AN: This last chapter is an Assassin Creed´s crossover so if you are familiar with the game then you would know what´s going on. Thank you to those who reviewed, you guys are awesome.


I am slightly glad Shaw didn´t get killed because now I can kill him many times on fanfiction! ;P

Shaw ran through the dark streets of Montreal, it was winter so the snow was falling heavily on the floor. He was running for his life, he could fear watching him like a predatory animal waiting to pounce on her pray. He stopped in an alleyway when he saw her appearing on a ledge.

"Fuck." he growled under his breath.

Sarah Bartowski landed effortlessly on the stone pavement seeing her quarry with hateful eyes.

"I figured you Assassins would find me sooner or later." he said.

"And just like a Templar to run like a coward that you guys truly are." she replied. The Assassin Order was a secret organization, her husband Chuck had been born into the brotherhood but he was currently back home in Burbank inside the Animus, a machine that allowed people to relive the memories of their ancestors, they were searching for a piece of Eden hidden by Chuck´s ancestor from 15th century Spain, an Assassin by the name of Luis.

Shaw backed away cornered like a gazelle by a lion.

"Its your time to go Shaw, for once in your miserable life grow a pair and accept it." she spat.

"Say Sarah, how´s Casey?" he smirked.

Sarah stopped in her tracks taking a step back into the shadows, she got her S&W and fired a single shot. Shaw gasped as the life left him, he fell backwards into the snow with a cross slipped out of his jacket.