A/N: I dont Own FMA or FMA: Brotherhood. So... Hope you enjoy.

It was a couple of years after Roy had become the new Fuhrer of Amestris, he thought everything was going fine. Except, he and Riza had yet to take the next step in their relationship. Now, of course, they loved each other. Obvious, right? Well, not to them. Roy thought that after he'd become Fuhrer, he'd get the girl. But the girl just didn t seem to think that.

Every time Roy looked at her, he thought about asking her out. But it just never came up. They were so busy fixing all Bradley's mistakes as the Fuhrer. He had taken good care of the budgets, but there were corrupted soldiers that had to be dealt with. There was the whole mess in Ishval that needed to be solved. The Ishvalans were so untrusting of the Amestrians, especially with them trying to be nice. It was hard for the Ishvalans to believe that the feud between the two countries was over, just because someone else was in charge. Even if they didn t approve of Alchemy, they were letting the Alchemists help restore Ishval.

Within the first year of Roy being the Fuhrer, Ishval was almost back to its former glory. Don t get me wrong, it took almost all of Amestris' time and it was tedious work. But thanks to Alchemy and the Fuhrer, it was almost as beautiful as it was before the war. The memory made Roy remember seeing Riza in the war. She looked so scared, yet so strong. He admired that about her. Even if she was hurting or scared, she didn t let anyone worry about it. That was his Riza.

All this day dreaming was getting to him. He wanted his woman to know she was his. But how? How did the Fuhrer go about that, when he had a past such as Roy did? He had killed hundreds of innocents in the war. But, so had she. He had flirted with a ton of women, knowing she was there.. But, was that his fault? He was a healthy male with needs. True, he still is.. But now he was the Fuhrer. It was time to settle down with the right woman, have a family. He looked at the piles of paperwork in front of him and sighed. "Darn paperwork.. It never leaves me alone.."

Just as he finished his sentence, Hawkeye walked in and gave him a slight smile. "Sir, I think that you should be working. Or else, you'll be buried in the papers." Roy nodded his head, grabbing a stack and starting to work on it. Seeing that her boss was actually doing as she instructed, on a daily basis, was amazing to her. Riza was amazed and walked out of the office, smiling.

When Roy noticed that the blonde was completely out of the office, he stopped doing his work and went back to his thoughts. This time, they went to the Legend of the East. The arrogant little pipsqueak beat all the others who took the state test with him when he was 12, the others being full grown men. The boy was amazing. He traced down all the information on the legendary stone to try and get him and his little brother their bodies back. He had succeeded in such adult goals at such a young age. Roy was dumbfounded. Yes, he had been through war, went through training to be an alchemist, was the hero of the Ishval war, and even now he was the Fuhrer of Amestris. But Ed had succeeded in something; Roy had been trying to do for most of his adult life. Ed got married. This sparked an idea in the dark haired man's head.

So since Ed, somehow got Winry to marry him, Roy thought that maybe, just maybe the pipsqueak could help him with his blonde love. Roy got on the phone and dialed Full Metal's house in Resembool.

"Ed?" The Fuhrer asked when the phone was picked up. The voice on the other end sounded tired and a bit anxious. "Yes, what do you want, Roy?" Smirking at himself for making the young alchemist even the slightest bit more annoyed, "You have a new assignment. I expect you to be here in the next few hours."

Roy looked down at the train schedule on his desk. Ever since the first day Ed planned on coming to take the state exams, he decided to keep a schedule handy. This was one of the times he was glad to have the schedule at hand, because this new assignment... It'd be a doosy, not just for the legendary Full Metal, but also for the new Fuhrer.

Ed groaned as he nodded, forgetting that Roy wasn t currently in front of him. Instead, his son Urey giggled at his father. Urey had been born shortly after Ed had married Winry. When they saw the blonde hair and golden eyes, they knew he was most definitely just like Ed. But when Winry looked at the baby, she was reminded of her father. The smile, the way the baby looked at her, all screamed her father. So, she asked Ed if he wouldn t mind naming the boy Urey.

After nodding his head and looking down at the now 1 year old baby, he grunted a "yes Fuhrer," and hung the phone back up. Ed walked with the child back into the kitchen where a pregnant Winry was making breakfast for the family. Winry smiled as she turned around when she heard Ed enter with their baby boy. "Who was it, Ed?" It was then that she saw his frown and nodded in understanding.

