My Crappy Immortal Life

Chapter 9: Decision Time

"I was sitting on my couch watching Jade pace in front of me, I had just told her, word for word, what Xristo had told me and that it was her decision if she wanted to be turn I would do it happily and that if she didn't I would understand, to tell you the truth I knew it was unfair to put her on the spot like that but I kinda wanted her to choose, I needed to know if she was as serious about us as I was."

"She paced for a few more seconds before she stopped grabbed her bag and was out the door before I could even say anything, I felt like shit when I heard the door click as it shut, but I wasn't going to freak out yet, she still had two days before I had to go to Xristo with the decision…I really hoped I wouldn't be leaving L.A after the forty-eight hours."

"The next day I didn't have a chance to talk to her at all, every time I saw her she was with either Cat or Tori, and I guessed that's what she wanted, she knew I wouldn't talk to her about if we weren't alone, I caught her staring at me a few times but not in anger, she just stared at pensive look on her face."

"I guess Cat and Tori had sense something had happened between me and Jade cause they kept sending me questioning looks all through out lunch, it was getting a bit annoying to be quite honest, I thought about doing a Jade and pulling said girl into the janitors closet but I knew that I needed to give her space to make the decision."

"So I just stayed closed to her all day, not one word was spoke between the two of us but we still acted like a couple, I still held her hand as he walked or bought her lunch, she still laid against me whenever we sat next to each other, she still giggled when ever I made a bad joke or made fun of someone, aside from the not speaking we still acted like a couple and that gave me hope…hope that she would pick me over her humanity."

"By the time school let out I was about to go find Jade to offer her a ride home when I saw her getting inside Cat's car and driving off with the ditzy redhead…I have to say the girl had mad skills in 'avoiding awkward conversations' ."

"Today was the last day of school before Semester break, so after barely avoiding Tori's invite to go some fucking place called Yerba…I wouldn't go to a country named Yerba for all the money in the world, I jumped on my bike and headed home."

"By the next day I was heading over to Tori's house, she had given everyone in the group a day to think about the trip and if they said yes to get permission from their parents and pack, I was heading there to both tell Tori I wasn't going and to bid my friends a safe trip."

"When I got there I was amused to see Sikowitz holding onto a huge bag which I assume was full of clothes, again another reason not to go on this trip, I love Sikowitz I think he's hilarious but being stuck in a plane with him for more that twelve hours? I think not."


I parked my bag and had to stop and laughed when Sikowitz tried to pick up one of Cat's bags only to drop it a few minutes later and saying something about rocks. I caught a glance of Tori running around a bit stressed making sure everything was taken care off.

"Hey…I didn't think you were coming." I heard from behind me I turned and smiled at Andre before helping him pick up a bag and put it in Sikowitz van.

"I'm not, I'm just here to say good bye." I said as I threw the bag in the back of the van and turned when Andre patted me on the back, I turned and ran over to help Cat with all her bags, had I strange suspicion the one bag I picked up that was really light was full of stuffed animals I was about to ask her about it when someone grabbed me by the elbow and pulled be back.

"Come with me." I heard Jade say as she pulled me to her car, when we got there she instructed me to get in, when I did she circled the car and got in the drivers side, I glanced to the back seat and I saw that she had her bags packed.

"So…" I said as a lame attempt to break the uncomfortable silence. Jade just sighed and turned her head to look me directly in the eyes.

"If I say no…what will you do?" she asked me, I felt my stomach tighten when she asked me that.

"If you say no, I have been order to pack my bags and leave L.A never to contact you again, if I don't I will probably be killed in a month." I said as subconsciously played with the chain that hung from my belt.

"I didn't ask you what your orders were I asked you what would you do if I said I didn't want to become a Lycan." she said as she glared at me, I stayed quiet for a few seconds as I made up my mind.

On one hand I had the love of my life, on the other the only person left in the world that drove the fear of god into me.

