both his hands up in a surrendering motion.

"Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Lucy waved and opened the door to her house, closing it with a soft click behind her.

The boys both walked to the guild, arguing who got the better kiss on the cheek from Lucy.

- Normal P.O.V., At Lucy's House -

The blonde celestial mage hurried around in her small kitchen, draining the pasta and stirring the spagehtti sauce that went with it. Lucy had always had a talent in the kitchen, although she hated to admit it. She dumped some pasta into her bowl and spooned some sauce on top, the steam wafting from her freshly cooked meal. Plue sat out of her way, sucking on a lolipop and trembling, as he always did.

"There's leftovers, so I can have that tomorrow!" Lucy smiled and packed the rest of the food into a lunchbox and put it in the fridge.

"Pun, puuuun!" Plue waved a paw (?) around in agreement and followed his master to where she sat at the table and started to eat her meal.

She twirled the long strands of pasta on her fork, the steam rising from her bowl. Lucy ate it slowly, dumping the fork with a 'clang' when it hit the edge of the bowl. She put her elbow on the table and rested her cheek on the palm of her hand.

"Ah, it's kinda lonely..." She sighed as she looked at the window by her bed, the one that her prince charming always came through. The cool summer night breeze flowed through and lifted the curtains.

A shadow appeared and Lucy stood up and cautiously walked over to the open window. "Natsu?" She lifted the curtains aside with a hand and was tackled to the ground by a small object. She landed on her back with a thud and the 'object' was on her chest, making a sniffling sound.

"Lucy!" Happy cried and hugged her chest tight.

"Happy?" Lucy sat up and petted the blue cat's soft head. "What's wrong?"

He turned his head up to look at her with his huge eyes. "Something's wrong with Natsu! He's acting weird..."

"Weird how? Isn't he always weird?" Lucy asked.

"You're mean Lucy!" Happy complained. "But Natsu told me to go away!"

Lucy gasped, Natsu would never tell Happy, or any of his best friends to 'go away.' Happy was, no, is Natsu's partner, they have been together ever since Happy was born and the two of them had faced so many hardships together and made it through. "So what happened?" The blonde asked the Exceed.

"Well..." Happy started to tell the story.


Happy got back from his mission with Wendy and Charle, after hanging out at the guild for a while the blue cat decided to head home and wait for Natsu's return. He made himself comfortable in the piles of mess and rubbish at their house, happily chewing on a fish.

The blue cat heard footsteps outside and flew over to the door using his magic. He opened the door to find Natsu, although his facial expression was very blank and he walked into the house somewhat like a robot.

"Natsu! Where were you?" Happy flew next to his partner smiling.

"Uh, just eating at the guild tonight." Natsu's voice sounded distant as he made his way to his bed. The Dragon Slayer flopped down on his stomach and Happy hovered in the air next to him.

"Natsuuuu~!" Happy whined and tugged his partners hair, Natsu was always so lively after a mission.

"WHAT HAPPY?" The pink-haired mage suddenly snapped and his fangs were showing as he yelled. The blue exceed gasped and he felt afraid, tears balling in the corner of his huge eyes.

"Wha-what's wrong N-Natsu?" Happy's voice tremored, afraid of his partners awesome power.

"Just go away!" The Dragon Slayer stood up from his bed and pointed to the open door. Happy began to cry as he flew out of their house to the first place he could think of. Lucy's house.

End of Flashback

"Natsu wouldn't do that!" Lucy gasped and hugged the cat.

"Can I stay here tonight Lucy?" Happy looked at the blonde mage, putting on his best 'adorable' mask.

"Aw, sure you can! Just NO scratching the walls! I'm going to have a bath, ok?" Lucy stood up and placed Happy on the table, where Plue had just finished his third lollipop. The two greeted each other happily and danced together.

The blonde grabbed a yellow towel from her cupboard and walked into her bathroom, turning the taps on to start filling up the bathtub. The small room started to fill with steam from the hot water gushing into the bath. Lucy dipped a toe into the water and then stepped in and soaked in the bubbly water, thinking about her day's events.

