Oh my God! I realized sometime last month that I never got around making that second chapter. I've been so busy with school, work and the beta work I'm doing it's crazy. I'm glad to have a (not a full) two weeks off from school before finishing the term, but I couldn't let this go unfinished anymore. So there you go and I hope you guys will forgive me.

It was early. Spencer was standing in front of the Christmas tree, leaning against a desk. It was early, even for Spencer… But, he hadn't gotten much sleep lately. Things were keeping him from sleeping, silly things at that. Christmas. He didn't know much about Christmas.

Or maybe it was the opposite. He knew so much that it didn't make any sense to him anymore. His team had talked so much about Christmas. He had never really thought he was missing something by not celebrating Christmas. But now, he wished he had celebrated Christmas before. He wouldn't feel so ignorant.

Part of him wanted to talk to someone, preferably Derek. Spencer sighed. Of course, preferably Derek. Spencer was desperately in love with Derek. But he wasn't a fool. He knew he wasn't good enough for Derek. Because Derek deserved someone beautiful, funny and sociable. And Spencer was not beautiful and he wasn't funny and he sure as hell wasn't sociable. There were plenty of people that fit those qualifications, plenty of women. Next to that, to them, Spencer looked plain.

He wasn't used to being plain. He had always shone somehow, much to his dismay. His intelligence had shone everywhere: high school, Caltech, the FBI Academy, the BAU. He had wished so many times to be more normal, but with an intelligence like his and the awkwardness that went with it, he had never gotten the chance to be normal. Spencer snorted. Be careful what you wish for, he thought. He had wished to be as normal and plain as they come for as long as he could remember… and now that he had gotten to be normal in Derek's eyes, he wished he wasn't. If only Derek could see him.

Spencer sighed. Daydreaming wouldn't change anything he thought. He stood up and went to the break room.


Spencer came back from the break room with a coffee in hand. His eyes lingered on the Christmas tree for a minute before he sat at his desk to complete paperwork. He had just taken a file when his head shot up. His eyes went back to the Christmas tree. THERE! On the top of a pile of gifts was a red and green box that hadn't been there before he went to get coffee. He knew it wasn't just in his head, eidetic memory, remember. They say curiosity killed the cat, but Spencer wasn't a cat… so he guessed it was okay to take a peek. He didn't know what it was about that box, but something was drawing him to it.

He looked around, checking that nobody was looking at him before walking to the pile of gifts. The young agent slowly moved open the tag. Inside in bold candy cane letters was printed his name. Nothing else. Spencer smiled softly. He wondered which one of his teammates had his name.


Derek Morgan was leaning against the doorframe of Garcia's office. He watched Spencer get lost in his thoughts as he wondered who or what could have put that heartbroken look on his face. He wished he'd know, just so he can make it all better. He wished he could kick whoever's ass that was making the amazing Doctor Spencer Reid so miserable.

Derek smiled softly when he sees Spencer came back from the break room with that sugar induced coma Spencer liked to call coffee. He watched Spencer glance at the Christmas tree, once and then again, before standing up and walking to the new gift on the top of the pile. He grinned at Spencer ecstatic expression when he realizes that the gift is his.

Derek thought for a long time about what he could give Spencer for Christmas. He was going crazy about it and it's finally his mother that gave him the answer. She didn't know she did though. Derek kept it secret. That's why he had printed Spencer's name instead of writing it. Because, Spencer would have known immediately that the gift was from him. And in any case, Spencer would have to wait…


By some kind of miracle, they don't catch a case for Christmas. Spencer could spout out a thousand facts about how the Holidays are a big trigger for sociopaths and psychopaths, but he doesn't.

