A Shocking Experience

"What's that?"= Talking

'What's that?'=Thinking

"What's that?" = Kyuubi/Time Skip/Attacks
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, or infamous. This is my first fic, so I hope that I could create this, not only to my but to everyone likes.

Chapter 1:

The Hidden Leaf Village, a city like town that really lives up to its name. The entire place is practically crawling with nature. Tree's surround it's very walls, (except for the path ways that allow travel from outside the village to inside, and vice versa.) Plants can be found inside and outside the village. Many can ONLY be found in the village. But the village was not always a peaceful as described. 12 years ago Hidden Leaf was attacked. The casualties were in the hundreds but were rapidly climbing to the thousands. What was the cause of all this turmoil, you may ask? The village was attacked by a monster, but not any monster. The king of the demons, the Kyuubi no Kitsune, the Nine Tailed Fox. The demonic beast that was spoken of in legend had suddenly appeared, one night. Many tried to stop it, but proved insufficient for its might. Thousands were killed, some were maimed, yet nobody had the power to stop it. But one ninja arose to stop the Kyuubi .The Hidden Leaf's fourth Hokage. The Hokage were the strongest of the strong, the leaf's greatest ninja, but most of all, the village's leader. The Fourth Hokage knew that he could not defeat the Nine Tails, so instead he used a sealing jutsu. He sealed the Nine Tail's into a newborn infant, and wanted the boy to be respected as a hero. This boy had blonde hair, and because of the Kyuubi had whisker like birth marks on his cheeks. (That's how I think he got them) This boy was Naruto Uzamaki. But enough treading down memory lane let's get back to the original story

12 Years later:

"We will now start the final exam." These words were spoken by a chunnin of the village. His name is Iruka. Iruka is also a teacher in the Hidden Leaf's ninja academy. Were young kids go to learn and train on becoming a full fledge sinobi. Iruka is a guy in probably his mid twenties. He has brown hair and a spiked pony tail. There is also a scar across his face, that was from his days starting out as a ninja.

"When your name is called proceed to the testing." said Iruka, speaking to his class. Some were sleep, (Shikamaru) and some didn't even care. "The final test will be on the clone jutsu." Iruka said. Most knew they were going to pass while one knew his chance at graduating was shot. "Guagh great that's my worst technique, I'm never goanna pass." These were the thoughts of the village's number one prankster Naruto. Naruto for some odd reason (Of course we know the reason) is disliked by the whole village. Not seen as the hero the Fourth wanted him to be. He also has amazing chakra reserves. So much that it can rival a kage. It's a shame that he can't control it to save his life. And when I say that, I mean that his chakra control is so off that when he tries to make a clone they always appear on the ground, near death's door. (There a freaky pale white to)

"I'm going to call you all in alphabetical order. When it's your turn please come next door. If you pass then you can receive your headband." Iruka then walked out the classroom door to the next room and started the preparation for the final exam. Meanwhile the students were conversing with each other.

"So Shikamaru … (gulp) do you think that we'll be able to pass." said Choji who was eating a bag of chips. You would not believe how many time's Iruka said "no eating in the classroom", but he was always ignored by Choji. So eventually Iruka just gave up, and had to deal with it. He was also Shikamaru's childhood friend.

"Who knows, but I hope I do. I just want to pass so that I can stop getting up at 7:00 in the morning. I'm always so tired, and these tests are so annoying, it's such a drag." Shikamaru is the lazy one his hair is like Iruka's but its black, him and his family are respected in the village. Mainly it's because of there ridiculous IQ. Most of the girls in the class were fawning over a kid, who was the only survive in his whole family massacre, by his brother. This kid was Sauske Uchiha. Sauske was the rookie of the year and has the highest grades in class. He has black hair the kind of resembles a duck's butt. Where's a blue shirt, with his families crest on the back of it. A fan like design, with a red top, and a white bottom, he where's white shorts and blue sandals. He's more of an emo kind of guy. He always broods and never smiles. Sauske thought it was a little humorous that Naruto always tried to catch up to him, in skills. He thought he deserved the attention from people because he is an Uchiha and has the Sharingan, a dojutsu (Or eye technique) that allows the user to mimic the opponent's movements and techniques, though Sauske has yet to unlock his sharingan.

