Title: With Open Eyes

Authors: Heidi and Cindy

Rating: Mature Audiences

Disclaimers: These are not our characters and we are making no money off of them. If that were the case, we wouldn't be stuck working as Daycare Professionals in our real lives.

Summary: The werewolves that inhabit Lima and Westerville don't make it a regular practice to associate with each other, but all that is going to change when the packs decide to make arrangements.

"The first Lycan packs in North America can be traced back to the earliest European settlement of the New World. Seeking freedom from the witch hunts and persecution which was prevalent in much of Europe at the time, the Lycan packs migrated to this continent and became the trailblazers for the settlement of this country always seeking the freedom and security of the anonymity to be found on the edges of the frontier. Eventually, however, the packs began to settle and establish their own territories ruled by an Alpha and his council of betas. Having been taught a harsh lesson by the near destruction of the European packs who had grown lax and allowed their existence to become known, the American Lycans blended into the human society, hiding themselves in plain sight, yet always maintaining their traditions and identity."

-an excerpt from An American Lycan by Arthur Abrams of Lima

He relished the feel of the damp earth beneath his paws and the way the crisp, cool autumn air ruffled through his fur as he ran. His powerful muscles bunched and pulled as he raced through the moonlit forest in search of his prey. There was nothing like a good hunt to relieve some stress and God knew he needed to do that right now…between his new position as Pack Alpha and the impending birth of his first child. He looked to the side and saw his two best friends and betas running to either side of him, each with distinctly lupine grins on their faces, which he was sure, were mirrored on his.

The full moon hunt was Lycan tradition at its finest…their most pure form of celebration. He couldn't believe he'd almost cancelled this when they had recently had so little to celebrate with the increasingly aggressive attacks coming from one of the other packs, which occupied this area of Ohio. Right now, it was pretty hard for him to remember his troubles. In fact, had anyone asked, he'd have said life was pretty damn good for Burt Hummel.

He slowed his pace when he reached the clearing which was the meeting area in the Lima Pack's hunting grounds near Lake Lima. His chief beta, Chris Hudson, and his secondary beta, Will Schuester, skidded to a halt beside him as they waited for the rest of the hunting party; which consisted of all of the pack, but Lizzie, who was too far along in her pregnancy to safely transform, Chris' wife Carole who was home with their young son, Finn, some of the other mothers with children too young to be without them, and Burt's other betas; Jake Puckerman, Rafael Lopez, and Michael Pierce, who had stayed behind to guard the women and children.

"Any sign of Sue or her mongrels?" Burt inquired with a tilt of his head and what would have sounded like a series of barks and growls to human ears.

"Not so much as a whiff." Chris replied, flopping down in a pile of leaves. Burt just rolled his eyes. Chris Hudson, he decided, would always and forever resemble an overgrown puppy. The man was mated with a young one of his own and he still had the same happy-go lucky innocence he'd had when they'd started high school several years ago. He was also fiercely loyal and the strongest fighter in the pack.

"That doesn't mean she's not around. You know how cunning and vicious she is, especially when she has a personal ax to grind, like she does with you, Burt." Will, his secondary beta, and definitely the voice of reason between the three friends, added. To outsiders, Will didn't seem to fit in with them. Even in high school, Will, whom even their kinder schoolmates had referred to as a nerd, had seemed oddly out of place with the two burly athletes, but people had quickly learned not to mess with him, especially not around Burt and Chris. Will was the brains, Chris the brawn, and Burt the leader and often the conscience of the group. The three were an unshakable, unbeatable team who trusted each other unconditionally, which is why Burt merely nodded in response to Will's comments.

Even had Burt not had the relationship with his Betas that he did, he would have known that Will was correct. Sue Sylvester was obsessed with him. They had been friends, once, both of them Alphas in Training for neighboring packs. They were the only ones who could understand what they were going through…the pressures they were under. He supposed they might have even mated at some point if Lizzie hadn't entered the picture. Elizabeth Black had transferred to McKinley High Burt's senior year. Her family was part of the Westerville Pack. She had attended private school until that point, but none of the men in Westerville had been of any interest to her, so her family had sent her to McKinley and to Burt. He had fallen in love with her at first sight. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She made him laugh and remember that, despite all his responsibilities, life was meant to be enjoyed. She was, to him, pure joy. They had begun dating almost immediately and mated shortly after graduation. Burt had never been happier.