"Ed, you know you should go. Maybe he has a really important mission for you. Don t worry about me; Al and May are just down the road. I swear, I'll call them if anything happens." Ed nodded to his wife as he set Urey down in the child seat at the table. "I know. But I don t want to go all the way to Central, just to get a mission from that jack-ass... Winry just shook her head and giggled softly. "Ed, it's your job. Go." Not wanting to upset the very emotional Winry so close to the baby coming, he nodded his head. Ed walked over to Urey and kissed his son's head.

"Take care of your mama and little sister, Urey." The baby smiled at his father, as if he understood what was going on. Taking that smile into his memory, Ed smiled at the two before waving to them. As he walked out of the kitchen, Ed grabbed his jacket, not knowing when he'd be back. Ed having grown up a bit, ditched his usual red and black outfit. He still had his long hair in a low ponytail, but he no longer wore his black leather clothing, or his blood red jacket.

Instead, the alchemist wore a pair of khakis and a long sleeve blue shirt, pulling on his dark blue blazer and his black boots. "Okay, I'm off. Love you guys!" And with that, the man left the house, walking in the way of the train station. He stopped off at his old family house, where Al and his fianc e, May Lang, were now living. Knocking on the door, before he entered the house, Ed called out, "Hey Al!"

Al called back from what sounded like the living room in the back of the house, "Yes, brother?" Ed followed Al's voice and found him right where he thought he'd find his little brother. He leaned over the back of the couch and looked over to Al, who was reading a book on Alchemy.((A/N: He can still use alchemy, unlike Ed. If you've seen the ending of FMA:BTHRHD, you know that.)) "Hey, I have to go to Central. I don't know when I'll be back.. Could you and May check in on Winry and Urey every now and then?" Al looked up from his book and looked up at his brother.

"Roy got something for you, again?" At Al's question, Ed nodded. "Yeah. So, you'll check in on her, right?" Al went back to his book with a nod. Ed smiled at his brother and left the house, continuing on his way to see what this new mission was.

At the same time Ed was on his way to Central, a certain blonde was on her way to Resembool. Riza had to see what Winry thought of the Fuhrer's weird behavior. "I still can t believe he was doing his work without a fuss.." Looking up to the train schedule, she heard a male voice on the speaker, "Outward bound to Resembool, now boarding on the 2nd platform!" Nodding her head to the speaker, she purchased her ticket and was off on her way to see her friend.

Once on the train, Riza pulled out a book on guns. ((A/N: Duh, she's a sniper...! :D)) After the train stopped 3 hours out of Central, Riza got up and stretched her arms and legs, before leaving the train. The nature of Resembool was calming, unlike Central's fast paced nature. 'I think when I settle down.. Or retire, I want to move here..' She smiled at the thought.

On her way to Winry's, she herself, started day dreaming. ((A/N: Roy rubbed off on her! D:))

-Day Dream-

A slightly older Riza and Roy were sitting on a porch, 2 children next the adults. One of the children, a boy, had coal black hair and hazel brown eyes; the other, a little girl, had dirty blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. The little girl looked just like Riza's father, Berthold.. It was a sad and happy realization, one of her children may look like her father.

But the boy had his father's smirking smile. That thought alone pulled all of the sadness from her mind. She smiled as she watched her day dream family watch a full grown Black Hayate chase his own tail. The boy then climbed into his mother's lap; his little sister copying him, but instead of their mother, she went to her father. She watched as Roy smiled a real smile and rubbed his and the little girl's noses together in and Eskimo kiss.

That was the future she wanted since she had first realized that she would die for that man. Help him reach all his goals and be behind him.. Until he didn t want her anymore. But he hadn t said anything about that, so far. This caused her to smile more.

-End Day Dream-

Riza came up to the door of Winry's 2 story house that she once shared with her grandma, Pinako Rockbell. The old woman had come down with a terrible sickness, causing her death. It was sad to watch the woman's coffin be lowered into the ground.. But the old woman had not gone without a fight. Oh, no. Not Pinako Rockbell. She fought that disease with everything she was. She hadn't even stopped working on auto mail orders, at least until she had been bedridden.

