Chapter 7 Watching Youtube

I am so sorry for not updating for about 3-5 months, I was busy with school and my new cat :3 So if this story is good with you people and I get positive reviews on the Youtube thing, then I'll do one with AVPS as one reviewer requested, I didn't do it here because I haven't seen it :P Hope you enjoy! Post-Hogwarts

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

It was a normal day at the Potter household, Ginny flying on her broom, Harry sleeping with his wand, James on his computer looking up pranks, Al feeding his poisonous King Cobra called Fluffy, Lily kissing a poster of a guy in One Direction, and the house cat called Scales knocking every possible fragile object in the house to the ground. Ah, what a wonderful day, until laughter is heard from one of the kids' rooms.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and ran to James' room.

"What happened?" asked a worried Ginny

"Ugh James do you ever clean your room?" exclaimed Lily.

"Yes, every first Tuesday of July- But that's not why I laughed, it is because of this funny muggle site called Youtube, stupid name, but it is like magical photos, though very different too, like a TV but on the computer. And it has hilarious videos." replied James.

"Wait, does it have music too?" asked Lily.

James reply was, "Yup, loads, but most of Youtube-Heck, most of the internet is made of cats."

Scales was very interested now, she wants to see the lives of cats who live with muggles, without magic.

"What about ssssnakesssss?" asked Fluffy.

Now Harry, knowing Parseltongue, asked James this question. "Guess we'll just have to find out," was the reply.

************************************** Day Later*****************

In Harry's adventure with Youtube, he was searching up things with the Golden trio and everyone in Hogwarts at that time. Then he found videos of couples with different songs, some were Ginny/Harry, Hermione/Ron, and even Luna/Neville. Suddenly, a wild Harry/Draco video shows up, and Harry, being the stupidest guy ever, clicked on it. That night and the following year he could not get any sleep whatsoever.

Ginny had her own adventure, she was watching a movie part by part about Harry's life at Hogwarts called Harry Potter, the characters looked them at that age, and she wondered what sort of stalker and rulebreaker knows her husband's life so well. She pondered this for a week before starting to read the books.

James found some internet comedian called Fouseytube (A/N: Yousef is AWESOME and hilarious, you should go check him out. And I don't own him either.) Even though James was not a Muslim (A/N: I am!) or a Middle Eastern person, but this guy was very funny. For the next month James was quoting lines from this Youtubian, things like, "FACEBOOOOOOOOK!" or "SALAAAAAAM!" and much more.

Albus found some videos called "A Very Potter Musical" and it's sequel. He wondered who Cho and Cedric Diggory were, and he found out that Hugo, his cousin, must be a great finder. He also wondered if Scorp's dad is really a girl who rolls around a lot… Al was inspired by Darren Criss, and wanted to meet him, so he auditioned for The Glee Project so he can get in Glee to meet him.

Lily, along with Scales and Fluffy, were scouring Youtube for cat videos and anything related with animals. She found this very cute cat video called "Singing Kitties" by Rathergoodstuff, it was ADORABLE! (if you're a cat person that is.) For the next year she kept videotaping her cat (who she changed the name to Snow White because she thought the name Scales was absurd for a pure white cat) hoping her cat would one day be famous on the internet. Fluffy the snake was also being taped, but with less confidence that he would become famous.

There ya have it folks, the effect of Youtube on an ordinary magical family. Maybe sometime later you will find yourself on this Youtube place looking at weird videos of the Potter family trying to be comedians, singers, adorable cats, or much much more.

Yay, I finally finished it! I actually started this about a month ago, but got on a writer's block. Thankfully I have more ideas on what to do next! And check out the videos I said about in this chapter, they are actually very good! Well… No Name signing out, BYE!