'Grrr, why does he always get all the attention? What's so great about him anyway?' Naruto thought angrily, him and Sauske have been rivals for as long as he can remember.

Naruto's reasons everyone always treats him like he's the center of the universe, and he always has girls following him. But Naruto can tell by Sauske's impresion's that he was really annoyed with that. Naruto couldn't blame him on that one really. Having girls follow you where ever you go, saying things like " I love you," or "will you please go on a date with me?" It does get irritating after the first couple of days. He even got ambushed by them, because he threatened Sauske.

Naruto was so into thought that he hadn't realized the people who have left that classroom, and came back with headbands. He almost missed his name being called.

"Naruto Uzumaki," Iruka called from the other room. Sighing Naruto got up and proceeded heading out the door. He could already hear snickers, chuckles, and comments coming from the other students. Things like "the class clown is about to fail again," or "the dead last becoming a ninja that's a laugh". Naruto quickened his pace a bit and walked to the other room. Entering the room Naruto looked at the desk and saw a few more headbands left. He walked to the center of the room and got ready.

"Proceed with the clone jutsu," said Iruka. 'Alright, get it together Naruto. You can do this. Believe it.' Then Naruto put his hands together in a handsign, then bagan to concentrate. A mass of chakra started to swam around Naruto, kicking up dust in the process."CLONE JUTSU," Naruto yelled, as was then surrounded in a puff of smoke. When the smoke cleared Naruto looked to he's right, only to see a pale white clone on the ground, looking like it was about to kill over. (told you when it comes to control this kid suck's ass.) "I'm sorry Naruto, you fail" Iruka said with a sigh. "Iruka -sensei." Iruka looked to his left a saw his friend Mizuki, wondering what he had to say." Mizuki like Iruka is a chunnin and a teacher. He has silver hair that reaches past his chin.

"He's off but his moves weren't bad, and he did hang in there a replicate. This is his third try, so you know he really wants to become a ninja. We could cut him a break." Naruto immediately gasped in happiness, in hearing this.

"Mizuki-sensei, the others students created at least 3 effective replications. But Naruto can only create one, and look at it it's pitiful. I can't pass him." Iruka said in a demanding tone. This had made Naruto even more upset. Iruka's known Narito for most of his life, yet hasn't he realized that Naruto can't create a clone. Maybe everyone was right , maybe he is the dead last.

"Amazing they called me first," a random graduate exclaimed. "They said I passed with flying colors," said another. Friends and family were chatting away, happy that the kids passed the exam, and became honorary ninja. There was only one boy who was not part of the celebrating. He was sitting sideways on a swing, under a big tree in the shade, watching. Depression obviously could be seen on his face.

"Look there, you see him?" Said a woman with a voice full of malice.
"It's that boy. I hear he's the only one that failed," said another woman.
"hm well it serves him right." said the first woman. You could be able to see that both of there eyes were full of hate, towards young Naruto. "Just imagine if he passed and became a ninja. I mean he's the boy who" but was immediately shushed by the first woman.

"We're not supposed to talk about that." Naruto started to put on his goggles, adjusting them so there not to tight around his head. He wears them in substitute for a headband.

Naruto was about to leave for his home when he heard a faint noise near him, startling him. He looked up to see who it was and saw Mizuki, staring at Naruto with a smile.

"Naruto there's something I want to talk to you about. Please follow me." With that him and Naruto left to discuss there conversation in private.

We find them sitting on top of one of the buildings in the village. Looking out into the horizon, while the sun had started to set, Mizuki thought that it was time to put his plan into action. "Naruto I wasn't you to understand he doesn't hate you. I know that Iruka can be tough and hard to work with, but has nothing against you."Mizuki said trying to comfort Naruto.