The death of her grandmother deeply saddened Winry. But the life growing in her made her feel slightly better. Before Pinako died, she learned that she would be a great-grandma to a beautiful baby boy. The day Urey was born, was the same night Pinako passed peacefully in her sleep.

Shaking her head of the sad memories, she knocked on the door. The sounds of a giggling baby made her smile. Winry opened the door with a blonde baby boy giggling on her very pregnant hip. "Oh, hey Riza! Come in." Moving so her friend could come in, Winry closed the door. "Where's Ed at, Winry? I thought he told Roy he wouldn t be in Central for a while.. Due to your pregnancy coming to an end?"

Winry gave her friend a confused smile. Ed went to see Roy. Apparently Roy has an assignment for him. Only he didn t tell him anything over the phone. I thought you would ve known..

Winry shrugged as led Riza to the living room and sat down on the couch, letting Urey play on the floor. Riza smiled and followed Winry in sitting on the couch. She looked down at the golden haired boy, who looked so much like his father. Turning her attention back to her friend, she took in the enlarged belly as her eyes widened in shock.

"Oh my.. Winry, you're huge!" She reached a hand out and felt the stomach in front of her. Winry laughed lightly as she watched her longtime friend, who was almost like an older sister to her, pet her unborn daughter. "Riza.. It's just a baby.." Looking down at her stomach, she silently said with a smile, "We're naming her Nina." Winry looked up at Riza with a sad smile, which made Riza mimic that smile.\

Winry nodded and changed the subject, curious as to why Riza was there in Resembool. "Why are you here, Riza? I mean, not that I don t want you here or anything... But I mean, you don t come here every day or anything..." Winry blushed with embarrassment, but Riza laughed at her rambling sister-like-friend. "It's okay, Winry. I know what you mean!" She looked down at her hands as she fumbled with her own fingers. "I just wanted to talk to someone. You know, woman to woman.." Looking up at her friend, she smiled more as Winry nodded.

"Okay, let's talk. It's been a while." The two talked about everything that had happened in the past couple of months since they hadn t seen each other. Then Riza brought up the topic she had wanted to talk about with the bleach blonde. "Today, when I walked into Roy's office, he still hadn t done his paperwork. And usually when I tell him to work on it, he gives me lip. But today.. Today was different. He didn't talk back, didn't try to weasel out of it, nothing. I was really amazed when he started it with me in there." Winry looked at the dirty blonde and smiled softly. She knew why the Fuhrer didn t talk back. He must have been trying to tell Riza that she was right. Everyone that had been acquainted with both Riza and Roy, could only tell that the two were deeply in love with each other.

"Riza.. It doesn t seem that big of a deal.. Maybe he just wanted to get it done? Or maybe he knew you were right. He does tend to get lazy with that paperwork.." Riza smiled and nodded to her friend, "maybe you're right. It really isn t all that surprising, is it?" She laughed softly at herself for thinking it might have been something different.

Back in Central, Ed had gotten off the train. He grumbled about having to come to see a Jack-ass. But for the rest of his short trip to the Fuhrer's office, he kept quiet. In truth, he missed the city. But Ed had to admit, having his family with him was much better and made it all worth it. He arrived at Roy's office only to have the man not even acknowledge him. Roy was in a day dream when Ed closed the door and effectively woke his boss from it. "So, what's this new mission?"

"Take a seat Ed." Ed groaned and did as told, taking a seat in front of the Fuhrer. "So, gonna tell me now?" He was tapping his foot on the floor anxiously. "Ed. How did you get Winry to marry you? I mean, how did you do it?" Roy questioned from his desk. Ed raised an eyebrow at the man, 'seriously, this is what he wanted!' Ed's mind was yelling loudly, but on the outside he was calm as he cleared his throat. "Fuhrer, with all due respect, that is none of your concern."

Roy shook his head and looked down at the floor. "Ed... I think I want to take my relationship with Riza to something different... Something like you and Winry. I want to marry her..." Roy got up from his seat and paced by the window. "I know she loves me.. Or at least has feelings for me. But how do I get to that point with her?" He now looked at the used-to-be-alchemist. "Youre new mission, Edward Elric, is to help me figure out how to get her to say yes."

A/N: Okay my lovelies! How was that? :O I hope you reveiw! I know it was a tad bit short.. But I thought it was a good length for the first chappie! Please no flames.. D: