THANK YOU! To everyone who read, reviewed, and supported me! I never expected for my story to be so successful, and it's all thanks to you!

I'll spare you the lengthy list of reviewers, you know who you are! But I would like to thank sapphireswimming for Beta reading me, and helping me to make so may improvements!

I don't own DP, and watch out for the POV changes. Let's read!

Chapter 14: Revelations of a Hectic Public.

(POV of Danny.)

I flew home; slightly more stable in flight then a drunken sailor. Could you blame me? I'd just had the ride of my life! And it wasn't even sundown.

I guess the reason why I was so hysterical, was just because I couldn't stand how simple it was. No tricks, no ghost powers, it was just me, pulling off the act of my life!

I was still wearing the jeans, jacket, and hat, when I flew over Fenton-works. After circling, and turning invisible I made a b-line for my bedroom window…

(POV change: Sam Manson. We're going back in time a little)

I came back into the living room, with a bag of ice. I handed it to Tucker, who placed it on his sore leg.

"Thanks, Sam." He said.

"No problem. It's not like, you wanted to get hurt." I gave an annoyed glance at Mr. Fenton. As much as I thought of the man as a second father, I couldn't help but get irritated by his lack of self-awareness. I shrugged it off. I'd learned a long time ago how not to hold grudges.

Tuck, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, and I were watching Agent C on the news. I didn't know which station, but it didn't matter; they were all likely airing the same thing. This was a big deal, after all.

It was everyday that a ghost came around. However, it wasn't everyday that the GIW suddenly made a huge deal, apparently, over just Danny Phantom. From the second a new, high-ranking agent came around, the game changed.

At least it was that way for everyone else. All Team-Phantom could see, was an overall smaller version of Vlad, poking his nose around the ghostly side of Amity Park.

I focused on Agent C, again. He'd called on a random reporter.

"Thank you, sir. Can you tell us, why do you think that Phantom's so "selfish," and "untrustworthy?"

AC smiled slightly, "I don't formulate my facts baselessly. Phantom is a ghost, and therefore, speaks more with his actions." AC shook his head slightly, "You will all recall, the incident that took place in this very mall. Two members of a news crew were stranded, and left to the explosion. By video, and victim's account, Phantom did nothing to stop the blast, nor help those in danger. That seems selfish to me, and I surely wouldn't trust him within fifty-miles of my family."

I couldn't stand to watch it anymore; so I went to the kitchen for snacks after receiving requests for fudge, and soda. I returned with the objects in a minute, and handed them to the requestors.

My wrath finally settled down, I tried to watch the TV. Mr. Fenton slurped so loudly from his ridiculous soda-drinking hat that I hardly heard Jazz pull up in her convertible.

At the same time, I heard Agent C say over the TV, "Kid, I thought I told you to get to a hospital."

I turned to the TV, startled to hear his change in tone. Who was this "Kid?" Tucker seemed to be thinking the same exact thing, when the camera jerked to get an image some kid in a hood, and hat.

Nice combo, I thought, and blinked, a familiar feeling churning in my stomach. Call it 'woman's intuition' but I could've sworn I knew the guy.

Jazz came through the front door, looking like a real mess. She collapsed on the couch, right next to me.

We leaned in closer, "Jazz?" I asked, "Where's Danny?"

She looked at me, then back to the Television, nervously. "Just watch," she said.

I took her advice, passing the call for attention on to Tucker…

It only took me a second to match Danny's voice with his person. I turned to Jazz, and asked her what the heck he was thinking.

"I don't know;" she answered, "what I do know, is that Danny seemed confident enough. I'm going to trust him."

"And I'm going to slug him," I retorted. Then I whispered the revelation to Tuck, who gulped, and echoed Jazz's words about "trust" which; by the way, weren't going to stop me from lecturing Danny into next week, about this.

We watched on, in my womanly wrath I analyzed every word in Danny and Agent C's exchanges. The camera was a little shaky, and unfocused; but when I looked closely, I realized how green Danny's eyes looked on camera. Unless, I thought, oh Danny, you better not be doing, what I think you're doing. I processed the possibly painful consequences of his little stunt, when the conversation abruptly ended, and Danny walked away nervously.

Mrs. Fenton checked the TV again, making sure that everything had been recorded.

Her brow furrowed in worry, "Jack?" she asked her husband, "Do you think, that what Agent C said about Phantom's strength, was true?"