It's December 23rd and almost everyone is around the Christmas tree. The team exchanged gifts. Hotch gave Emily a new set of gloves and scarfs, both bright red with mistletoe; that way, you'll always have a part of Christmas around. He, himself received a couple of colorful ties from JJ. Face it, Hotch. You need a little more color and originality in your life. Garcia gave David a bright heavy box. Inside, he found a large book about wine. You're a difficult man to shop for, David Rossi. David only smiled and handed out a package to JJ. Once opened, the package revealed a pair of colorful glass earrings. They'll replace the ones you lost on the last case. Derek was next. He received from Emily some CD from some group Spencer has never heard before. Don't know how you can listen to that, but as long as you don't put it in the SUV… Spencer got up to hand Penelope her gift. I'm not really good at gifts, but I hope you'll like it. Penelope happily tore the wrapping paper away and opened the box. She smiled as she discovered a series of colorful, sparkly, glittery and feathery pen. Don't worry Reid, it is perfect! Spencer smiled too. He knew really well who had his name. Derek stood up, looking all nervous suddenly. Look, it isn't much, but… yeah… that's it. Spencer slowly unwrapped the gift carefully, gaining eye rolls from the girls. It was a large book, a large photo album to be exact. Spencer opened it and stared at the first picture. It was a picture of the team. They were all smiling, sitting on a blanket at the picnic birthday party that Hotch had organized for Jack last year. Spencer turned each page, taking time to remember every detail of the memories each picture conjured up. His heart tightened when he realized he had only one page left. With a resolved expression, he turned the last page. It was a picture of Derek and him. They were looking at each other with silly grins on their face. Under the picture was glued an envelope. Spencer frowned before turning to Derek. You'll read it tonight, okay pretty boy? Spencer agreed, thanking Derek for the gift.


When Spencer got home, the first thing he did was to read the note in the envelope. It was written in the messy still somewhat elegant scribble that he had grown accustomed to with Derek.

Dear Spencer,

We have known each other for years. I've always admire you. For your courage, your strength, your determination, your intelligence… I tried to tell you many times, but it never seemed to be the right time. Things happened: Elle, Gideon, Hankel, your mom, Foyette, Carl. And every time I wanted to say something, I backed out. I thought it would be better for you. I didn't care if I hurt. You were the only thing that mattered. Of course, Garcia didn't agree. I think she planned that secret Santa thing just for me. You have no idea how many times I tried to back out of telling you this while I gave you your gift. I couldn't say anything; my voice always seems to fail me in those moments. That's why I decided to write you instead. I have to tell you this Spencer, because otherwise I'll regret never doing it. I can't live my life wondering what if.

I love you, Spencer.

I love everything about you. Your intelligence, your quirks, your facts, your obsessions, your flaws. I don't know how anyone as perfect as you are could love me back, but if you do, I hope you'll tell me. I also hope this will never change things between us, because you are my best friend. If you can't work with me anymore, I'll ask for a transfer. I would never ask you to leave the BAU. They're your family.

Love, Derek.

Spencer felt the tears run down his cheeks. Derek loved him back. He sat immobile on his couch for what seemed to him an eternity, but was only a few minutes. He shook his head. He had to talk to Derek. Naturally, his car was still broken, so he hailed a cab. Twenty-five minutes and 47 seconds later, he was standing in front of Derek's house. He was relieved to find the lights open. After all, he didn't know if he had decided to go back home for the Holidays.

Spencer climbed the stairs rapidly before doing something totally uncharacteristic of him. He just barged in. He didn't knock, didn't wait. He opened the door and ran inside to find Derek. He found him in front of a Christmas tree.

"Things can't go back to the way they were before, Derek." He said.

Derek turned around, a broken-hearted expression on his face.

"Alright, pretty… Reid. I'll ask for a transfer after the Holidays."

Spencer looked at him stunned, before smiling.

"No, you idiot. They can't go back to the way they were, because I love you."

Spencer said, before taking the few steps separating him from Derek and pressing their lips together. Derek kissed back, wrapping his arms around Spencer and pulling him close to him. Suddenly a chorus of awww and squeals forced them to separate. Spencer turned his head to the left to find Derek's mother and sisters looking at them with silly grins on their faces. The young man felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment.

"Good evening Dr. Reid… or should I call you Spencer from now on? About damn time the two of you got together." Fran said.

"Spencer is fine, ma'am."

"Nonsense, I told you more than once to call me Fran. Anyways, the girls and I are going to go out for a while. Let you two time to work things out. Come on girls."

Fran led two protesting young women out of the door, leaving the two men alone in the living room.

"You could have told me your mother was here." Spencer whined.

"You didn't let me." Derek smiled. "I love you, Spencer."

"I love you too, Derek."

So, it was kind of short, but I'm helping my grandmothers on both family sides for Christmas and I won't have time to post this otherwise.

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Love as always, Anne