"Any sane person would just grab their shit and split town, thank god I was never sane to begin with." I chuckled when that though jumped in my head, the chuckle was enough to alert Jade I was done thinking things over.

"I guess I better start preparing for war because there's no way in hell I'm leaving you." I said as I smirked at her, she just looked at me for a few more seconds before jumping on my lap and caught my lips in a searing kiss that had me breathing hard for a few seconds after it was over.

"That's what I wanted to hear, so my answer is…yes." she said before kissing me again, I was so caught up in the kissing I didn't even register what she had said for a few seconds. But when I did I couldn't help the big face splitting smile that came up on my face.

"You will?" I asked hoping that my nervousness wasn't showing in my voice, Jade just smiled at me before nodding her head, I grinned at her and kissed her, I wanted nothing more than to stay there all day making out with Jade…too bad Tori had other plans.

"Guys stop grinding against each other and come out and help with the bags." I heard Tori's muffled voice from outside the car, I saw Jade's hand lift away from my waist to flip Tori the bird.

"Come on, the faster we finish with this the faster you can go back to playing with my belt buckle." I said as had to laugh at the blush her face now sported., Jade punched me in the arm before opening the door and jumping out of the car, I just sat there watching her walk away with a smile on my face…I was never planning on leaving, but I was still glad she said yes, I didn't think to much of my chances against Xristo.

End Flashback

"We had decided to turn her that night, since the next day would be a full moon she could get her first forced transformation done with, after that I was going to take the rest of semester break to teach her to control the inner wolf."

"After we saw the gang to the airport me and Jade decided to use her last day as a human to have a really long date, we hadn't done that much and she really wanted to, so first I took her to a classy/romantic restaurant, after that me and Jade walked around a bit before we went to the movies, she made me watch some movie called 'The Scissoring' to tell you the truth when I heard the name of the movie my mind when in a completely different direction…turns out it wasn't a lesbian flick but a horror movie, so yeah"

"So…it was a really good night, but since it's me it didn't stay good for too long, we were walking by some old abandoned houses when the fuckers popped up."


"So does it hurt when you…" Jade was asking but I placed my hand over her mouth to shut her up when I heard a ruffle rear us.

"Be quiet a second." she looked like she wanted to argue but when she saw the serious expression on my face she stopped talking, I smelled the air, damn it I knew that scent, vampires, and we were surrounded, I looked back down at Jade and motion for her to be quiet.

"What ever you do…don't freak out." I said as I turned to the side to look around. Three vampires, one on the roof across the street, one in the shadows of the house we were standing next to and the last was a few houses away.

"Come out and show yourself leaches." I growled, again Jade looked at me like I was nuts, well she did before a man that looked to be in his thirties came out of the shadows of the house, he was pale with short blonde hair and the same crystal blue eyes every vamp and Lycan had, he was completely dressed in black and was holding a sword.

"Ahh I see the rumors are true, spawn of Lucian, this is the first time a Lycan has manage to detect us before we were ready to strike, may I introduce my self my name is Sasha and I am a Death Dealer." he spoke in a thick German accent, he raised his hand and next to him appeared two other vamps they were dressed the same, but one had a revolver in hand and the other shotgun.

"What do you want with us, we don't have any money." I heard Jade say from next to me, I could hear and smell the fear coming from her, the three creepy men with guns were scaring her and that made my blood boil.

"You're a Death Dealer?" I asked him, he was about to nod his head when I started laughing at him surprising him and his companions not to mention jade.

"I doubt it, I faced Death dealers before and they don't use guns unless completely necessary." I bluffed trying to see if I could get his companions to drop the guns, while they couldn't do shit to me they could really hurt Jade. The vamps seen to think about it for a few seconds before he nodded to his friend and they dropped the firearms to the ground…how stupid.

"Very well." I said and before they even knew what was happening I reached behind my back pulled out my gun and shot the two vamps in the head. The vamps fell back dead, oh really loved UV rounds, but the leader moved quick enough that he dodged the bullet I sent his way. Behind me I could hear Jade gasp in shock at what I had just done.