"Of course, honey-bunch!" Mr. Fenton replied confidently, "The GIW would never underestimate Phantom! And no, no good lousy ghost could ever fool the Guys In White! Especially the ghost-boy!"

Mrs. Fenton frowned, but didn't push the matter, "I guess you're right sweetheart."

She settled back in, and continued watching with everyone.

AC called on a reporter, "Who was that young man?"

Agent C almost looked a little proud, "That kid, is a hero. He's got a good heart, and a will to help others, even if it inconveniences him. Unfortunately, he was harmed, like so many, by Phantom. During the fight that took place here today."

Multiple grunts of sympathy could be heard from the crowd. I just smiled to myself, thinking that; maybe I wouldn't chew Danny off for this.

"That poor boy," Mrs. Fenton said, "he looked no older then our Danny."

Mr. Fenton paused between mouthfuls, "That's it! Hey Mads, didn't he look a lot like our Danny?"

"Nope!" Jazz popped up, grabbing her parents attention, "Danny's, um, been sleeping all day!"

"Besides," Tucker supported, "Danny's eyes are blue, and he has a stronger jaw, too."

"Yeah," I chimed in, "And, he wouldn't be caught dead in those clothes." Tucker, Jazz, and I caught the hidden ironic quip, and laughed it off nervously.

Still, I thought, I guess, since there's no damage, I can let Danny of the hook for this one. I smiled to myself.

"Hey Agent C!" I heard Danny's voice ring through the TV. The cameraman shook, and around, catching a full-view of Danny by the exit.

I could hear him giggling like a madman. He took off his hat, and unzipped his jacket. My eyes bulged out of my head; he wasn't actually doing this, was he?

Danny's giggles turned into hysterical laughter, "Good talk!" he shouted, put his hat back on, and jumped into the air. He saluted, and then dove out of the exit, laughing loudly.

Every single one us gasped dramatically. The crowed on the TV did the same, then slowly and as one, they turned back to Agent C. He laughed nervously, and shrugged his shoulders, "Who would've thought, right?"

Silently, and without being asked, Tucker turned off the TV. We all just sat there for a moment, waiting to see who would make the first move…

Finally, Tucker spoke up, "Did that just happen?"

Jazz piped up, "Is he CRAZY?"

Mrs. Fenton dove for the recorded video, "What kind of no-good dirty tricks did Phantom use? How did we not see through this?"

I boomed, "I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!"

Mr. Fenton dropped his popcorn, "GHOST!" He grabbed his wife by the wrist, "To the lab!" Then he dragged her down to the basement…

The human members of Team Phantom stood silently for a moment.

"I'll ask it again," Tucker said. "Did that just happen?"

(POV change: V-Man) :)

I had been watching the news from inside my mayor's office. I must say I was quite surprised at Agent C's openness. The things he claimed about young Daniel's powers made me quite nervous.

But; his claims were not set in full until some hooligan in a 'cool get-up' began asking some of the more, shall we say, pressing questions…

"Destroy the city in minutes?" I'm not sure what I found more outrageous! The fact that he OPENLY STATED THAT!

Or the fact, that I believed it…

I knew, since the second I learned of Daniel's hybrid status; that he had potential. The first of that potential, made itself known as 'brute strength' but somehow, Danny stayed…innocent in regards to his own power. Power that was growing at a much faster rate, then I ever dreamed for myself.

I turned back to the TV, and addressed my thoughts to an empty room.

"Daniel, it's going to me much, much more difficult for the both of us. I fear that we may have to cooperate more, as the threat closes in on our secret…"

"Hey, Agent C!" My eyes turned toe the Television immediately, reacting to the sound of Daniel's voice.

Daniel was the hooligan, laughing like a goof, showing for the entire world his Phantom form in a very obvious set of human clothes.

"Good talk!" He shouted, then his form disappeared from the cameras sight.

Those cameras turned back to Agent C, who shrugged his shoulders, "Who would've thought, right?"

I was speechless for a moment, "Or," I began, "you can just THROW AWAY ALL OF OUR HARD WORK, AND GIVE THE WORLD A HUDGE CLUE!"

I calmed myself, what Danny did couldn't be changed; but if I played my cards right, I could reverse the damage.

I just had to make sure that any falling would be on Daniel's part…

(POV change: narrator.)