"Why would Natsu be like tthat to Happy? He's gonna pay tomorrow when I get to the guild!" Lucy furrowed her brows as she planned to punch the dragon slayer in the face.

She pulled her knees so they poked out of the water as she watched the steam waft silently up to the roof of the bathroom. Lucy's cheeks were dusted with red from the steam and she pulled a dripping hand from the water and felt the unnatural body heat. It reminded her of when she was saying her goodnights to Natsu and Gray.

"I can't believe I kissed them both..." Lucy sighed and sunk into the water, blowing little bubbles. She blushed when she remembered how red Natsu's face was when her lips had left his cheek, how embarrassed he was.

'He's never been kissed like that before? But I thought at least Lisanna would have! They did promise to marry when they were younger...' A sad expression covered Lucy's features.

'Will I have to compete with Lisanna? I can't do that! Those two have known each other way longer than I've known Natsu... He loves her...' She felt a pang of pain in her heart, Natsu loves Lisanna. Not her. Those two were together from the start and Lucy felt like she had been a third wheel or replacement for when Lisanna had 'died'.

"Argh, I can't think about this now! I've gotta get another job tomorrow and pay my rent!" Lucy sat up and slapped her cheeks determinedly.

The blonde got out of the bath tub and dried herself off with a fluffy yellow towel, wrapping it around her body as she walked out into her bedroom. Happy snored softly, his small body splayed out on her bed as his furry chest rised and fell gently with his breathing. Lucy looked at the Exceed with a look of sympathy.

'I hope Natsu had a good explanation for making Happy so upset...'

The celestial mage found her keys and closed Plue's gate quietly, the dog glowed gold and slowly dissolved as he returned to the spirit walked over to her closet and picked out a plain white shirt with comfortable pink mini-shorts to wear and she changed into them.

Lucy stepped into her bed and snuggled in under the sheets, laying on her back and holding Happy next to her with one arm. His soft head rested on the side of her chest and she kept her arm near the cat, he was surprisingly soft.

Lucy rested her other hand on her flat stomach and stared up at the roof. 'Ugh, I don't think I'll be able to show my face at the guild tomorrow...' She put on her 'drama' face: -.-

Her eyes suddenly sprung open "Aha! I can just avoid them all day!" She smiled then gasped and slapped a hand over her mouth. 'That damn cat... Why should I care if I wake him up?' She frowned and looked out of the window, gazing into the dark blue sky which was dotted with sparkling stars.

The blonde felt her eyes getting heavier and she slowly fell into a deep slumber, along with the quiet snoring Exceed. (He was drooling a bit too)

- Natsu's House, Night Time -

"Argh what the hell did Happy get so upset about?" Natsu growled and flopped down on his mattress. He felt all hot and flustered, which was extremely unusual for the Salamander of Fairy Tail.

But he had his reasons:

One, the girl he loved the most in the world had kissed him on the cheek.

Two, he couldn't get his mind off of the scene that kept replaying in his head.

And three, the pink-haired mage kept fantasising what Lucy would taste like.

He furiously scratched his head and bared his fang-like teeth, "I can't think like that! Lucy is my best friend and she kissed Gray too! Damn that stupid snowman!" Natsu growled and suddenly felt rage bubbling up in the pit of his stomach. He started tossing and turning under his blankets, eventually they were only covering one of his legs, the rest of the material piled up on the floor beside his bed.

Natsu turned his head to look out of the window and looked into the dark blue night, dotted with tiny glittering stars.

And for once, the Dragon Slayer thought about his life. What was going to happen. In particular, at the guild tomorrow.

When the Dragon would see his Princess again. And claim her as his own.

- On the Way to Gray's House, Night Time -

Gray smirked at himself as he walked down the cobblestone street with his hands stuffed in his pockets. The wind was still, the summer air felt warm and somewhat muggy. The ice mage walked, not embarrassed by the fact that he was indeed shirtless and he knew by the time he got home, it would just be boxers. But who cares anyway?

