A/N: Sugarless Gum. We all love it!

Anyway, this is a bunch of one-shots from a list of prompts that 347-Flavors gave me. And don't worry...she can always find more prompts, the longer that I want to continue this! (I hope you know what I've signed you up for, dear)

Chapter Rating: K+

Warnings: Just some kissing and cuddling :)

Happy Reading!


(Why would I write fanfiction for my own thing? Isn't that just the cannon?)


Marceline drifted absently around the Princess' room, strumming on her bass and singing along softly. It was much different than the songs that she usually wrote—the melody was slow, and sweet…rather than harsh or sorrowful. The corners of her mouth were turned up in a smile as she formed whatever words came to mind.

Bubblegum looked over to her, hating that she had to interrupt. "Marceline, I don't know that you should be doing that…What if someone hears you?"

"What if they do?" she asked, floating over to where her lover sat in bed, reading. "Are you saying that my song is no good?" She joked.

"This isn't a joke," Bubblegum replied sternly. "You're just not supposed to be here!"

"You're the Princess, Bonnie," Marceline cooed. "Don't you get to decide who's allowed in this place and who's not?"

"You know what I mean…" She blushed, her pink cheeks turning magenta.

The vampire smiled, and kissed her forehead. "Let me just finish this song, alright? I haven't been able to write anything in a while."

"Alright," Bubblegum sighed, but couldn't hide her small smile. "Just be quiet."

"You got it, babe," Marceline put her bass down and shimmied under the blankets next to the Princess, before continuing to sing. Bubblegum closed her eyes and cuddled into her, and Marceline wrapped her arms around the younger girl's waist, pulling her close.

After a few more minutes, her voice trailed off, and Bubblegum opened her eyes again, shifting around so that she could look at Marceline.

"Did you like it, Princess?"

"It was beautiful, Marcie," Bubblegum kissed her. "I love it."

Marceline kissed her back before replying. "It's all because of you…you're the one who inspires me to write beautiful songs. I look at you, and I just get all of these words in my head. All of these verses that I need to take while I can, and put them into lyrics."

Bubblegum smiled, and pulled herself closer. "Sing me another one."

"Alright," they kissed once more, and then Marceline began a new serenade.

Bubblegum rested her head on the singer's chest, closing her eyes again. She listened to the irregular melody of the song, and admired how poetic it was for something that was being made up on the spot. This time, it was bittersweet—a celebration of love, but sorrow that it had to be kept a secret. Why did it have to be so difficult? Why couldn't people just be happy, if they knew?

The princess squeezed her lover, trying not to tear up. She hated how much pain this caused her. It wasn't fair.

The song ended on a long low note, and Marceline sighed. She hoped that Bubblegum hadn't noticed the way that her voice shook on the last couple of lines, or the single droplet that slid down her cheek. She nuzzled closer to her candy-girl, and murmured into her hair.

"I love you, Bonnibell."