"Then why, why only me?" Naruto asked with disappointment in his voice.
"He wants you to be strong with all his heart. But that will never happen unless he goes easy on you Naruto. You know he's a lot like you. No parents, no family, nothing. He grew up the same way you did, alone."Said Mizuki

"But… this time I really wanted to graduate. How can I be the best Iruka-sensei wants me to be if I can't learn one move."Naruto said dropping his shoulders.
"Hmhmh," Mizuki chuckled "Then I guess that I have to tell you."

At this Naruto perked up. What was so special that he had to tell him in secret? "It's a secret Naruto so you can't tell anybody, okay." Naruto nodded and Mizuki started to tell him. Mizuki made a motion with his finger to tell Naruto to come closer. Naruto drew in and listened. Putting a hand over his mouth and over Naruto's ear he began to speak.

"You see Naruto I always have this special test for students who don't graduate the exams. I want you to sneak into the hokage tower and steal the forbidden scroll. To pass your suppose to recover it without being detected or seen. Then there is going to be a rendezvou point in the forest north of here. Then I want you to learn one jutsu from it. If you can do all that then you pass." Naruto's heart seemed to burst with joy at the thought of such a chance to redeem him self. Not only will he finally pass and get a head band, but this was completely easy. He snuck into the hokage tower so many times that he lost count. And learning a new jutsu will be a bonus. Naruto sprang to his feet, and had that smile that we all know and love plastered all over his face.

"You can count on me Mizuki-sensei. I'll get that scroll and pass the test. I also happen to know where it is." Naruto then jumped from roof to roof heading to the hokage tower, leaving Mizuki who had a smirk on his face. Not a regular smirk but one that was full of evil and hate.

See Mizuki may seem like a nice man but in reality he's a terrible person, who has always loathed Naruto. Why, it's because the Kyuubi attack 12 years ago had changed him. It killed his friends and his family, leaving him emotionally torn. He hated Naruto because he reminded him of the fox that took away everything precious to him, and started to tell himself that Naruto was the fox. He only acted nice around Naruto so that he could trust him. Stealing the forbidden scroll was not a test. He only sent Naruto to take it because he did not know where it was, and it would get him in trouble with the Hokage. Mizuki left his place on the building and ran to tell Iruka then they both left for the hokage, them, along with the hokage's best chunnin started to look for the blonde, but Mizuki knew where he was, and started heading in Naruto's direction. 'This is going to be incredibly easy. Not only will I have the scroll to myself, but everybody is going to blame that demon for all of this. It doesn't matter if he does learn a jutsu, he won't be able to stop me.' (Yeah Mizuki, keep telling your self that. If only you knew what was in that scroll the you would rethink that plan a bit. Duche)

Scene Change:

Naruto was at the rendezvou point were Mizuki had told him to meet him. His form was sweaty and had dirt everywhere. His orange and blue jumpsuit was a wreck as well. It's obvious that he was training and by the smile on his face, it would seem he succeded in mastering a jutsu. It's was the first entry on the forbidden scroll. The Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu. He was a bit skeptical at first ( -.- Not like he now's what that means) because clones weren't his strong suit. But theses clones were different instead of trying to filter your chakra and try to make illusions of yourself, you instead divide your chakra into spate inteties and make actual clones of yourself. Another cool thing about this technique is that if a clone goes somewhere or does something that you don't know about and dispels, then you'll gain that clones memories. They can even shorten the time of a persons training sessions.

Naruto sat down and gazed at the starlight sky. He then looked at the scroll. "Hmm well I still have half an hour until Mizuki-sensei gets here, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to learn one more measly jutsu."

Naruto then opened the scroll and started to looke at more entries. There was the Waster Dragon Jutsu, but that required to many hand signs and took to long to use." (Seriously on the show they performed over 45 hand signs for that one jutsu. I memorized them all but Naruto can't.) There was the Fire Ball Jutsu but that instantly reminded him of Sasuke, so that was a no. The Black Dragon Blizzard, an ice style move but Naruto was no were near familier with ice so that was a no.

