^^ yuppi ! There's still some terrorist life out there !

Disclaimer: I do not own junjou romantica

Enjoy :P

"You were really gorgeous in that tuxedo" Shinobu raised an eyebrow

"Really? Because the way you almost ripped it from my body made me wonder if you hated the suit like poison"

"You are funny brat" I leaned down and captured his bottom lip, he responded with a beautiful electric tremble.

I learned, at my age, to be comfortable with my body, I'm not proud of it but I'm not ashamed of it either, some men receive a pound under the Christmas tree every year, luckily my metabolism and I made a Faustian agreement to remain in decent conditions till another organ situated south will tell both of us that it's not necessary anymore. But Shinobu... he was splendid in his nudity, an interplay of white flesh and blonde hair, a delicious matching of pastel tonalities, creamy skin and golden silk.

"You are shaking" he said.


We took all the time that we needed. I was proud to see that Shinobu wasn't scared by his own passion anymore. He kept my tongue tightly between the sweet icing of his teeth, he was so warm and tight around me... I could hear the embarrassing sound of my choked moans, but when I tried to muffle them, in a pathetic attempt to look more composed, they just took a more absurd cadence...Jesus Christ...why are his sounds so adorable to hear in comparison with mine? He closed his eyes and frowned, as if he was concentrating on a complex quadratic equation, his fingers were clenching the sheets. I buried my head in his hair, I drowned myself in the boy underneath me, eating his beautiful neck with kisses and nips. I pushed myself desperately inside of him, and then...the bliss...I felt the blossoming of a new strength inside of me, and I felt...happy. Happy that life was giving me another chance, happy that I was pushing myself against my own illogicality.

We were soaked in shivers and dews, I kissed him with trembling lips...a simple open-mouthed kiss of few seconds that said : you are the only reason in the world that makes me arrive till the end of my every breath. I buried my head in the crook of his sweaty neck.

"Shinobu..."I whispered"...will you take my hand to bring me with you in this vast and intricate city I know nothing about? "

He didn't reply and I realized that, even a little genius like him needed time to decrypt my words and understand that I was speaking about metaphorically.

"...I'm as scared as you are old man...why do you have the damned impression that I'm a strong person...this city deceived me...I thought I knew every corner of it, but the truth is that I'm realizing with each passing day, that it was much easier to walk in its streets in my imagination than it is in the real life...I don't know this place anymore than you do..."


"I...I will hold your hand if you will hold mine with the same strength"


We remained in silence for a long time, I was almost in the arms of Morpheus when Shinobu did a thing that just a teenager can do in that wonderful intermezzo between sex and sleep: HE TALKED.

"Tomorrow I will make miso soup, is that okay?"


"Mmhh what?"

"Mmhh yeah"

"And some cabbage rolls too" the little insensitive shit continued in his Chinese torture


"What does that mean?"

"Good means good Shinobu"

"Am I boring you? Do you want me to shut up?"

"Noooooo Shinobu, to talk about cabbage rolls at three in the morning is my favorite pastime...aren't you tired blondie?"

"You really are as old as the hills, you know?...no stamina..."

"When I was your age I had more respect for my elders"

"When you were my age, people were still convinced that the Earth was flat"

"You little asshole!" I started to tickle him, he was squirming and laughing underneath me.

"Apologize to your king!"




"Are you laughing or are you having an orgasm, Shinobu?" I asked devilishly




I stopped immediately; we looked each others for some seconds..."Did you fart Shu?"

I started laughing shamelessly, while my poor terrorist became a living vision of red Christmas' illuminations, he tried to get up but I took him in an iron grip and kissed him deeply, he tried to blab some profanity inside my mouth, but kissed me back after some seconds, I heard him moaning disapprovingly as I did a blowjob to his tongue, he was probably thinking how pornographic this thing was, I gave a final lick to his mouth and hugged him.

"You miserable idiot..." he whispered hugging me back "I've never felt so embarrassed in my entire life, you are gonna pay for this you know?"

"Yes Shinobu, I know"



"Yes?" he cuddled even closer to me

"I love you"

"...I know...but thank you for saying it"

I passed the following day closed in the bathroom...Shinobu put some laxative in my miso soup.


"Don't worry Miyagi, the laxative doesn't have side effects"


"Now we are even old man"

Miyagi Yoh, 35 years old, admitted again defeat to the terrorist.

Sorry for the wait. Author's notes:

Aoshi139 ^3^, leopardstarismyleader, Wafuruuu, xMoymoy, BeckyStar-Queenofthelab, Rocker-Scene, The-Unknown-Artist, damons-hot-as-hell, AZ1087653, Thank you all for the favorites and alerts ^_^

Cerberus Revised: glad you thought the chap was nice. I'm happy you liked in particular your beloved Hiroki's cameo :) Ah,those two in the bushes were just two random (very horny) fellows,sorry. I liked the end too, I have had the intention to write two chapters from the beginning,but I think it was a good ending even if it would have stopped there.

000LuvYaoi000: thank you very much for your review :) Atè ja. Meus cumprimentos...now this is Portuguese ;)

Lbx: I'm sorry for the punctuation. Thank you for the tips and obviously for reviewing too :) Hope you liked the chap :)

Chacha=I hope you think this chapter is better than the previous one; thanks for reviewing :)

Aoshi139= lovely Amber...can I say that your review is my favourite? XD Such a delicate and intelligent sensibility...I lurv your words ^3^I'm eager to see your opinion, I hope this chap didn't disappoint you. Thank you so much for your support, I will treasure it ^_^ ps: yeah, prom night is awesome! :D thank you again!

grey vixen= thank you so much for the compliment XD I hope you liked this chapter too ^_^

thanks to kbbandgirl,my beta HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I wanted to wish all of you, with all my sincerity, a Merry Christmas and I hope the New Year will bless you with serenity :)