Alright here we go. I'm pretty much going to go through the characters and show you where they are a year later.

August 19, 2013


"Finn! Honey, can you help me put the rest of Katie's presents away?" I call out from the living room, lugging all the gift boxes and toys piled up in my arms from yesterday's party.

I feel Finn lift most of it out of my arms before I actually see his face. I sigh, "Thanks." and hop up on my tip-toes to kiss my husband on the cheek. He smiles and leads the way to our baby's room.

"When did your fathers say they were dropping Kate back off?" He asks after setting some of the gifts on Kate's dresser and putting the toys away in the toybox.

"In a couple hours, why?" After the party my Dads insisted on taking Kate for the night, they complain that they don't get to spend enough time with their granddaughter, but I swear they spend more time with Kate than we do.

Finn raises an eyebrow at me and saunters over, removing the boxes from my arms and setting them on the dresser beside me, and then scoops me up bridal style and kisses me passionately.

I got the hint.


My daughter is perfect. Like not, cliche every parent thinks their kid is the best kid in the world, my little girl is seriously the best damn kid in the world. Okay, maybe it is because she's mine, but that's not the point.

She's so smart, I mean, she's only one. But she's a baby genius. Katherine Faith Hudson, baby genius. Rachel said that she's developing at the normal rate or whatever, but I think everything she does is amazing. She totally milks it too. She said "Daddy," and I couldn't stop smiling and bragging about her for, like ever. So she says it all the damn time, especially when she does something bad, like refuses to eat, just because she knows I can't stay mad at her. She's just like Rachel. It's not fair.

She's got Rachel's eyes too, all chocolatey and innocent looking. These girls I live with, they could get me to do anything with those eyes.

She's got my freckles though, poor girl's gonna burn like crazy for the rest of her life. Sorry Kit Kat.

She's spoiled rotten too. She's got me, Rach, Blaine, Puck, Kurt, Sam, Quinn, my mom and Rachel's dads at her beck and call all the time.

Plus Santana sends her presents from New Jersey at least once a week, sometimes just to send presents. She sent her a bobblehead from the Police Academy she's training at. What's a baby going to do with a bobblehead? Actually, what does anyone really do with a bobblehead?

But yeah, Santana's going to be a cop. Never saw that coming, well actually, none of us did. When she got out of that drunken stupor she had some revelation about doing a complete 180 and joining law enforcement. I guess she's damn good at it. The fact that she's pro at it doesn't come as a shock. If Santana pulled me over I'd probably piss myself, that girl is intimidating as shit.


Finn and I are screwed. Karma has finally come back and bit me in the ass. First, he sends me Quinn and fucks up my mind chemistry and turns me into a lovesick lost puppy. Then, he drops Beth in my lap. Quinn says that Beth is her perfect thing. The one thing she could never screw up.

She's right. The girl is an angel. Beth and Katie are gonna be maneaters someday. Yikes, I'm gonna be that dad, the guy that sits on the porch with a gun waiting for his daughter to come home from a date.

The kind of dad that hated guys like me. I need to keep her away from guys like me.


Puck is a great Dad. He's so careful and adorable with Beth. He's the only one who can get her back to sleep when she wakes up crying in the night. Which is great because I haven't slept this good since before I got knocked up.

He just picks her up out of the crib, holds her close to his chest, he says it's so that she can hear his heartbeat, and he sings to her.

I can hear her cries from the baby monitor.

"I got it babe." Puck wakes up immediately and slips out of bed and down the hall of our apartment.

I quietly follow him, my footsteps practically silent on the carpet. I creep down to Beth's room and peek through the doorway.

Beth, I hear you callin'

But I can't come home right now

Me and the boys are playin'

And we just can't find the sound

Just a few more hours

And I'll be right home to you

I think I hear them callin'

Oh, Beth what can I do?

Beth what can I do?

You say you feel so empty

That our house just ain't a home

And I'm always somewhere else

And you're always there alone

Just a few more hours

And I'll be right home to you

I think I hear them callin'

Oh, beth what can I do?

Beth what can I do?

Beth, I know you're lonely

And I hope you'll be alright

'Cause me and the boys will be playin'

All night

I bite my lip, to hold back the smile growing on my face. The floor creaks beneath my feet and Puck's head jerks up to look at me.

"Oh. Hey, you didn't have to get up, I-"

"I love you." I interrupt.

He smiles, and gently sets Beth back into her crib.

He walks over to me and tucks some stray hairs behind my ear. "I love you too."

He wraps his arm around me, "C'mon, you gotta work tomorrow. Those runts can't teach themselves."

I playfully slap his arm for teasing my first graders and follow him back to the bedroom.


No way did I ever see myself here. A soon to be Cop in New Jersey. 14 out of 26 weeks at a police academy and I've already received a generous offer from EOPD.

Why New Jersey you ask? That's where Brit's job offer came from. We moved to East Orange 4 months ago, so that Brit could work at this prestigious dance studio.

That's right, Brit finally took me back. I've been sober for 10 months, back with Brittany for 6 and in New Jersey for 4.

Only thing that sucks is that I'm away from everyone. If it wasn't for the academy, I'd go visit more, but I have to be on the grounds during the week, no exceptions.

I don't get to see Katie or Beth as much as I'd like, but I send them presents all the time. They're my surrogate children, because I could never have my own. Sure spending time with Kit Kat and Bee is amazing, but I don't have to take them home when they're cranky and hungry.

