I own nothing. If I did I would be rolling in it. All rights and credit goes to Eoin Colfer and J.K. Rowlings.
Artemis wasn't sure what to make of the owl sitting on the dinning room table with a letter in its beak. At first he assumed it most be some kind of joke from Foaly, after all, the centaur had shown Artemis a mechanical bee only a few days before. It wasn't until Artemis read the contents of the letter that he began to suspect the owl was more then one of Foaly's pranks. Though he would never admit it, Foaly was a fellow genius and to Artemis the letter that was carried by the light brown barn owl was preposterous. No, preposterous was well within Foaly's thinking abilities to create, this superseded preposterous.
Dear Mr. Fowl,
It has come to the attention of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that you, Artemis Fowl II, are able to utilize magic yet was never sent an acceptance letter to our school. Seeing as how you are well beyond the age of schooling at Hogwarts a solution is needed if you wish to learn how to properly control your magic. Should you wish to accept and hear out this solution simply reply on a sheet of parchment and give your answer to the owl.
Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall, Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
It was time to call Foaly. Artemis dialed in his fairy communicator and waited for three rings.
"Hello this is the techno wizard Foaly speaking, how can I help you surface dweller." Artemis could almost see the smug expression on the centaurs face as he eased back in his chair.
"I just have a question"
"Shoot away mud boy."
"You need to start thinking of some new material Foaly I was twelve when you started calling me that."
"Fine Artemis," the name was lased with playful contempt. "Get to your question so the LEP techno wizard can get back to his day job."
"That's actually the very thing I called to talk to you about."
"What, you want to talk about LEP technology?" Foaly was truly surprised at the idea, after all Fowl new everything about every piece of fairy technology he acquired.
"No," Artemis paused," I want to talk to you about wizards of the human variety."
"Ha, ha Artemis but it's a little late for an April Fools joke."
"I'm not joking." The voice was cold and showed hints of the mastermind's old personality.
It took a full ten seconds for Foaly to process what Artemis had just said at the conclusion of which Foaly promptly fell to the floor of the operations booth. The sound of the crash and the subsequent D'arvits that followed found its way through the communications hub to the ears of an Irishman on the surface. A vampire smile gleamed on the Emerald Isle.
"You can't be serious"
"Take a look at the letter I thought was a joke from you." No sooner had the words been said that a message alert popped on Foaly's screen. Artemis counted down '5,4,3,2,1.'
"It has to be a prank from local kids, there's no way a group of magical humans have escaped my satellites!"
"You forgot the part about the owl."
"I did not forget about the owl. I just realized there was no way to get an owl to deliver a reply!" The link to a video feed popped on Foaly's server. It was of a light brown barn owl sitting on a very familiar dining room table. He checked the coding and found it was live. "D'arvit! Artemis, why is there an owl in you dinning room?"
"Want to take a gander?"
For the first time since his last fight with Caballine Foaly gave up. His voice was back to being calm but it was far from the arrogance he had started the conversation with. "So do you thinks it's real mud boy?"
"I think if it is real then I need all the facts before I make a solid decision."
"You should probably talk to Holly. I don't think she would be to happy about you going of to an unknown destination without telling her."
"Already contacted her. She's finishing up her assignment on the surface before flying to the manor."
"Good luck Fowl."
"Hopefully I won't need it."
Artemis terminated the COM link and sat back in his chair. 'Now, what to tell Holly?' He didn't have long to think about it when he noticed a shimmering patch of air floating in front of desk.
"You got done a lot faster than I suspected Holly." She unshielded.
"Artemis, why is their an owl being videotaped in the dinning room?"
"Ah, I was hoping to meet you out front so it wouldn't be a surprise."
"Well for once your timing was off so could you fill me in now?"
"Absolutely." He decided to drop the formalities and be blunt. "I've been invited to learn magic with a community of witches and wizards. The owl comes from a place called Hogwarts where I am most likely going to learn magic."
"Funny." Holly's voice was laced with sarcasm. "I thought after all these years you would have added to your lacking sense of humor."
"I have added to it but that wasn't a joke." Artemis reached across his desk and handed Holly the letter. Her eyes scanned across the paper before widening in shock. "Surprised? So was Foaly."
"It can't be possible. It has to be a…"
"Prank by local children. I'm afraid not."
