
"Oh. My. Glob." Susan grinned as she ran into the amusement park. "Candy…" She said, her mouth actually watering with the word.

"Relax Sus." Finn laughed as he ran in after her

"She might a little too exited about candy." Jake laughed

"Like you're one to talk Mr. Ice cream man." Cake teased back

"Cake… you are obsessed with cake. So let's not talk." Fionna mocked dodging Cake's glare behind Marshall Lee

"I think the only one's that like healthy stuff are Marsh and Me." Marceline smirked

"I resent that." Bubba said and Farrah laughed a little.

"What? You and Bonnie have sweet tooths." Marshall Lee grinned

Bonnibel sighed "Its true Bubba."

"Candy is just so good!" Susan exclaimed

All ten nodded. "Which ride are we going on first?" Farrah asked walking over to the map on the side of the entrance while Marceline and Bubba walked over to the counter to get the tickets and junk.

"Let's split up!" Marshall Lee exclaimed, "Cover all the rides. And stuff…"

Marceline and Bubba handed out the passes. "We meet here at seven and go for lunch?" Bonnibel asked making sure

"Yeah." Fionna smiled "Its four now… so we have three hours. Go!" At the sound of her voice, the ten teens ran into the amusement park laughing.

"Fi!" Marshall Lee said over the voices of people as he grabbed her hand "Let's go into the tunnel of fear!" He was grinning

"And get off the carts and scare people?" She grinned

"Totes!" The two ran towards the ride laughing

"Farrah, would you like to go to the Ferris wheel with me?" Bubba asked offering his hand.

"Of course! It has the best view." Farrah smiled and took his hand

"Finn, bumper cars?" Susan asked, yelling.

"You know it!" He replied, "Race you!" The two ran away

"Wanna go to the arcade?" Cake asked Jake

"Why, so you can lose to me every game we play?" He teased

"Ha! As if." She laughed, "C'mon, I'll show a thing or two." She grabbed his hand and they walked towards the arcade.

"So… it's just you and me Bonnie." Marceline chuckled as she slung her arm across her girlfriend's shoulder. "What do ya wanna do? Merry-go-rounds? Roller coasters? Or do you wanna sit in the bench by the entrance and make-out?"

Bonnibel blushed "Why would you want to do that last one?"

"To freak out the homophobes." Marceline laughed

"Marceline… is that why you've been acting so…open around my father?" Bonnibel asked her voice so soft Marceline almost couldn't hear over the fussing people around them. "He's not homophobic…" Marceline didn't respond. "He just wonders why me and you like the other… he's surprised… A lot of people wonder the same thing."

"I know…" Marceline sighed, "I'm sorry…" She smiled and turned to face her. Bonnibel smiled and they kissed lightly, pulling back to see some people staring "if you take a picture it'll last longer." Marceline said teasingly around her to the people staring, and instantly they returned to their day. Bonnibel laughed lightly and pulled Marceline towards the caramel apple stand.


"I can't believe they kicked us off the ride!" Fionna huffed as she and Marshall Lee walked away from the tunnel of fear attraction.

"We almost gave that lady a heart attack." Marshall Lee laughed

"Whatever. Let me use your phone. Let me text Cake, ask her where she is." Fionna smiled

"Where's your phone?" Marshall Lee asked, amused, as he took out the red phone from his pocket.

"My mom took it." Fionna informed.

"Why?" He asked confused as they approached the bench.

"My teacher told her I was texting in class…" Fionna sighed

"What? How did you get caught?"

"It's your fault actually." Fionna lightly punched him as they sat.

"How is it my fault?" He asked slinging his arm over her

"I was texting you!" She exclaimed

"Its not my fault you cant do it on the low. I guess not everyone is as talented as me." He grinned teasingly

"Yeah, okay." She rolled her eyes

"How did she catch you?" Marshall asked as Fionna typed on the keys

"She said that no one just looks down at their crotch and smiles." Fionna rolled her eyes as she sent the message and handed him his phone back.


"You are so done!" Susan exclaimed as she rammed her car into Finn's car.

"Try and catch me!" Finn laughed as he drove away from her only to stop mid way and back up right into her, bumping her back with force.

"Urrgh!" She growled, amused but upset she was losing.

"Loser buys candy!" Finn yelled out and instantly Susan kicked it to high gear.

"You are so going down." She grinned happily, as she drove to hit him


"How was losing to your girlfriend, Mr. Ice cream man?" Cake teased as her and Jake sat on the side bench sharing cotton candy.

"I underestimated her." Jake laughed, "I should've known better."

"You think so?" Cake teased as she leaned back into his arm

"I guess music isn't the only thing I should be scared you're better at." He grinned

"I guess not." She pecked his cheek. "Oh, my." Cake said as she looked forward.

"What?" Jake said looking in the same direction

"Is that… Tiffany? Is he on a date with Tommy?" Cake asked amazed

"Why is Tommy…orange?" Jake asked trying to hide his laugh

"Why should I know?"

"She was your best friend."

"Back in elementary school…." Cake said looking away from the awkward couple. Her phone pinged and she looked at the message. She laughed, "Marshall and Fi got kicked out of the ride. They want to got to the roller coasters, wanna go?"

"Sure." Jake smiled and rose, taking Cake's hand and walking with her to the roller coasters.