He hadn't realized until she began to pull away from him that Sue had been in love with him. He had never even considered her in a romantic light. Unlike most females, Sue had been born with brown eyes, meaning she was barren. Burt had wanted children and, while he had genuinely liked Sue, he would never have considered her as a potential mate, even had Lizzie not come along. He had unintentionally broken her heart. Her father had died shortly thereafter, and Burt knew being young, in love, and stupid that he hadn't been there for his friend like he should have. He never dreamed how much that mistake would cost him. The intelligent, strong, young woman he knew became bitter, vengeful, and cruel. Sue had begun to order attacks on his pack and his lands. She was completely unrelenting, always going for the most vulnerable in the pack…always making sure to do things she knew would hurt Burt the most. He had tried to reason with her. He had tried to make peace…that had stopped just over a year and a half ago when Sue had ordered an attack on the baby shower, which was being held for Lizzie.

He had never known fear and anger like he had that day when Sandra Lopez had called him at the shop and told him he needed to get home now. He had felt so hopeless as their first child had been miscarried. There had even been some doubt if Lizzie would be able to conceive again. They had both gone into deep mourning. An angry Burt had even begun to initiate his own attacks. He had been certain that war between them was inevitable at that point and then a miracle had occurred.

Liz had become pregnant, again, and Burt's focus shifted to protecting his wife and unborn child at all costs. He had barely left her side since he'd found out she was going to be having his child. He would be with her right now, except she had informed him in no uncertain terms that he was driving her completely insane and if he didn't go out for a hunt with the boys, she was going to have him neutered. Burt smiled thinking about it. His Lizzie had the biggest heart of anyone he knew, but she also had the sharpest tongue. He may have been the Alpha of his pack, but she was undoubtedly the queen of the castle and there was nothing he wouldn't do for her. He was broken out of his musings by Chris, who suddenly stood up, growling.

Instinctively, Burt scented the air. Someone was approaching. He tensed, ready to attack if they were unfriendly. As the wind shifted, the scent of the intruder became stronger and he relaxed as he was able to identify them. He quickly shifted into his human form and with a quick glance at his betas; Chris and Will did the same, just in time to see the two trim and distinctly female wolves race into the clearing.

With a roll of her eyes, the lead wolf quickly transformed into a curvaceous Latina woman. The other female followed suit and a doe-eyed redhead now stood where the petite russet colored wolf had once been.

"Hi Will." She smiled, blushing.

"Hello Emma." Will replied, smiling gently back at her.

"Oh, for the love of God, will the two of you quit getting all moony over each other and just find a clearing in the woods and do it already?" The other female snapped.

"Leave them be, Sandra. You were just as bad when you and Rafael first got together." Chris smirked. He and Sandra had a love-hate relationship. They hated each other and loved to piss the other one off.

"Well…ho, ho, ho. If it isn't the Jolly Green Giant." Sandra shot back.

"Look…" Chris began, only to be cut off by his Alpha.

"Enough! What are the two of you doing here? You're supposed to be back at the house, helping to watch out in case Sue tries something." Burt interrupted.

"Oh, you know. Thought it was a nice night for a run in the moonlight. What the hell do you think we're doing here, oh high and mighty leader? Your mate, of course, picked tonight to go into labor." Sandra responded.

"Labor?" Burt couldn't help but ask, paling.

"Yep and this kid is impatient. You want to be there on time, you'd better get moving." Sandra said. Without bothering to respond, Burt transformed and took off at a run.

"How long do you think it'll be before he realizes he's running in the wrong direction?" Sandra snorted. Chris chuckled, for once in agreement with her.

"I'll go chase him down and get him headed straight. Will, think you can finish the hunt without us and get everyone back home by dawn?" Chris asked. Will nodded.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"I'll stay and help." Emma added, blushing again. Chris nodded, slipping quickly into his lupine form and chasing after Burt.

"I guess I'd better go with Gigantor then." Sandra said transforming and loping off in the direction Burt and Chris had gone.