"How stupid are you, have you even seen Death Dealers they have top of the line guns, I can't believe you fell for that." I said as the vamp glared at me.

"You dishonorable dog…I will make you beg for your life before I kill you and your bitch, fight me like a man, hand to hand." he screamed at me, when he insulted Jade I wanted nothing more than to rip him in two.

"I might be a dog…but I don't beg, you want a fair fight, a fair fight you'll get." I said as I took off my jacket and guns and handed them to Jade. She just looked at me opened mouthed, I smiled at her before I gave her a kiss, that seemed to break her out of her shock.

"What are you going to do?" she asked me, I just smile and started unbuttoning my shirt.

"You'll see…I want you to see that you'll be able to do after you turn." I said as I handed her my shirt.

"Come leach I'll teach why you should fear the Lycan race." I said as I tuned around and glared at the vamp, I then started to change, I wish I could smirk in my Lycan form, cause when I saw the face of the vampire when I towered over him I wanted to laugh out loud, I didn't think a vampire's face could get even paler.

"Dear god." I heard the vampire say before he jumped to the side and tried to grab his sword from the floor but a well placed kick from be send him back crashing into the wall of one of the houses, well the wall broke and I was glad the houses were empty…cause that would have ruined someone's day.

"Disgusting dirty mongrel." I heard the vampire muttered as he stood back up and grabbed his sword, I have to admit, for a dumb leach the bastard had balls.

"Robbie be careful." I heard Jade whispered behind me when she saw the vampire brandishing the sword, again I wished I could smirk, this crappy excuse for a vampire couldn't hurt me even if he tried.

"I'll but you up into little pieces and skin you to make a pelt out of you." it screamed at me before it took a swing with his sword, I took a step backwards before I swiped at him shattering his crappy excuse of a sword in half.

I was tired of playing with the leach so before he could even blink and look at the broken remains of his sword I ran forwards and to a swipe at his expose neck and took his head off.

I turned back, and proceeded to check the vampires pockets for stuff, I took their guns and a letter that the leader had before I took my clothes back from Jade and got dressed, thankful my stretchy pants help up and didn't break.

"Punk…nothing more than a bother." I said as I placed my guns back in their holster and put on my Jacket, I was about to turn back to speak to Jade when I felt her small hands grab me shoulders and turn me around to face her, before I could say anything her lips crashed into mine into a big passionate kiss.

"Come on." said Jade as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into one of the empty houses, she had kick opened the door and dragged me upstairs to one of the bedrooms, she then threw me down to the bed and before I could even say anything she ripped of her shirt and skirt leaven herself in her bra and panties.

"Good lord…I'm going to ravish her." was the only thing I could think when she unclasped her bra and jumped on me.

End Flashback

"Now, while I really want to tell you how I proceeded to fuck Jade for hours on end, how after I had to buy her medicine for her sore throat cause all her screaming left it raw, how in the end she passed out but…I'm not that big an ass, after our wild hours of passion it was time."

"While we were still laying in bed her hand came up an tocued my shoulder, when I looked at her she told me she was ready and I immediately knew what she was talking about, I nodded before I sat on my knees facing her.


"Come sit up Jade." I said as I held out my hand to help lifter her up from the bed, again my eyes subconsciously lingered on her perfect round breast for a few seconds before I manage to look again, when I looked up I saw the smirk on her face.

"Like what you see?" she asked me as she crossed her arms under her ample bosom making them popped up, I had to groan before I shoot my head.

"I do…but I have to get serious for a few seconds here, when I bit you, its going to hurt for a few minutes as the virus spreads through your body, after that you will pass out, so that your body can change, since you still don't know how to change at will you'll have to wait for tomorrows full moon, during the first transformation the pain will be almost unbearable as the bones in your body snap and the muscles change for the first time." I said, and I was telling the truth, the first transformation was the most painful one the ones after were still painful but nowhere as near the first one, I saw Jade think about it for a few seconds before she bit his lower lip and nodded at me.

