Demyx flipped through the 'book' in his hands in disgust. "No wonder Zexion won't let this be referred to as literature!" He flung the Twilight book across the room, promising to have Axel burn it next time he was around. And then let Marluxia use it as garden manure. And then he heard it. The most beautiful sound he had ever heard. He scrambled to his computer with wide eyes. What is this magic that had made its way to his presence? On his computer screen were some animated girls dancing, to something called the CaramellDansen. Demyx's door burst open. "Tell me that's the CaramellDansen." grinned Axel. Demyx nodded gleefully, jumping up off his bed. "Oh I love this song!" Axel said. And then he did something that Demyx had never thought he'd see Axel (or anyone in the Organisation) do. He started dancing. And it was awesome. So awesome, in fact, that Demyx couldn't bear to miss out on the fun, and Wiki-how'd the steps and started dancing too (A/N: of course he got it right within the first 30 seconds! He's Demyx!). And they danced like that for a full ten minutes, until Axel nearly passed out from exhaustion, so they decided they best stop before someone died.

"Why haven't I heard this before?" Demyx gasped. "It's just amazing and brilliant! Take the awesomeness of all your favourite things, and times them by 6, and you get half of the CaramellDansen's awesomeness!"

"Well said, IX," Axel agreed, "If only the rest of 'em shared our 'love' for this song." Demyx, who had been lying across the bed with his feet hanging off the side, shot up.

"Axel! I know what we're going to do today!"

"Superior! Superior!" Demyx called the name, running down the halls of the castle.

"Please tell me you haven't destroyed anything this time." Xemnas said. Demyx stopped in front of his leader, laughing, and then shivering at the memory.

"No, no, I've learnt to not put Francium in the washing machine. Superior, I have an amazing, Mary Poppins idea!"

"For the last time, IX, you can't keep Heartless as pets and train them to be your minion army. That idea is just so wrong... on so many levels."

"Nah, it's ok, Superior, I don't want to do that anymore. No, Superior, I think we should have every member of our beloved Organisation come together... to dance the CaramellDansen." Demyx grinned and bit his lip in anticipation.

"The what?" Xemnas blinked, not sure exactly what a CaramellDansen was, but was sure it would end badly.

"It's this epic new meme song taking the world by storm. It's very catchy, and it's got a really cool dance and please can we do it, please?"

"What in Kingdom Hearts is a meme?"

"It's like a viral thing... something that gets spread throughout the internet and stuff."

"A virus? IX, I don't think spreading a virus through the Organization is very healthy." (A/N: get your head out of the gutter, fool!)

"Not a real virus." Demyx assured him quickly, "It's just because it's so entertaining that one feels the need to show all their friends, and the friends show their friends, and etcetera. Please, Superior? I've already got Axel to agree with it!"

"No. It's not a good idea. Forget about it." Xemnas said firmly. Normally, Demyx would drop it. Xemnas had shown wisdom in the past, and Demyx knew that sometimes his brilliant plans could end in disaster. But this was the CaramellDansen, and he knew that this time, Superior was wrong, and by Kingdom Hearts was he going to prove it.

"Superior…I wonder if you recall an event that occurred a few months ago." Demyx said innocently, putting on his very formal, smarty pants voice. Xemnas looked at him in shock. No, he wouldn't dare. "It was that time where Xigbar rearranged the letters of your name and found it could mean something… well, I'm sure you remember what it was."

"Number IX, drop it." Xemnas warned. But he couldn't stop Demyx this time. Maybe he was right, maybe the CaramellDansen was a virus… that was possessing Demyx.

"And remember when everyone found out and they were all being so mean to you? But then I told them to leave you alone… and they did? You owe me, Superior." Xemnas sighed.

"Damn it IX! Ok, fine, you get your dance thing!"

"YES!" The exclamation of joy could be heard throughout the castle.

Somewhere within the expanse of time, a fangirl shivered. "What's wrong?" Her friend across from her asked. "Nothing, I just get the feeling that something adorable, and violent, is about to happen."

Author's Note: Ok, so that was the introduction to my random story about Demyx forcing everyone to do the CaramellDansen. When Demyx speaks to Xemnas, he gets kind of OOC. I've been writing from the POV of a manipulative bad guy, and that has kind of leaked in here. Or maybe the CaramellDansen has possessed him with its magical powers of catchiness. Sorry anyway. This is kind of a prequel to all the 'Org XIII do the CaramellDansen' videos on YouTube. This is why they are doing it in the first place.

Disclaimer: I created Kingdom Hearts. Then some butt-monkey from eBay took it while I was asleep and sold it, so I don't own Kingdom Hearts anymore. And I don't own Twilight. However, I do own a pile of ashes that are the remains of many Twilight books that I have set fire to. I do not own the CaramellDansen either, and of all these things, that is what makes me saddest. Oh, and Francium in the washing machine is based off of a YouTube video as well. I did, however, make up the Heartless Minion Army. :D

Reviews keep me alive. Bye ^_^