Chapter 1: When You Give a Wizard a Computer...

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, if I would I would be living in England.

This is my first story…. so it probably sucks. If I get reviews encouraging me, then I'll probably turn this into a bunch of weird oneshot-ish stories of the Harry Potter people on computers doing different stuff like Facebook or just chatrooms or….stuff o.o and most of the stories are going to be not related so…..Hope you enjoy!

"Bloody hell….. What is that?"

"It is a computer Ronald, a muggle device."

"Why is it here…"

Ron and Hermione were sitting in their house discussing the muggle device in their living room.

"It is here so we can hook up with our Hogwarts classmates."

"Hook up?"

"A muggle term."

"Why have you turned so…. so… muggle all of a sudden, Hermione?"

It was easy to say that this was Hermione's last nerve.

"Because, Ronald, unlike you, I like to try new things!" With that she stalked away. "And don't be surprised when you end up on the sofa tonight!" she called over her shoulder.

Man I wonder what happened to her, Ron thought, maybe she's on her time of the month. Well since this copooper, or something is here, I'll guess I'll give it a try.

When finally turning the computer on (it took at the least an hour and lots of pokes with his wand), Ron took one look at the screen, ran away, and copoopered in his pants, all in one second!

The screen was a spider.

Rate, review, and tell me what you think, this is my first story, so don't be too mean. Hate it, Love it? If you guys hate it….. I'll just stop writing this.