"Ok…don't worry I'll be here the whole time." I said as I closed my eyes and concentrated on changing my teeth, when I opened my mouth I saw Jade eyes widen a bit before she nodded again and pulled her hair back giving me a nice view of her shoulder.

I took a deep breath and quickly but gently bit down on her shoulder, I could hear her gasp when my razor sharp teeth broke her skin, the gasp turned into a pained whimpered when the virus started spreading through her body, when I felt her start to shake and stopped biting her and hugged her while I laid us back on the bed.

End Flashback

"The whole process took almost 20 minutes, I just help her the whole time while her body shook with pain, after the virus finally spread through her whole body she fell unconscious, that was the second part of the change, the first was the virus, the seconds was the body preparing itself for the upcoming transformation and the last and most painful was the actual transformation."

"When she finally passed out, I wrapped my arms tightly against her and draped the covers over us, I spend the rest of the night just watching her in case the virus had an adverse effect on her…thankful it didn't, by the next morning Jade was awake and gingerly walking with me back to my house, the wild sex and the virus had left her body a bit sore so it took us a while to get home."

"When we did get there she fell back sleep on my couch, the walk from the vacant house to mine had left her exhausted so while she slept I went into my backyard, which was an opened space that let out into a small patch of trees and proceeded to prepare, I couldn't really let her turn inside my house since first transformations were kind of violent so I was preparing this space for her.

"That a couple of hours later I was distracted be a loud scream of pain coming from my house, I ran inside to see Jade thrashing around on the floor clawing at her chest. I knew that it was starting so I picked her up and ran outside to the secluded area I had prepare for this."

"That in itself was painful for me, since one of the first things to change were her nails, she tore up my back with her claws all the way through the forest. When I got there I gently laid her back down on the ground and stepped back to let her change."

"It took ten agonizing minutes for her to change, I winced every time I heard one of her bones snap and she let out a pain whimper, by the end of the transformation I could only stare in awe at her, he was standing over looking over her new body, again I could only marvel at the beauty that was Jade, she wasn't a big as other werewolf but then again not many of the women Lycans are, she had, like me, midnight black fur covering her body but the thing that caught my attention was the two blue streaks that raced down the side of her head down to the her back, apparently the streaks she normally had on her hair transitioned over to her Lycan form."

"She looked up at me and growled before taking a swipe at me, I backed away for a few seconds before I knew what I had to do, right now the Lycan in front of me wasn't Jade but her wolf instincts and it was challenging me, if I didn't pass her challenge she wouldn't accept me as a mate, so I did what I had to do…dominate her."

"I threw my jacket and shirt to the ground before I started to change, before long I was towering over Jade and I could her the excited whimpers as she stared at me."


I stared at my new changed girlfriend. She was a newborn werewolf and she couldn't be more beautiful. Her dark fur with her trademark blue streaks through it. Her strong hips and pro dominate chest. Just watching her get used to the movements of her new size was amazing. Every move she made stirred my carnal instincts.

Jade looked at me, her maker and I could tell she felt the same as me. Her inner wolf was screaming to fuck him. Her whole body felt like it was on fire like she'd gone into heat. She could see my rock hard cock aching for her. She lightly growled at me and got a nice surprise when I pounced on her.

I couldn't take it anymore, as I smelled her arousal I started losing all control. Jade's light growl was the final straw as i pounced her. I kept looking into her blue eyes that got darker due to the transformation. I tried to thrust inside of her wolf pussy but was rolled over as Jade tried to take hold of the situation.

I growled with authority as I bit down on her neck from behind and wrestled her to the ground so she was face down in the dirt. I then thrust my wolf cock into her wet pussy. I had to let loose another roar into the forest as I claimed her as my mate.

He thrusted in and out of Jade with ruthless lust. He could hear her whimper and moan from his rough treatment.

