Title: Nova Vita
Author: Shannon – shannyfish
Disclaimer: I do not own "Sanctuary" or its characters, Syfy and other people do. This is merely for entertainment purposes only.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Magnus, Druitt, and Tesla are captured. A group (possibly the Cabal) capture them and attempt to find a way to reproduce a super abnormal from source blood parents. Takes place after "Neutiquam Erro".
Warning: Season 1-3 is fair for sure, if I have spoilers for 4, it's by complete accident.
Author's Note: Reviews make me happy :D And I'll write faster too! So, keep that in mind!
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Chapter 1 – "A Delicate Situation"
Icy cold bit at her body. Wind whipped through and chilled her skin even more. Tiny hairs all over stood up. A shiver ran through her as she opened her eyes. Her skin was bare, no coverings to provide her any warmth. Looking upward, a bar-covered opening to the outside world was what was providing her with the unwelcoming chill. Looking around, the fact that she was in a cell of some kind was apparent.
The ground beneath her was packed earth, which didn't help as far as warmth went. Getting to her feet, she found that she was a bit wobbly. She made it to the area by the door that was inside the cell. It was far enough away from the opening, so that she was able to hold some warmth in her body. Sitting back down, she pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Her head rested against her knees and she tried to keep conscious.
Startled from unconsciousness by the loud creak of the metal door, she peeked up and hugged her knees tighter to her body. Two men of differing sizes were pushed into the door. One was rather tall and bald while the other was shorter with spiky hair. They were both wearing lighted collars and suddenly the thought crossed her mind…no, there was no weight around her neck. Why not her?
The door was pulled close with a loud bang and locked. She could hear the sounds of locks falling into place. It took a moment, but the men quickly caught sight of her. She lowered her head back down and tried to be invisible. She shivered again and squeezed her eyes shut.
A coat was draped over her. She looked up to see the bald man looking quite worried about her. Was that her name? Helen? Did he know her? She looked to the other man. He looked concerned as well. The coat did help with warmth. She wished it were just more. She pulled it close though and tried to push the shivers away.
"Helen? Say something…"
"Who are you?" she finally asked.
The bald man straightened, stared at her, and then took a step back. The other man just stared at her. She could tell that they were both taken aback at her question. They obviously thought that she should know them. She was confused and a little ashamed. If these were her friends, then she really wasn't comforting them in this bleak situation.
"Helen, I'm John Druitt," the tall man told her quietly.
"Nikola Tesla," the other man said with some irritation.
"My name…is Helen?" she asked.
The both tilted their heads a bit. She looked down for a moment and then back up for them after a few moments of silence passed. There was obvious tension in the air. The taller man crouched down in front of her. He still looked extremely concerned. The other man was examining the cell.
"What did they do to you?" the tall man asked. She didn't respond. After a few silent moments, he spoke up again. "Your name is Helen Magnus. The three of us have known each other for a very long time…"
"I don't remember anything…" she whispered. He looked even more concerned now. He reached out towards her, but she sunk back as far as she could. These men obviously knew her, but she didn't know if they could be trusted. Honestly, she didn't even know if she could trust that Helen Magnus was her name.
"Are you injured?" Druitt asked.
It took her a moment to process his question. She hadn't really stopped to think about that. She did hurt here and there, but she couldn't be sure if that meant that she was injured. "I…I don't know…"
Druitt moved closer to her, still crouched. "Let me look you over, Helen."
"Yes, let the man you don't remember examine your naked body," Tesla spoke up. "If Helen was in her right mind, I highly doubt she'd allow you to examine her and ogle her feminine treasures."
Thoughts ran through her head. She tried to process all the information and kept her body tight pulled up and away. Helen Magnus sounded right to her, she wasn't sure what inside her told her it was correct, but there was something that told her that it was correct. The strange fact that these two were supposed to be her friends…she wanted to fight that, but she felt truth there. She trusted them both, she wasn't sure why. Why was it that they remembered and she didn't though? She didn't understand that. Shouldn't they all either remember or not?
"Helen, I promise you…I will not hurt you," Druitt told her gently. "I just want to ensure that you have no injuries…"
"I…I think I'm okay," she said as she thought over what she felt. "I'm just sore…and cold… I think that's to be expected…"
Druitt removed his suspenders from his shoulders and allowed them to fall. He pulled his button-up shirt from his pants and started to unbutton it. "Let's get you at least something to help cover you."
"Are you going to strip and give her the rest of your clothing as well?" Tesla asked from behind. He seemed amused by the situation but there was also the sense of fear.
The shirt was held out to her. She tentatively reached out for it. She would appreciate having something more to cover her. Druitt was so tall that she hoped that his shirt would cover a bit more than just her torso. She held onto it and then tried to think of how she was going to put it on without revealing too much of herself. Even if she knew them, she doubted that they'd both seen her in such a state before.