Bubba and Farrah had been silently staring out the window of the Ferris wheel. They could've seen Marceline and Bonnibel talking by the caramel apple stand, Finn and Susan walking out of the bumper car ride and towards the snack bar, with Finn taking out his wallet, Jake and Cake in line for the roller coasters and Marshall Lee and Fionna walking over to the line where Jake and Cake were. "This was a good idea Farrah." Gumball smiled.

"Thank you." Farrah said pushing a lock of her brown hair behind her shoulder. Farrah looked back to the large window and down to the people. They where sitting opposite of the other, and a few hundred feet from the ground. Farrah looked at Bubba, opened her mouth to say something, but changed her mind, closed it and looked away.

"What is it?" He asked

Farrah bit her lip, unsure. "Nothing… just a question."

"Go ahead." Bubba smiled

"Well… we've been hanging out all week and… I was wondering… what does it mean to you?" She saw his surprise "I-I was just wondering… I mean if… you don't have to answer." She looked away, a small blush creeping across her face

"What… does it mean to you?" He asked his voice even.

"I am okay… with being friends-if that's all you want to be- but… I… The hand holding…and the hugs and the talking at night… and…" She was staring at his shoes, studying them. "I was just wondering… Is that all we…" She looked up to him. Her clear blue eyes expectant "Are? Friends?"

Bubba smiled and said these words so evenly; they had to be rehearsed "No. We are more than that. I… was waiting for the right moment to ask this… and to be honest I was so nervous… but if you could conquer it and say it, like that, than I can be a man and ask you. Farrah… would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Farrah smiled and nodded happily. She rushed over to his side and hugged him. After they separated, Bubba lifted her face by the chin and lightly pecked her lips.


"Marceline isn't your project due on Monday?" Bonnibel asked as she took a bite from her apple

"Yeah." Marceline said as she took a bite of the second apple

"Did you start it?" Bonnibel asked

"Naww…" Marceline said as she started pulling Bonnibel away

"Marce! Its due Monday. Its thirty percent of your first semester grade!" Bonnibel said seriously

"Its also more than twenty pages long… I'll do it tomorrow." Marceline whined

"Marceline, you are such a procrastinator!" Bonnibel laughed

"Procrastinator? No. I just wait till the last minute to do my work because I will be older, therefore wiser." Marceline pointed out as she dragged Bonnibel to the tunnel of fear.

"Oh, Marceline." Bonnibel rolled her eyes.


"Hey guys!" Fionna said as she ran over to Cake and Jake followed by Marshall Lee.

"This looks sick." Marshall Lee grinned at the long rollercoaster track.

"Totes!" Fionna grinned, "Jake, tell Finn to get his butt down here."

"Yeah, I better tell Marce." Marshall Lee laughed


Over the next three hours, the group enjoyed the amusement park. Fionna and Marshall Lee, like Finn and Susan, were kicked off many rides. Jake and Cake, like Bubba and Farrah, spent a lot of time in the arcade. In addition, Marceline and Bonnibel… they got 'lost' in the hall of mirrors a couple times. Finally, the sun was set and the group was heading out to dinner. "Where are we eating?" Fionna asked

"I don't know…" Bubba said as he opened the door to his mother's car for Bonnibel, who was to drive it. He would ride with Farrah in her car.

"I know." Jake grinned

"No." Finn said

"Oh c'mon!"

"What?" Marceline laughed

"Four words. Usually three letters and one word." Cake rolled her eyes.

"Umm…" Marshall Lee said as he scratched his head

"T.G.I. Friday's!" Jake exclaimed with a grin

"Wow." Bubba and Bonnibel said at the same time.

"Anyone got as better idea?" Jake asked defensively

"No, no. No need to get defensive." Susan laughed

"Good." Jake said satisfied. Everyone pilled into the cars chatting. They got to the restaurant and luckily only had to wait a short while for their table, for ten.

"Today was fun." Fionna said from her seat between Marshall Lee and Cake and across from Finn, who was next to Susan and Jake. Marceline and Bonnibel sat on the upper left corner whispering to the other while Bubba and Farrah sat on the upper right talking about… planetoids.

"Yes. I had so much candy!" Susan grinned "Thanks to Finn." She jabbed him playfully on the ribs

"Last time I make a bet with you when candy's involved." He smiled

"Can you believe it?" Bubba said and everyone jerked to attention "Only our first week in school… and… we're all… not killing the other." He laughed lightly. His laugh was contagious and soon everyone was doing it. "Now we have unexpected couples" He looked at Marceline and Bonnibel "New friends" He looked at Susan and Finn then at Farrah "We accept things and stop fighting for the impossible." He looked at Jake and Cake "And Marshall Lee finally admitted he likes Fionna." Everyone chuckled at the last one. "Jermaine is dating LSP and he's actually being nice to Finn and Jake… you know as nice as he can be…" Another round of giggles "Ashley and Ash have left everyone here alone. Our parents are back and with us." He sighed as he took Farrah's hand "Who knew… sophomore-junior year would be it?"

"I love you guys" Jake exclaimed and everyone laughed again

"We love you too." Cake teased

"Oh my god!" Fionna exclaimed

"What?" Marshall Lee asked

"I forgot. A new episode of adventure time is on tonight!" She said. Everyone chuckled

"It's okay Fi. I made Mom record it." Cake laughed

"So did I." Jake laughed

"Us too." Marshall Lee and Marceline said

"And me." Bubba said with a smile

"I recorded it also." Bonnibel smiled too

"I did too." Farrah said

"Yeah. Adventure time rocks." Susan grinned