Chris and Sandra quickly caught up to their panicked Alpha and got him headed back towards Lima. He ran like a man possessed and all three, despite being in peak physical condition, were panting by the time they reached the house. Burt, believing his wife and child to be too vulnerable to attack from Sue in the hospital had used his power as Alpha to get the healers to agree to come to the house when Liz went into labor.

With his sensitive ears, he could hear his mate's cries of pain as he raced through the woods that led up to the back of their house. Growling, he pushed himself to close the last little distance to the compound that housed the Lima Pack. He transformed mid-stride, flinging open the door and rushing up the stairs, not bothering to acknowledge the greetings from those gathered, awaiting the birth of their Alpha's first child. Burt burst through the door as Liz gave one last, clearly exhausted scream. He ran to her, gripping her hand.

"I'm so, so sorry baby. I knew I shouldn't have gone tonight. I love you. I'm here. I…" Burt rambled, brushing his wife's sweaty hair out of her eyes and kissing her forehead.

"Burtram Michael Hummel, shut the hell up and get this thing out of me now or I swear to God, I will rip your testicles off!" Liz snapped. Burt paled, involuntarily taking a step back, only to be pulled back to his mate as another contraction ripped through her petite frame.

"All right, Liz. Push…push hard and this should be it. You can do it, sweetheart." Carole, Chris' mate, encouraged. She was one of several women in the pack who had been trained to assist in childbirth. As the mate of Burt's chief Beta and Liz's best friend, she had been the only one that the Alpha and his mate had even considered allowing to deliver their first child. With a deep, almost guttural scream, Liz bore down and pushed.

"That's it, Lizzie. That's it! You did it!" Carole exclaimed, almost laughing in the joy of the moment as she suctioned out the infant's mouth and the sound of its cries filled the room. "Congratulations! You have a healthy baby boy. Burt, do you want to cut the cord?"

Looking faintly nauseous, Burt shook his head. Carole grinned, deftly doing it for him. She then quickly cleaned off the baby and bundled him into a blanket before handing him to Liz, who was leaning tiredly on Burt.

Tears were streaming down both parents' faces as they looked down on their tiny baby's face for the first time. As he looked down at that face, with its features so similar to his mother's, Burt experienced for the second time something he had once believed impossible; love at first sight. He would do anything and everything to protect this child and ensure his happiness. It was a moment of pure and unadulterated joy for Burt and it lasted only as long as it took for his precious baby boy to open his eyes.

"Liz! His eyes!" Burt gasped, staring at the bright crystalline orbs of his newborn son.

"They're beautiful." Liz firmly replied.

"They're blue, Liz. Lycans don't have blue eyes, especially not male Lycans." Burt responded.

"Yes, they do, Burt. It's just very rare and very special. Just like he is." Liz answered, tucking the blanket tighter around her baby.

"God, Lizzie…that's our son. You know what those eyes mean as well as I do. He's a breeder, Liz." Burt said his voice barely a whisper of sound in the room.

"So help me God, Burt Hummel. If I ever hear of you referring to our child with that hideous term again, it will be the last words you ever speak to me because I will be gone." Liz snapped.

"But Liz, do you have any idea of what he's facing? What kind of life he's going to have?" Burt asked.

"The best life we can give him. We will not let him be restricted by this. We will treat him exactly as

what he is…a miracle and our son, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel." Liz insisted and as Burt glanced down once more at his beautiful baby boy, he couldn't help but agree.

The years passed swiftly for the young family. Kurt's blue eyes had been a curiosity for the members of the pack at first, but by the time he was old enough to recognize that fact, everyone had become accustomed to the active little blue eyed boy, who won everyone over with his loving heart and feisty demeanor. Honestly, who cared if he spent more time playing dolls with the girls than ball with the boys?

Unfortunately, Sue seemed to see Kurt's birth and Burt's obvious happiness as a slap to the face and her attacks became both more frequent and significantly more vicious. Burt was soon forced to retaliate in kind. By the time Kurt was four, the packs were in a state of all-out war. Losses began to stack up on both sides. Burt did his best to keep his pack safe; however, Sue always seemed to be one step ahead. Soon, people were dying almost daily and both sides were paying the price for their leader's hatred of each other. It was almost as if a gray pall had settled over the heart of Lima, bringing pain and tragedy and misery to all.

