Well, here we are. We made it to the end and I want to thank each and every one of you again for your encouragement and support. If not for all you loyal and vocal readers, I might have hung up my keyboard ages ago so give yourselves a pat on the back. Before we dive in, I just want to ask any fellow True Blood viewers, did the Vamp Camp in this Sunday's episode seem oddly familiar? It did to me. Just sayin'.

*Core characters are not my creations*

Chapter 32

Over the next few weeks, things began to settle down, though it was far from business as usual. First of all, I owed Niall a steak dinner and a case of beer. Ok, a case of fine wine. The point was, he'd done everything he promised and more. The Fellowship's destruction was now national news since every center in the country burned the night Shreveport's did. However, before anyone could start pointing fingers at the undead, anonymous packages arrived at all three major networks as well as CNN, MSNBC and FOX. Imagine the public's surprise when "Inside The Fellowship" clips began broadcasting and showed the FOTS for what they really were, a religious cult and terrorist organization. Steve Newlin even landed at the top of the FBI's most wanted list not only for crimes against vampires, but internal documents revealed fraud, embezzlement and tax evasion. Furthermore, Steve's cousin's construction company built all the centers and none of them were up to code. In the end, the fires were blamed on faulty wiring but nobody cared once they saw how evil the Fellowship actually was.

Vampires, on the other hand, enjoyed a major positive media blitz. When footage of Felicia's mutilation hit the airwaves, people flocked to the internet, outraged at what they'd seen. Russell capitalized on the momentum by having Eric and me give Tiffany Sunstone her exclusive interview. It went global in a matter of minutes and we were overnight celebrities. Not in the chased down by paparazzi kind of way. Eric would never allow it. Instead, we became the faces of the new civil rights movement, even landing on the cover of People. Who'd a thunk?! Sam framed his copy and proudly hung it up behind the bar while Eric hung one of ours in his home office and the other just inside Fangtasia's front door. Polls were taken and man on the street interviews were conducted. There were still some who used words like repulsive, disgusting and ungodly to describe vampires and/or our union, but most were of the mindset to live and let live.

As it turned out, our newfound popularity was very lucrative too. Fangtasia's curious tourist clientele increased exponentially. We even got a few Canadian retirees. That attracted more vampires and of course, more fangbangers followed. The club became so popular, Eric hired extra security to ensure we didn't go over capacity. Our staff was happily making money hand over fist and though I still had an enormous amount of thoughts to block, at least they weren't the wall of hate I was used to encountering. Likewise, the vampires treated me with an air of newfound respect. Even Thalia and her ancient moodiness lightened up which was a welcomed surprise.

The foundation benefited as well. We were contacted by a few corporations and several wealthy Shreveport citizens. We're talking old money here, and they made extremely generous donations. Most of the Bon Temp school board as well as Principle Fortier lost their lives in the fire and were replaced by their more tolerant colleagues. That opened the floodgates and we were bombarded by families wanting to help their kids move above the poverty line. We were only too happy to help. Julie installed a top notch electronic filing system and set my computer up so I could work from home which was a blessing.

Between the foundation, my strip mall, Fangtasia and pulling all nighters with Eric, I began running out of steam. I tried to keep up, taking cat naps in my office, but when I fell asleep one night, while slow dancing in Eric's arms, he immediately flew me home and insisted I cut back. I was so exhausted, I didn't even have the energy to fight him.

Tara was still knee deep in round the clock feedings and poopy diapers, so I asked Amelia to temporarily manage the mall. It wasn't that hard and she was able to work around her Merlotte's schedule. Sam appreciated that and Amelia appreciated the extra income. Julie was practically running the foundation anyway so it was easy to turn over the reins to her. We'd Skype twice a day and she'd fax over anything that needed my immediate attention, which wasn't much. As for Fangtasia, my hours were cut back to every other night and I'd switch each week so I could monitor all the new employees. The boss insisted. But since he changed his schedule to match mine, I didn't complain.

