You know what time it is…. PILOW FIGHT!

Oh yeah, did I tell you this is the last Chapter? I didn't! :o

Well it is :) Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Xiaolin Showdown!

The girls were hitting each other with their pillows.

They were laughing and screaming.

Kimiko hit Ashley, who feel of the bed. Ashley got up and with her agility, striked Kimiko.

Wuya then hit Ashley, who was sticking out her tongue at Kimiko.

Both Ashley and Kimiko looked at each other and nodded.

Both ran towards Wuya and pushed her down.

They all started laughing when suddenly they stopped and gave each others glares.

Kimiko stood up and began for her door.

She stopped and turned to the girls, throwing flame balls at them.

Ashley easily dodged them and Wuya was using a shield.

Then Kimiko ran outside onto the training area.

She stood in fighting position.

Wuya and Ashley landed with perfect grace on the floor.

In a pair of minutes, they all started sparring.

With Boys

"Okay, first a pillow fight and then they start fighting! What is wrong with those girls?", Raimundo demanded to know.

"Rai, girls are girls", Clay said, trying to calm him down.

Jack and Omi were too busy playing Thumb Wars.

Omi had won Jack. "My thumb is a powerful weapon", he said with fake tears and real joy.

Chase was focusing on how they were fighting.

But his eyes were on Kimiko.

"Hey, look the girls are going back to Kim's room!", Raimundo said, while pointing at the screen.

The girls sat on Kimiko's bed.

Ashley's eyes were already droopy. In an instant she fell asleep.

"Be honest, but she looks like a little girl when she sleeps", Kimiko said to Wuya.

Wuya laughed. "Thank You", she said to Kimiko.

"Why?", she asked.

"Because, even though you're a villain, you treated me nice here", Wuya replied.

"And because this is the first sleepover I had in a thousand years.

Also because I had never had so much fun, and the fun I have is ruining people's lives", she finished.

Kimiko was in tears and hugged Wuya.

Wuya hugged her back.

They let go. "The hug means nothing on the outside, but it means friendship here", Kimiko said.

Wuya nodded and fell asleep next to Ashley.

Kimiko yawned and fell into a slumber next to Wuya.

With boys..

"Awww", Jack said. "Wuya just needed a friend, but why not me?", he said in tears.

"How can she have feelings?" Raimundo asked.

"Everyone has feelings, good or evil," Omi said, proud of himself.

"I think we should get home", Clay pointed out. "Before they wake up".

All the boys were at the entrance of Chase's Palace.

"We had fun, and we should do this again", Raimundo said.

Chase and Jack nodded.

Then the three Xiaolin warriors left back to the temple.

Jack said goodbye and left.

Chase went back inside and had his cats clean up everything.

He sat down in his throne, reading a book.

He chuckled at the plan he had thought of.

"Time to visit the Dragon of Fire", he said to himself.


Wuya and Ashley were at the door.

Kimiko hugged them. "We should this again".

The two girls nodded and in a second they disappeared.

Kimiko went to the kitchen where the boys were already eating.

"Hey Kim, how was your sleepover?", Raimundo asked.

Kimiko gave him a thumbs up.

"Have to go, got to clean my room", she said as she left.

After Kimiko left, the boys started laughing.

Kimiko began cleaning her room.

In a few minutes everything was clean. She fell on her bed.

She had actually had fun, and they were villains!

Kimiko heard a knock on the window. She walked to the window and opened it.

Chase climbed in. "Hello, little monk", he said with a smirk.

Kimiko stood in fighting position.

Chase sat down on the window edge.

"I didn't come to fight", he said. Kimiko eased up and nodded to Chase to continue.

"I need you help", he said. Kimiko looked puzzled.

"With what?", she asked.

"With this", he said as he pulled out a coconut form behind.

He smirked at her reaction.

Kimiko didn't know what to do.

"Oh, please can you help me?", Chase asked in his best helpless voice. Kimiko smiled to herself.

He will tell me where he got that from, Kimiko thought as she walked towards Chase.

Well, you know what happened. ;)

Ok, I just want to say Thank You to everyone who had reviewed!

It means so much!

Good bye and don't forget to REVIEW!