I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist or any of the characters. I just enjoy writing about them.

" . . . so that's what happened this time. Can I go now? I am tir – ahhh – ed."

A yawn split Edward Elric's words as he swayed in place before Colonel Roy Mustang's desk. He had just arrived from another mission and longed for chance to sleep. The trains were not good for naps.

"Where are you going to stay?"

"Uh, I'm not really sure yet, Al and I haven't been assigned quarters yet. Actually maybe that's where Al is now."

Roy looked critically at his subordinate; he looked beyond tired. Exhausted was a better way to describe the Fullmetal Alchemist right now. His eyelids were drooping and he was barely on his feet.

Using his "colonel voice", Roy ordered Ed onto the couch in his office to sleep. He ignored Ed's faint complaints, saying he couldn't have his subordinate pass out on his watch.

"Fine, Colonel Bastard, but I am not doing this because you told me. . ." The voice faded out as Ed collapsed on the couch and was out before his head was down.

The Flame Alchemist returned to his paperwork, occasionally glancing over at the sleeping teen to ensure he wasn't woken up. With all of Ed's accomplishments, it was easy to forget he was only fifteen. Ed might not like it, but he did sometimes need to be treated his age. He sometimes needed to be reminded that he didn't have to give up all of his childhood just yet.

A shiver caused Ed to twitch, drawing Roy's attention to him once more. The colonel quietly walked over and draped an extra blanket over the young hero of the people. He lightly ran his hand through Ed's hair as he returned to his desk. Before he could sit down, Ed murmured "Thanks Dad."

Roy froze and slowly turned around in time to see Ed burrow into the blanket, still fully asleep. His features softened and he whispered back, "You're welcome, son."