Lucy Heartfilia, whom he had a crush on since Galuna island, had willingly kissed his cheek. It wasn't big and dramatic, it was simple and cute. That was all that Gray wanted from her. He wanted to return the favour.

"Alright, tomorrow's the day. I'm gonna beat that damn lizard." Gray confidently swung the door to his house on and went straight to his bed, he planned to wake up early and beat Natsu to the guild, seeing as Lucy was usually there before he was in the morning. He scratched his spiky raven-coloured hair and tucked his hands behind his head as he waited for sleep to come.

'Tomorrow is the day. To tell her everything in my heart.'

- Next Morning, Lucy's P.O.V. -

I felt the warmth of the morning sun shining on me, 'Damn, forgot to shut the curtains again...' I sighed and lazily stretched an arm over my eyes, hoping to catch a few more minutes of sleep. There was a little bit of weight and body warmth on the side of my chest and my eyes widened in realisation.

"NATSU YOU CREEP! GET OUT OF MY BED!" I shrieked and jumped out of the bed and balled my fists, waiting for the stupid fire-breather to leave my house. I heard a soft groan and my pink covers moved slightly. 'Wait a minute... That's way too small to be Natsu...' I narrowed my eyes and carefully pulled the blanket off of the object that had invaded my bed.

And, there was Happy.

Sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

What a spoilt little cat...

"What the hell are you doing here Happy?" I snapped, maybe a bit too harshly.

He slowly turned and looked at me dramatically, his brows arced up and he looked hurt, sad maybe? "But Lucy... you asked me to stay..." His stuck his bottom lip out and tears started to form on his eyes. I immediately regretted snapping at him, I felt so guilty. It felt like I accidentally kicked someone's kid in the head and their parents had witnessed it.

"I'm sorry Happy, I just forgot." I apologised and pleaded, hoping it was convincing enough, that was all I had.

"It's fine, just get me a fish and hurry up!" Happy suddenly cheered up and hopped down from the bed.

"I'm not your maid you damn cat!" I balled my fists at him, resisting the urge to pull his whiskers out.

"You were my maid when we were going to the Everlue Mansion." The blue cat simply stated as he looked up at me, he smirked with his little cat lips and that just seemed to piss me off even more.

"That was for a mission only! I'm NOT a maid!" I screeched and stormed off into the kitchen, cooking some french toast for my breakfast. "Do you like this, Happy?" I asked him. 'Ugh, I can't believe I would even consider cooking for a damn cat...'

"Nope." The little Exceed turned his nose at the meal, a look of utter spoilt disgust on his face, "It's not fish."

"Hmph!" I turned my face away from the little cat and put the toast on my plate, taking it to my small wooden dining table before picking it up and taking a small bite, chewing it as the delicious cinnamon flavour tingled my taste buds.

"Lucy~" Happy purred as he leapt onto the table and looked into her brown eyes.

I swallowed the mouth full of toast, "What now?" I sighed.

"I want a fish." Happy crossed his arms/legs over his chest proudly.

"Go get one yourself..." This cat was so annoying, ordering me around like some sort of maid. WHICH I'M NOT. "I'm gonna get changed." I picked up the last bit of the toast and popped it into my mouth, placing the plate in the kitchen sink and picked my normal blue collared shirt and blue skirt and headed into the bathroom to get changed.

I REFUSED to let this damn flying act see me get dressed.

I quickly got dressed and looked in the bathroom mirror, tying my hair up in a side ponytail with a blue ribbon. The bruise on my neck was about the size of my outstretched hand and I could feel a bit of pain every time I turned my head. I opened the bathroom door and stepped out into my bedroom.

"QUIT SCRATCHING THE WALLS YOU DAMN CAT!" I shrieked and Happy stepped back and looked at the wall that had his claw marks all over it, it was as though he was admiring his masterpiece.