I hate to admit it, but slowing down was…nice. Hunter's birthday passed and one of his presents was spending the weekend with us. We camped out by the pool, which he would have slept in if I'd let him, and used the fire pit to roast hot dogs and make smores while Eric enthralled the little guy with ancient Nordic tales. We had so much fun, I had to stop myself from making wishes I knew just weren't possible. Truth be told, Eric would have been a great dad but I kept that bittersweet thought to myself as he and Hunter reenacted a swordfight much to my cousin's delight. Eric's bonded feelings confirmed he had as much fun as his seven year old opponent.

Now, except for Hunter's visit, I slept in…a lot, and caught up on my reading and tan. Spring was in full force and it was warmer than any I could remember. I relished laying on the beach or floating on a raft while the sun bronzed my skin. Most days, I left the bathing suits in the dresser and opted for my birthday suit instead. We had no nosey neighbors to worry about and besides, Eric LOVED it! Something about my slick, sun kissed, bare flesh drove him crazy with desire and I reaped the benefits many, many times.

When Amelia wasn't working the day shift, she'd join me. Fully clothed of course. But this afternoon, she'd convinced me to take a naughty picture for Eric. Admittedly, I was in need of some fun distraction. Tonight, Their Majesties Kings Russell and Bart were visiting and my nerves were a bit frazzled. I wanted everything to be perfect. Eric had ordered the club shut down to the general public and I'd made sure the entire human staff would attend. Though the raid had gone off without a hitch, there was still the matter of a missing Elsa to contend with. I didn't know what explanation Eric gave Russell, if he gave one at all. I was too afraid to ask. My plan was to appear as innocent as possible and play dumb should the king question me.

Besides the welcomed break from my mind fuck, I remembered how much I'd enjoyed Eric's Mr. January and it gave me the nerve to pose my voluptuous, tanned hiney off. I was kneeling in the lagoon, the water lapping at the skin just above my knees. My hands were clasped behind my head and my damp hair fell seductively over my shoulders while my perky nipples peeked through the ends. I'd oiled up shortly before the impromptu photo shoot which resulted in numerous water beads that glittered over my skin in the bright, afternoon sun. Amelia instructed me to slightly open my mouth and though I felt like I was catching flies, the result was worth the slight embarrassment. My picture was sexy as hell!

"So whatcha gonna do with it?" Amelia asked as my printer pushed out an 8 x 10.

"That's for me to know and Eric to find out," I smirked, promptly deleting the incriminating photo once I had its paper copy. It wasn't that I thought Amelia would disrespect me or my privacy but whose to say some future boyfriend wouldn't find it and sell it to the highest bidder? Better to be safe than mortified. "It'll be sooner rather than later, but that's all I'll disclose."

Sure, I was being evasive but Amelia understood that about me which made her friendship even more invaluable. She knew whenever I was planning something extra special for my Viking, I liked to keep it to myself and didn't push any further. Indeed, I knew exactly where this picture was going.

Mr. Hobbs had stopped by Fangtasia a little over a week ago. It had taken that long for his fangs to regenerate and Eric said it was faster than the norm because of Dr. Ludwig's medicine. I didn't bother to ask if eye of newt was involved. I was just happy the vampire was back to his whole self. While Eric was occupied with Sherriff business, the old world craftsman discretely advised he was taking his time completing my special coffin orders. He was a vampire of his word because his wolves had delivered the finished projects yesterday along with an envelope containing a letter and a cashier's check. It advised because I'd freed him, he'd given me a full refund. Graciously, I accepted the gift, gave the delivery men a very large tip and sent them on their way. The coffins were beyond anything I could have imagined and I couldn't wait to see my vampires' reactions.

Eric's ship was amazing! Various types of woods and stains were utilized and the intricate details were nothing short of authentic. The dragon heads seemed almost alive and were carved in a way that made their eyes appear to glow an eerie red. A trap door in the ship's floor lifted to reveal the luxurious fur lined resting place and it was wide enough to accommodate My Viking's swords and a bevy of other weapons, should he feel the need. The small hollowed area inside the trap door was camouflaged by deer pelts, just as I'd requested, and that secret compartment was where my R rated picture was going. If Eric ever had to spend the day there, I'd be the first thing he saw upon rising. A rush of adrenaline coursed through me when I realized with no weapons, we might be able to fit inside together and wouldn't that make for an interesting romp?