Holly could tell that Artemis already had this conversation with Foaly and based on what he said earlier Foaly believed him. She decided if that paranoid, stubborn centaur believe him why shouldn't she.
"Fine magic humans exist. What are you going to do about it?"
"I'm thinking about hearing this McGonagall out. If I think she's telling the truth and I agree with the offer I'm going to go and learn magic at Hogwarts."
"Six years Artemis. You barely got over it and that was caused by magic too!" Holly's voice was mixed with anger, sadness, and any other emotion she had felt during Artemis' recovery. "I was so close to losing you. When you got better I didn't care what The People would say and I accepted the feelings you shared with Orion." Holly was on the verge of tears. It wasn't the kind of thing you would expect to see from the hot-blooded LEP officer but many things changed in the year of the complex. For one she accepted Artemis' feelings for her. For another she accepted the feelings she felt in the gorilla cage for Artemis.
He could tell she was upset and took action immediately. Rounding the corner of his desk the long arms of the Irishman embraced the distraught elf, holding her as close to his body as possible.
"Nine years ago I kidnapped a magical elf in order to steal fairy gold. Six years ago magic almost kills me because I regretted kidnapping that elf. One minute ago I mention magic making that same elf cry. These are the bad things about magic, you, and me coming together, but there are always good things that mirror the bad. Over the last nine years that magic has passed through your hands saving my life more times then I care to remember, six years ago it was you and magic that put me back together and one minute ago I started holding you in my arms because I love you.
"That love is there almost entirely by the influence of magic. We meet, regardless of the circumstances, because of magic. We are both still alive today because magic has saved us both multiple times. It was magic that was able to bring us to the gorilla cage and magic that shattered my mind forcing us to accept the feelings that we had been repressing."
Holly turned up to Artemis looking him in the eyes. Hazel and blue mirrored each other as the elf stood in the arms of the man she had known the last nine years. Her tears where dry and stained her face but nether one cared. All he could see were eyes that matched his own and the faintest hint of a smile.
"I'm not going to be able to talk you out of this one am I Artemis?"
"No, if it really bothers you I'll reject the offer in a heart beat."
"So, this is my choice?"
"Yes, even though this is about me learning magic it affects you the most"
"Then go, learn magic and impress me when you get back." She was happy. No more where the doubts and second thoughts. He was Artemis Fowl and she was Holly Short. As long as the two of them were together the details didn't matter.
"It will be six years tomorrow Artemis."
"What will?"
"Tomorrow marks the six year anniversary of your recovery."
"Bringing that up again are we Holly." He was joking and she knew it.
"Yes, I was just remembering when the biggest headache of my life began."
"I was hoping to replace that one headache with another one tomorrow but I guess I can do this a day early." The tall Irishman dropped down to one nee bringing him to eye level with the substantially shorter elf. Her eyes became wide with surprise as she stifled a shout of joy. Reaching into the inner folds of his jacket Artemis produced a small silk handkerchief folded like a diamond. She didn't give him a chance to ask when she saw a golden acorn sitting atop a ring.
"Yes. You don't even have to ask." Pulling him into a kiss that held every good emotion she ever felt in her time with Artemis she drew him closer then ether of them thought possible.
"Now Holly, how do you know that I didn't drop to a nee to give you a better look as I asked you if you thought it would look nice on my girlfriend?"
"For one I am your girlfriend and two I know you to well for me to be wrong about what you were going to ask."
"I've lost my touch. A few years ago and you wouldn't even have had the faintest clue what I was doing."
"A few years ago and you wouldn't even be thinking of showing me a ring."
"True enough. I should probably accept the fact that you understand my mind too well for me to fool you."
"Yes you should."
The two of them stood there, silent and content, in each other's arms. It was a feeling the two of them had greatly enjoyed over the last six years, they where lucky. After the complex had been treated, things quieted down. Opal was still out there but she wasn't making a move yet. Artemis was sure that the peace they had worked so hard to gain was soon to be over. Holly knew it too, that's why she was so happy that he finally manned up and asked the question. The two spoke of this wordlessly in their embraces and wouldn't speak until something interrupted them. Today the interruption was Butler with the afternoon tea.
"Artemis, could I ask you why," Butler stopped asking about the owl in the dinning room when he saw what he interrupted. "Sorry Artemis. I'll leave the tea and be on my way."
