A/N: This is dedicated to anyone who has heard a song and was inspired to just… randomly… write. To those of you who are expecting a one-shot from me. This isn't it. This is actually its sequel. I hate the way my mind functions, so much! This is inspired by Bruno Mars' new single 'It Will Rain'. Anybody who hasn't heard it, needs to hear this song. Tell me it doesn't fit Gwen and Kevin perfectly!
Disclaimer: I own neither Ben 10 nor 'It Will Rain' by Bruno Mars
He watched the redhead on the podium appreciatively, leaning against his car, which sat on the hill overlooking the open stage in the center of the elegant park.
She had proffered him one of the rare seats she'd been afforded to this special event in her life. It was an opportunity to sit with those of her class- her status.
He'd graciously refused.
He had no interest in mingling with those who would look their noses down on him just because of who he or his mother was. He was here for her…and quite honestly presently... she was boring him to tears.
No one really believed this sentimental optimistic, 'Believe in yourself and you can achieve a better tomorrow' crap, did they? He doubted it.
She caught his eyes for a fleeting moment and shot him a brilliant smile, not missing a beat in her dissertation. His chest constricted at the emotion her brief glance had evoked. He could endure boredom for her. He'd endure anything for her… as long as she was by his side.
He cast a quick glance at the darkening sky. Only a bunch of stuck-up pompous idiots would pick an open field in early June to host a graduation ceremony. God forbid, they actually settled for holding the function at their multi-million dollar campus.
No. It had to be grander. Nothing but the best for all the spoiled pampered brats and their overindulged parents. He hated this world… her world.
He was only here for her.
He secretly wished the downpour would hurry up and come already. He smiled at the idea of having all these aristocrats buzzing around, complaining about ruining their hair and their overprized couture outfits.
She wouldn't complain. She'd relish the storm. She was the storm.
A year ago, the thought of this day terrified him. He was not ignorant. He knew she had aspirations that far exceeded his grasp. He also knew he'd be destroyed if she abandoned him in her quest to live up to her unbridled potential.
For this reason, he'd made plans. He loved her too much to hold her back, but there was no way he was going fall in her wake. He needed her. It was as simple as that.
The speech finally reached its climax as all the alumni congregated on the stage propelled their caps toward the sky and embraced each other in congratulations. He started making a beeline toward the stage and his awaiting redhead.
Those in the back rows of folding white wooden chairs noticed him first. They turned scandalized eyes toward the commoner who had the gall to infiltrate their ostentatious affair. He heard murmurs and scoffs. He hadn't bothered dressing for the occasion. He wore dark-wash jeans and his tight black shirt. His girl loved that shirt. He was here for her.
He was surprised to no end when a few of the attendants actually ventured off their high horses to come and greet him.
"Wow! It is such an honor to meet you, Mr. Levin!" Some portly, balding, executive-looking man that popped up in front of him exclaimed, offering his hand and a friendly smile. "I've always wanted the opportunity to thank you for all you kids do to protect us." His faded gray eyes shined with sincerity and admiration.
He didn't know what to say. He wasn't expecting anyone here to recognize him before he reached Gwen. He shouldn't be surprised, though. Their team had gained notoriety over the past months. He shook the man's hand awkwardly. "Um, thank you? If you don't mind though, I really have to get to the stage." That was all he could conjure up, on the spur of the moment.
The old man didn't seem affronted at all. He just gave him a knowing smile. "Go get 'em, Kid!"
He returned the gesture with a grateful smirk and continued toward his destination. He actually felt uplifted by the man. That is, until he overheard the shrill voice of his hag of a wife as she chastised him. "Harold! Must you always embarrass me? Seriously! Speaking to that ruffian!"
Well, at least there were some good apples in this putrid bunch. Speaking of putrid, his eyes locked briefly with the disapproving glare of his girlfriend's mother. He sent her his most charming smile as a greeting. She just rolled her eyes and tapped her husband's arm. She gestured toward the raven-haired teenager, once he looked away from their son to give her his attention.
Both Frank and Ken smiled welcomingly at him, waving hello. Gwen's older brother pointed to where she stood surrounded by a throng of fellow graduates on stage. The Osmosian waved and smiled gratefully, mouthing a thank you at him.
He finally reached the stage and whistled through his teeth, a sound he knew she'd recognize immediately. "Hey! Is the valedictorian so popular she can't say hello to the lowly masses?" He was sure to lace every word with as much sarcasm as possible.
Gwen broke through the mass of students, all of whom turned to see who the lunatic making the racket was. A gigantic ecstatic smile graced her delicate features as she ran to the edge of the stage and leapt off into the waiting arms of the Osmosian, who caught her as if she weighed nothing.
She giggled as he twirled her around in the air. They could both hear the scoffs, gasps and derogatory comments, now. She was a perfect round hole and he was a jagged square peg. He didn't belong in this world and everyone there knew it, but she wanted him there. That's all that mattered. He was here for her.
The derision of the crowd only intensified when he stopped twirling her and she brought her face down to his, wrapping her arms around his neck. She captured his mouth with hers in a slow, rhythmic, tender kiss.
She was dangerous to him, now. This was dangerous.
The moment he turned eighteen, she had effectively become jailbait. Her father was a lawyer. He could be walking out of here in handcuffs. Yet, he couldn't will himself to pull away from her. Quite oppositely, he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss.