"Who would've thought, right?" Agent C laughed nervously. He reached up to rub his neck, secretively activating his jetpack.

His protective suit engulfed him, as the rockets warmed up, "Agents, report back to HQ immediately!"

"Yes, Sir!" the Agents K, and O answered.

They followed Phantom's exit route, before turning around, and towards Amity Park's GIW head quarters…

One day later…

"Agent C!" the five-star agent, and head-honcho of the GIW headquarters shouted.

"Yes, Boss?" Agent C asked meekly.

The "boss," Agent X showed no sings of mercy, "In light of the recent events, where you have shown lack of observation, misuse of information, and lack of COMMON SENCE. This agency, has decided to strip you, of your three stars."

Agent X ripped said stars right off of Agent C's uniform. "You will remain stationed in Amity Park, until further notice. Your movements will be monitored, and orders will be sent in regularly, along with an agent to check your progress. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Sir." Agent C clenched his jaw, and suppressed thoughts of previous years of hard work.

"Good. C, you'd best not forget your position in this agency. You will continue to show respect, and obedience to your higher ranking agents."

"Yes, Sir."

"You're excused." Agent X said harshly.

The now, zero-starred Agent C, left X's office with the remains of his pride in tatters. He trudged down the hallway for a moment, before he heard someone calling for him.

It was Agents K, and O. They jogged up to him with proud smiles plastered on their faces.

"Hey Agent C!" Agent K shouted, gesturing to his shoulder.

"Guess what?" Agent O chimed in, performing the same gesture.

"WE GOT OUR FIRST STARS!" They shouted together…

The resounding shout of "NO!" was echoed throughout the GIW head quarters…

(POV change: Danny.)

I flew into my room, and ran immediately to my mirror. I looked quite crazy; my hair was messy under my hat, and my jacket hung loose on my shoulders.

Thinking fast and planning ahead, I took off the items and phased them into the wall. I'd deal with them later.

I transformed back into my human self, smiling at the relaxing sensation. Holding the smile, I headed out my bedroom door, and started down the stairs.

That is, until I made eye contact with Sam. Then I made a b-line for the sanctuary of my room.

Hey, it's not like; you had to ask her what she was so upset about. One look, and I knew.

I could hear the thunderous sound of combat-boots stomping on the floor, when I shut, and locked my bedroom door behind me. I knew I was going to get in trouble for pulling that little stunt; I just hadn't figured that Sam would already be in my house…

Sam pounded on the door, "DANNY, YOU OPEN UP!" She boomed.

"No!" I replied terrified, "If I do; you'll kill me!"

"Better me, then the Guys In White, Danny!"

"Danny!" Jazz shouted, "We seriously need to talk about this!"

I paused, but gave in anyway, "Fine; but only if Sam doesn't attack me. Agreed?"

"Fine," Sam replied, "but you've got five minutes to convince me why I shouldn't kill you."

Tucker tried to add something, "cause you've got a crush-?" I heard a slapping nose followed by an, "Ouch."

I opened the door and let Tuck, Sam, and Jazz in; they all took their preferred seats, at my desk and bed.

"Alright." Sam said loudly, "Five minutes starts right now."

Taking a very deep breath, I gathered up the courage to explain myself, "Well," I started weakly, "it really was a spur of the moment idea, and no one ever even knew." Sam still didn't look impressed, "Look, lets see how this all plays out, okay? If someone goes stomping around and magically connects Fenton, and Phantom; THEN you can mutilate me."

Sam gave me a considering look, "Fine; but Danny that doesn't get you out of a lecture."

I groaned, and then cut myself off when she gave me a sharp look.

"Look, Danny," she started, "Just because you managed to pull this off, doesn't mean that they won't figure something out. What if they start looking for Phantom in the streets?"

She had my attention, "They won't find him. Trust me, this was a one-time fluke, and it's never going to happen again."

"But, Danny," Tucker piped up, "What if they get the idea that maybe, Phantom can disguise himself? And then, start looking for anyone resembling Phantom, like maybe Fenton?"

My eyes got wide, I hadn't thought about that, "Well, the GIW had a chance to compare Fenton with Phantom once, and they couldn't see the similarities."

