Disclaimer: Me: "Haha, Ally! I finally own the rights to Alex Rider!"

Ally (sister): "Oh, yeah! Where are they?"

Me: *Mumbles something under my breath.*

Ally: "I didn't catch that."

Me: "Zack ate them."

Ally: *Stops smiling smugly.* "Our Dog!"

Me: "The very same."

Ally: "DARN! We could have been rich!"

Me: *Shakes head and sobs.* "Who cares about the money! I just wanted Alex."

Ally: *Gives me a funny look and walks off.*

Me: *Still crying like an idiot.*

Chapter two

Wolf was pacing up and down in the hall way, once in a while talking a glance at the door, waiting for the Snake and the one of the doctors to come and tell Wolf the news of Alex. Wolf was to distraught to think about anything else except the kid. He couldn't get the image of Cub bleeding out of his head.

He started to panicked. What was he suppose to do? He couldn't just sit there and wait for news of Cub, it was going to drive him crazy. Without even telling Eagle about his plan, he rushed into the room.

What met him there was never going to leave Wolf. Alex was in a small and restless sleep, tossing a turning every time someone touched him. A heart monitor was set up, beeping every second, and Wolf realized with a jolt that it was going way to fast to be normal. Alex suddenly woke up in a little and coughed up a surprisingly huge amount of blood. Doctors, including Snake, became panicked. They were getting the paddles ready.

Wolf watched horror struck as the heart monitor suddenly gave out a long beeeeeep. Blood was rushing to Wolf's head, he could not hear, only watch as Snake put the paddles to Alex chest and sent electricity to Alex non-beating heart. Alex jumped up a little, but fell limp again.

Snake tried again and again, but not one thing worked. With a impassive face, Snake turned his head to the clock and said Cub's time to death.

Snake then slowly turned his head to Wolf. Wolf stepped back when he saw how angry Snake was. "You killed him, Wolf! You should have helped him!" He yelled. Snake looked to Alex's body, showing Alex's still form.

Wolf's breathing was coming in short breaths. Was it really his fault that Cub died? His mind was telling him that he couldn't have done anything anyway, Cub was to far gone. But his heart was screaming at him, telling him how wrong he was.

His eyes fell on the limp Alex. He was somehow still life looking. His face was set in pain still. Wolf watched as the doctors put a sheet over him. It was over. Alex was dead.

"WOLF!" Snake screamed at him. "Wolf!" Wolf realized that it was somehow clear then before. He felt a small stabbed of pain in his ribs. Wolf leaped out of the chair and got into a fighting position, putting his fist in front of the attacker.

Snake was faced above him. He had a very small smile on his face and his heads up in the air. Wolf noticed how a small drop of sweat was running down his neck. He must have dreamed Alex's death. Wolf's heart was still pounding in his chest, threatening to come out of his body.

Snake must have seen the expression on his face. "He'll be ok. He's a strong kid." Snake reassured him and maybe himself.

Wolf nodded slightly still trying to get over his dream. "Do you know what's wrong?"

Snake seemed to be thinking about it. His face went into a emotionless mask. "I think he was poisoned." Snake whispered.

Wolf couldn't help but agree. After dragging Cub to the medic. Cub kept muttering things like pills and heart. Cub must have put two and two together and realized that his medication (Wolf was furious when he found out that Cub only took a pill when he needed. MI6 apparently didn't want him to become addicted.) was spiked. Wolf had to give a props for the kid. He was still able to tell them his ideas even when he was hurt. It was pretty damn amazing.

Just then, a doctor came out of Cub's room. He was sweating and breathing heavily from running around. He looked around, then spotted K-unit sitting in the lobby. He slowly walked up to them a frown on his face.

K-unit immediately shot up and gave the doctor his full attention. The doctor didn't bother giving his name. He could tell that they just wanted to know if Alex Rider was still alive. "He'll . . . be ok." Wolf nearly jumped in joy when he heard the news, but the doctor wasn't done. "Ok is not even close to what the kid is going through. Apparently," The doctor muttered darkly, "His employers put him in the hardest training exercise. He had three broken ribs, a sprained ankle, and don't even get me started on his chest."

"What about the bullet wound?" Snake asked quietly. Snake didn't even want to think about the poor kid's back. Not with all the scars.

"I can't tell you much. The teen's 'guardian' don't want the information public. I can tell you, however, that the medication he was on, was filled with a seriously high dose of Acetaminophen."

"No." Snake muttered.

"What?" Eagle asked nervously.

"Large amounts of acetaminophen can cause liver failure, kidney damage, lung damage, and ultimately death. It is really important to properly dose acetaminophen, especially for minors. If someone poisoned Cub, he must have known that Alex was on some kind of pain killer."

"Well at least someone knows how bad this is." The doctor said.