"Nonsense my old friend. It was probably as good a time as any to stop." Both Artemis and Holly turned to face Butler. Holly remained in Artemis' arms but held a slight blush at the situation they had been found in. "Tell me Dom, what was your question?"
"Alright then. Why is there an owl in the dinning room?"
Though he didn't show it, Artemis was starting to get annoyed. This would be the third time in less then half an hour that he was asked this question. Rather then answering he simply handed Butler the letter. The older Eurasian bodyguard skimmed over the letter. When he finished, his eyes bulged because he knew it couldn't be a joke.
"May I ask how you plan to answer Artemis?" His voice reflected the years of danger analyses he had conduced while working for the Fowl family, his time with Artemis particularly.
"I plan to accept Dom and you can relax your shoulders. I know what I'm doing." Butler's shoulders relaxed slightly as he released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, he then brought a hand to his head. He could only imagine the headaches he was going to have in the future.
"Do you know what your doing or are you only thinking you do?" Butler posed the question that was on Holly's mind when Artemis said he did.
"I hope I do. Though I imagine if I didn't I wouldn't know it." He gave a slight smile and Butler relaxed. They both knew that if things went south Artemis could take care of himself. That fact had been proven many times before. It didn't hurt that Artemis had learned how to use a multitude of weapons over the last six years courtesy of one paranoid bodyguard and a scared girlfriend, who was now his fiancée.
"Well if you two don't mind I'm going to take a nap. I had a long mission today and I'll tell you about it latter," before she left she paused to face Butler. "So what do you think?" She asked holding her hand out. Butler beamed, happy that his charge had finally asked her.
"It looks good on you Holly."
"Thank you Butler," and with that she was gone.
"You better keep that one Artemis." They both knew it wasn't a serious comment. They both new it would last until death did they part.
"I better get that reply message back before mother and the twins get back from school. I would rather not imagine the hoops those two would put that poor owl through."
"I'll leave the tea and get the dojo and range ready for our afternoon practice Artemis."
"I'll be the there in a few minutes this shouldn't take but a moment." Butler stepped out of the room quietly closing the door. As Artemis started writing his reply to Professor McGonagall, Butler couldn't help but think about the case he was saving for when his charge finally proposed to his long time girlfriend. Inside Butler's mystery case were a few Javelin missiles, a DeGroat minigun, and Barrette .50 caliber sniper rifle. Walking away he started whistling. He would have to remember to wake Holly up before they started firing. She wouldn't forgive him if he forgot her with this weapon line up. It was a good thing the Fowl underground range was equipped with fairy safety technology.
Artemis' fountain pen scratched across the surface of the paper, his elegant penmanship conveying his first impression to the Headmistress of Hogwarts.
To Miss Minerva McGonagall,
In regards to my situation, I too believe it would be best to learn how to properly control my magic. Hearing your proposal shouldn't be a problem as this week I am completely clear business wise. I would prefer to have a face-to-face meeting however if this is impossible I completely understand. If you have the time please send me a warning and I will prepare the manor for your arrival.
Best regards, Artemis Fowl II
With the letter finished Artemis poured him self a cup of tea. If history were anything to go by Butler would want to surprise him with the day's weapons of choice. On his second cup of Earl Grey he got the call.
"Artemis the range and dojo are prepared. Please wake up Holly on your way down."
"What am I to do if she tries to kill me?"
"Just tell her I opened it."
"What on Earth is that supposed to mean?"
"Just trust me Artemis."
"I always do Dom." Finishing his last cup he picked up the pot and spare cups and went to wake up Holly. "My dear we're going down to the range."
"Go away Artemis," Holly pouted. "You guys have fun on the range by yourselves I want to sleep." He slightly frowned. He didn't want to drag her from bed but he decided to trust his old friends decision.
"Butler's told me he opened it, whatever that means." Holly's eyes widened. She knew what was in the secret box.
"Hurry up lest go!" Her chipper attitude slightly worried him. 'What could be so exciting that Holly would willingly wake up when she didn't need to?' If only he knew.
Well what did you think? Review please. Your comments will likely get me through Pre-Cal next semester if the teacher is as horrible as everybody says. If you find anybody out of character blame it on Father Time, because he changes all. We will see more characters from the other half of this cross over in latter chapters but this is an Artemis centric fic. Update pace will be somewhere between now and never but it will be updated. (Hopefully -_-)