While her husband waged war, Liz did her best to heal the pack's wounds. She paid visits to the families who had lost loved ones, ensuring they had everything they needed to cope and recover.

She started a small school for the pack children when it was decided that it was too dangerous for them to go off pack lands for school. Liz loved caring for and teaching the children, especially because she had been unable to have any more children after Kurt.

Who knew how long things would've continued this way if it weren't for the events of one warm, spring day just after Kurt had turned eight. Liz sat in the backyard, watching the children who hadn't been picked up yet playing. She smiled at the sound of Kurt's easy laughter as he sat at his small white table having a tea party with Rachel Berry and Mercedes Jones. Nearby, Britney Pierce and Quinn Fabray stood in the shade of the big oak tree in the yard giggling at the sarcastic comments Santana Lopez was making about the boys who were playing football. Santana reminded Liz so much of her mother Sandra who had been killed in a raid a few months prior. She even had the same sort of love hate relationship with Chris' son, Finn, who was one of the boys playing the game along with Noah Puckerman, Artie Abrams, and Mike Chang.

"Nice throw son!" Chris shouted at his son, who grinned and waved. At his words, Liz shook herself out of the reverie she was in. She hadn't even noticed Chris arrive to pick up the boy. "Evening Lizzie. They give you any trouble today?"

"No more than normal Chris. This close to the full moon they're all a little restless being cooped up like they have been, but nothing too serious. How were things at the shop today?" Liz responded with a smile.

"Busy. Your mate asked me to let you know that he would be home in about a half an hour. Will, Michael, and Rafael should be here around then too. We have to figure out who is going to replace Jake. It won't be easy," Chris said frowning, his eyes seeking out Noah who was horsing around with the other boys. "How is he doing?"

"Not great… acting out. He's angry. He lost his Dad and his Mom has pretty much shut down. We've all been taking turns taking care of him and Sarah, but…" Liz trailed off sadly. Chris sighed, shaking his head.

"Just one more thing to lie at that bitch's door. We have to…" Chris stopped as a shrill cry rent the air.

"Artie!" Britney screamed. Chris and Liz whirled to where the boys had been playing. The legs of the young boy were the only thing visible. The rest of him was hidden by the bushes from where he had been retrieving a ball Finn had overthrown. Chris lifted his face scenting the air.

"Liz!" he shouted. "Get them inside now!" He transformed with a growl, charging the bushes as five large wolves emerged from their hiding spot. Liz frantically ushered the kids into the house. Finn and Puck came last half dragging, half carrying the shredded form of Artie Abrams between them. Reply to:

"Kurt, go… lock the doors behind you… all of them. Take everyone to your room and lock those doors too. Move all your furniture in front of it… Don't let anyone in until Daddy gets here. Go! I have to help Finn's Daddy," Liz ordered, pushing the children into the house.

"Mommy!" Kurt cried clinging to her, his bright blue eyes wide with panic and filled with tears.

"Kurt go baby! I love you! Don't forget that! I love you," she said, hugging Kurt tightly before pushing him inside and transforming as the lock clicked behind her. She growled low in her throat and ran without hesitation into a fight she knew would very probably be her last.

Burt swallowed hard as he fought back the tears which were threatening. His pack couldn't see him as weak, not even at times like these. He was painfully aware of his unusually quiet and somber son next to him as mourner after mourner filed by placing roses on the casket which stood nearby. He had come to hate these funerals over the last several years, but none more so than the one yesterday for his best friend, his bother in all but blood, and the one today for his sweet, beautiful Lizzie.

His heart was broken, irrevocably shattered. He would never ever be the same. He looked around at his pack at all of those who were there, and couldn't help but be reminded of those who weren't there, who never would be again. He looked at the pack's children all standing in their own huddled mass around Finn, who had put on a brave face, his eyes dry, refusing to show weakness.