"Come on, there has to be something else here." Naruto just skimmed through the whole thing until he realized he opened the scroll all the way, then looke at the last entre. There was a circle with the kanji for 'seal ' on it. Naruto was actually happy that he paid attention in class for once, because he remembered Iruka- sesnsei explaine how to unlock seals. Seals unlock one of two ways. You either aplly your chakra to the seal, or you apply some of your blood.

Naruto could easily see that this seal required blood, because there were marks of finger prints left on the scroll, staining it with there dried blood. Naruto knew that there was a one I in a million chance that the seal would unlock for him, but what did he have to lose. "Well here goes nothing." Naruto said as a took a kunai from his pouch, the made a tiny cut on his thumb. He then placed his thumb on the seal an waited. He waited for about 10 seconds, then shrugged. "Oh well" Naruto said a little disappointed. The seal then started to glow blue, and Naruto watched in amazement. The seal stopped glowing then erupted in a puff of smoke.

"What the hell?" was all Naruto could say, staring at the objects in front of him.

Laying in front of Naruto was a short sleeve shirt that was orange and had black sleeves, (I know it's yellow but I want to give a Naruto like feel to it) some jeans that had some sort of star formation, going down the right leg, a two pronged trident like weapon and a backpack with a strap to obviously hold the weapon. There was also a letter and a box that seemed to give of a purple like glow, from it's closed hinges.

Naruto first grabbed the letter and started to read it

If you were able to release the seal and are reading this letter then that must mean you are probably the last of my kin to walk this earth. Let me specify I am your ancestor. My name is Cole McGrath. I had saved the world from a threat that was willing to exterminate mankind as we know it. A monster called 'The Beast.' The beast was originally my friend, and ally. Someone named John White. To bad he was trying to kill me to.

"Some friend" Naruto said as he could only imagine being friends with somebody who tries to kill you in the end. He continued to read the letter.

I managed to stop him also with a little help from my friends. It was a tough fight but we were able to push on. Because for the thousands that had died millions were going to live.

"Wait he said that this was a threat to the whole world right, so how did he stop the beast. Yeah he said he had help from his friends but there must have been someway he took that thing down." Naruto said to himself wishing that he could learn how his so-called ancestor could destroy such a monster.

It didn't really make sense though. How could one man stop a threat to the whole world even with his friends help? That must mean that he's stronger that all the hokage, put together.

Your probably wondering how I took that thing down right? Well I had these… abilities. Some that people can only dream about, ability's that even outclass most bloodline limits. Since you're my descendent you too have access to these abilities.

This had gotten Naruto excited. He could have abilities that could make him stronger then he already was? Stronger then anybody else? He kept on reading.

I was able to conduct and control lighting. I could absorb it and discharge it at will. Just because you have these abilities does not mean you know how to use them. You are going to have to practice. I couldn't go in water without shocking myself. That's something no amount of practice can ever overcome. But what's in that box won't allow you to have the same problem. Open the box.

Naruto then glanced at his right to see the red box , that still had that weird purple mist leaking from it. Naruto leaned over and grabbed the box. He held it in front of his face and examined it. It had what appeared to be lighting bolt designs covering it. He opened it and saw something that made him go wide eyed.

In the box was an orb of sorts. It glowed purple, and had bluish red mist like substance coming off of it. The orb was also giving off this strange buzzing like noise as well. Naruto picked it up and it started to pulsate a bit. Naruto then picked up the letter with his spare hand and began to finish it.

This is the Ray Core. It works as a mechanism so that you can unlock your powers. There are 6 more to find. Each location is hidden, but one Core will lead to another and another and so on. You are the only one in the world who can use the Core's so don't get worried if someone tries to take one from you. To activate a core just channel your chakra into it. Its energy will flow into you, which will in turn unlock your powers. More Cores means more and different powers. Also to use my weapon which is called 'The Amp' just channel electricity to it. So long and I hope this information can be useful.

From your ancestor


Naruto was at a loss for words, no scratch that Naruto was speechless. He didn't imagine he had such talents locked away in is genes. Now he is holding to tool that will bring them out.