She smiled against his mouth when they heard her mother's exasperated outcry. "Oh, for crying aloud! Ken, go break them up! We're in public! Who raised that kid?"
They heard her brother's laughter as he astutely pointed out, "Um…I think you did, Mom. She's the one kissing him."
The outrage in her mother's voice was evident as she hissed a response. "I don't care, Kenneth! Go!"
They finally broke for air and he allowed her feet to touch the ground, but continued holding her close. He smiled affectionately down at her. "Thank you for ingratiating me to your mother. By the way… Your speech sucked." The smile had twisted into an evil smirk by statement's end.
She smacked him on the arm… hard. This was instantly followed by a glare that was only half-mockingly insulted. "I worked really hard on that, you jerk."
His smile only grew at her anger. Her eyes blazed when she was angry. Her whole countenance radiated. She was breathtakingly beautiful. "Well if you were working really hard on telling everyone what they want to hear, instead of what really awaits them out in the world…Congratulations! You succeeded! At that and at boring the leaving daylights out of me."
She struggled to break his grip on her now, her indignation growing. "You are such a cynic!" At the sound and feel of his rumbling chuckle, she locked eyes with him and realized he was trying to get a rise out of her on purpose.
She ceased her movements and sighed reproachingly while shaking her head in chastisement. "It is sick of you, Kevin Ethan Levin, to piss me off just for your twisted pleasure!" She punctuated the statement with an adorable pout.
He was mesmerized by her protruding lower lip, was she doing that on purpose? "Uh-huh... Gwen, you have to change your facial expression or you're going to get me arrested."
Confusion ghosted briefly over her features, then anxiety at the intense longing she saw burning in his obsidian gaze. She suddenly found it very hard to swallow.
She was actually glad when her brother interrupted. "Way to go, Sis! Mom's fuming. I think you're out of the will." The red-head slapped Kevin on the back warmly. "What's up, Kev?"
Kevin gave the young man a sheepish grin in return while throwing an arm over his girlfriend's shoulders. "Hey, Ken, sorry about your mom, Man."
The green-eyed young man waived him off dismissively with an easy smile. "Don't be. You were jumped." He shot his baby sister a quick reprimanding look. "Besides, you constantly manage to keep the Natalie Tennyson radar off of me. I owe you dividends, my friend. Not to mention, after the little peep show Gwen just put on for all of Bellwood's society section, I'm the only heir left in our family." He sent his sister a superior smug grin.
She rolled her eyes and giggle at her brother's absurdity. He was already working in her dad's practice. He didn't care about the money any more than she did. She'd play along, though. "Please Ken, Dad's the only one who can change the will and he loves Kevin. Mom's the only one who cares about what any of these people think of me." Her expression had grown solemn and her voice quite by the time her words had ebbed.
She understood that her mother was raised a part of high society and thus, allowed herself to grow entangled in their traditions and protocols. She had strived her whole life to live up to her mother's expectations of her, but now that she was growing older… she saw the futility in all of this. The worse part was, her mother wasn't even willing to attempt to understand her.
At least she wasn't alone, though. Her dad understood her need to be different. Certainly, biologically, she was different. Ken understood. Grandpa Max and Ben understood. Best of all- she had Kevin. He was an outsider as well. He understood. He was there for her.
The Osmosian noticed her aspect change and was determined to brighten her mood or at least, change the topic. "Yeah, so we're heading over to Ben's high school to abduct him from his graduation. Wanna join, Ken? I do have to warn you though, swim suits are mandatory." He finished with an insinuating wiggle of his prominent dark eyebrows at the red-head.
Gwen saw the gesture and laughed. She knew exactly what her boyfriend meant, but wasn't sure how her big brother was going to take that. She sent an expectant look at him and ended up laughing even harder.
Ken knew the Osmosian was a little…off, but he had no idea what the teenager had in mind that would require abduction and obligatory swimwear. He decided to ere on the side of caution this time as he regarded the teen with a mix of intrigue and horror. "Nah, I'm cool." His green eyes narrowed analytically at the raven-haired teen, who kept grinning at him maniacally. His sister continued laughing uncontrollably. "I have to do some damage control here, anyway. Just try not to do anything else to piss off my mom before you leave, okay."
The dark-haired teen pretended to be hurt, but his smirk contradicted every word his mouth emitted. "I didn't do anything, Ken."
The young man couldn't help but smile at the pathetic attempt to garnish sympathy. However, the guy had a point. He turned to his sister, who had finally caught her breath. "Sis, don't jump Kevin again before you get to the car and drive away from Mom's line of vision. I can only keep her from calling the cops for so long." He wrapped his baby sister in a tight bear hug and whispered in her ear, "Remember, the graduation party is in eight hours. If you're not back by then, not even I can protect you from her."
The ginger gave her brother a quick peck on the cheek and started pulling on her boyfriend's arm as she walked down the aisle in the direction of the awaiting vehicle. She called back shortly to her parents. "Bye, Mom and Dad! See you in a few hours. Call if you need anything for the party!"
Frank and Natalie waved at the back of her head as she raced up the hill with the Osmosian, giggling. They followed her with their eyes until she disappeared into the car and it sped off. When they brought their attention back down to their surroundings, all eyes were disdainfully on them. Natalie Tennyson was mortified.
A/N: Did I mention, this is a two-parter? I wasn't able to get everything into this one, so I had to do a second one for the Benlie and the ending. Reviews make me write faster.
Please Review!