Clark knew he had to act carefully. He could not superspeed in and rescue John because the camp would have all hi-tech surveillance equipment in place. He headed over to the base in his truck.

John was stuck in a cell from which he could easily escape but knew if he did, he could blow his cover. He would as a last resort but he knew he still had the option of trying to convince General Lane that he was human.

Sam arrived back at the base and went to the HQ where there was only his subordinate on duty. He was staring at the monitors which were streaming pictures from the cell.

"What have you got?"

His project manager, Tony was pointing to the screen. "Looks like our liaison officer is not human. We recalibrated that equipment and it had berserk when he was in the vicinity. I think he was trying to break in to sabotage our operation. "

"Are you sure the equipment is working? It wasn't earlier."

"I dismantled the whole machine myself and put it back together. I would stake my career on the fact it works."

Sam smiled. "Have you been able to contain this information?"

"Yeah, only you and I know. We need to make sure before the words spreads around the base."

"I'm going in to talk to him." Sam explained.

"Be careful. We have two lasers trained on him. It will take out any living organism. One wrong move and he will be toast." Tony smirked.

Sam entered the room to see John sitting at the other side of the table. "So Mr Jones, you are the last person I expected to see in here. Tell me, how does an alien make it to become such a high ranking agent in the police department."

"Check my record I worked my way up the ladder and don't you think you are getting carried away with this alien obsession. You really believe I'm ET. If so, why aren't I green and slimy." He replied sarcastically.

"Don't play funny with me! If I notify my superiors you will be carted off to Washington DC immediately"

"What will you do there? Dissect me." John smiled.

"So you are not denying you are an alien." Sam asked.

"Yeah of course I am an alien, my spaceship is parked just around the corner. I'm not denying anything because I am not under arrest so I do not have to answer your pathetic questions."

"What did the scan reveal?" Sam asked out allowed.

Tony's voice came over the PA system. "He is not human, I will notify..." Just then he stopped mid sentence.

Sam came out to see what had happened. He was amazed at who he saw. "Lois...what the hell?"

"I just gave him a sedative injection. He will be fine in a few hours."

"Why? What do you have to do with this."

"I am here to ask you to release John. He means you no harm."

"How do you know that? He is not human. He could be the start of an invasion force." Sam said nervously.

"Dad, I can promise you, there is no alien invasion on its way. They have been here a lot longer than you will ever know."

"I am going to inform the Pentagon unless you are going to knock me out too."

Lois remained calm. "No, but I would urge you to reconsider."

"How did you get involved in all this any way." Sam asked.

"It's not important right now. Just please think about what you are about to do. John came here, not to harm anyone, and he has saved lives on a daily basis."

Sam reached over to the console. "I'm sorry Lo. I need to do this. All the aliens need to be rounded up so they can't harm anyone."

Lois made a split second decision. "Does that involve, Elijah and the baby I am carrying now."

Sam turned to Lois, the shock and questions evident by his expression. "What do you mean?"

"Elijah is half alien, and I am 12 weeks pregnant with another half alien child. Are you going to cart your grandson and me off to your lab and do experiments on us."

Sam looked at her in disbelief. "You're going to great lengths to protect John aren't you?"

"Your scanner went off when I was near it. Try it again."

He reached for the scanner and switched it on. It started to alarm.

"See I told you. The choice is yours, dad."

"Even if I didn't do anything about John, Tony will." Sam explained.

"Let John out and he can mindwipe him." Lois replied. "And he can do it to you if that is what you want. But if you wanted to, I'm sure you convince the Government that you didn't find anything."

"Lois, this is my duty." Sam explained.

"Yeah duty always did come before family with you, didn't it. What is more important, your grandson or your duty." Lois tried to play on his conscience.

"Lo, there is no need to start giving me a guilt trip. It is obvious what I have to do."

"But..." Lois started to panic. Sam held his hand up to stop her.

"Lo, you and my grandchildren are the most important thing and I will go through with this for you all. Can I just ask, how Eli came about."

"Eli's origins are complicated, but this pregnancy is a little more conventional. I will explain it over dinner."

"Does Clark know about this?"

She blushed. "I'm assuming he does, considering he is their father."

Sam was about to question her further but then realised what Lois was implying. Just then Tony started to stir.

"John, can you come here? Can you mindwipe him before he wakes up." Lois asked.

John nodded, as Sam looked at him. "We have lots of work to do, let's get started."