Jade was loving Robbie's deep and brutal thrusts inside of her. She couldn't describe the feeling as her inner wolf was finally calming down letting her fully enjoy the pleasure. She suddenly felt Robbie's claws tear into her hips and he sped up. She was so close to Cumming as was her mate.

I sped up to an inhuman pace and before Cumming I bit into her neck. Then I blew my hot load into her. When I bit her neck I accidentally drew blood and nearly bit clean through but thankfully I was rewarded with her roar of satisfaction. I could feel her hot pussy milking my cock for all it was worth. I couldn't stop Cumming, I was really enjoying this, since it was the first time in a long time that I had sex in my wolf form.

Jade's arms gave out as did her legs which resulted in me collapsing on her still filling her pussy with my cock. Her whole stomach felt bloated with her mates cum. She couldn't believe how full he made her and how good it felt.

I kept lightly thrusting into her only this time more lovingly. I also licked her neck where I had bitten her to help cleaning up her wound.

Jade was in a state of mini orgasms as I kept thrusting and moving all the cum in her womb. She barked hoping he'd understand her request.

I don't know how but I did and pulled out of her. I watched as Jade slowly rolled over before I put my cock in her face.

Jade saw this and was assaulted by the smell of their union and couldn't resist by licking her lovers cock. She marveled at the size and how it didn't tear her in half. She loved the taste of the both of them. It tasted like pure sex and ambrosia.

After a few minutes she took it deeper into her mouth. She felt my claws on her head massaging her ears and pulling her head further. She was doing her best to sate me and my monster cock but she could hardly keep up.

I stepped it up a notch and started to thrust into Jade's face hard. Every thrust she took apart of me in her throat and before to long I started to cum. Then I pulled out of her hot mouth and painted her body with my cum effectively marking her as mine.

I let loose another roar so as to warn all nearby Lycans that this was my territory and that Jade was mine, anyone messing with her or entering my neck of the wood would be put down hard.

After both me and Jade finished having sex the sun was staring to come up, when it finally did Jade jumped away from me and again started thrashing about in the ground. I changed back and put my clothes on by the time she had finally stopped trashing, now she just laid on the dirt ground, completely naked, looking around, when her eyes finally landed on my she gave me a big pained smile.

"That…was fun." she said as I helped her stand up and wrapped my leather jacket around her shoulder, again she smiled at me before she stood up on her tip toes and kissed me.

"That was the best night of my life." she whispered as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and let her back home.

"Come on honey, you need to eat and rest…and there's a Sons of Anarchy marathon on FX I want to watch." I said as I smiled when I felt Jade hit me in the ribs with her elbow.

"Your such a loser…" she said as she giggle when she saw the pout on my face.

"Come on you know you like the show too." I said as I again wrapped my arm around her and she laid her head against my shoulder.

"I do…but your still a loser…" she said as she giggle on my shoulder.

"But at least you're my loser." she told me before she reached up and kissed me again…yep my life was definably looking up.

End chapter.

Next Chapter: Come on you can do it.

A/N there this chapter is done, and I want to thank Riotstarter1214, he really helped me out by writing the lemon for this chapter since I really don't have the talent for it…again thanks man and if anyone want to really some good victorious lemons I recommend reading his story 'A Seires of Hot One Shots' its awesome and varied in n hahaha, anyway Suna_Puppet_Master out….

A/n the flashback will continue next chapter, also in case you people didn't figure it out, the giant Lycan Robbie killed last chapter was WWE wrestler The Big Show…I'm writing an omake when Robbie, who is a WWE fan in my story, finds out he killed Big Show.

Check out my other stories:

Konoha's Puppet Master

Demon of the Hidden Leaf

Soul Reaper Uzumaki

Naruto Of the Espada


Harry Potter and the heir of Le Fay

Demon of Camp Half-Blood

Naruto the Vampire Slayer

Change for the Better

Born of Blood

Please Review