Pam's shoe box themed coffin was equally awesome. It was definitely made for a diva. The deep purple color was accented with "Jimmy Choo" prominently written in rhinestones on the side and the interior was soft and plush and pink. An antique hand mirror and brush set were affixed to the lid's underbelly and I beamed as I added three new pairs of the designer's pumps into the compartments that didn't contain make up or True Blood.

Admittedly, it was hard keeping this secret even if it was only overnight. I couldn't hide my excitement from Eric but attributed it to Russell's impending visit. If he knew I was fibbing, he never said a word.

"All set for tonight?" Amelia asked, snapping me back to the here and now while sliding on her flip flops and grabbing her purse.

"As much as I can be," I replied, walking her to her car. "You're coming too right?"

Amelia smiled and slid into her Bug. "Pam bought my pumps just for the occasion and I gotta fly if I want to make my nail appointment. See ya later!" She backed out and honked her horn, waving as she drove away.

As soon as her car disappeared, I scampered into the house, grabbed my purse, keys and naughty picture then hopped in the BLDSKR and headed to the foundation. There was maybe two hours of daylight left and I needed to shake a tail feather if I wanted to pull off my surprise. There'd be just enough time to accessorize Eric's coffin, make it back, shower and dress before he rose. He'd probably want a little hanky panky but if we were going to welcome our royal guests promptly, he'd just have to wait.

When I arrived, the house was full of energy. Everyone was excited mainly because none of them had ever been in the presence of royalty, let alone served them. The girls were dressed in an array of brightly colored sundresses while the guys wore tight jeans and plaid shirts with construction boots. I teased that they looked like they were competing to be the new Brawny Man and they both replied they were better looking than "that bitch" anyway.

Julie had only one new application for me to approve and I was happy to do it. Holly had finally found time between work and wedding planning to fill out Cody's paperwork. He didn't win the sports scholarship he'd been hoping for and I was glad we could provide an Option B. As I signed the approval, I advised Julie she could leave as soon as Mustapha took the staff to Fangtasia but was welcome to join us. She said she'd think about it but I already knew she would. Her mind revealed numerous images of Maxwell Lee and I couldn't discern if they were fact or fantasy since I try my best to stay out of my employees' personal lives. I handed her the papers, grabbed a few push pins off her desk and entered the emergency bunker.

I still couldn't get over how beautiful Eric's ship was and briefly wondered if it could actually sail as I affixed my picture inside the secret compartment. My mission completed, I rushed home and readied myself. My sun bleached hair cascaded over my bronzed shoulders in shimmery waves and between the tan and Eric's blood, I only required a little mascara and lipstick.

I felt regal as I slid on the royal blue gown Eric had bought specifically for this occasion and was happy I hadn't rejected his beautiful gift. It hugged my curves perfectly and the length was slit all the way up to my left thigh. The beaded straps came together in an intricate pattern across my back, complimenting the accompanying diamond earrings and bracelet. A pair of silver, strappy heels and a silver clutch completed the look and as I admired my reflection, I felt my Viking rise. His bonded lust reached me before he did and I prepared to fend off his advances. It would be a shame to have this dress destroyed, even if it was in the heat of passion.

"Lover, you are exquisite!" He praised as he swept my hair to the side and nuzzled my neck from behind while pressing his rock hard length against my back.

"I'm glad you like it," I sighed, allowing his hands to wander over my breasts though I still had every intention of stopping this before it went too far. "A very nice Viking gave it to me and I'm sure you'll understand I don't want to do anything that might wrinkle or destroy it."

Eric's whole body froze but when our eyes locked in the mirror, he smirked. "Playing hard to get are we?"

