Disclaimer: I do not own glee/ or the characters
The truth
'' San, I need to talk to you about something.'' Brittany said as both girls reached their regular table in the large cafeteria. They sat down beside each other and as they both let go of their cafeteria trays Santana immediately grabbed a hold of the blonde's hand, it was very rare for the girls to not have some sort of contact between each other.
'' Sure Britt, you talk and I'll listen.'' Santana beamed as she looked into her girlfriends gorgeous blue eyes.
Brittany couldn't help but smile at her girlfriend. She could tell that Santana would do anything for her just by the way she would stare; she truly had the best girlfriend ever.
'' But you have to promise not to laugh and let me finish.'' Brittany declared, making sure Santana knew she was serious about what she was going to say.
'' Britt, I would never laugh at anything you would say, unless it was joke, then I would laugh.'' Santana smiled as she squeezed Brittany's hand and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.
The blonde blushed at the physical touch between the two and then let a deep breath out as she got ready to tell Santana what was on her mind. Brittany had been thinking about it ever since she had gotten to know the other girl, she knew something was up and she was positive she knew the answer.
'' Ok, so you know the new girl, Sugar?'' Brittany started.
Santana nodded before answering; '' Yeah.''
'' What do you think of her?'' The blonde asked.
'' I don't know, she's weird, but for some reason I like her.'' Santana truthfully said to Brittany as they both forgot about their salads on the cafeteria tables and just stared into each other's eyes.
'' I think I may know why.''
Santana gave Brittany a weird look before letting the blonde continue. The Latina had no clue where Brittany was going with this conversation and was curious as to what was going to come out of that sweet mouth of hers.
'' Why?'' Was all Santana said.
Brittany looked around the room to make sure no one was in ear shot to hear what she was about to say. It wasn't like they would care anyway; all they cared about was seeing who could eat the most tots the fastest.
'' What is it Britt, you can tell me.''
'' San, Sugar is our daughter.'' Brittany whispered, watching Santana's expression go from caring to confusion.
'' Britt, she can't be. It im-'' The Latina started to say before she was interrupted by Brittany.
'' You said you would let me finish.'' Brittany quietly said.
Santana simply nodded to let her girlfriend go on.
'' I wrote about us being together in my journal a couple of months ago. One of the things I wrote was that when we get older and started a family I wanted to have a girl and name her Sugar.'' The blonde confessed.
'' It's just a coincidence.'' Santana said, knowing that what the blonde was saying was impossible.
'' C'mon San, you have to admit she looks like you and she acts like me. She has to be our baby!'' The blonde slightly whined. She knew what she was saying was hard to believe but deep down she knew it was true.
'' Brittany, what you're saying is a nice story, but it can't happen. She's only a year younger than us and if I recall we have never had a baby.''
'' But San, what if I told you it wasn't impossible.'' Brittany began, giving her girlfriend a wide grin. '' Remember that time machine you helped me work on this summer.''
Santana felt her heart start to beat faster. '' Y-yeah, I remember.''
'' Well, what if she used it and she came from the future to meet us.'' The blonde said, staring into Santana's eyes like no one else mattered at the moment.
'' B, it doesn't even work.'' Santana whispered.
'' But what if it does San, we never tried it.'' The blonde replied, rubbing small circles on the Latina's hand.
'' It's impossible Britt, we could never build a time machine''
'' We once thought it was impossible for us to be together publicly, and look at us now.'' Brittany said. '' At least just come with me to ask her.'' The blonde asked.
Santana shook her head as they both left their food on the table and walked out of the cafeteria hand and hand to find sugar.
Brittany and Santana walked around the school for fifteen minutes trying to find sugar. They both were silent and kept their thoughts in their heads as they searched each room they passed. Finally they found her by herself in the school gym eating lunch by.
'' Sugar, there you are!'' Brittany smiled as she led her and Santana up the bleachers to sit by the other girl.
'' Oh, h-hi.'' Sugar stammered as she placed the carrot stick she was eating back on her tray to look at the two girls that were beside her.
'' Why are you eating in here, by yourself?'' Brittany asked, noticing Santana wasn't talking and sugar was acting nervous.
Sugar shrugged before answering. '' I may be like the coolest kid here, but I don't have very many friends.''
As Santana heard Sugar's answer she felt bad for the girl, there really was a connection between them that she couldn't explain. The Latina rested her head on the blondes shoulder and squeezed her hand with love.
'' Sugar, we actually came here to ask you something.'' The blonde said as she put her hand that she wasn't holding with Santana and placed it on Sugars back.
'' Wh-what is it?'' Sugar asked, trying to avoid the gaze of both the girls eyes but was finding it impossible to do so.
'' Okay, I know this may sound weird but we need to know.'' Brittany began, taking a quick glance at Santana and giving her a sweet smile.
'' Are you our daughter?'' Santana blurted out, not being able to wait any longer as she took her head of Brittany's shoulder and looked Sugar in the eye. Both girls waited to hear Sugars answers, they both knew the girl had a different glow to her since Santana had asked her, but they weren't sure what the true answer was.
Sugar couldn't help but smile as she looked at the two women beside her. She had been waiting for this moment and now that it happened the girl was beyond excited.
'' I am your daughter, Sugar Pierce-Lopez!'' Sugar squealed as she gave her mother's a wide grin. '' I came back in time to fix things.'' She started to explain. '' In the future you two were having a bad time and were fighting about how things worked out with both of you coming out in high school. I had to make sure mami, I mean Santana, came out because in my world you didn't and it made things so much more difficult for both of your relationship. You were going to spilt up and I couldn't let that happen, so once I found Brittany's time machine I knew I had to do something.'' Sugar explained, watching both of her mother's reactions. Brittany couldn't help but stare at her daughter that she would have in the future and Santana was silent. She cuddled into Brittany's side and let tears escape her eyes.
'' I promise you, San and I are never going to split up. Were both out now and nothing could break us apart, I could never live without her and I know she feels the same way.'' Santana nodded in agreement as she got the courage to ask her daughter a question.
'' Sugar?''
'' Yes Mami.''
Santana let out the biggest smile that both girls have ever seen. It made her heart grow even bigger once she heard Sugar call her mami.
'' Can I have a hug?''
'' Of course you can.'' Sugar smiled as she stood up and watched as Santana did the same and felt her mother's arms wrap around her body. Soon enough they both felt another pair of arms wrap around them and heard Brittany's laugh in each of their ears.
Once they broke apart they heard the bell ring for class and they all couldn't help but frown at each other.
'' I guess we'll talk later.'' Sugar said as she kissed both girls on the cheek and ran out of the gym to get to class.
Brittany looked at Santana and noticed she was still crying. She wrapped her arms around her girlfriend and whispered in her ear.
'' Why are you crying San?''
Santana hiccupped and let out a giggle. '' We made one hell of a daughter, didn't we.''
Brittany couldn't help but laugh back and squeeze Santana tighter. '' We did, and I can't wait till we get to meet her in the future.
'' Me too Britt.'' Santana said as she broke apart from her girlfriend and gave her a passionate kiss. '' I love you, and I love her too.'' The Latina added.
'' I love both of you too.'' Brittany replied, knowing she was going to have the greatest family ever.
A/N: How was it? I was thinking about continuing it or maybe start a story about their family in the future but I don't know if anyone would read it, what do you think?