Clark drove along the country road towards the base, and when he was about 300 yards away, he noticed Emil's car pulled up at the side of the road. He scanned it, Emil was in the driver seat. He pulled up.

"Emil, what's happening?" Clark asked as he noticed Emil looking a little groggy.

"They caught John, so Lois must have gone into rescue him."

Clark was annoyed. "And you let her?"

"She must have taken me out with one of the sedative shots I brought with me." Emil replied.

Just then an announcement shot out over the PA system on the base...

"Potential gas leak, please vacate the base immediately to a safe distance."

Clark recognised the voice of Sam Lane and saw this as the perfect opportunity to speed in. Seconds later he crept into the main tent.

He noticed Sam and John at a panel trying to figure something out, Lois was at the other side of the room dealing with some other instruments. She saw Clark.

"Clark, could you take this man out and place him outside the base." She pointed at Tony.

Clark was surprised at the request but did as she asked. He then headed back to the tent.

"What's going on?"

"We are evacuating the base and getting rid of evidence before we blow up the place." Sam said.

"Right, are we ready to go." Sam shouted.

"Yes, John, can you drop me off somewhere nearby and Clark can take Lois." Sam nodded. "Lois, as soon as I can, I will meet you at the Farm. It may take a while to deal with this." He hugged her. "I love you, Lo."

Lois started to tear up. It was the first time he had ever said that and he had proved his love beyond any doubt with his actions of the past 30 minutes.

"Ok, dad. Clark, take me back to the Emil's car." Lois asked.

Seconds later, they were stood next to the car. John joined them.

"Clark, I have scanned the base and I think everyone is clear, could you check."

Clark scanned the base and agreed.

"Right, I will aim at the gas storage room, can you take out the main tent." He looked at Clark who was puzzled but did not question it.

They both fired their heat vision, leaving balls of flames and plumes of spoke billowing up into the night's sky.

Back at the farm, Clark put Lois down as they entered the house to the sight of his concerned parents.

"What's happened?" his dad asked.

"We need to ask Lois. I have no clue." They all looked at her.

"I went to find John and found my father was about to cart him off to DC for evaluation so I intervened and told him that if he wanted to round up all the aliens, he would have to take Eli and me."

"You told him Eli and the baby was not totally human. That was risky Lois?" Clark looked shocked.
"Not really. John mind wiped the other person who knew about his really identity and he could have done the same to dad if he had not made the right decision to help cover up the existence of aliens. " Lois explained.

Martha asked in amazement. "So Sam chose you and his grandchildren over his duty to the army."

"Basically, yes." She smiled. "He is coming as soon as he deals with the explosions at the base."

"What explosions?" Jonathan asked.

Clark explained everything and then headed over to the barn with Lois for some time alone.

"Are you mad with me?" Lois asked.

"No, I was shocked at first but Lois, I trust you and I know you would never sacrifice the safety of your children." He kissed her.

Sam turned up, just before midnight. Lois had dozed off on the sofa but Clark and his parents were still awake.

They sat down. Clark could not help but notice that Sam was looking strangely at him. Lois woke up from the noise. She staggered through to the kitchen.

"Hi dad, did you get everything sorted?"
"Yes, they are not launching an investigation thanks to John. He planted some thoughts in six different witnesses who all say they saw some flammable gas canisters leaking." Sam explained. "we are being ordered back to Washington DC for a rethink of Government policy. It seems the Government is on the verge of announcing cutbacks in army research programs due to the spiralling costs of overseas combat operations. So it seems pretty likely this operation will be shelved anyway."

"Would you all mind if I go and talk to my dad alone."

She walked out of the door. "So what does this mean for us, dad?" Lois asked.

"It means I have to head back to DC in a few days."

"You know I didn't mean that."

"You mean the fact my daughter is dating an alien and I have a half alien grandchild, and another one on the way." He smiled.

"Well, it is a shock, but it has made me realise where my priorities lie. I can see Clark loves you and he is more human than a lot of people I have met. And Eli, what can I say about him. He is adorable and his origins don't change that. I am a little shocked at another addition being on the way, but I will get used to it."

"I'm still getting used to it. It was unexpected to say the least. But then again you still haven't told me the facts of life." She joked.

"Well, I knew I was going to get the blame somewhere along the line." Sam smiled.

Lois had never been more closer to her father. He made his peace with Clark, and it was arranged for them to visit DC in a few months at Christmas..