I wiggled my backside against him and replied. "Not all night. But something's come up at the foundation and I need yours and Pam's help. I'd like to swing by on our way to Fangtasia so we need to go soon."

"Did someone try to harm you?" Eric asked, his demeanor instantly becoming protective.

"No. Nothing like that," I reassured but remained evasive. "So can we?"

Eric's body relaxed and he hugged me tight. "How can I deny my wife?"

"Thank you Husband," I replied spinning around and catching his lips. "Now hurry up. I don't want us to miss the kings' arrival."

Eric was ready in five minutes flat and watching him had me mesmerized. It was like pushing the fast forward button on real life. His fingers even blurred as he braided his hair but periodically, he'd stop short, allowing me to fully appreciate the view. I knew he was trying to wear down my resolve just for fun and damn him! It was working and he knew it. When he slipped into his grey suit, it fit him like a glove and as my mouth watered at the gorgeous site, he wiggled his perfect ass, giving me temporary amnesia. Why were we leaving the house again?

"Royal visit," he chuckled, placing me in the vette and buckling me in, his fingers flittering over my nipples in the process. Naughty vampire! Well, two could play at this game.

We rode all the way to Shreveport in silence, while wantonly molesting each other through our bond. Is it bad I found a perverse pleasure in making Eric swerve a few times? He was dishing it out too, almost to the point where I wished I'd brought spare panties as mine were practically soaked. We reached our destination, both sexually flustered, and found Pam waiting by the front door, arms crossed and foot impatiently tapping.

"This better be important!" she snapped as I unlocked the door and we stepped inside. "Their Majesties are due any minute and I've got new caterers who don't know True Blood from Red Dye #5."

"This won't take long," I replied sweetly, leading them to the bunker and opening the padlock. "I just need you to check this out." The door swung open and I stepped aside.

Both vampires stood stock still. If I couldn't feel the mammoth amount of feelings coming from my husband, I would've been disappointed by their initial reaction which seemed to be nothing. Pam finally walked in and ran her hand tentatively along the length of her larger than life shoe box. When she opened the lid and peeked inside, she inhaled sharply and when she turned and faced me, her eyes were faintly rimmed in blood. "Thanks," she sniffed before zipping out of there, leaving Eric and me alone.

"What was…Did she like it?" I asked and Eric smiled.

"Oh yes Lover. She's just too proud to let anyone see her cry." He stepped over to his ship and touched one of the dragon heads.

"So what do you think?" I asked, though I already knew.

The bond filled with awe inspired happiness. "I think it is the best gift I've ever received," he replied. "When did you arrange this Lover?"

"The night I bought everything else," I said as Eric flicked open the latch on the lid and raised the ship's floor. His happiness only grew as his hands touched the soft pelts inside.

"It is truly a work of art," he remarked, climbing inside and laying down. "And comfortable too."

"That's not all," I said, smiling slyly as I reached over his head and removed the trap door. "Surprise!"

Eric took one look at my picture and his fangs dropped. "This is quite unexpected," he rasped, smiling hungrily and enveloping me in want.

"You can thank Amelia. She talked me into it," I replied, returning his affection as I leaned down and kissed his cheek.

Without warning, Eric's arms shot up, pulled me on top of him and he devoured my lips. "I'm starting to understand why Pamela enjoys her company."

"Quit poking me with that thing. We gotta get going," I teased, playfully smacking my viking's chest as he ground himself against me.

"He can't help it," Eric smirked. "You've made him very happy and now, only one thing will make him sit down. He wiggled his eyebrows and in a gust of wind, our clothes were carefully draped over Pam's coffin and Eric was on top of me inside his.

My mind was shutting down and my body was taking over as my viking proceeded to awaken all my erogenous zones. "Eric…Honey…We really don't have time for this," I half heartedly pleaded in between frenzied kisses.

"There will always be time for this Lover," he groaned as he sheathed himself in one gloriously long stroke and proceeded to ravage me completely. It felt too good to resist and I lost myself in the moment, comforted by the knowledge my gown was still in one piece and at least I hadn't worn my hair up.