The boy looked so much like his father that Burt couldn't help but have brief flash back to that horrible moment when he and the others had come into the backyard to something out of his worst nightmares. His Lizzie was lying lifeless in a pool of her own blood while his best friend Chris was barely standing as he desperately fought to keep the three remaining intruders away from the children who were hidden in the house. Burt and the others had destroyed the interlopers, but not quick enough to save Chris whose last words had been a plea to Burt to take care of Carole and to be the father to Finn he wouldn't be allowed to be. He had been frantic as he tore through the house to the children and hadn't relaxed until they finally managed to get into Kurt's room, only to find himself face to face with a very young, very frightened, fully transformed Finn who was growling and standing protectively in front of his friends. It had taken almost an hour to calm the boy down enough to transform back and allow anyone near his friends.

He still couldn't believe that Finn had managed to transform at eight. He had never heard of anyone achieving that before. Lycans didn't transform until they hit their adolescence. It was a known fact. A certain level of maturity was needed to accept the changes both physically and mentally, but then again, Burt supposed none of these young ones could really be considered children anymore. One only had to look into their eyes to see that. He looked down into his own son's bright blue eyes to find them glistening with so much pain. Burt squeezed the boy's shoulder offering what comfort he could here, and hating the fact that he would only have to add to his son's pain in the coming years.

Kurt would never be Alpha. He didn't have the killer instinct that was necessary for the role. Burt had discussed it with Lizzie just a few weeks before. She had reluctantly agreed with her mate and had reassured him that they would get their baby through yet another hurdle life was throwing at him together. Burt almost lost the tenuous control he had on his emotions at the realization that now he would have to get Kurt through this on his own. A firm hand on his own shoulder broke Burt out of his thoughts and he looked up into the strong, kind face of Henry Anderson, the Alpha for the Westerville pack Elizabeth had been born into.

"Burt, I can't even begin to express how very sorry I am for your loss," Henry said, something in the man's voice made Burt's control of his emotions slide even further.

"Thank you Henry," he managed to choke out. "I'm glad you could make it. Elizabeth would have been touched."

"Yes well, she was a remarkable young woman. I had hoped that she and Drake would have made a match but, it was not meant to be and if they had, I wouldn't have young Blaine here," Henry said looking down fondly at the curly haired boy who stood solemnly at his side.

"Oh is this your grandson? He's gotten so big. Kurt," Burt said looking down at his son. "This is Blaine Anderson and his grandfather Henry. Mr. Anderson is the Alpha of your Mommy's home pack."

"Hello… It's very nice to meet you," Kurt said shyly, looking up at the two people in front of him through his lashes.

"Hi, I'm sorry about your Mom. My mother is dead too," Blaine replied quietly.

"Thank you," Kurt said his voice barely a whisper, although he finally looked fully into the other boys face. Burt cringed at the gasp from both Andersons as they caught sight of Kurt's blue eyes.

"You have really pretty eyes," Blaine breathed, a tone of awe in his voice. Kurt blushed and hid behind his Burt's leg. Burt looked at Henry with a raised eyebrow. The older man merely shrugged giving his grandson a loving smile.

"I couldn't agree more Blaine," he said smiling kindly at Kurt before becoming more serious. "I had more than one reason for coming today Burt. I know that this isn't the time or the place; however, we need to talk… soon. This situation with Sue cannot continue. You two are going to destroy each other and everyone around you if this goes on much longer. Something needs to be done." Burt looked around at his pack; their pain was almost as palpable to him as his own.

"I'm not sure if it can be," he sighed. "Even if I stop it, she won't. I've tried it before."

"Then it's time for the Lycan Council to step in. Don't worry Burt. We will end this. You just concentrate on healing your pack and your family. We'll talk more in a few days," Henry said. He placed a comforting hand on Burt's shoulder once more, before leading his grandson away. The rest of the funeral passed in a blur until it was just Burt and Kurt standing alone at Lizzie's graveside.

"It's time to say good bye son," Burt said quietly. Side by side, they walked to Lizzie's grave, placing one last rose upon it. Feeling completely inadequate, Burt watched as tears began to slip silently out of his son's crystalline blue eyes. Not knowing what else to do, Burt offered the boy his hand which Kurt immediately took, clinging to it like a lifeline.

Turning, they walked hand and hand out of the cemetery, both of them leaving a piece of their broken hearts behind.