Jazz gave that long, weary, womanly sigh of 'you are an idiot,' "Danny, guys. This obviously isn't settled yet. We just have to wait a day or two, and see what the public thinks about all this." She stood up, "They'll probably realize that you really were just wearing clothing, no tricks. How they react to that is my biggest worry…"

We all feel silent, considering Jazz's words carefully. Eventually, it got late and Sam, and Tucker left. Just before that, Sam was nice, and gave a quick apology for acting out so harshly.

"I was just so afraid," she began, "that you would wind up…in a bad situation. You know? I'm sorry…"

I told her, "Don't be, the fear of you prevents me form doing anything too stupid." She smiled at that, and went home…

Two days later…

As a team, we all watched the news, read popular sites, and kept an eye on the GIW. Nothing was more important to us, then my secret staying secret.

Turns out, Jazz was mostly right; she really hit the nail on the head this time around.

Those cameras? The ones in the store that I first thought caught Phantom-going-Fenton? They were working at the time. The video was quite clear; Phantom crashed into the clothing racks, slipped on a jacket, and went on the help those in need.

Everyone started doubting Agent C at this point. He called me "selfish" and "untrustworthy," and yet there I was: selflessly helping others, and gaining Agent C's trust.

He got in BIG trouble by the way. The media went CRAZY over the negative things he said about Phantom, when clearly in the store, he trusted and respected me. He also said I had a, "big heart."

This has lead a lot of Phantom haters (ergo, GIW fans) to doubt themselves, and a lot of Phantom Phans finding themselves agreeing with a GIW agent for once.

Then of course the mystery of Phantom went on further. The biggest cry out was, 'how did he come by the clothes he was wearing?'

Thankfully, this was also caught on camera. This lead to the next big question, 'where the heck did Phantom get cash?' Accusations of theft went rampant, in a good way. The few people, who thought that possibly, Phantom disguised himself as a human and worked a job, were drowned out.

In fact, a lot of people who had a clue were silenced by the masses that didn't. After a while, they all bought into a pretty basic concept.

Everyone agreed that Phantom put the jacket on, in a spur of the moment. Then he helped everyone, and paid for the clothes (though, no one could agree on where the money came from.) After this he went into the mall, and wasn't caught on the news cameras until a few minutes later.

Then they called in experts like psychiatrists, and ghost researchers. They got together, and analyzed the film. Then they released a group, public statement…

"From analyzing the video taken from various places in the mall, we can assume that: A) Phantom (though not necessarily selfless,) cares for the sake of those around him, and will work to help them. B) Phantom (according to witness observation) has impressive people skills. C) Phantom undoubtedly looks extremely human, and used no unearthly power to trick those around him, otherwise he would have been detected. And D) he has a sense of humor."

I liked "D" the most. Speaking of humor, and letters; Agent C became a laughing stock for being so clueless.

Channel five's new anchor Derik Andrews, couldn't have said it better, "Considering the fact, that Phantom was wearing a jacket proclaiming that he wanted to be seen, and a hat that said 'ghost buster.' I would judge that, Phantom's little escapade was allowed by the lack of attention, on the GIW Agent C's part."

I almost felt bad for AC; after all, he's not the only one that didn't notice.

I also didn't have to worry too much about anyone suspecting my hat, or jacket. The items became a hot combo all around the world, because of Phantom.

The media, polled that the general populace didn't at first realize Phantom was on the TV. In fact, generally people didn't even think I was familiar to them. The only problem, as Jazz and Sam were so concerned about, was now everyone knew what Phantom's face looked like.

Phantom, and Fenton would be avoiding the cameras for a while, and the mall.

So, there you go. Agent C was humiliated on a global scale, and Phantom's name was broadcasted just as far. The GIW kept quiet, trying to hide their embarrassing mistake, and I had yet to see anything of Vlad.

The days passed by, and Amity Park stayed a hot topic; Sam didn't kill me, life went on as usual for team Phantom.

Which is a good thing, because Halloween's just around the corner…


Gosh this chapter is so long, and-

COMPLETE! Glad I got this up, (even though I was rushing) and hopefully the reactions are good. This would've been up a little earlier; but I just HAD to put Vlad in there! I almost pity AC, and boy, has this week has left me swamped! For those of you, who'll review this and shout-


Don't worry about it guys…there's going to be a sequel, the extended-summary is on my profile page. A weekly update as usual, MAYBE starting next week. I might take a week off to get my ideas together.

But as always! See you Sunday!