Chapter 18: Dealing with an angry dobe

Sasuke tried to come up with something smart to say. Something that wouldn't set Naruto off.

But all he could say was "Hey Naruto, fancy seeing you here." Of all the times that his snarky remarks that he always said, this was the worst. Now Naruto was undoutablly going to hate him. And never speak to him again. move away, change his name, fall in love with someone else-

"Sasuke stop over thinking things," He looked up, his gaze had fell back to the ground, and saw a slightly angry Naruto in front of him.

"I wasn't," Sasuke said, automatically. He heard a snicker, one that belonged to the throat that he had kissed so many times.

"I thought you would actually listen to me," Naruto said, "not go out of your way to find me." Sasuke felt his heart thud in his chest. There wasn't anything wrong with what Naruto had said, it was just that he had thought of that, yet didn't put much effort into defying Itachi when he had shoved him into his car.

There were so many things to tell Naruto, yet not enough words.

Okay so here's the thing. Ive written this much and I cant come up with anything. It might just be me, but I have become a dead author on here. If any of you have any ideas, please leave a review, or just want to leave some words of inspiration for me that would help a ton. I'm sorry to those who have just found this fanfiction only to learn that I don't update as much as I used to.