"Ignore him," Druitt urged. "He tends to be far more unbearable when he's mortified and distressed by something like our capture."
"You make it sound like it's unreasonable to be embarrassed by something like that!" Tesla spoke up. "Us! All three of us, in fact! I'm Nikola Tesla for God's sake! I'm a vampire! It shouldn't have been so easy for them to capture us! I mean…Helen, maybe…but then I am quite surprised to see her here… She usually gives people a good run for their money."
Druitt sighed and gently pulled the shirt from her grasp. He straightened it a bit so that he could hold it so that she could slide her arms into the sleeves. He held it up and slowly helped her into the shirt, once it was around her; he helped her to her feet.
There was something about him; she wasn't really sure what it was. She felt comfortable with him doing what she was doing. He buttoned up the shirt and she was grateful that he seemed to be merely concerned with getting her clothed rather than what lay beneath the thin fabric that was now covering her.
He bent down and retrieved the leather coat that had been previously the only thing to cover Helen. He shook it a bit to ensure all dirt was off it of that it may have collected on the ground. Druitt held it out as he had the shirt and helped her so that she was encased in the coat. Luckily, the coat was long in length and covered even more of her body compared to the flimsy shirt. He secured a couple of buttons and then stepped back.
"I hope that keeps you a little warmer," Druitt says.
"Thank you," Helen whispered. She had to admit she was warmer. She was far more comfortable in their presence as well which she was thankful for. The other man, Tesla, was still pacing. He still didn't look too happy, but apparently that was to be expected.
Tesla let out an exasperated sigh. "You fix Johnny good as new and then suddenly you're sweethearts again… When do I get a break?"
"Do you love Helen?" Druitt asked Tesla.
"Of course I do," Tesla told him, quite matter-of-factly. "It's Helen. Who doesn't love her? Honestly, we should just be thankful that the source blood didn't increase her charm. Of The Five, the four of us would have been completely under her control… Slaves of Helen Magnus…"
"What is he going on about?" she asked Druitt.
"He's just being Tesla…" Druitt responded.
"Oh sure, make fun of the vampire… You know, if I didn't have this damn collar on me, we'd be out of here by now," Tesla went on.
"Oh, I would have teleported Helen and myself out the first chance I had," Druitt told him. "And then left you here to figure things out…"
Tesla glared at him. "I see how it is…"
"Are you always like this? Both of you?" Helen asked. She'd remained quiet and observed them both for a moment, but honestly she was at a disadvantage as far as knowing who they were or how they actually acted. Without her memories she was going to have to trust in them…which she wasn't sure if it was honestly a good idea or not. "Like adolescent children?"
"Well, at least we know she's herself…even if she doesn't remember," Tesla remarked.
Druitt frowned. "Tesla just knows how to rub me the wrong way." He looked back to her, eyes sincere. "I'm sorry, Helen… I know this must be quite confusing for you."
"Do we know what they want?" she asked. She figured that that was a good point to start with. They'd already covered the fact that Tesla was completely mortified with being captured, but she'd also seen fear there. From what she'd observed, fear wasn't something that either of them normally would protrude.
"They want us," Tesla said quite quickly. "We're the last of The Five. They want super soldiers…and unless there are other progeny out there that I don't know about…that just leaves the three of us."
"The Five?" she asked.
"A group of us… We took ancient blood that gave us all powers of sorts…" John tried to explain. "We're the only ones left."
"This is going to be like the whole Ashley incident, except worse," Tesla said.
John glared up at Tesla. "Don't say that."
"I don't know what he means," Helen admitted.
"That's probably for the best, sadly," Tesla commented.
John got to his feet and shoved him against the closest wall. "This isn't funny! None of this is! We're being held captive! They've erased Helen's memories! They obviously have nefarious plans for us! How can you possibly find amusement in our situation?"
"I thought Helen had cured you of your temper," Tesla said calmly.
"John! Please!" Helen said as she got to her feet and reached out and touched his back. With her other hand, she kept the shirt and jacket that served as her only clothing close to her body.
"Don't worry, Helen," Tesla babbled on, still being held against the wall by John. "Johnny here won't kill me…not anymore at least. It's not like I'm threatening your life, then he'd actually have cause to kill me…murderous energy elemental or not."
"John," Helen said, trying to reason with him. "Nikola isn't going to harm me… He's just being obnoxious… I assume that's normal for him."
John glared at Tesla one more time before letting him go. "Mind your tongue," John warned him.
Tesla straightened his clothes and then moved to the other side of the cell. "So protective of Helen… I thought you'd be used to my—"
"Adverse personality and your constant ability to make advances on Helen?" John completed.
"I wouldn't say it like that…"
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