He seemed happy with himself and he just knew exactly how to get me angry. I headed over to my closet and grabbed my large black combat boots, sitting on the edge of my bed as I slipped them on. After clipping on a brown leather belt with my celestial keys and whip, I called for Happy and we headed to the guild.

Happy was being lazy the whole way and sitting on my head. -_-

And I still can't believe I'm actually going to Fairy Tail right now, it'll be so embarrassing if I see Natsu or Gray...

- At the Guild -

"So, Natsu. How'd the mission go?" Mira turned and smiled at the Salamander, she wanted to know if he had confessed or if Lucy had beaten him too it. She propped her elbows on the wooden bar and rested her cheeks on her hands

"Great! We got tons of money so I wanna order the whole menu!" Natsu grinned at the white-haired mage. She sweat dropped, 'He's so dense! I meant how did it go with Lucy, not how much money he got!' the mage thought while she giggled and headed back to the kitchen to start preparing his food.

Natsu stayed by the bar and grinned, awaiting his first few dishes to be served up. He was excited but bored, neither Gray or Lucy was at the guild yet so there was no one to tease or fight. Suddenly, he saw a red haired woman walking past and she sat next to him.

"Good morning Natsu." She simply greeted him.

"Erza! Fight me!" Natsu jumped out of his seat and raised his fists.

"Natsu, you know I'll win. I'm S-class." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, knowing what was coming next.

"I don't care! Just come at me!" Natsu yelled, a fiery background sizzling behind him.

"Natsu, here's some of your food!" Mira returned from the kitchen holding about four plates of random food items from the guild's menu. "Oh, good morning Erza. Can I get you something?" The white-haired mage smiled sweetly at her old friend and rival.

"Good morning MiraJane. I'll just some strawberry cake please." Erza answered quickly, being the Titania, she remained very business-like.

Natsu growled and sat back down, shoving huge amounts of food into his mouth at once, making a complete mess of himself and the things around him. "Natsu! Stop eating like an animal!" Erza barked as she watched a bit of pasta fall to the ground, various sauces splattering all over the bar.

The Salamander stood up and swallowed a huge mouthful of bread, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He grinned, showing off his dragon-like fangs. "Fight me!" He repeated and slid one foot back into a fighting stance.

"Erza, here's you cake!" Mira smiled again and placed the strawberry cake in front of the Titania."Thank you." The red-head picked up the small fork and took a bite, smiling at the sweet taste of her favourite food.

An idea popped into Natsu's head. He knew how to get a fight with Erza.

His onyx eyes followed her hand as she took another bite of the sweet food then in an instant, the Dragon Slayer threw her plate on the ground and Erza's precious cake landed with a splat as it hit the guild's wooden floor. The S-class mage's eyes widened and her mouth opened in shock and horror as she looked at her ruined treat.

"Shit, he's done it now." Gajeel commented as he watched the scene before him, munching on a piece of scrap metal. Levy, who was standing next to the Iron Dragon Slayer gasped and waited for Natsu's screams.

"Oh no... Bad idea Natsu.." Lisanna walked nearby with a platter of drinks for various guild members.

"You..." Erza's eyes were covered by a dark shadow and she stood up from her seat and turned to face Natsu. Her normally brown eyes glowed an evil red and she looked down at the pink-haired dragon slayer, who's expression was a mix of fear and excitement.

"YOU ARE GONNA PAY FOR THAT NATSU!" She yelled and pulled a sword from thin air, charging at Natsu and slicing and stabbing. He was running backwards and grinning idiotically until he ran into a table behind him. The people that were previously sitting there flew off in all directions, Wakaba squashed underneath.

Natsu quickly jumped back onto his feet and shrieked (yes, Natsu shrieks) as Erza's sword sliced into the table that he had run into. her eyes gleamed, she was getting closer to him with each strike.

The idiotic mage ran around the guild with his arms in the air, upsetting the reasonably quiet morning at Fairy Tail. He knocked over Elfman, who said it wasn't 'manly' to kill Erza's cake, even though the white-haired man had done it countless times before. Natsu hit his bead on a large barrel that Cana was drinking from and sent her crashing to the ground. The fire mage could hear her slurring insults but he just kept running around the guild.