Lois, Clark and Eli had just returned from an enjoyable weekend in Washington DC. Sam had a massive announcement to make. He was leaving the army and taking up a post as an advisor for Queen Industries in Star City. Apparently, it was Emil who had made the introductions and it was a perfect opportunity for Sam to take up a very well paid job that would use his experience and skills.

Things had been a little strained at first between Clark and her father. He had obviously not come to terms with his daughter dating an alien but one thing it did not affect was his relationship with his grandson. He still doted on him, doing everything with him. Lois had never really seen this fatherly side of Sam before but she liked it. Sam arranged for them to meet up once he had moved to Star City.

Today was the day of the 20 week scan. They were looking forward to seeing if they were having a brother or sister for Eli.

"Emil, come on, let's get this over and done with." She asked impatiently.

"Ok, here we go. I need to do some measurements and then I will tell you the all important gender." Emil explained.

Emil completed all the necessary measurements as quickly as he could and then focused on what mattered.

"It's a...girl!" he exclaimed.

Lois and Clark hugged each other. "One of each..." Clark commented.

"Guess you were right and I was wrong." She joked.

Eli looked happy although he did not have a clue what was going on. He was just pleased to see his mommy and daddy happy.

Clark looked at his son. "Eli, have you got something for mammy."

Eli nodded and held out a box which Clark had sneakily handed him, but he would not hand it over to Lois. It was new and exciting and there was no way he was giving to anyone.

"Eli, come on...give it to your mommy." Clark asked again.

"What have you got there, Eli?" she asked nicely only to be met with Eli's 'forget it, its mine' looks which she saw regularly these days.

"Emil, can you pull one of those funny faces you do." Clark asked.

Seconds later Eli was in fits of laughter and more importantly distracted, so much in fact that Clark grabbed the box without his son even noticing.

"What is it?" Lois asked curiously

Her question was soon answered when Clark got down on one knee. "Lois, I have been meaning to ask you for a while but it never seemed like the right time. You have given me one beautiful child and will be giving me a precious daughter in five months, and to make me complete would you do the honor of becoming my wife."

Lois burst into tears and then stuttered out her words. "I...will. I" she jumped up and hugged him.

It was a month later when Lois completed the walk down the aisle to make her dream come true. Everyone had turned out, even Lana who was on her best behaviour. Little Eli was a page boy complete with the cutest outfit, although he did create a bit of a commotion when the rings went missing.

Lois switched into paranoid mom mode and was convinced he had swallowed them, but they found them in his toy car. Clark was sure there was no way Eli would have time to put them in his car which was at the other side of the church unless...

Lois stopped him before he finished his crazy idea. There was no way Eli had superspeed. He had only been walking for six months. Clark knew he was right but decided not to push the matter further.

It was only on return from their honeymoon weekend away that his parents and Sam sat them down to break the news that Eli could not only superspeed but he could float.

"You mean he can almost fly. That's more than me." Clark replied trying to make a joke out of it. "I think it is time we called Emil."

Emil arrived with the bracelet he had made for Eli to protect any superpowers he may show. It was agreed that Eli would only wear it when he was at nursery or out anywhere in public. At home he could be who he needed to be.

Emil was almost flying by the time the baby was due. Lois was worried how she would deal with a newborn and flying toddler. Clark convinced her that they would manage and that they should take one day at a time. He reassured her that they would come up with a plan before the baby arrived.

They didn't have long. That night, Clark woke to the feeling of water trickling down his leg. He thought he was dreaming, but it soon dawned on him that it was really happening. Lois hadn't even noticed and was still fast asleep.

"Lois, wake up...The baby is on its way." Clark tried to rouse her but she moaned and told him it could wait til morning.

It was only minutes later when the first contraction hit that she knew this was for real.

"My god, I am going to have a baby."

"Let's get Emil."

Minutes later Emil was standing in their bedroom with all the equipment Clark had retrieved.
"The baby is coming now." Clark was hysterical.
Emil examined her. "Clark, she is only 1cm dilated, still 9cm to go. It could be hours, even days."

How wrong Emil was, within 20 minutes the cries filled the room. "God, that was one impatient baby." He said in shock.

Freya Ella Kent was born weighing in at 9lbs 6oz, but even more worryingly minutes after being born she hovered out of the cot in front of her shocked parents.

"My god, two flying children. I think I need that sedative after all, Emil." She joked, not realising how prophetic those words would be...