"We have to talk to Cub's employers." Wolf said.

"And how in god's name are we going to do that, Wolf! The kid's probably got level ten clearance or something!" Snake yelled, once again running his hands through his hair.

"I might be able to help." The doctor whispered. He beckoned to K-unit to stay quiet. "The kid has a cell phone in his suit case. The pass code is 1625687. Don't ask how I know that, I could get fired for saying patient confidentiality." The doctor continued with a very serious face. "Do not call them. They would send the kid to another location in a heart beat. Go to them."

The doctor leaned back, giving them a smile. "Cub should wake up in two hours." He said, then turned around to go back to Cub's room.

"I guess we go and look for that cell phone." Snake said.

"We finally get to look at that photograph!" Eagle said, trying to lighten the mode. But no one felt like smiling. They all had a bad feeling in their guts, and it was about one teenage spy and what his life is really like.


Alex was tossing and turning in his bed, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. Pain was spreading through his body like wildfire. The poison must have interfered with his nervous system sending signals to the brain that something was wrong, which was completely off. It felt like his body was at war with it self.

With a groan, he put his hand on his head and realized that it was oddly warm. Alex realized that he must have a fever. He cursed himself. What idiot takes medication that he hasn't taken in two months. He once again rolled on his side to try (in vain) to ease the pain. He couldn't help but think of Rat. What was the crazy bastard doing right now? 'probably looking through my stuff' Alex thought darkly. Alex really hoped that they didn't somehow figure out Alex pass code for his phone. Everything was on it, including his former guardians numbers.

Alex would never forget the day that he went back to MI6 for help.

"We had a deal, Alex." Blunt said. Alex looked up at the hard eyes of Alan Blunt. He couldn't help but see the glint of happiness in Blunt's eyes when Alex said that he was leaving the Pleasure.

"Look," Alex said coldly. "I will give anything for you if you just keep the rest of the Pleasure's safe."

Blunt raised his eyebrows. "Anything?" He questioned.

"Just keep Sabina safe." He whispered. "Please."

Alex saw Blunt smile, and Alex knew that he was never going to see Sabina again.


"Damn kid!." Rat yelled out angrily. "I'll kill him for this!" Rat was currently standing in the SAS forest, holding his now extremely bruised stomach and a water bottle. He wanted so badly to go kick the little shit's face a couple of times and see what he said after that. He couldn't help wondering how the kid got so rebellious in one day.

He suddenly lashed out at a random tree. He would get the kid for this, but first he had to go back to his cabin* and tell MI6 about it. After all, Rat thought with a sneer, being a double agent was very hard work. Working with MI6 was a huge pain. Working with SCORPIA was very rewarding. Rat still couldn't believe his luck. Being placed in the SAS was pretty lucky, but being in the same unit that his target was in, was beyond luck.

Oh, yes. Rat would get back at Alex Rider and he was going to make sure it was going to be very painful for Alex. With deep laughter, he went back to his cabin.


"Did anyone find it?" Snake asked. They've been searching for forty-five minutes. They checked the suit case and made sure not to touch the photograph. Snake figured that if they wanted to help Cub, they first had to leave his personal things alone. The cell phone was different. They were trying to help Alex, not disturb his life. Well, that's at least what made Wolf think that it was ok.

Wolf still couldn't believe how much the teen went through. Why didn't he tell someone? "Nothing!" Wolf called out angrily. He was currently looking under Cub's bed which, Wolf found, has tons of pencils and, oddly, yo-yos. He also found a small medical kit. When Wolf looked closer he saw small drops of blood. Wolf was alarmed to think about how many times the kid used it. It has been three months he's been here.

"I got it!" Eagle suddenly yelled. He held up a ordinary flip phone, triumphantly waving it in the air with a huge smirk on his face.

"Where was it?" Snake asked, looking at the normal flip phone and twisting it over in his hand.

"One of the floor boards were lose." Eagle muttered looking at the phone like it was going to explode, which it might of if it was Cub's spy phone.

"Damn, that kid is good." Wolf said.

Snake laughed dryly. "Just like a perfect spy."

No one commented. What was there to say? Carefully and very slowly, Snake opened the phone. The screen lite up, and then it spoke aloud.

"Pass code." It demanded. Wolf's heart was pounding. If this thing could tell Cub's voice apart, what were they going to do?

Snake looked around and noticed that no one else wanted to try, so with a some-what steady voice he said the numbers.

The phone made a odd beeping noise then said, "Correct. Sending distressed signal to MI6." K-unit watched with wide eyes as the phone then shut down.

"Oh shit." Wolf muttered.

"I think he has level ten clearance." Eagle said. He received two slaps on the back of the head.