He looked back to check on Erza, but she had stopped in her tracks and was looking at him. He had a puzzled look on his face and wondered what she was looking at. The pink-haired mage turned his head (still running) and his head got squished by something big and soft. The whole guild gasped then fell silent.

Natsu could smell the familiar scent of sweet strawberries that belonged to Lucy. He blushed a bright red as he realised his face was nestled between Lucy's unnaturally large breasts.

"KYYYYAAAAAA!" Lucy screamed and jumped back away from the Dragon Slayer with a bright red face. Her eyes were wide and she held both hands up like she was ready to karate-chop his face in, although it was more of a defence mechanism. Natsu was still slightly bent over, almost unable to move. He had no idea what to say to her, he was way too embarrassed.

Erza watched the two with interest from a distance.

"Sorry Luce!" Natsu stood up straight and scratched the back of his pink hair. He was blushing, but not nearly as much as the celestial mage was.

"I-It's ok..." Lucy stuttered and waved one hand in front of her.

Happy jumped from Lucy's head and put a paw over his mouth, "You llliiiiiiiiiike him!" he purred, rolling his tongue more than usual.

"Shut up!" Lucy squealed and stormed off towards the bar, where she huffed and sat down on one of the stools.

Completely forgetting his fight with Erza, Natsu followed his blonde partner and sat where he had yet to finish his meal. Lucy hadn't realised that she sat next to a large pile of half-eaten food and when she saw the spiky pink hair next to her, she figured that it wouldn't be half eaten for long.

The Dragon Slayer resumed his previous activities of stuffing food into his mouth. "Hey Lucy!" Mirajane walked up in front of the blonde, cleaning a glass and setting it on the shelf behind her.

"Oh, hi Mira!" Lucy smiled at her white-haired friend. Mira grinned mischievously and leant towards the blonde so Natsu wouldn't be able to hear what she was going to say.

"So how'd it go with Natsu? Did you get to tell him how you feel?" She whispered holding a hand up to hide her mouth's movements, just in case the idiot could actually lip-read. Lucy blushed deep red from ear to ear when flashbacks of the mission came to mind. There was a few where Natsu was carrying her bridal style and when he got completely jealous and pissed at Akihiko. Then when they had slept together, Lucy had to cling to Natsu for warmth and he held her in his arms all night.

"I went really well, but Gray was kinda with us most of the time which was great, but it didn't give me and Natsu much time alone..." Lucy whispered back, Mira nodding.

"What are you whisperin' 'bout Luce?" Natsu was suddenly right up in her face, grinning like the complete idiot that he was.

"Uh, no-nothing!" Lucy smiled and natsu looked somewhat disappointed.

"You were whispering something! What is it?" He questioned his partner.

"We were just talking about when we went shopping a few days ago, right Lucy?" Mira quickly covered up.

"Yeah, and I figured you wouldn't wanna talk about it with us so we whispered!" Lucy added, mentally thanking Mira and crossing her fingers, hoping that the childish fire mage would buy the story.

'I gotta tell her today before ice face gets here!' Natsu thought, just nodding stupidly at Mira and Lucy's cover-up.

"Hey, Luce?" He looked into her deep brown eyes.

"What's up?" She smiled at him sweetly, and his heart skipped a beat. Now he started to get nervous.

"Well, ah.. I, umm... I wanna tell you somethin'!" The Dragon Slayer stood directly in front of Lucy and looked deep into her brown eyes.

"What is it?" She asked and looked at his own onyx eyes. The whole Fairy Tail guild noticed the sudden commotion between the two young mages and they all paused their fighting and arguing to watch Natsu and Lucy.

"I... I.. uh..." He stuttered and blushed as his eyes darted away from her gaze.