"Whoa, so I'm related to some sort of super hero?" Naruto would need time to take this all in, but realized that time was something he was running out of. Mizuki would be here in ten minutes. So with the time he had left he rolled the scroll back up, took of his jumpsuit and put on his ancestors clothes.

They fitted him quite well. He checked the backpack and found a second set of clothes in there to. Probably incase in the first pair got ruined. He strapped on the backpack, and put the Amp through the loop on the back.

He then looked at the thing that was supposed to unlock his so called dormant powers, the Ray Core. "Well here goes" Naruto then picked up the Ray Core and started to channel his chakra into it. The Core started to vibrate violently and then appear as to have been absorbed by Naruto. "AGH damn this … really hurts," Naruto managed to grunt out until he was lifted in the air.

Lighting started to surround his hands, and feet until it all discharged at once, going in multiple directions. Falling to the ground steaming a bit and gasping a little Naruto slowly picked himself up, and started to see some changes. Lighting was dancing around his arms, and hands.

He even felt like he had more energy then he use to. He never thought he could feel this much power at once. He figured that he still had about four minutes to spare until Mizuki found him, so he started to practice with his new powers. He learned how to shoot lightning bolts from his hands, and how to make lightning grenades.

Naruto also learned how to make a wall of electricity, which can block or deflect anything. He tested it by making a few shadow clones, and having them throw shuriken and kunai at the original, having them bounce of the electric wall, that could be a good defense move. He even shot it at the clones and they were blown back off there feet. He managed to create some sort of kinetic energy, which could pick up objects and through them, how ever far he wanted them to go. He even practiced with the Amp a bit. Naruto learned how to get it working and also practiced on a few melee move combos.

He sat down to relax until he heard someone. Just not who he was expecting "NARUTO WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?" Iruka screamed. Naruto turned to see his really pissed of teacher walking towards him.

" So what do you have to say for yourself, huh?" Iruka growled out. A tick mark starting to form on his forehead.

Naruto closed his eyes, crossed his arms and chuckled, confusing Iruka. " So you finally found me huh sensei, you are pretty good. I only had time to learn one technique." This caught Iruka by surprise

"He's been out here practicing? I can see how hard he's been working. But what's he wearing? I've never seen that type of clothing before. And is that some sort of pitch-fork on his back?" Iruka thought eyeing the strange clothing.

He wanted to ask were he got these things from but decided to wait till he dealt with this problem.

"Hey Sensei do I pass" Naruto practically yelled, snapping Iruka from his thought. He then looked at the blonde with a questioning look.

"Pass, what do you mean pass?" Iruka asked, not understanding were Naruto was getting at.

" You know the secret test. Students who fail take a secret test by taking the scroll, learning a jutsu from it, and they pass."

Now Iruka was really confused. "Who told you something like that?" Iruka asked. "Mizuki-sensei told me about it. He was the one who set this whole thing up actually." Naruto had informed his sensei." Now iruka was starting to worry. Mizuki, his best friend set this up. Why would he want to…. On no!
They were interrupted when kunai started to fly in there direction.

"NO LOOK OUT!" Iruka then pushed Naruto out of the way then was pushed backed from the onslaught. All but one missed, at got stuck in Iruka's leg.
"I see you found our little hide away." said a sinister voice. Iruka and Naruto looked up to see Miuki standing in a tree, with two huge shuriken strapped to his back. "Why didn't I figure this out sooner?" Iruka had questioned himself.

Mizuki looked down and saw Naruto next to the scroll. "Naruto give me the scroll now." Mizuki demanded. "Mizuki-sensei what are you doing?" Naruto asked in disbelieve. Why did Mizuki just injure Iruka? Weren't they friends?

"Naruto don't give Mizuki the scroll. The secrets it contain's can put this village in grave danger. He used you so he could get that power for himself." Iruka explained through a pained voice. "He's been lying to you Naruto. Quick run away." Iruka yelled trying to get his student to get away from the area.

Mizuki just smirked "Lying huh, please you were lying to him his whole life." Mizuki then turned in Naruto's direction. " Naruto do you know why the entire village hate's you so much." Iruka's eyes widened, " NO MIZUKI, DON'T TELL HIM! IT'S FORBIDDEN!" Iruka bellowed.

Mizuki continued " The reason is because the Nine-Tailed fox spirit that destroyed our village 12 years ago is inside of you. YOU ARE THE NINE TAILED FOX!" Mizuki screamed at Naruto.
Iruka was crying a bit because since Naruto knows the truth and that he's been hiding the secret from him he probably hates him. Mizuki expected Naruto to breakdown and start crying, probably running away in the process. But Naruto did something that they both didn't expect . "HHAHAHA AHAH AHA AHAHHAHA AHAHA."( -.- Yep he laughed. ) This had taken both ninja by surprise. They both expected to see the same thing, for Naruto to either burst out in tears of anger, and probably run away. But Naruto was just laughing his ass off. When he started to calm down he wiped a tear away from his eye.

"Wow, THAT'S what you and the villagers believe. Man for a second there I thought I had something to worry about. You think I should be scared because the Nine-Tails is inside me, please it's the other way around. It's because of you and the villager's ignorance that you're scared of me." Mizuki then unclipped one of the shuriken from his back, and started to spin it around.

"DON'T TRY AND PLAY YOUR MIND GAMES ON ME DEMON. NOW DIE!" Mizuki then hurls the shuriken at naruto at blinding speeds. Iruka's eyes widened and try to move to block the shuriken, but the pain in his leg was too much. He fell to one knee and saw that the shuriken get closer to Naruto. He could only bring himself to scream his name. "NO NARUTO." Naruto thought that it was time to show Iruka his new powers.

He activated his kinetic pulse ability then electricity was swarming around him. He threw up his hands and stopped the shuriken in its paces. To this both chunnin had there eyes bulging out of there head. Iruka started to look at Naruto like he'd seen a ghost. Mizuki looked at Naruto thinking that it was because of the fox he did that.

"So that's your new jutsu huh, making walls of electricity? That's just pathetic. Now no more games, this time you die!" Mizuki then jump from the tree straight to the ground. He stared down the blonde who already dropped his pulse, making the shuriken hit the ground with a thud. Miuki then tried for the second shuriken on his back, but was stopped by and outburst from Naruto, who crossed his fingers.

"I don't think so, "SHADOW CLONE JUTSU"At that Iruka's wyws widened. Naruto clones were surrounding the whole area. 100 were on the ground and the other half were in the tree's.

"Naruto had managed to learn a really advance jutsu. And those aren't illusions, those are solid clones." Iruka thought in happiness. Mizuki on the other hand not so much. He saw all the clones surround him as he knew he had no where to go. He kept slowly backing up only to fall on his rear.

"Well if you're not going to come to us," said one clone "then were going to come to you" said another.

After that they all charged. The only thing that could e heard that night were Mizuki's screams, and the sound of punches and kicks. After the horribly brutal beating Naruto started to rub his sheepishly. "Whoops loss like I over did it a little." He then walked over to Iruka.

"You O.K Iruka-sensei?" Naruto said.

Iruka was at a loss for words as he witnessed an incredible feet before him. Naruto not only learned two jutsu but was able to singlehandedly take down a
chunnin. He couldn't be any prouder. There was only one thing to do now.

"Hey Naruto can you close your eyes for a second. There's something I wanted to give you." Naruto did as instructed and closed his eyes. His head then started to fell a bit lighter.

"Now open them." when Naruto opening his eyes he got a good look at his sensei. He then noticed that he wasn't wearing his headband. "Congradulations you graduate. And to celebrate how about we go for ramen tonight?" Iruka asked. Naruto mouth started to twitch and the he pounced on Iruka, tackling him to the ground. They both started to laugh and wrestle.

Iruka started to think "Naruto this is only the beginning. The road only gets tougher now that you're a ninja. If I told you that it would probably ruin the moment. So I'll tell you later, over ramen"