"Alan," Mrs Jones said, holding up a small paper. "Alex used his cell phone." Alan finally looked up from his desk. His emotionless face looked up at Mrs. Jones.

"What do you want me to do." He snapped. Mrs. Jones could tell that he was cracking under the stress of MI6's work load. But she doesn't give mercy to a monster that uses kids for his own gain.

Mrs. Jones gave him a glare. "I was wondering if I should kill you or go to Alex and let him kill you." She said seriously.

Blunt raised an eyebrow. He looked at Mrs. Jones closely. "What I meant was go check on him." He said patiently.

Mrs. Jones once again gave him a glare. "It wasn't him who sent it." She said.

This time, Blunt looked interested. He went up to her and grabbed the paper, quickly skimming it. "A soldier name Snake?"

Mrs. Jones rolled her eyes. "One of the men in Alex's unit." She informed him.

"You think they found out." It was not a question but a statement, but Mrs. Jones nodded anyway.

"If they found out, Alex probably hurt that man, Rat. I warned you not to put that man in his unit."

Blunt waved it off. "What I want to know is how they found the cell phone. Alex wouldn't have hide it in plain sight."

Jones stared at him with a slightly open mouth. "You care about his spy skills at a time like this! What about his identity!"

Once again, Blunt waved it off. "We just give them OSA's and send Alex somewhere else."

Mrs. Jones gave her boss a disgusted glare. "He's not a weapon! He's a boy! Send him to school!"

Blunt smiled. Mrs. Jones was alarmed to see a look in his eyes. "We have a deal."

"Alex was desperate! His new guardians were killed because we didn't protect them! It's our fault that he's here now!'

"I'm keeping the girl hidden. That's the deal. No excepts, no refunds."

"I'll quit." Mrs. Jones threatened half-heartily. She already knew that that was impossible, she just wanted to confirm it.

Alan laughed. "I guess Alex will just have no allies here then."

With a defeated look, she walked out of the office.

Mrs. Jones was in a tight spot. Either save Alex, or let Alex's sister die. She couldn't do both. She couldn't get the image of Alex's last visit out of her head. She couldn't get over how defeated he looked. He's eyes were scary. Dead, emotionless.

Mrs. Jones suddenly had an idea. If she could hide Alex, maybe Alex could hide Sabina. With a smile, she starting forming the plan in her mind. She only need one more thing and that thing, was gadgets, tons of them. She walked out of the Royal and General, getting ready to go get Alex.


"I think we should turn the phone back on." Snake eyed the phone like it was going to self explode, like the the movies.

Eagle put up his hands. "You can blow you arse off, just make sure I'm on the other side of the room."

Wolf couldn't decide between hitting Eagle for being so cowardly, or running into the corner with him. Making a face he went with the harder route. "Why do you want to turn it on?"

"To see what else is on it."

"What in god's name would be on it?"

Snake shrugged. "It's better then nothing. And I can't stand sitting here doing nothing and waiting for MI bloody 6 to get here."

Wolf put his face in his hands. After a while, he looked up. "Turn it on."

"See ya!" Eagle tried running for the door, but Wolf grabbed him by the shirt and stopped him. "Sit." He commanded. With a whine, Eagle sat down on the bed.

Snake, ever so slowly, opened the cell phone again. Wolf cringed a little when the light came back on. They waited for the voice to come back on but nothing happened.

Snake gave a confused look at Wolf, who only shrugged in response. "Maybe it was only a one time thing."

Eagle let out a long breath. "I'm just glad we didn't blow up." He muttered.

"Should we continue?" Snake asked staring at the phone.

Wolf didn't know what to do. Either he looked for something on the phone, and maybe help Alex. Or leave the phone alone, and pretend nothing happened. He couldn't get over his dream. It would be his fault if Alex died. He didn't do anything for the kid, even when he knew about the missions.

Finally deciding, he nodded his head. "Yes."

THANKS YOU EVERYONE WHO REVIEWED! I means so much to me! Sorry this took so long. I tried to make it three thousands words and longer then the other one but I don't think I can keep you guys waiting any longer.


I tried to make some parts that were dramatic a little funny with Eagle. How did I do?

Was this better then the first chapter or worse?

What do you think about Rat? What do you think he is going to do? I bet no one saw that coming huh.

What's on the phone? Maybe it's nothing. You never know.

What do you think will happen?

Cookie for anyone who answers one of the questions. I will dedicate the next chapter to anyone who gets on the of the questions right.

REALLY IMPORTANT! I really need a beta. I never did that before so you would have to help me through it. IF anyone is interested, please PM me. THANKS.

THANKS AGAIN FOR ALL THE AWESOME REVIEWS! YOU GUYS ARE GREAT! PLEASE KEEP IT UP. If I didn't get so many reviews, i wouldn't have updated so fast! THANKS AGAIN!