'He's blushing? Natsu's actually blushing!' Lucy thought and inwardly freaked out. 'This could be a confession! KYAAAAA! Wait, this could just be a disappointment like last time where he just wanted Virgo to dig a hole for him!'

The fire mage stood up and beckoned Lucy to stand as well, which she did almost obediently.

"I like you!" Natsu suddenly blurted out with his eyes tightly closed and most of the guild stayed silent, watching what was going to happen next. Mira gasped, 'Yes! I'm the best matchmaker! I knew it!'

He blushed a deep red for a few seconds and then he bent his neck slightly, closing his eyes as his soft lips brushed against Lucy's glossy pink ones. The blonde's lips tingled and felt strange and Natsu could just taste the strawberry lipgloss that she was wearing. It was ended when he broke the kiss and turned away and tried to avoid eye contact with her, he was too embarrassed. Her eyes were glued on his back and his head was shoulders were hunched.

The celestial mage was in shock and stood there frozen, her face war scarlet red from ear to ear. Natsu had just kissed her. On. The. Lips. Her crush, the one man (a very immature one) she loves had just confessed to her. Lucy's lips felt warm from his fiery touch, and she wanted to feel that warm sensation again.

"I get that you don't feel the same way but I had to... Just once..." Natsu looked at the ground, a mad red blush still covering his face. Lucy grabbed his white scale scarf, forcing him to turn around.

"You idiot." She smiled then yanked on his scarf again, pulling his face to hers. His harder lips crashed into her softer ones and Natsu's eyes widened in shock, although Lucy had closed hers. He felt so happy he felt as though he could fly, she was kissing him and he slowly closed his eyes and deepened the kiss. She let go of his scarf and her hand fell onto his almost bare chest (seriously, that vest covers up NOTHING) then her thin arms snaked their way around his neck while his muscular arms pulled her waist closer to his own body.

The entire guild erupted in cheers for the two lovebirds. Even Juvia was excited, Lucy her only love rival was madly in love with the Dragon Slayer. Except for Nab, Warren and Max who wanted the beautiful blonde to themselves. Lisanna looked around the guild to see what was going on. She saw Natsu and lucy sharing their deep kiss and her eyes were suddenly hidden under a dark shadow. Her small fists were balled and tears streamed down her face. She dropped the tray and ran out of the guild crying.

Natsu and Lucy hardly seemed to notice, the fire mage's body heat grew hotter as the 'dragon' continued to kiss his 'princess.'

It was really a Fairy Tail ending.

Until Gray walked in and saw the two, their lips on one another in a very deep and passionate kiss. His eyes widened in shock and he immediately fell on his knees, he was too late. Even though he had run all the way to the guild at full speed, it wasn't enough. He covered half of his face and gritted his teeth.

"Get a room you guys!" Wakaba shouted at them, he noticed the area around the two literally grew hotter from Natsu's magic.

The pink-haired mage and the blonde finally broke apart and looked at each other with half-open eyes. "I love you Natsu." Lucy whispered and rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his back for a more comfortable hug.

"I changed my mind Luce. I don't like you." Natsu spoke with confidence. Lucy gasped and looked into his eyes.

She looked as though she was going to cry. He quickly kissed her lips again to cheer her up, "I love you."

~ The End ~

The end!

I really hope you enjoyed it, I know I had fun writing! Sorry for the lateness and shortness of this chapter!

Please vote in my new poll, get a choice in what story I write next!

Special thanks to:

SakuraTreeLover, ChibikiLove, Chiharu Himeji, Mrs. Yukimura, babyMaya14, Lucarby, Elemental Dragon Slayer, Camanime, Rose Tiger, ashley-myth, Emil C, Bareerah123, LiLyRoSe98, Senbei x Cup Ramen, LucyHeartfilia28, VampireManiac8, Angel of Guilt, CocoBjork, XclosetmonsterX and everyone else who reviewed or added me/this story to their favourites list! Thank you soooo much! x3

Thanks so much for reading my story and for all you reviews! They motivate me to write more!


Bubbl.T Ninja

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