"You're pretty proud of yourself aren't you?" I mused as we rode to Fangtasia a half hour later. "Just so you know, I'm blaming you if Russell asks why we weren't there to greet him."

Eric grinned. "I have no problem taking responsibility for my actions, Dear One. However, I was simply reacting to yours. You look incredibly delectable this evening, seduced me through our bond and gave me a gift that was worth a special thank you."

"Way to spin the situation in your favor."

"I always come out on top."

"Except for five minutes ago," I countered and Eric laughed.

"You have me there, Lover and you needn't worry. Russell is not known for having a bug up his ass and I'm quite sure our tardiness will be overlooked."

I hoped he was right because when we arrived at Fangtasia, a super stretch limousine was parked prominently in front of the entrance. As Eric exited the car and opened my door, he filled me with his special brand of soothing calm. God bless him.

The party was in full swing as we came through the back door and entered the main room. The kings were seated on the dais and I noticed my throne was gone and in its place, was a carbon copy of Eric's. Their Majesties stood as we stepped in front of them and bowed.

"Our humblest apologies, Majesties," Eric smoothed. "I was unable to subdue my wife's advances in time to personally greet you."

My face turned beet red as I bit my tongue, gave my best Crazy Sookie smile and elbowed my Viking's ribs. Russell and Bart merely exchanged a glance and chuckled, "Newlyweds."

"No apologies are necessary Northman," Russell said, prompting us to stand. "My husband has the same affect on me." As he spoke, he reached over and squeezed Bart's hand.

"You both are held in high regard," Bart added. "I do hope you will find time to join us at court."

"We would be honored, Majesty," Eric replied and I nodded agreement.

"It would be our pleasure," Russell said. "You've destroyed the Fellowship and we adore the gift you sent."

Now I was confused and it must have showed because Bart clarified. "That lovely statue you sent. It made a wonderful addition to our trophy room and the house boys enjoy changing its outfits. Although, we did have to add braces to keep it steady. Once the arms and legs were broken to suit our needs, it couldn't stand on its own."

I got a little woozy when I realized they were talking about Arlene but held my composure thanks to Eric's sturdy arms.

"I'm glad you like it," I replied sweetly as if I routinely gave living statues as Christmas presents. "Eric said you'd appreciate it."

"We do," Russell said and his fangs made an appearance. "You know what else I'd appreciate Sheriff?" Eric replied by arching his brow and Russell looked at me. "A dance with your beautiful wife." The bond reassured me as Russell took my hand and led me onto the dance floor.

"I wanted to thank you personally My Dear," he said when the music started.

"The statue was Eric's idea and the raid was a group effort, Your Majesty," I shrugged.

Russell looked at me, amused. "I'm not speaking of decorations or the Fellowship. You graciously rid me of Elsa."

I almost panicked but the bond helped me steady myself. "I don't know what you're talking about," I said, in my best Scarlet O'Hara impression as we cha cha'd across the floor.

Russell eyeballed me and smirked. "I think you do."

I sucked in a quick breath, hoping Eric would whisk me away before I had to defend myself and kill a king but luckily Russell only smiled.

"You needn't worry, My Dear. Your secret is safe with me and if it is ever called into question, I will confirm Elsa violated the blood bound contract." He spun me around and continued. "I overheard her and Compton plotting at your presentation. When I became your king, it was my duty to protect you, lest I suffer the same fate as Felipe so I allowed them the freedom to sign their own death warrants. My spies relayed their treason, including Elsa's involvement with Northman's former day man and the FOTS. I ordered her to summon Bubba to New Orleans, thereby giving me reason to send her officially. I knew she'd get under your skin and in order to give you and that feisty temper of yours a window of opportunity, I summoned Northman," he said, his eyes twinkling. "You do have a habit of exterminating the competition."

"If you wanted her dead, why didn't you do it yourself? I mean, you're The King!" I said, admitting nothing and not finding this at all as amusing as he did.