Which is fine by me. Plus, Brit took Lord Tubbington to Jersey with us and he's child enough for her.

It was rough at first, getting clean. Rach had to practically lock me in my room to keep me from going out, but I thank her for being so strict with me, it meant she cared.

But it's Brit I really have to thank, she was my motivation, that and I knew Rach and Quinn wouldn't let me around the girls if I was in a bad place.

But that's the past now and I'm really happy.


"You bought the bar?" Puck asks, his mouth dropping open in surprise.

"Yeah, Paul moved, he didn't ask a whole lot for it. I got a loan from my dad and I mean, we did sort of decide to do this quite awhile ago." I remind him.

"Yeah." He nods, still shocked. "When we were drunk."

"So what, we can use it as practice space. Jesse St. Jackass only gives us a couple nights per week, so we can practice at the bar on our off time. Plus, if we actually made the place look nice, advertised, hired some people. We could make some money off of it. I studied business, I know what I'm doing. You could partner up with me, you know your alcohol." I point out.

He shakes his head, "I dunno Sam, I don't think Quinn would be into it."

Just then Quinn walks into the kitchen behind me, "Into what?" She asks as she washes out one of Beth's bottles and sets it on a dish strainer.

"Sam bought Paul's bar, and he wants me to run it with him." Puck walks over to her and winds his arms around her waist. I knew he'd be into it. He only holds her like that when he wants something from her.

"Puck, I don't know, that doesn't sound very responsible."

"Trial run." I blurt.

"What?" Puck and Quinn say in unison.

"One month, give us a month and if you still think it's bad idea, we'll shut the whole thing down."

She sighs. "One month, Sam don't make me regret this." She warns.

Right, what could tiny Quinnie do. Oh wait, she's got Puck's testicles in a mason jar, so the real question is what couldn't she do.


"All ready?" I hear Blaine call from the entryway.

"Almost!" I shout back, dispensing some mousse into my hand and styling it through my hair. I wink at the mirror, I look fabulous.

"Come on Kurt! We have to meet everyone in twenty minutes!"

I shake my head, impatience. "Alright, I'm coming!"

I grab my white peacoat on our way out the door and follow Blaine out to the sidewalk to hail a cab.

When we finally get to the cafe, I'm giddy. I feel like our news is going to bust out of me at any moment.

We're all sitting around a table. Blaine, to my left, Rachel to my right with Finn next to her and Katie in his lap. Carole and my Dad are seating across from us and Blaine's parents are on speakerphone on Blaine's blackberry placed at the center of the table.

I clap my hands together. "Everyone ready?"

I glance at Blaine, signaling him to tell the news. He opens his mouth to speak but I can't wait a second longer.

"We're pre-engaged!" I practically shout.

Rachel claps, Katie bounces up and down at her mother's obvious excitement. Finn and everyone else stares at me, confused.

"Pre- engaged? What, what does that mean?" My dad asks me.

"It means, we plan to get engaged, soon."

"Why not wait until you're engaged to tell everyone?" Carole looks around the table and fiddles with the napkin in her hands nervously.

"Well I mean, technically we are engaged. Kurt just refuses to call it that until I get him a ring." Blaine elaborates. Tossing me a teasing glance.

"Oh! Well yay, then. Yay!" Carole smiles and gestures for the waiter to bring wine over.

"Yeah, congrats guys." Finn says, throwing his fist up, to be bumped by Blaine. Boys.

"That's great sweetie!" Blaine's mother gushes from the phone. "Isn't that great, Derek?" She asks Blaine's father, who simply responds by making a grumpy 'harumph' noise and mumbling some sort of friendly gesture. It's no secret that Blaine's dad isn't super keen on Blaine's relationship with me. He's still convinced that Blaine is still "experimenting" and our relationship is "temporary" and will "pass with time". Pish posh.

"What do you think Princess Kate?" I ask, leaning close to the little girl's face.

She tosses her hands in the air and shouts undecipherable sounds of enjoyment and so I'll take that as a congratulations.


After everything that's happened. The Lucy fiasco, my father's accident, the pregnancy, Quinn's pregnancy/adultery debacle, Santana's coming out.

I feel like it was all strangely worth it. It made us all who we are, right now. I like the now. I'm so happy it's ridiculous, almost like something awful is just around the corner. That was cynical.

Even just standing here in the doorway to my room. While my husband and my daughter are asleep on our bed. Her curled up between his arm and his side, him with a little bit of drool coming out of the corner of his mouth. It all feels perfect.

So I carefully walk over to the bed, and crawl up to the other side of him. Snuggling against his chest. He wakes up, just for a second and kisses my temple.



"Thank you." I say, sighing a little.

"For what?" He continues to whisper.

"For having faith in me." He kisses my temple again, as I drift off to sleep.

And that's the end...only it's not.

However, instead of a "sequel" I've decided to post a series of oneshots, in no particular or chronological order. They will all be based on this story though.

They will span from a finchel wedding, to teenage Kate, to future babies, to unwritten occurances in college. Like, Rachel's first party or when Santana met Brittany. I will also be taking requests. Anything you'd like to me write about from this? Just review and let me know and I'll get on it.

The series of oneshots will probably begin within a week or so. Just look out for it.

Or if you have me on author alert, which a whopping 9 of you do, ^_^, you'll get an email about it :)

read, review & repeat!

Fin. (I love when writers do this on finchel pieces. Play on words, Fin...Finn...haha. Wow I'm a dork)