I know I promised to upload in a week but my internet was out so i couldn't, but here it is now! Hope you guys like it.


"Alright man, calm down!" Never tell a pissed person to calm down it just makes things a lot worse, especially if that person is Zach.

"I am calm." Zach said slowly but you can tell he was angry. Why was he angry anyways? I just don't understand this kid.

"Okay, whatever you say." You could tell Brendan wasn't convinced by the tone in his voice.

"Brendan I'll call you." I said trying to give him the hint that he should leave or Zach will make a scene.

"Alright, bye Cam and Zach" He nodded at Zach and then walked over to the counter and got his food.

"What the hell was that?!" I asked Zach after Brendan left the restaurant.

"Nothing." He said not looking me in the eye.

"No that was something. You looked like you wanted to beat him up for no good reason!" I said

"I just don't like that guy but you seem to like him quite a lot." He said, again not looking at me.

"Zach it doesn't matter if you like him or not, you can't just be rude to him."

"What do you see in him anyway?" He asked. Totally ignoring what I just said. Face palm. "Okay don't answer me." He said rolling his eyes.

"Okay look Zach I promise I'll stay out of your love life if you stay out of mine." I said

"So you want me to let you get hurt." Oh my god! This kid he just doesn't give up!

"Who said I'm gonna get hurt and it doesn't seem to matter to you when you hurt girls, but if Brendan does it, it's wrong?"I asked clearly angry. This was supposed to be happy Zach and Cammie night out. He didn't say anything now. "Hello? Are you gonna say anything now? No I didn't think so."

"Look other girls are other girls but you're my best friend. I probably know you better than anyone else also I seeing you get hurt will probably be one of the most painful things for me to watch, but whatever. Now just finish your food and I'll drop you off at your house." He said

"Kay" I said flatly

~About 20min. later~

The car ride back to my house was awkward. We didn't really talk he just had the radio on. After he dropped me off he either went back to his house or Grant's house.

What he said was really sweet but then he said that it was okay for him to hurt girls. That makes zero sense. Okay maybe it made sense it's just- ugh! Why does he have to make things so complicated! Why can't it be like the movies where we kiss, then realize we love each other and poof happy ending! But then you know what they say 'happy endings are stories that haven't ended yet.'

~Next day (Sunday) ~

Well I didn't really get any sleep last night probably because I slept until 4pm the other night or because of the incident that happened with Mr. Zachary Goode. Ugh I wish time could just pass and it was tomorrow already! Not only because my parents are making me go to some stupid family BBQ thing but there's a big chance that Zach's mom will also make him go. Well I guess there's one thing to look forward to: the food. The food is always good. Well I better go get ready. Wish me luck because I'll need it!

"Cammie, honey are you done?" I heard my mom yell from the kitchen.

"Yeah mom I'll be down in 2min." I answered and then grabbed a sweater and my phone.

"Oh look at you! You've grown so much! Hasn't she Matt?" Ugh I hate it when my parents do these.

"Yup our little girl is growing up, next year she'll be in college. Speaking of collage, where are you planning to go?" Right, college I totally forgot about that. There's been so much drama between me and Zach that I forgot about college or university. I'm an 80% average student.

"I don't know?" I shrugged "I actually haven't even thought about college"

"Yeah I remember when it was time for me to go to college I was stressed. Especially because my dad put so much pressure on me but sweetheart I want you to know that you can do whatever but your mom and I will always be proud of you. Unless you know if it's something bad of course." I laughed at what my dad said.

"Thanks daddy." I smiled

It was a 15min. drive to the BBQ. Apparently my parents were in charge of handing out the food. So I just took some food, by some I mean more than the amount of an average girl eats. I was stuffing my face with food when I saw some cute dude staring at me. He was looking at me like I was crazy or something. When he noticed I was staring at him, smiled at me. Cammie how many guys can you like at once? You should go to the mental hospital or something! You like Brendan, and then there's Zach your BESTFRIEND! Now you're hitting on some guy you don't even know! I don't like Zach it was just some kiss. It was nothing. Stop telling you self that! You know you like Zach. Come on you were disappointed when the second kiss didn't mean anything to Zach. Ugh! Now I'm debating with myself! I am crazy.

I was having such big argument with my own self that I didn't even notice Bex was here. "Hello? Cammie?!" Bex screamed

"Yeah, oh hey Bex!" I said shocked "What are you doing here?"

"Grant wanted to come. So yeah I came." She responded "Hey are okay you look a little stressed and um there's BBQ sauce all over your face."

"Oh my god! Seriously! Hold on let me get some napkins" I said getting up quickly to get some napkins.

"Okay now that I don't look like freak, what were you saying?" I asked

"I asked if you're okay you look a little stressed. If it's because of college don't worry my parents are putting pressure on me too. They're like 'Rebecca you know this a big decision to make so you need to think about it and blah, blah.' It's so annoying!"

I didn't want to be mean or anything so I just said "Yeah I think we're all going through that. But…" I should just tell her about what's going on between Zach and me. I can trust her and she gives good advice. "It's me and Zach."

"What's going on between you and Zach?" Bex asked curious

"Uh it's a really, really long story!" I said frustrated

"Tell me I've got enough time." It felt nice to know that there's someone who'll to your most boring and annoying problems. That kind of reminds me of Zach…

"Thanks, but aren't you here with Grant?" I asked

"Yeah but that's okay so tell me your long story." She said smiling

By the time I finished my 'long story' Bex looked… well shocked.

"All this happened and you didn't have one minute to tell me!"

"Uh sorry it's just you, Macey and Liz are so busy with your boyfriends I didn't think you'd have time." I said a tiny bit annoyed.

"We're not always with our boyfriends. If you ever need us or at least me just give me a call- hey look there's Zach with Grant."

"WHAT!" I screamed "Shit, shit, shitty, shit." I murmured

"Woah there girl you need to clam the hell down." She said laughing

"Whatever just help me find someplace where I'm not visible to him."

"Are you sure you don't want to solve whatever problem you're having with Mr. Zachary Goode."

"Maybe some other time but definitely not right now."

"Okay, there are a lot of trees over there that should be a good hide out spot for you." Bex said gesturing to the left.

"Alright thanks. You can go hangout with your boyfriend now." I said then left.

It was like a forest or something but of course it wasn't an actual forest it was just some place with a lot a trees but you know whatever. It was nice here. It was quiet all you can is the leaves crunching when you walk on them.

I sat there for a while, ate my hotdog and well enjoyed the view of the sky through the trees.

I was so lost in the view that I jumped when I heard footsteps. "Hey, you didn't call me like you promised." Is it too much for a girl to ask for some alone time?

Leave some of your amazing opinions! Well ta-ta for now.