Russell chuckled but it sounded more like a growl. "I can't abuse my power in such a manner. Besides, I rather enjoyed guessing how long it would take you to do it."

"Uh, Thank you?" I said, relaxing a bit. "But may I ask why you wanted her dead?"

Russell looked directly at Kanoa and his tone became much more serious. "She took something from me that should have been mine."

I was speechless!

"I watched him for over a month. He was so full of life. He loved the ocean and oh, how he loved his board." Was I dancing with a king or an infatuated school girl?

"I was late rising one evening and a FUCKING. GREAT. WHITE!" he snarled.

"Excuse me Your Majesty, but how was that Elsa's fault?"

"Because she caused the attack and was conveniently there the moment he had to choose between death or eternity," he spat. "I was prepared to glamour him and let him live his human life if he chose not to become what I am. Elsa took him without care and only wanted him because I did. She was always greedy that way and I suspect it is why your husband grew tired of her. That is why all vampire couplings eventually fade," he said, a hint of sadness in his voice as he now focused on Bart who was busy chatting it up with Eric.

"But you, My Dear, are lucky and I understand Northman's devotion. You have the capacity to give, expecting nothing in return, and to bend if it is best for both of you." He spun me around one more time before dipping me dramatically. "Now, let's get you back to the Sheriff. I'd like to dance with my husband."

"You know, Kanoa's a free agent now," I said, almost nudging the king as he escorted me back to my Viking. "He's still pretty young and could use a good maker. Don't you have something like adoption in the vampire world?"

"My dear, you are extraordinary. Perhaps Bart and I could take him in. It has been a while since we visited Wai KiKi."

"What is this about Hawaii?" King Bart asked as Russell delivered me into Eric's arms and picked up his husband's hand.

"I think we need a vacation Sweetheart," he replied, blatantly eyeballing Kanoa. "And maybe some extra company too."

Bart followed his husband's line of sight and smiled as his fangs elongated. "That sounds like an excellent idea Rusty." Their Majesties headed towards the mountainous, young vampire as Eric and I looked at each other and mouthed "Rusty?"

"I think you're going to need a new showpiece," I mused and Eric smiled.

"I believe you're right Lover. I'll have Pam look into it but this time, she'll be required to perform full background checks. Would you like another dance?"

"I'd love one," I replied. "But nature calls so you'll just have to wait a minute."

"I would wait an eternity," Eric smoldered as the bond caressed my heart and my core.

I pulled him in for a lingering kiss then returned his bonded lust. "Hold that thought. I'll be right back."

The trip to the Ladies Room was made in record time and as I hustled back to the dance floor, I was stopped by odd noises coming from the storage closet. I placed my ear against the door and counted two human minds and one vampire void. Without thinking, I threw it open and was greeted by a sight I could never unsee, even if I bleached my brain.

There sat Pam, on a shelf, her legs spread to accommodate Amelia whose head was between them and behind her, Jason was going to town while leaning over Amelia's body in order to kiss Pam. The vampire noticed my presence first and she sat up strait and smiled.

"Hi Mom!"

I stood there, SHOCKED! wanting to run but my feet seemed to be cemented to the floor. Jason and Amelia quickly covered up but Pam stayed put, spread eagle and all. Ick! My hand shook as I pointed to the smirking vampire and stammered. "You!..He!..She!" Instantly Eric was at my side, having obviously felt my alarm, and I turned to him and shrieked. "They!" After that, everything went black.

The next thing I was aware of, was Eric's voice softly calling me back to consciousness. "Lover. Wake up. Come back to me."

"Eric," I whispered.

"I've got you," he soothed then yelled to someone. "Get Dr. Ludwig NOW!" My eyes fluttered open and I found myself cradled in his lap.

"Hey," I smiled. "What happened?"

"You collapsed and I carried you in here. You've been out nearly an hour. Their Majesties left but send their regards for a speedy recovery."

"Oh. I'm sorry I worried you and ruined your party," I said, rubbing my forehead.

"You ruined nothing Wife, and no apologies are needed. But you will allow Dr. Ludwig examine you."

I sat up and shook my head. "It's not necessary. The threesome from Hell caught me off guard, that's all. I'm ok, really."

"That is for the doctor to decide," Eric countered. "Russell personally contacted her and is paying her fee. It would be rude to refuse."

Leave it to my Viking to appeal to my strict adherence to Southern manners and before I knew it, I was lying on the couch while the cranky gnome performed a battery of tests. She even took blood and urine samples. She worked quietly and I knew better than to make idle chit chat. After about twenty minutes of being poked and prodded, she called Eric back in and sat us down together, looking very grim. All I could think of was Aunt Linda as I my fingers entwined with Eric's and squeezed tightly.

"It's cancer isn't it?" I blurted.

"Nonsense Girly," she replied.

"Then what is wrong with my wife?" Eric asked.

"Nothing!" Dr. Ludwig snapped as she peered over the top of her glasses which were perched on her tiny, pointed nose. "Hang onto your fangs Vampire. She's pregnant."

The words hung in the air and time seemed to stand still . Once again I was overwhelmed with emotion as Eric and I looked at each other, both of us clearly stunned.

"I'm sorry…what?" I asked, not believing my ears.

"Do I need to recheck your hearing? You are with child, around six weeks, more or less."

"But, that's not possible. We can't. He can't," I argued, though everything was starting to make sense. The vomiting, the fainting, the generalized tiredness. They all added up to a new life growing inside me.

"Have you been unfaithful to your husband?" the elf snipped.

"Of course not!" I adamantly replied.

"Then he can and you did."

"You chose wisely Child," an ethereal voice interrupted. We all turned and found The Oracle standing next to The Pythoness and Eric immediately bowed before them.

"But Teacher, you said Eric would retain part of his vampire nature," I said, my mind reeling in happy disbelief. The cluviel dor had given me my fondest wish.

"He did," The Oracle replied, floating over and taking the seat next to me. "His stamina."

"The good doctor will handle your medical care," The Pythoness added as Eric escorted her to his desk. He still hadn't said a word but his happiness was palpable.

"I'll see you in a month," Dr. Ludwig said, placing a bottle of prenatal vitamins in my trembling hand. "Take one a day."

"Wait!" I shouted as she turned to leave. "The baby. Is it ok?" Flashbacks of the raid and our blood lust invaded my mind, not to mention my bout with bond sickness and the few gin and tonics I'd consumed since we returned.

Dr. Ludwig's demeanor softened and she gently touched my cheek. "Don't you worry about a thing. Your baby is strong and healthy." She nodded to both deities then gave us our privacy.

"She will be the first of her kind," The Oracle said, breaking the silence. "A living vampire." She took my hands in hers and smiled serenely. "You are the mother of a new race and her children will be our kind's salvation."

"Both vampire and fae," The Pythoness clarified. "And you are to tell no one."

My hands instinctively covered my belly and I asked. "But what happens when I start to show?"

"When the time is right, we will handle it," The Pythoness replied. I didn't know if "we" meant me and her, her and The Oracle or all of us together but I smiled politely and nodded.

"And you will protect your wife Sherriff," ordered The Pythoness. "She carries precious cargo."

"I will protect my family until death," Eric vowed, standing next to me and placing his hand protectively on my shoulder.

"It will not come to that," The Oracle said, joining her sister. "The child needs both her mother and father." And with that, they both vanished without a trace.

Instantly, I was back in my viking's lap and he held me so tightly, I could barely breath. "A baby," I choked as the tears began falling.

"The Gods have blessed us Wife," Eric replied before planting a kiss that nearly knocked me unconscious again. The love we felt consumed us and we held each other until a light tap on the office door interrupted our happy moment.

"What?!" Eric bellowed as the door slowly creaked open.

"Sook? You ok?" Jason asked, peeking inside, Amelia right behind him.

"I'm fine," I beamed. "Y'all just took me by surprise. What are you doing here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be in New Orleans?" Yeah, I was avoiding the naked elephant in the room, for now.

They stepped inside, holding hands. "We finished the job early and Alcide gave us the rest of the week off. I came home to surprise Amelia and she invited me along."

"Yeah, about our little incident," Amelia said. "We're sorry you had to find out like that. We honestly didn't think you'd catch us."

"And before you say anything Sis, you need to know Amelia ain't a rebound," Jason said, looking at my friend the same way Eric looked at me.

"We became friends while you were away and eventually, it grew into something more," Amelia said. "We didn't want to say anything because it was all so new and you were dealing with so much."

"And my track record ain't so great," Jason added. "We figured if it didn't last, you'd never have to know. But it's official. We're in love."

Amelia mirrored his smile. "Yes, we are."

Wow! Was this the night for revelations or what? "So how did Pam come into play?" I asked skeptically.

"Sookie, you know I'm different when it comes to sex," Amelia said. "I enjoy Pam's company as much as Jason does and neither of us feel threatened or insecure."

"I don't mind their company either," Pam added, sauntering in.

"Ok, I get it. It's a swinging thing," I said, standing and walking over to her. "But you still could have kept it outside the office."

Pam merely smirked. "Oops! My bad. I hope you aren't angry."

"Pamela." Eric warned but I turned and winked at him.

"I'm not angry at all," I said, sweetly touching her arm. "In fact, I'm so happy, I just have to share."

Before she knew what hit her, I'd filled Pam with a joyous light ball and watched as her mouth involuntarily spread into a full on Crazy Sookie smile. "What have you done to me?" she cried, though her mouth refused to scowl. "I feel like catching butterflies and rainbows while riding a unicorn." She turned to Eric who was enjoying this immensely and pleaded. "Master. I beg you. Release me for the evening. I can't possibly be seen like this."

"You can and you will," Eric countered. "Perhaps you will think twice as to how and where you pull your next prank. Now go attend to our remaining guests. I'm taking Sookie home. Dr. Ludwig advised she needs rest."


"As your maker, I command you."

I almost pitied Pam as she slunk back to the party, far more humbled than when she'd come. Well, it served her right! It's not that I minded her involvement with my brother and friend. They were all consenting adults and who was I to judge? It was the way she'd let the cat out of the bag that bothered me. After all, anyone could have walked in on them but I guess Pam didn't care who that someone might be.

"We're gonna get goin' too Sis," Jason said and I automatically reinforced my shields as he and Amelia shared an intimate look.

"I'll call you tomorrow Sook," Amelia added as she came over and hugged me. "You sure you're ok with this?"

"I'm fine," I replied, giving her an extra squeeze. "As long as you're happy, I'm happy for you."

"Thanks Sis!"

"Don't thank me Jason. Just don't break her heart or I'll sic Eric on you."

The bond tickled as my Viking flashed his fangs and Jason took two steps back. "You don't have to do that Man. I really do love her."

"You better," Amelia interjected. "Forget the vampire. I'll turn you into a toad."

We all shared a laugh before they left and when the door closed behind them, the bond opened wider and smothered me in adoration as I was once more seated on Eric's lap.

"My Beloved Wife," he whispered, finger combing my hair. "I was wrong earlier. This is the best gift I have ever received."

"So you're not disappointed Honey?" I asked and Eric gently kissed my forehead.

"We have achieved the impossible, Lover. How could I be disappointed?"

"The baby is a girl. I thought you might want a boy instead."

Eric smiled and the love I felt from him wrapped itself around me as though I was being swaddled. "I only care that our child be healthy and in case you hadn't noticed, I prefer being in the company of ladies."

"You're gonna spoil her rotten aren't you?" I teased.

Eric's giant hand tenderly rubbed my womb as he looked at me with a devilish twinkle in his eyes. "As much as you'll allow me Wife."

So how does a hybrid pregnancy affect a telepathic fairy princess and how will her vampire husband cope? Stay tuned and find out. Don't forget to add me to your author alert list and I'll "see" you in the fall. It has been an honor and privilege entertaining you and I will work very hard to continue to do so.

Peace and Love!


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